Grey Eyed Hero
"S..So... how do we b..begin..?"
With a gentle smile Jasper walked over, holding out his organic hand for Lilise to take.
"Here, let's do a little exercise so you know what to do," he told her in a reassuring tone.
Whenever Lilise took the knights hand energy would begin to flow between them, moved from Jasper to her. It wouldn't be a lot, not enough to replicate force healing, but it was enough to be noticeable.
"We'll practice moving the energy in our bodies," Jasper added. "I sent some to you, now you just need to send it back. Remember, it's an extension of yourself. It's as much a part of me as it is a part of you. A little bit of work and I think you'll be even better than me."
That was just the truth. She was much stronger than he was in the force. He had no doubt in his mind that Lilise's power would surpass his own. In time, of course. All things took time.
“I imagine this might play out like classic blast defection training. But instead of intercepting a bolt with a lightsaber, instead it’s a ball with our chests?”
"Exactly like that," Jasper nodded. "If you two are ready and have the basics of moving energy in your bodies figured out, I see no reason to wait any longer. Phyla, whenever they give to the word, you may begin."
"Yeah!" the shard exclaimed, an approximation of excitement in the carbon-based lifeform's mechanical face.
Whenever she had confirmation from Shan and Ko she would begin. It wouldn't be very hard at all, even with her mechanical limbs. More like being hit by a bean bag than anything actually dangerous. It was at least hard enough for them to feel the point that they needed to be pushing energy towards.