Green Bean
Location: Endor
Objective: Teach Padawan how to punch. Hard.
Shan let out a short exhale as he took in the surroundings around him. Nature was something that always felt more in tune with him, than technology did. Breathing the air in and out, closing his eyes as he imagined the ocean that was the Force crashing and receding around him. This was going to be one of the first important lessons he was going to teach upon Zaiya Ceti . Healing was important but as Shan learned during the incident with the Dark Empire and the other Padawans, so was knowing how to defend yourself and others. It would have been more helpful if he was teaching Zaiya lightsaber forms, but he wanted to teach her something she could do without that kind of weapon.
"Alright Zaiya. For now, we're just going to meditate. I want you to try and feel attuned with our surroundings. It'll be the best way for us to call upon the Force. I want you to be able to relax as well. Things have been stressful for the both of us. If you need to talk about anything, my door is always open for you. I thought it'd be easier to bring you here. Somewhere neutral, where you won't have to worry."
The Mirialan waved his hand around the pair, indicating the trees around them before he sat himself down on the ground, crossing his legs underneath him and resting his hands against his knees, his palms aimed up towards the clouds. A few containers laid nearby, filled with a variety of different materials. Woods, plastics, metal. All in the shape of a board, with varying thicknesses. Those would be important for the lesson later, but like he said. They were going to focus on attuning better with the Force.
"If you need me to talk, and guide you through the meditation, just ask. What I normally do is try to visualise the Force in my mind. The ebb and flow of it around us, moving in time with my breath. Like I said to you when we first met though, the way people see the Force is always different. Some see it as a meandering spider-web, spreading across the Galaxy. Others might see it as a set of scales, with the Dark side on one end, and the light side on the other. Personally, I see it as a large ocean that spreads across the Galaxy. Every action we take, causing a ripple that spreads across the Force."
Zaiya Ceti
Objective: Teach Padawan how to punch. Hard.
Shan let out a short exhale as he took in the surroundings around him. Nature was something that always felt more in tune with him, than technology did. Breathing the air in and out, closing his eyes as he imagined the ocean that was the Force crashing and receding around him. This was going to be one of the first important lessons he was going to teach upon Zaiya Ceti . Healing was important but as Shan learned during the incident with the Dark Empire and the other Padawans, so was knowing how to defend yourself and others. It would have been more helpful if he was teaching Zaiya lightsaber forms, but he wanted to teach her something she could do without that kind of weapon.
"Alright Zaiya. For now, we're just going to meditate. I want you to try and feel attuned with our surroundings. It'll be the best way for us to call upon the Force. I want you to be able to relax as well. Things have been stressful for the both of us. If you need to talk about anything, my door is always open for you. I thought it'd be easier to bring you here. Somewhere neutral, where you won't have to worry."
The Mirialan waved his hand around the pair, indicating the trees around them before he sat himself down on the ground, crossing his legs underneath him and resting his hands against his knees, his palms aimed up towards the clouds. A few containers laid nearby, filled with a variety of different materials. Woods, plastics, metal. All in the shape of a board, with varying thicknesses. Those would be important for the lesson later, but like he said. They were going to focus on attuning better with the Force.
"If you need me to talk, and guide you through the meditation, just ask. What I normally do is try to visualise the Force in my mind. The ebb and flow of it around us, moving in time with my breath. Like I said to you when we first met though, the way people see the Force is always different. Some see it as a meandering spider-web, spreading across the Galaxy. Others might see it as a set of scales, with the Dark side on one end, and the light side on the other. Personally, I see it as a large ocean that spreads across the Galaxy. Every action we take, causing a ripple that spreads across the Force."
Zaiya Ceti