Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Black Sun

Far away from the prying eyes of the galactic powers. A criminal syndicate known as The Black Sun meet on the isolated world of Mustafar. Gathered together by the crime lord Rayl Wilded; he bids to bring back the fractured syndicate to a whole, and make it a force to be reckoned with once again.​
Rayl walked in to the large conference room. Plenty of chairs lined side by side and many rows deep to house everyone he invited. A podium at the head of the room for one person was quickly occupied by him. "Ladies, gentlemen, anyone else I'm missing. I am Rayl Wilded. Some of you know me, some of you don't. My reputation does not matter here. What does, is I have brought you all here to discuss the coming future of Black Sun. And to convince you to support it".
"Despite our setback seven years ago. Black Sun has continue on, scattered and ineffective compared to the power this organization once wielded. But not destroyed. That gives us something to work from, and with your and my own resources, and efforts, we can begin to rebuild". Rayl tapped a button on the console build in to the desk. Activating a holo projector; which brought up a map of the galaxy. The territory of the major powers were clearly colored for ease of view.​
"Here we have the power game. Much has changed since Black Sun was a nation. The Fringe have collapsed. The First Order has risen in their old territory and recently taken Bespin. The Black Rose in pink and Hutt Cartel in yellow are in a state of collapse. This auburn territory where we currently sit in is the Galactic Alliance, emerging power an on friendly terms. Mandalorians, crippled by infighting. But the Primeval have disappeared, alleviating them. The Republic, crippled and unlikely to survive. That leaves the three superpowers in order, The One Sith, the Techno Union, and the Silver Sanctum. Other than those last three, everyone is weak, open to our influence within their boarders. Plenty of neutral systems to enter into business on too. With no more Cartel or Ravens; any competitors will be no worry. Now is the perfect time to operate in this chaos".
Rayl activated an overlay on the map, highlighting several systems of importance to what he was about to say. "To begin our re-ascension. Those worlds highlighted must be brought into our influence. Mustafar". Rayl paused to laugh. "Well that was easy". Rayl waited a further moment for those gathered to calm down. "Other worlds will be more difficult than this one. Trigalis, Denon and Ord Mantel. These all have old ties to the Sun's from hundreds of years ago, or important port facilities we want to use. We will then head to worlds that will prove hazardous from the reigning governments or locals. Raxus, in the Sanctum. Our old seat of power on Nar Shaddaa. And lastly, the largest mountain to climb. Coruscant itself. The heart of Sith space. If we can overcome and hold out a permanent presence on these worlds. We will have reach across the galaxy, resources, experience working together. Everything we need to become a power again. This is bold people. I have no illusion that we'll have an easy path accomplishing this campaign. But I have faith we shall".
"Which is why I declare now, Black Sun has returned. I claim leadership as Underlord. Those of you who stand at my side will be rewarded with power and wealth. Those who oppose me I give you two options. Leave this fortress and never interfere with Black Sun again. Or rise up against me now and be destroyed". The choice was now theirs. Not that they really were offered two. Rayl wasn't going to let himself die at the gate. So, let the people cast their word.​
[member="Ordan Vosk"]​
[member="Freynk Porkins"]​
@Luthian Omondon​
[member="Sek Kali"]​
[member="Wendy La Fey"]​


Dead Men End All Tales.
Amarant sat and lit her cigar, listening as Rayl went on. The plan was ambitious. She held her tongue at the mention of the Republic, her own vendetta against them possibly the most spiteful among the current Suns. She'd been force to take Vigo twice, once when the Republic betrayed, them, again when the ravens stabbed them. Once as Ash, a second time as his own "grand-daughter." She had had many intense conflicts. In the end, it had been her decisions to put an end to the notion of the Black Suns as a nation, due to lack of support. Everyone had gone their own way.

"I tried being Vigo. For the record, I have no desire to re-take the title, and you're welcome to the burden. However, I want to go on the record, Rayl," she said, twirling the lit cigar in her hand nodding calmly. "I've seen more than a few take on the job. You want it, go for it. But, if you abandon fellow suns to twist in the wind, I'll find you, and it won't be pretty."

She stood up slowly, waving her arms to demonstrate the point. "As much as we let ourselves get nailed to the wall by many powers with vendettas, we also let our own petty piles of poodoo ruin it for others. Not again. If we're really bringing the band back together, than the Suns come first. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of kids wearing a label they shouldn't have, yeah? So, for the record, I'm in, Rayl. However, if I feel that you're simply using the Suns instead of building them--" she took a brief pause, "Then I'll take action. We are the Suns, we stand, or we fail. No room for cowardice, aye?"

She raised an eyebrow, wondering what the new underlord would say in response, what the others would say in response. She hadn't been the best leader, but she had never left another Sun behind. She wouldn't now. She waited to see who'd speak up next. After all, she was happy to keep these folks honest, at least by criminal standards.

[member="Rayl Wilded"]


Eight Years Ago . . .
Lysle was standing ten feet in front of Julian, his eyes glued to the man. He was kneeling over someone, one hand pinning the guy down, the man was choking on his own blood, trying to scream but only producing a sickly gurgle. He was a Black Sun Syndicate crime lord. But Julian didn't care, and neither did Lysle. Then with the strike of the hammer, the war between the Red Ravens and the Black Suns was made official.

Back then Julian Valentine went by Julian Solo, and he was young and foolish. His hair was jet black with piercing blue eyes, his skin was soft and jawline clean shaven. He was hunkered down in a jacket and jeans. His eyes were still watching Lysle, face was coated in a film of the mans blood. He didn't even seem to care, and that sent a chill down Julians spine. Then in an instant the Raven Vice President was swept aside by Isaac Ideus and Jen, off to somewhere else. Probably the kark out of Frida's and off Nar Shaddaa before the Black Suns came howling after him.

It had happened all so quickly. Back then Julian was in his early twenties, with not much experience under his belt. A new kid on the block in every aspect. The Red Ravens had done a pretty big recruitment drive, just about every dealer and addict knew about it, and they were all signing up. Julian had been among them, a quick credit and he'd kill someone. Ain't no big deal. He stayed behind on Nar Shaddaa to do his work as their bounty hunter, while most fled to the outer-most reaches of the galaxy on Antecedent. A part of him wished he could have seen the splendor of the Dragon Palace Casino.

He had been swept by the tides of war. In a matter of months he had killed a handful of small-time Black Sun goons, a few dealers and an infochant. Then he was transported to Barab I, providing support to Lysle and a select few on a Black Sun space station orbiting the planet as the main force entered atmosphere and attacked from the ground. His job had been to take down that station, and that is exactly what he had done. But that was a long, long time ago, and time has a way of changing things.

Present Day . . .
The Paragon had settled down on Mustafar. Stepping out from its hatch was a man who looked weathered by his career. His skin looked leathered and marked by wrinkles, his hair had become speckled with grey, and a 3 o'clock shadow was looming along his jawline. His eyes were dulled, but just as piercing as they had ever been. He walked with the gait of an experienced bounty hunter, assured and confident. Two bandoleers hung from his shoulders, strapped to the teeth with grenades, ammunition pouches and blasters. He was a walking armory, and these days, he didn't get paid 1,200c per hit, he was earning 1,000,000c a head.

He wasn't at the top, but he was near enough that most other hunters steered clear of him. Sitting comfortably at the top of the Bounty Hunter's Guilds leaderboards and a top associate in the guild. In his time he had been a mentor to other infamous bounty hunters, including Ghorua the Fish. His back was quickly fleeing from his ship as he entered the Black Sun fortress, finding a place to sit in the conference room. He had been called here, for few others were willing to deal with him, even fewer could afford him. There was a lot of irony in his being here, and some part of him wondered if any would remember him from the war.

Quite the speech had been made, and Julian kept quiet for a moment. Not wanting to speak yet, he slowly turned his attention to another as they spoke. It didn't sound like she had any confidence in the man, if anything, it sounded like a big of tension was already in the air. For a moment he considered walking out, he helped strike down the Suns once, he wasn't going to watch them do it to themselves a second time. For that thought, he stayed in his chair, and he spoke, "You're forgetting a power vacuum. From my understanding, historically the Suns have always had eight Vigo's, I can't count any today. People are going to kill for those positions, and infighting is the last thing we need. You ought to appoint people, and fast."
...the man stood in the background, his gun having long plead allegiance to the Black Sun Syndicate. In recent years he'd fallen back on doing some minor work with the Hutt Cartel and controlling various gangs which fell under his sphere of influence but his loyalty always lay with the Suns. Dressed in a suit of Kraken Armor, the black matte finish reflecting errant light as the different panels caught it, Ordan would stand in a shaded corner with arms crossed over his chest as he listened. A Lightsaber hung clipped to his utility belt though this was hardly his main weapon, in fact he often preferred a grittier and more brutal approach than the finesse required to use a lightsaber effectively within the application of most established styles. As the gathering commenced Ordan had relatively little to say about anything...

...shifting when he heard the conversation Ordan took note of the worlds Rayl said would need to be brought back within the fold of the Black Suns, he agreed but he kept it to himself. Others entered the conversation as well including a man, Julian, whom Ordan didn't recognize from his time with the Suns and a woman who was vaguely familiar to him, Amarant but he'd never had exclusive dealings with her. In fact of everyone present so far Ordan only considered Rayl to be legitimate, he'd worked under the man in the past so he could respect him as a capable leader and someone who could hold his own in a fight unlike the other two. Raising a hand Ordan would rub the side of his jaw while he continued to listen...

...when the time came to declare themselves Ordan would wait, allowing anyone who wanted to take their place ahead of him before striding out of the shadows and tilting his head to look up at Rayl...
"May the Black Suns reign forever!"...his fist would pump into the air once to emphasize his allegiance to the Syndicate, something that would never change after which he would become silent again and sink back into the background. Reaching for his belt Ordan took a small flask from a space on his belt, unscrewed the cap and brought it to his mouth slowly before taking a pull from its contents, the alcohol burned as it broke a trail down his throat but the sensation was welcome. Replacing the cap Ordan put the flask back in its place on his belt and listened to what else needed to be said though he had no intention to speak further unless it was absolutely necessary...
[member="Rayl Wilded"]


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo sat in his chair drinking Alderaan whiskey while listening to Rayl. He had just recently joined The Black Suns. So far, Maximo knew that Rayl would make a good leader, and would lead the Black Suns to victory. It was a great time to rise up. He was right, the almost all the factions were decreasing in power, and increasing in poverty. Maximo had gotten his arm tattooed earlier to show his allegiance to The Black Sun. He was ready for anything.

He thought Mustafar would be pretty easy to conquer, but it was never good to be overconfident. Maximo knew this, but he always acted overconfident. He looked around, there were quite a few people here. Maximo finished his Alderaan whiskey. He rised,

"I pledge allegiance to The Black Sun, and I hope we can rise to the top together, everyone."


Meet the Merc Droid

Why did this meeting had to be conducted on Mustafar, of all planets known by men? That was the only question that would trot in the mind of a lone, hooded Droid that was sitting on one of the chairs that were conveniently placed around the table that was set in the conference room she was present in, both of her metallic hands set right under chin, steel fingers intertwining between one another.

This Droid, "Zara", she would call herself as, by official name MKA-0, was one of the extremely few, maybe even only one and unique "Mind Keeper Android" model that was actually existant in the Galaxy at the moment. Ever since she has arrived in the conference room, she has been mostly silent and has kept to herself, her weapons still on herself, and her mind, conscient, still mistrustful towards the people that were sitting beside her and in front of her in this very room, including the one with the speech, the one and only Rayl Wilded, mighty crime lord now at the head of the now-resuscitated Black Sun Syndicate?

But what was this to her?

Oh, nothing much..... Only a great, handful deal of credits. Although she was not usually one to hang out with criminals, she has recently found out that she would probably need a secondary job alongside her albeit small reputation as a galactic mercenary. She was not known, poor, and only had a damn spaceship for a home and weapons for pleasure. Metallic in nature, she had no need for food, no need for drinks, and, hell, no need for any homes at all....

But she needed more credits either way. More, to get a more powerful body. More, to finish her weapon projects. More, to slowly start making a fame of herself..... And more, for pure satisfaction. Self-satisfaction, above all.

So, for now, she would be part of the Black Sun Syndicate. At the moment, she was slightly unimpressed, although slightly surprised to stand beside such dangerous figures without getting her head blown to bits by blaster shots, but, seeing that it seemed that accepting to join the Black Sun wasn't really a choice that she now had a chance to refuse, she would simply stare at the new Underlord with her glowing LEDs which anybody in the room would probably qualify as eyes, nodding.

"I do not believe I've come here to chit-chat about myself refusing to side with you. No doubt I'm joining; I can only see advantages from this. Besides, I don't have nothing else to do apart from continuing my mercenary work."

She would comment, then cross her arms, staring at the map silently for now. It was surprising, maybe even shocking, to see a Droid act so.... organic-like. Entechment, maybe? Maybe. But there was one thing for sure: the Black Sun wouldn't want to lose such a promising figure, who had been rising in the freelance mercenary lists here and there like a non-stop rocket, fulfilling her deals almost perfectly every single time.

But of course, she was no Jedi, nor Sith.... She would have to deal with that one day. After all, that's one of her many projects she has in mind...

[member="Rayl Wilded"]
"Sure as Spencer Jacobs was sold for a date, Amarant. The only way I'll abandon the Sun's is to be cold, dead, and sent to the four corners of the galaxy. So mind your own resolve in our enterprise and see to it I'll never have to come after you. I rather we move forward rather than back though". With one concerning member dealt with, not that she was in opposition though. Rayl headed on to another issue raised up by a new person. That being, Black Sun is ruled by a council of Vigos. Rayl had the choice of who to appoint. Filling the ranks with oldguard members he trusted and knew were capable would be an easy choice. That would not settle well with new folks though. People had long memories and new blood would be needed to show Black Sun could be balanced. "Listen up, this gentleman brings up a valid point. I have yet to appoint the first Vigo's to sit on the governing council. And I'll correct you, it's 9 members, not 8. I will have made my decisions within the month. So don't go killing one another over it. You have no idea who I will choose, but it will be ones with determination, skills, and the leadership quality the position demands. Weather you run a large family or work for yourself. All will have equal opportunity to get the job. They just have to prove they are worthy of it, so do so in the name of Black Sun like you should".

Now that the issues were dealt with, for now. Rayl let the procession of loyalty calls and affirmation. It was great no one had challenged him. It showed everyone seemed to be along the same line of though. To restore the syndicate and regain their power in the galaxy. "I thank all of you for allying yourself with my leadership and Black Sun. This is a momentous day. One we will not forget for decades. If you have any questions, seek me out here latter today. Don't come asking for favors though. Cause I haven't the time. Long live the Black Sun"! Rayl exited the room the way he came in. He'd return shortly enough, but for now the criminals and other no-do-gooders were left to mingle with themselves for a while.

[member="Ordan Vosk"]​
[member="Freynk Porkins"]​
[member="Luthian Omondon"]​
[member="Sek Kali"]​
[member="Wendy La Fey"]​
[member="Julian Valentine"]​
[member="Danger Arceneau"]​

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