Aedan Von: The Rising Sun
Near Coruscanti Sector
The Pantoran Admiral-now a captain in the One Sith Navy watched as his ship continued to patrol a sector that was near the planet known as Coruscant. After the Galactic Alliance's attack on the One Sith Navy, many defense fleets had been on alert, patrolling the sectors/planets/systems, etc that were near to Coruscant. That alertness had also increased after Darth Mephirium had attacked Coruscant as well.
"Per our orders, notify the closest fleet-which I believe is Lord Dralos' fleet- if enemy ships come out of hyperspace. I want you to be prepared for anything." he stated. He had been working on something that would help the One Sith defensively speaking, and soon, he expected other replicas of his design to be seen throughtout One Sith space.
"Sir, you have been ordered by Liutenant General Dralos to come to Coruscant."
"Very well;prepare my shuttle." he ordered.
The Pantoran Admiral-now a captain in the One Sith Navy watched as his ship continued to patrol a sector that was near the planet known as Coruscant. After the Galactic Alliance's attack on the One Sith Navy, many defense fleets had been on alert, patrolling the sectors/planets/systems, etc that were near to Coruscant. That alertness had also increased after Darth Mephirium had attacked Coruscant as well.
"Per our orders, notify the closest fleet-which I believe is Lord Dralos' fleet- if enemy ships come out of hyperspace. I want you to be prepared for anything." he stated. He had been working on something that would help the One Sith defensively speaking, and soon, he expected other replicas of his design to be seen throughtout One Sith space.
"Sir, you have been ordered by Liutenant General Dralos to come to Coruscant."
"Very well;prepare my shuttle." he ordered.