Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Best Stories Start In The Forest

The party would inevitably carry on, and to Corrin's dismay, his dear little sister was nowhere to be found. Not that by trouble would come to her. The Tal'verda took care of their own, and no one would dare harm a little girl unless they wanted to lose their head, no matter how rude that little girl might be.

People drank, played cards, danced, and lost more credits than they could afford to pay. All in all, it was a standard, chaotic Mandalorian celebration.

Corrin settled in for the night shortly after in the long house. His parents had taken to the home alone, though the boy couldn't figure it out for the life of him.

Either way, it was a lovely way to welcome someone into the clan.

[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]

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