Jorus Merrill
is mek bote

Image Source: Here
Affiliation: The Underground/The Kathol Outback, built by [member="Aerin Kath"] and [member="John Shepherd"]
Manufacturer: The Underground/The Kathol Outback
Model: N/A ('ugly')
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel and alusteel hull, transparisteel viewports, heterogeneous components
Classification: Scout Ship
Length: 25m
Height: 8m
Width: 11m
Armament: 0
Defenses: 14
- Tough hull
- Military-grade deflector shield generator
Special Features:
- .357 Calrissian hyperdrive
- Silk Holdings QQ-4U85 tractor shroud dispenser
- Highly advanced sensor package, including manually targeted Dedicated Energy Receptor arrays
Hyperwave transceiver (long-range communication/SIGINT)
Subspace transceiver (short- and medium-range communication/SIGINT, maximum range 100ly)
Blackout lights
Speed Rating: 1
Hyperdrive Class: .375 main, 10 backup
- Quick at both sublight and hyperspeed
- Respectable shielding
- Extremely powerful active and passive sensors
- No weapons whatsoever
- Straight-line racer: not quick to turn
- Short-range hyperdrive: needs a carrier or a lot of gas stations to go more than fifteen thousand light-years
The Dagger seats two: one pilot and one sensor operator. It also mounts an astromech housing. The overall spaceframe is secondhand Incom in origin, mated with four overclocked, ultra-reliable Koensayr engines.
The vessel's name references its ability to shut down and 'go dark,' rendering it undetectable or inert to virtually all sensors. In such a state, the vessel cannot move or raise shields. This mode would be used for long-term ballistic infiltration, coasting in from outsystem toward a given target. The Dagger can reactivate from this state in less than a minute if necessary.
Development Thread: Shop Talk
Intent: A unique scout ship for scouting missions, like poking the First Order.
Who Can Use This: [member="Aerin Kath"], [member="John Shepherd"], and any member of the Underground/TKO who has faction admin permission.
Primary Source: None