Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Bryn'adûl | Crumbling Walls of Wobani

Objective: Jedi Generals
Post: Eight

He took a step back, letting the Jedi get his footing as his own forces and the Concord's looked on. Tathra struck first, the bare knuckled strike of his left knocking teeth and blood from the Feeorin's mouth as he immediately struck again with his right - bludgeoning the Feeorin's face into a near unrecognisable mound.

The Titan reeled his left fist back, striking the Feeorin directly in the centre of his chest, bone structure collapsing as his shoulders slouched unnaturally deep. He would show the remnant the strength of their leaders. Bringing both arms out at either side, Tathra pressed his fingertips against the inside of his knuckles.

Leaving the bottom of his palms exposed as thrust them in a clapping motion with the Jedi General in between. His body jolted, legs toppling under him as his half-skinless cracked skull was laid bear for the overrun Concord to see. The last thing they saw as they were swarmed and torn apart by Savage Drones.

With the Jedi General's dead, the Wobani leadership of the remnant was crippled. Their military forces annihilated by Warlord Galak, Wobani would belong to the Bryn'adûl now.

Krarolk T'manu

OBJECTIVE: Jedi Generals
LOCATION: Wobani, Tarrabani
EQUIPMENT: In Signature
UNITS: Zealot Elite Squad
ALLIES IN OBJECTIVE: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Abvor knew that there was only one thing that could inspire such raw fear in Krarolk’s voice.

The entity from Sev Tok had returned.

Abvor hastily completed his dive, the Wookie general barely evading the descending blade. He too felt a disturbance, something that should not be among the living. Yet he lacked the direct experience that made the Zealots so urgently withdraw. As the trio fled from the general, he moved to pursue, only to be interrupted by a series of screams erupting behind him.

The Wookie turned around to find that to his horror, his faithful Rangers were being mutilated by tentacles as black as the night itself, only illuminated by the dim lights of the ramparts and the slight red hue on their borders. They shot outwards from a large black thing, withered corpses surrounding its irregular mass. Several of the tentacles launched themselves directly at the general, his lightsaber raised. He took a deep breath in and out, containing his fear for the moment before he reached out with the Force, sending the tentacles aimed in his direction flying safely around him.

Yet instead of recalibrating to target the general again, the tentacles flew past the Wookie, travelling in pursuit of the Zealot trio that was now sprinting frantically back the way they came. The general watched in awe, coming to the realization that the entity with the tentacles was hostile to everyone, not just the Jedi.

However, the Wookie general had no more time to think. The blackened end of a tentacle pierced through his back and emerged from his chest, his still-beating heart skewered to its tip.

The Zealot Elite Squad did not exit their sprint until they entered their Shard, putting the engines in reverse thrust and soaring out of the landing zone within the wall just as tentacles began to enter the space.

At least the Wookie general is dead.
Objective: Tarrbani
Post: Eight

“This is Warlord Galak, the remnant concord forces have been defeated. Only stragglers left now.” Speaking through the mind stone, he hoped the words reached the others. This world would be theirs, one step closer to destroying the Concord for good. The idea of which, gave some measure of comfort to Galak.

They had taken much from him. Every time he entered a Gunboat on the return journey, he was reminded. Climbing into its confines now, he looked around the empty seats. His mind filling them in with warriors like Pavium and Keldothera. That was only the Baedurin they had lost.

The others, so many dead heroes. But it would all be made up for soon, all of it. Everything the Concord had poisoned the Galaxy with would be dismantled and ruined. The Gunboat's deployment bay-doors closed over, the night fires of Wobani left behind as the Drones would finish off whatever remained. Galak removed his helm, rubbing the one eye he had left.

Another battle was over. He only hoped the war would draw to a close soon enough.

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