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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"that is true, tho where to store these ships is a different question altogether." he would grip his chin softly in thought chuckling softly as he shakes his head " none the less we may just need to call the collector, but I want that to be the last option if possible"
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After milling around and helping the mechanics with what he can, Jacen stretches loudly and pops his neck. "Well, with those guys hopefully off world by now, I think I'm gonna go for another walk." Jacen announces and chuckles. He gives a small wave to whomever would care to notice and he began walking away from the ship.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
raising a brow he would look to Jacenwith a small chuckle motioning him over as he makes his way to the next ship " all these walks, if I didn't know better i'd say you were trying to stay out of the dirt and grime " he would tease lightly with a playful chuckle tussling the boy's hair " come lend a hand for a while"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"working on the last SHip with Jacen he would raise a brow lightly glancing to him lightly before glancing back to the ship " strange device? like a ship part or weapon?"
“No. I don’t know what it is but I found it down below when I fell into the cavern.” He rubs the back of his head nervously, “There was something down there with me, it wanted me to find this... artifact.”
He slowly continues working on replacing the mag locks of the ship and looks Laphisto in the eye, “It says that holds knowledge that will make me more powerful than those who hunt after me.”
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
pausing for a moment he would look over at Jacen giving a small frown as he thought lightly shaking his head at the boy " that sounds like a Sithholocron, iv never seen one myself but i had heard about them. they are ancient dark side devices, much like the Jedi Holocron that store knowledge. from my understanding the Sith holocrons are much stronger, almost sentient. they do not offer there knowledge for free to anyone save their creator, whatever power it is promising you will cost more than its worth" he would almost growl, his brow furrowing lightly as he sits up

" back when I had turned nearly half of the order I had thought that both light and dark could co-exist. hell, we very much could have but the Jedi were fearful, because it was something that was different, new, and wasn't something that lined up with their values. hell, even now the dark side is being used wrong. its a source of power yes but its been tainted and misused over the years lad."
Jacen frowns slightly and nods his head, “I’m- I don’t fear the Dark Side, Master. If Light and Dark can be used in perfect harmony...” He clenches his right fist, “I connected to the Force at a late age and I need to train twice as hard to keep up with the people we may come across.”
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"light and dark can be used in harmony my boy, I am living proof of that. I use my emotions to help aid me in the force, but I have learned to control my emotions and not let them control me. that Holocron, is a tainted vision of what the "dark side" truly is. it was made from corruption and that is all it is good for, unfortunately." he would listen to his words before giving a small chuckle and moving to stand up, lightly rolling his shoulders and popping his back with a huff "sure you have started late, but you have one of the most skilled individuals in the galaxy at your side my boy. you have already been using a power that was labeled a dark side power and you didn't even know it"
Jacen chuckles nervously, "I knew that keeping it a secret from you would only get me injured or killed in the future." He takes a step back from the ship and pops his knuckles. "Master, I want to study that Holocron. I know it is dangerous but its knowledge could prove useful. I do want to become stronger but I do not wish to do so recklessly."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"I will not stop your pursuit of knowledge so long as it's done so responsibly, always keep a clear head and make sure you are the one in control like that time when we fought, I brought up bad memories and you went into a rage, remember how reckless following on pure emotion alone can be" giving him a soft now he would grip his chin softly in thought " you have all the time in the world currently so take your time, if you are feeling as if your emotions are beginning to get out of hand then step back take a break. also work on creating a sort of shield around your mind, do not let the holocron into your head, you are the one in control and can smash it to pieces at your whim, let the device know that. after all there are many more from where it came from. it is replaceable not you"
Jacen nods his head, his smile widening. "I'll make sure to use it carefully. I wonder what The Confessor knows about Sith Holocron." He chuckles and breathes a sigh of relief, "It holds strange information but I can put it to good use. Or if it comes down to it, it could catch a nice price from the right buyer."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"Now your thinking like a business man " he would chuckle lightly softly shaking his head at the mention of selling it " well I'm sure the confessor is around here some where if you manage to find him you could ask, he has been around a while and could hold some valuable knowledge for sure"

The Confessor

There was almost a rather comical puff of energy as he appeared from the side hallway nearby, not apparently resisting the urge to talk on subjects he had knowledge on.

"A Sith Holocron is not something to be trifled with. I studied many in my time and each one can be as dangerous, unpredictable and reckless as the other. Creating one requires patience, making them at times far rarer than a Jedis Holocron. It tempts with knowledge one would want, in an effort to seduce and control through the Dark Side of the Force. Yes, a Holocron can attempt to take control of a host which, while rare, can occur."

"It is more likely however, that it wishes to pass down knowledge, knowledge to keep their version of their order, their ideology alive. My former master, Darth Proelium, wished the idea of battle to be passed down from one generation to the next, just like he had instructed through the arts of Sith Magic. Sith Magic, I can perform still to this day at any time...the difference though between us, is the pathway we took later on in life. One through death, one through life."

"If you need help taming or keeping control, I will be more than offering of assistance to go through the holocron with you and help you keep the temptations the best I can at bay. But understand that what you seek, is generally power far greater than some of us would know...while our dear Dragon friend here can be of balance, it is difficult to keep. Even the art of Sith Magic, is sometimes far to tempted to ignore."

Laphisto Laphisto
Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
Jacen would jump slightly as The Confessor appeared and would listen closely to both his words as well as Laphisto's. He knew that the Sith Holocron he had obtained was very dangerous but was meant to pass its knowledge to those worthy of obtaining it. "I will gladly accept all the help that I can get. Easier to shield myself from its influence that way."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would ook to the confessor giving a small chuckle and a light nod to his words " that's great to hear, balance is achievable with practice light and dark good and evil, the galaxy is in disarray and the balance is broken. something eventually will need to be done about it"

The Confessor

"Balance is what we all desire, sadly not all wish to know that."

Starting to walk, he would lift his left hand and trace part of the wall with his index finger for a few moments. Pulling back, he bit the tip of his index finger to make it bleed and started to trace a symbol onto the wall.

"Then we will start with this. Sith Runes are generally a lost art, generally made for larger rituals as all our words, have significant weight and power behind them. For as long as you stand here, you will feel your power be beyond those of altering the mind. Meaning you will only hear yourself...if you ever need to run, run here and none shall enter your mind so long as you are near this symbol."

Laphisto Laphisto Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would give a small chuckle lightly gripping his chin in thought for a moment before then frowning lightly " a Desire for balance is what got me cast in my prison, but it was not I who was wrong, I can see and understand that now. for this galaxy to be at peace with one another we need to restore the balance. wars and lives have been lost over the fruitious concept of light against dark. but we can and will show the galaxy that both sides of the coin can live in harmony " looking at the three ships as the engineers begin leaving the last one he would think for a moment before seeking once again

" and that can start here, where we stand with these ships we can start anew, we have the making of a fleet and a small army. all we need is manpower to find someplace to call home and we can build from there. grow in strength till we match the other powers at large, then we can try and bring back true Balance"

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