Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas looked at Ka ka and walked towards him. "I was put there by... disgruntled pirates after they found out what I did to their friends after they attacked my home." There seemed to be a hint of malice in his voice as he spoke about pirates. kneeling down next to Ka ka he picked up a hydro spanner and began to loosen the bolts that held the main components inside. "Here I can help I know my way around machines." He then said in a friendly manner to Ka ka.
Kha'ro realized that [member="Zrixtas"] must have had a bad past with pirates. He wondered how powerful this shard was in his droid body. Kha'ro would see his daggers and ask, "So, are you skilled with those daggers?"

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas looked back at Kha'ro and then raised and lowered his shoulders. "Not really I'm more of a wild swinger with them than anything. I have no real training with weaponry and most of what I know is what I've figured out myself." He then said as he made a little gesture towards Kha'ro's lightsaber as if to ask the same question. "Not at all Ka Ka shano You got me out of that infernal box so it's the least I can do." He then said in a tone that would suggest he'd be smiling if he had lips as he then continued to work next to the gungan, using telekinesis to bring any tools they might require to lazily float around them.
Kha'ro said to what he thinks was Zrixtas' question, "I've had training with these sabers and can use a few different styles, though some I haven't fully learned yet. I am not great but I have had some training." Kha'ro decided to get back to his own ship for a moment to see if anything was going on there, "I'm gonna hope nothings going on.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas nodded to Kha'ro and then continued to work. When Ka ka took out a crystal he looked it over scanning it with his few scanners. "Well it's not part of me that's for sure." He said while he looked at it. 'Strange how did a crystal get in there?' He then thought.
Kha'ro would find some people looking for things to loot in his ship, he noticed a big ship further out, it must be where they came from. He would sneak over to the comm system and send a message to Ka Ka's ship, "Looters here!" He would say to them, "Get out of here!" but they wouldn't listen and would grab their vibroblades and blasters. Kha'ro uses force lightning, a skill he accidentally learned in rage, to keep the vibroblade using ones at bay and stun them.

Ka Ka Shano

Meesa do stuff for credits!
Ka Ka would say, "We should go help! Meesa be going when you are!" He would throw the crystal into the box where the bug he ate once was. He got into a space suit and waited for Zrixtas

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas stood there and looked at Ka ka get ready to leave. "I don't need a space suit since I actually don't breathe." He then said a little chuckle after wards as he made sure they were secure in the air lock and he then opened the door for them to get out of the ship. Once the cold vacuum of space was upon them he quickly moved and pushed himself off and headed towards the hull of Kha'ro's ship. If Ka Ka would fall behind he'd use telekinesis to help him along.
Kha'ro decided to use force push, many enemies were thrown back, they can't be that well trained. He uses force breath and opens the airlock. Some, however, received a space suit from the big ship behind them, it was shot out. Kha'ro used lightsaber throw with both sabers to slice open 4 enemies helmets.

Ka Ka Shano

Meesa do stuff for credits!
Ka Ka would instinctively use telekinesis to speed himself up, allowing him to quickly reach the enemies. He tapped a button on his wrist and he was zapped, causing him to use force lightning on one enemy.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Once Zrixtas had landed on the ship he noticed one enemy come charging at him with an ax. Raising one hand he used telekinesis to hold the man in place and brought him to himself. "Who are you?" He then said simply as he took out one of his knifes and placed it on the mans space suit.
Kha'ro would use telekinesis to throw the man Zrixtas was interrogating into a wall, knocking him out. He would say, "We can get info when the other enemies are gone." He would begin charging a huge force push.

Ka Ka Shano

Meesa do stuff for credits!
Ka Ka would skillfully use his blaster to shoot open the helmets of 10 enemies, he is more skilled than he looks. He would at the same time be shooting lightning and because of him being shocked to use force lightning, he was force screaming in pain.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
As Kha'ro threw the man Zrixtas seemed to sigh, at least the body language he conceived gestured towards that. As one of the men came charging towards him he took the knife and placed it in front of the blade that was headed towards him he staggered back and his HUD then beeped as his arm malfunctioned and was now simply hanging down but he was glad his dagger was still gripped tightly. The man pressed his advantage and hit Zrixtas's shoulder but he was already metal so he simply made his eyes glow a little brighter as he gripped the mans neck and held him up.

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas looked around and saw that there was only one more individual left and with a little tweaking he messed through the mans stabilizers and left him floating in space. "You see that, He will die out in space and I will do the same to you if you don't start talking. Who are you and why are you attacking?" He said as he let his hand go just enough to allow the man to speak, meanwhile he put his left malfunctioning arm into a diagnostic restart.
Kha'ro would still be lying on the ground. The man who was being interrogated would say, "Who am I? A looter, a looter who can easily call more friends in to kill you all. Why am I attacking, I was hopin' this criffin ship had some loot!" He would say it aggressively.

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