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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"well this station needs alot of tender care out first business should be trying to repair the station. if this is going to be our headquarters for a while its only right that she be well and properly maintained" he would chuckle at jacens enthusiasm with a raised brow " something tells me you already have plans to try and modify that ship, make her truly yours eh?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would nod towards the strange kid then look to Jacen with a gentle nod" alright my boy, if you need any help with your new ship or with anything else call me on the commlink and I'll see what i can do, I'm heading to the CIC see if i can't go over some information with owen and see where we sit currently. with our sensors offline we are rather vulnerable to attack"
Bambi makes her way back to the Engineering Bay where the other gearheads were pouring over the blueprints and assembling small pieces of machinery at various tables that were scattered around. "Alright, guys. I had to clear my head but I'm ready to take a crack at these." She smiles.

"Sounds good to me."

"Let's do this."
Jacen wanders around the station greeting the other crewman and introducing himself to the ones he had not yet met. He helps a couple of engineering teams as they work on repairing and reconnecting sliding doors and their accessibility panels. He continues on and aids some of the medical team as they were unloading their supplies into the Medical Bay.
After some time he would make his way to the Engineering Bay to check up on Bambi and her projects.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
laphisto would remain in the bridge of the station working with owen and other members of the crew that took up the roles required. when one of the outermost forray ships radio in Identifying themselves as the Seroccos Revenge.

" sir this is Caption yilsavor Brentu of the Serrocos Revenge, we have detected two ships coming out of hyperspace near kirima. they seem to be searching for something. one ship made orbit and the other is headed near the asteroid belt. Permission to intercept?"

laphisto would grip his chin in thought with a small frown his ear pinning back as he thought for a moment. there was no way that they wouldn't be detected if the ship got too close, the stations powered up and can be registered on scanners. s with the ships that are patrolling the area. but if they attack or make themselves known as a hostile force then they might just start an accidental war.

" stay on their tail, if they get too close to the station lets, say within a hundred kilometers then turn on your ship's beacon and signal them to make yourself known and see who or what they are. I'm sending The Aronov to assist you. they will be on the outer edge of the asteroid belt if you need assistance they should be more than capable of getting there in time"
Jacen wanders around the station greeting the other crewman and introducing himself to the ones he had not yet met. He helps a couple of engineering teams as they work on repairing and reconnecting sliding doors and their accessibility panels. He continues on and aids some of the medical team as they were unloading their supplies into the Medical Bay.
After some time he would make his way to the Engineering Bay to check up on Bambi and her projects.
"We don't have everything we need to build each of these ships to completion." Gaff Navarr shakes their head slowly.

"Nothin will get done with that attitude." Iv Drea called over to Gaff.

Bambi chuckled, "We need a complete inventory log for the station. Check and double check to see what we have and what we can do with it. We're gonna get these things built." She grins and looks to her left as a door opens. She watches as Jacen walks into the Engineering Bay and she nods at him, "Hey there."
Jacen looks around at the engineers bustling and working all around the bay. He smiles slightly as he approaches Bambi, "How goes things over here?" He asks and scans the blueprints on the table. "Damn, these are some incredible prints. Good finds." He laughs
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would help monitor the stations progress sending crews to where they were needed best, as well as to help distribute and assign people to ships. there were not enough people on the station to crew all the ships let alone to man the station s well. it would be tricky for sure. with a soft frown he would grip his chin in thought working with Owen to assign captains and adequate crew to the ships
"Arguing about our lack of supplies and manpower has taken up most of our time here." She chuckles and shakes her head slowly, "But we're off to a good start. We should catch back up with Laphisto in a little bit. It's true that we need to fix this place up a bit but we're gonna need to buy or scavenge more parts from somewhere."
Jacen nods his head, "We need more supplies and manpower, yeah, but most everybody does." He chuckles dryly, "This is a cool place to call home and it's a great start but we're on a roll. I'm sure we'll find what and whom we need to build up the Order."
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
TJ searches his ship for something that seemed to be calling him. He finds a paper from his late Jedi Master that read as followed, "TJ, if you're reading this that means 2 things, 1) I'm dead and 2) you met a old force freind of mine. Well, I should tell you, I should've told you this already but, your the lost grandson of Palatine and I knew you needed to be away from the Jedi rules to reach your full potential. Your parents had left you in my care because they trusted me to keep you safe, and I still am for while I'm dead I live on as a Force Ghost. Your Jedi Master, Ryan Sharpsteen." As TJ read he started to cry. He had lost everything now. First his parents, then a Wookie who had been his freind, then his Jedi Master, and then his 3 freinds (2 female Jedi the other a female Resistance Pilot) had disappeared. He had almost lost his sanity by now, but this helped knowing his Jedi Master was still there.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
the serrocos Revenge would signal the station throwing its systems online to try and distract the unknown vessel that had now begun heading straight for the station

"commander, the ships picked up the station we are scanning on all frequencies to see how or why but we are not getting much. we threw out signals open but we are unsure if they are going to interested in us"

as he speaks to the caption laphisto would hail the Captian of the Aronov. and a second figure appears.

"this is Captian Lyon Rhane of the Aronov how can i assist you sir?"

looking to the Togruta male he would give a soft nod before speaking with a light frown " I need you to run an intercept course head to the Serrocos revenge and see if you can hail or if need be drive the ship away from the station"
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
the serrocos Revenge would signal the station throwing its systems online to try and distract the unknown vessel that had now begun heading straight for the station

"commander, the ships picked up the station we are scanning on all frequencies to see how or why but we are not getting much. we threw out signals open but we are unsure if they are going to interested in us"

as he speaks to the caption laphisto would hail the Captian of the Aronov. and a second figure appears.

"this is Captian Lyon Rhane of the Aronov how can i assist you sir?"

looking to the Togruta male he would give a soft nod before speaking with a light frown " I need you to run an intercept course head to the Serrocos revenge and see if you can hail or if need be drive the ship away from the station"
TJ ran to find Laphisto. Was he going to be stopped on the way? Possibly. Was he prepared? By no means. He was plan stubborn though. He felt out of place in this time, he thought it was his but he was having doubts

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