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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

The Confessor

There was a small tremble of assistance but it seems to barely assist. The Confessor had arrived with the Walkers with an amused look on his face.

"How...unusual. Something must be below holding it in place."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Looking to the confessor as he attempts to assist the two he would chuckle softly. Taking a few deep breaths he would shake his head with a small frown gripping his chin in thought " there must be some roots from some plant maybe holding her down. We might need to get down and personal to free this one. We could always try the last ship though and come back for this old girl"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" aye we are in no true rush, hopefully, we can get the other one out easier" shaking his head he would give a small chuckle lightly shaking his head before walking towards the next and final ship

The Confessor

Going towards the final ship, the Confessor glanced down and frowned at the large amount of tar. There was a mumble on how tar is hard to remove off robes and started to focus with the Force, trying to lift it with actual concentration.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear he would turn towards the confessor hearing the words about tar causing him to raise a brow with a small frown gripping his chin lightly in thought, though reaching out with the force to try and help aid the confessor's efforts " if there is tar we best be careful with the ships structural integrity"

the ship would groan as the dirt began to bubble at log last, with the added aid and knowledge of what was holding the ship down they could compensate for where it was stuck the most [25/30]
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a few grunted huffs, the two would finish pulling the ship from the ground, setting it down and whipping his brow, grumbling as they finally managed to pull the third ship from the ground," with three of us that was a lot easier for sure" turning to Jacen he would chuckle waving an arm towards the Manual override lever " the honor is yours my boy"
Jacen nods and smiles as he approaches the side of the dirty old ship. He rubs his hands together and grips and ancient lever that connected to the hatch and ramp. "No tricks, this one is just gonna open up. Plain and simple." He laughs and yanks hard on the lever and a sickening groan of metal filled their ears and Jacen felt the hatch shake a bit. He managed to get the lever to move slightly but it again locked in place after moving a few inches. "Maybe not so simple."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" it would seem our mortal enemy of rust has gotten us once again " giving a small laugh he would shake his head reaching out with the force and giving a small grunt, moving to pull the lip open " keep pulling on that lever lets see if we can get her open eh? with how hard she was to get out she better have something good inside" gruning the hatch would creak and groan though not budging easily the Mag locks still in place
Jacen sighs, "How about ol' reliable?" He carefully grabs his Blastersaber and ignites the dark purple blade, streaks of pink crackling up its length. He slowly stabs into the mag -locks and drags his blade around the shape of the hatch. He deactivates his saber and clips it onto his belt before waving his left hand towards the hatch. The loosened hatch wiggles slowly before leaning out of the ship and simply falling into the dirt and sand.
Jacen chuckles,
"Just as planned..."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a small chuckle he would cross his arms over his chest grabbing at his flashlight and shining it into the interior of the ship perking his ear and looking around " well let's see what shes got"

Sining the light inside of the ships hull his light would shine over the Lancer Walkers that were hidden within " well ill be"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
looking around he would shine his light over the walkers looking to see how many were in workable condition and to his surprise there were an entire squad of six causing him to blink softly " oh dearest me we seem to have hit a good haul for sure!"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"aye that we do " rolling his shoulders he would give a soft grumbled sigh shaking his head with a chuckle glancing to Jacen with a soft nod of his head " alright lets get this done
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
reaching out once again he would give a soft huff pinning his ear back lightly with a small chuckle pushing outwards with the force the Confessor had made mention of the tar around the ship. and so taking that into account he would huff a bit trying to lift the ship with Jacen

the ship would slowly begin to lift from the ground the already loos dirt making it lightly easier but not enough to completely pull her free [ 21/30]
"Come on...." Jacen grits his teeth and waves his left hand upward and to his right in attempts to lift and rotate the Hammerhead. They hear roots snapping underneath the ship and splashes of tar rained onto the soggy dirt below. He guides the ship carefully with the help of Laphisto and they gently set the ship on the ground.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"there we go almost there " growling he would push and pull at the ship trying to snap and remove any of the tar that might have been keeping her hidden below

and with ease, they would pull her free from the tar and roots. [ 37/30] giving a small huff as they set her down he would chuckle gently " well lets hope the manual override on those mag locks work this time around eh?"

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