Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
Far away from the prying eyes of the galactic powers. A criminal syndicate known as The Black Sun meet on the isolated world of Mustafar. Gathered together by the crime lord Rayl Wilded; he bids to bring back the fractured syndicate to a whole, and make it a force to be reckoned with once again.

Rayl walked in to the large conference room. Plenty of chairs lined side by side and many rows deep to house everyone he invited. A podium at the head of the room for one person was quickly occupied by him. "Ladies, gentlemen, anyone else I'm missing. I am Rayl Wilded. Some of you know me, some of you don't. My reputation does not matter here. What does, is I have brought you all here to discuss the coming future of Black Sun. And to convince you to support it".
"Despite our setback seven years ago. Black Sun has continue on, scattered and ineffective compared to the power this organization once wielded. But not destroyed. That gives us something to work from, and with your and my own resources, and efforts, we can begin to rebuild". Rayl tapped a button on the console build in to the desk. Activating a holo projector; which brought up a map of the galaxy. The territory of the major powers were clearly colored for ease of view.
"Here we have the power game. Much has changed since Black Sun was a nation. The Fringe have collapsed. The First Order has risen in their old territory and recently taken Bespin. The Black Rose in pink and Hutt Cartel in yellow are in a state of collapse. This auburn territory where we currently sit in is the Galactic Alliance, emerging power an on friendly terms. Mandalorians, crippled by infighting. But the Primeval have disappeared, alleviating them. The Republic, crippled and unlikely to survive. That leaves the three superpowers in order, The One Sith, the Techno Union, and the Silver Sanctum. Other than those last three, everyone is weak, open to our influence within their boarders. Plenty of neutral systems to enter into business on too. With no more Cartel or Ravens; any competitors will be no worry. Now is the perfect time to operate in this chaos".
Rayl activated an overlay on the map, highlighting several systems of importance to what he was about to say. "To begin our re-ascension. Those worlds highlighted must be brought into our influence. Mustafar". Rayl paused to laugh. "Well that was easy". Rayl waited a further moment for those gathered to calm down. "Other worlds will be more difficult than this one. Trigalis, Denon and Ord Mantel. These all have old ties to the Sun's from hundreds of years ago, or important port facilities we want to use. We will then head to worlds that will prove hazardous from the reigning governments or locals. Raxus, in the Sanctum. Our old seat of power on Nar Shaddaa. And lastly, the largest mountain to climb. Coruscant itself. The heart of Sith space. If we can overcome and hold out a permanent presence on these worlds. We will have reach across the galaxy, resources, experience working together. Everything we need to become a power again. This is bold people. I have no illusion that we'll have an easy path accomplishing this campaign. But I have faith we shall".
"Which is why I declare now, Black Sun has returned. I claim leadership as Underlord. Those of you who stand at my side will be rewarded with power and wealth. Those who oppose me I give you two options. Leave this fortress and never interfere with Black Sun again. Or rise up against me now and be destroyed". The choice was now theirs. Not that they really were offered two. Rayl wasn't going to let himself die at the gate. So, let the people cast their word.
[member="Ordan Vosk"]
[member="Freynk Porkins"]
@Luthian Omondon
[member="Sek Kali"]
[member="Wendy La Fey"]