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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

The Confessor

The Confessor raised a brow as he stood on top of the walker, waiting from afar as the wind blew behind him gently. Well, it was better than walking into a deathtrap. Many people have found bad ways and met their bad ends leading themselves into camps similar to these. The only question was if they were smart enough to survive or talk their way through it. As the wind blew a bit more, he raised his head and turned to the left to stare towards the sky.

The wind is changing...something was changing.

Laphisto Laphisto
Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking over at Jacen he would narrow his eyes glancing over the camp, hands up at at his sides. glancing to jacen on occasion he would speak before tapping the comlink on his wrist, turning it on so that the others at the walkers could listen in on the ensuing conversation " if i reach for my blade i will cause a distraction you run back to the walkers and i will be behind you as soon as i can"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
approaching the campsite he would flick his lone ear glancing around, it wouldn't be long until we had been spotted by the Sterebs the camp beginning to stir and regroup what originally was seen as a few grouping together quickly began to shift into a large group bearing spears and low-grade ballistic weapons a few arrows being shot our way.

perking his ear he would draw his blade slicing at an arrow before grumbling " well so much for peace talks. The Confessor grab the walkers rise over the hill, we are going to have to fight our way through"
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"We need this location, we are not that far from the walkers it shouldn't be too long till they arrive" pinning his ear back he would flick his ear twirling his blade lightly with a soft chuckled huff " well any ideas lad?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Glancing behind the two he would attempt to get an estimate of how far away they were compared to the walkers. They were if anything roughly thirty meters from the walkers and another 100+ meters from the stereb camp. Bringing his wrist up he would speak through the commlink " aim the walkers to shoot to scare them away, only kill if you absolutely have to"
Jacen grips the hilt of his weapon tightly and looks around as Sterebs towards them. He notices others trying to sneak around in attempts to surround the duo as the Walkers begin moving forward.
“They’re moving to surround us..”

The Confessor

The Comn Chatter did not go unnoticed. Giving a few rough taps, he spoke audibly to march forward. While their laser cannons began to prime, the Confessor outstretched his left hand and concentrated near the beings attempting to flank.

Rather suddenly in front of them, out came from existance the Confessor. Pulling apart his cane, the lightsaber be shown with the blade coming to life of a bright yellow. When spears were thrown, the spears would seem to be cut in half on each strike and when it ended, his right hand lifted up and picked one of them up before tossing the person like a ragdoll. Hopefully this frightened them enough to stop attacking...for this was an illusion, an extension. A doppelganger.

Everything he did, he did from afar with extreme concentration. He could barely speak or move, only audibly giving orders to fire on certain sections in an attempt to drive them back.

Laphisto Laphisto
Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
The Walkers fire at mounds of dirt and rock as small groups of Sterebs move to surround Jacen and Laphisto. The blasters obliterated the mounds and two of the approaching groups stopped in their tracks, unsure if they should continue moving forward. While the last group of Sterebs continue moving forward quickly, hoping to get behind Jacen and Laphisto.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Throwing his wings outwards Laphisto would let out a rather loud roar. Flapping his wings a few times to kick up dirt and dust into the surrounding air. In an attempt to scare the Sterebs away hoping to block there vision enough to give an upper hand.

The Sterebs that were suddenly blocked by the confessor would stumble backwards lightly a few of them turning to flee while others continued to push twords the illusion

The Sterebs that were attacking Jacen and Laphisto would have the same effect there resolve in a few members causing them to stand ir run in fear but the majority of the group would continue onwards

With Laphistos wings being flapped a fair amount of dust would be kicked into the air blocking the two from sight
Jacen glanced at the Confessor's Doppelganger and then turned to face the approaching Sterebs. He waved his lightsaber carefully and prepared for combat. One of the Stereb warriors took a heavy step forward and hurled a spear at Jacen. He swung his saber upward and severed the spear but a piece of the haft struck him in his right arm and clattered to the ground.
"I reckon they'll tear through these guys." Gon Fol spoke slowly as he watched the group through binoculars.

"Yeah well, who knows how many Sterebs could be lurking around down there?" Salk Vahl stated dryly.

"I thought you weren't coming along?" Gon scoffed.

"If we did want to make a move, I'd suggest destroying those Walkers." Caesar stated.

"I told you, we're just observing them for now."

The Confessor

Many more seemed to just keep coming. He had been nonlethal for the duration but is slowly debating the use of lethal force. Raising his right hand again for his doppelganger, he spun his right hamd as the air nearby started to constrict and the wind blew into a small cyclone. Picking up the Sterebs, he directed the Force Whirlwind like a Tornado.

Moving said mini tornado, the wind blew strong and every person caught in it seemed to just constantly spin around uncontrollably with his voice bellowing out with hint of sinister intent, the whirlwind going towards the others.

"We have been lenient so far and this is only a fraction of what I can do. Care to see what ten times more effort looks like?"

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
with a Flash of blue flicking over his eyes he would glance over the encampment and the Sterebs that were currently attacking the group. He counted roughly around fourth or so.

" Use the force to see deactivate your blade let the dust cloud hide is for now . And it most likely would be a good idea to try out that armor before you get even more wounded lad" chuckling gently he would move to engage the Sterebs, igniting his blade only when he intended to strike. Using both his wings and the force he would continue to kick up dirt and dust. Cutting down a few of the Sterebs Laphisto would perk his ear hearing the confessors words

The Sterebs that were around the when the tornado began to stir would soon start to flee running back to there camp. And even those that were still in the camp began to run. Where as the eight or nine that were currently engaging Laphisto and Jacen we're still locked in the dust storm. They heard the voice but could not see the tornado
Jacen nods his head and deactivates his balde. He switches it to Setting 2, the stun-blaster, and takes a deep breathe. He inserts the key on his right wristband into the left wristband and activates the strange device that The Confessor had given him.
The left wristband activates with a stunning purrrr the vial ejected a flood of nanobots up Jacen's left arm! A smoky wet looking wave up black wraps itself around Jacen's body like a living suit of armor, stopping around his neck and leaving his head untouched.
"Whoa! This is so weird." Jacen tried lowering his voice and taking cover in the dust storm that Laph had conjured.
While not a solid image, the Sterebs could see a strange black shadow among the dust.

The Confessor

The mini tornado, the whirlwind the Confessor had created started to move towards the encampment as there was a sinister smirk on his face as the dust started to cover up...then the whirlwind ended rather abruptly, landing his trapped foes onto the ground roughly or tumbling down a nearby hill. What just happened? How did this instantly end? The Confessors own image had ceased to exist, it was no longer in line of sight.

Back on top of the walker, he felt his connection strain extensively till finally be breathed in as he gave a short cough. The dust itself and the ability to concentrate through it, was to much while using Force Whirlwind and the Doppelganger technique. Giving a rough cough, he shook his head and looked back forward. He was currently exhausted and needed a few moments before proceeding with any other form of help.

Laphisto Laphisto Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy

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