Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The burden of politics [GR dominion for Tholatin]

Post: 1/20
Objective: B
Location: Refugee Camp

"I didn't lie, did I? These are state of the art rifles, capable of picking off anybody within a kilometer. The scope allows for heat sensing and low recoil when shot. I've got a shipment coming in with the next transport drop. You could have five hundred of these in a day from now."

"Very impressive... I have to say, I didn't think you would show up with such a gun. Of course, now that you are here..."

The disguise he had been using with the Force, the seedy Human facade, dropped and as the tall snake-like alien appeared in front of the man, he breathed softly for a second before trying to run off, but it was of no use.

Grabbing him by the Force, he fell on the ground and it only took a second for Mak to slap cuffs on him.

"Didn't think you were selling to a Jedi, did you? The Republic is cracking down on your kind, but if you don't want to spend the next twenty years in a prison, you have a chance to tell me who the supplier is..."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location:Senate Floor
Objective: A
Posts: 7/20

Two hundred million clones? Oh boy. That sent a chill up her spine. With those kinds of numbers, one would think that they could handle the Sith easily. But it was hard to say.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] made a lot of good points. That was clear. Though she wasn't quite sure of her motives just yet. Not with concerning Tholatin nor the Jedi. Kay wasn't quite sure what to make of her yet or whether or not she was safe around her.

She glanced over to the other outspoken members in the Senate, [member="Darion Blackstaff"] and [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] , not quite sure of their motives either. Kay had spent little time with other Senators as she had been busy. But maybe now she had to start paying more attention.

Ashler de Dedhart

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Darion Blackstaff"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Objective A
2/20 posts

What more could he do but sit back, and relax. He had said his piece, now was time to watch the rest play their little game of gain, and take. Such was the world of politics. If one wanted this, another had to give up that, or something along those lines. Though, Ashler had to admit, clones? Again? Didn't the Republic try this once?

"I must admit, I am curious as to what Mrs. Garter wishes to speak on the subject of the Jedi Order, though I understand it is quite off topic, lets make it relative, will the Jedi have any part in this subject? Can we count on them? Do we need to take extra measures just to be safe? I have nothing against the Jedi personally. I understand they are a bit wary of somethings within the Republic that I find...somewhat understandable."

The blonde was a spoiled, it was as clear as his thirst for blood, but then again, he noticed almost everyone ignored her childish outburst, expect for one whom he knew wouldnt take such crap. Kay was a refined woman, her goals out in the open, true peace, and justice. Her loyalties laid with the Republic, democracy, and the right side of the fight.

When Ashler looked at Darion, he smelt bad blood, something icky that made him want to throw up his latest meal. The man was corrupted, that was for sure, but to what end, Ashler had no idea. He thought it best to make sure not to draw too much attention from the elder man, least he be a thorn to his back side.
Objective A
Post 7/20

He had gotten some attention. While it was most likely considered poor publicity he was about to make a name. This was important as anything else at this crucial time. Several senators had spoken up, more or less refined. Regardless - nothing had been spoken that surprised him so far.

"Most honorable senate. Before I say anything else I need to air my thought on Senator Garters recent speech. The Republic is a democracy, your personal wealth should not influence the decission of the senste. We are all equals here with one vote each. That is what matters and those votes, when the time for voting has come, will decide if the republic sends support. I as everyone in this assembly are bound to follow the decission of that vote. But now is the time to discuss the matter, not vote."

"Let us not talk as if the democratic process does not matter any more. Because by doing so we are indeed entering dangerous ground." he spoke with a surprisingly clear tone.

Smoothing his robe he got himself to a standing position.

"The question about the jedi is an addendum that I am not prepared to discuss at this time, unless the prime minister or the chairman makes it an official point of order of this meeting."

"Now, while I can only applaud this generosity and good hearted nature I merely ask that we try to be realistic. Do not only have the next election on your mind, but the future of the Republic as a whole. Yes, the republic can stand out as the saviour of Tholatin, but can we really pretend that our coffers are not strained. An army requires materials, food, supples. Shall we cut the military funding in order to pay for these refugees? I am not against helping others. I am just asking the senate to show us from where these funding will be taken? What current area do we need to cut into in order to finance this new need? " he wet his lips.

"And once someone has explained where the money will come from, I ask the senate to weigh in if it is worth it." he held out two open palms as if showing how harmless he was to those watching.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Persephone Callas"]

Sha'Lom Kolos

B-Wing salvager, junk collector
Post: 2/20
Objective: A/C
Operation: Save that Nikto
Location Outer Rim

Sha'Lom raced across space on route to Tholatin.
"Engines, check. Cannons, check. Hyperdrive che...."
A rocket slammed into Sha'Lom's B-Wing, rocking the whole ship and sending of course.
"Kark, what the heck is the matter?" Sha'Lom looked out of his window to see what was the matter. Of course, more pirates were attacking his ship. They knew he was coming.
"I've got to get out of here!" Sha'Lom powered up his ship and started to zoom away. The pirates kept shooting at him, landing a few more hits with every shot. Sha'Lom made a call for help.
"Baseplate, this is Mastiff I'm under heavy fire!" Sha'Lom got no response.
"COME IN BASEPLATE!" Sha'Lom started to panick.
A missile slammed into his main engine and it blew, flames flying everywhere. He stated spiraling down towards Tholatin. Sha'Lom was struggling to control his ship. Kolos picked up the comm and yelled into it.
"Mayday mayday, I'm hit I'm going down! Baseplate I need you to send backup, anything and everyone send it now! I'm going to crash south of my objective." Sha'Lom steered through trees and debris. He crashed into the ground. His ship exploded and Sha'Lom was ejected out of his ship and onto the ground. He passed out on the cold ground. The pirates approached him, guns ready. Only they knew what happened next.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Senate Debate
Objective: Debate
Allies: The Republic.

Patricia let out a humorous scoff at the end of Senator Blackstaff's speech. It was funny, truly it was. How the pathetic and helpless claimed to be the righteous when they had nothing to offer, truly that was something to find funny. Patricia let the air clear for a second before letting out a small laugh at the man.

"We are all equal? Don't make me laugh anymore Senator. Where were you when the Sith were invading us taking our worlds? Where were you when Manaan, Kashyyyk, and dozens of other worlds fell. Because I can certainly say you weren't here." Patricia said with a bit of venom.

"In fact you've only been here since the Sith invasions have laid quiet. Because for the last five years I've been making an army for the republic, I've been fighting for the republic, and in fact this entire senate was wasting time while people were dying." Patricia then glared daggers at the senator.

"Private J Sanchez, I held him in my arms on Manaan while he died trying to hold the line. He took my bullet, and every day I have to live with the image of his face passing on. A person who could still be alive IF WRINKLED OLD %#$&s LIKE YOU GOT OFF THEIR ASSES AND DID SOMETHING BESIDES SPEAKING!!" Patricia said with pure anger.

After composing herself for a moment Patricia then spoke once more.

"I have established a contract with the people of the mega farm world of Oberon to send all food grown to the Republic, I have conquered cities on Yuuzhan'tar to study our enemy, I have provided an army for the republic, and if you let your inaction let these people suffer any longer, I will end you." Patricia said with deadly precision.

"Now, if everyone is done with their inaction. I say we use multiple relief organizations and corporations along with clone protection to extend out to other worlds while giving light finical backing to them to help cut costs. This will ensure the treatment of refugees via republic contracted relief groups who have their own areas of funding. All we simply must do is ensure their safety on the ground and with loyal republic forces on the ground providing protection we can ensure refugees are being treated well as we introduce the planet into the republic fold gaining more money from taxes. Cost effective efficiency. Money is no issue as I will gladly give up my own wealth to ensure these people are helped. The most recent Spaarti Creations auction has generated fifty two million credits and I will donate that along with an added two billion credits of my personal wealth to kickstart this plan. And if it does not prove successful then we can move forward with another." Patricia was just about done talking. She was a person for action, not a person for the political process.

[member="Darion Blackstaff"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Persephone Callas"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location:Senate Floor
Objective: A
Posts: 8/20

Kay was growing quite wary of [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and her anger. This was not the time nor the place for such an argument. No single person was to blame for the Sith attacks and no single person was the hero either.

She glanced over to [member="Darion Blackstaff"] as he spoke of an upcoming election. Is there one? Why was she only just hearing about it now? A strange feeling of foreboding crept into her, growing stronger as this debate continued. Bad policies were coming, ones that could endanger herself and others like her.

She got to her feet and turned on her mic. "Senator Garter is very.....passionate about her abilities and I think that we can all agree that she is a valuable member of the Republic. But this is not some contest about who is better than whom and who can provide more. And belittling other members for not being able to provide as much if anything just isn't right. Not everyone is under the same bountiful circumstances. Each world is different. And Senator Garter forgets that this Senate is not here just for debates and talk, but to help organize. If we all just did our own thing, then it would be a chaotic mess. I'm sure that everyone could agree on that."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"]

Ashler de Dedhart

[member="Darion Blackstaff"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Objective: A
3/20 posts

Oh, Susan Garter was a feisty one indeed, that hot rage that boiled over made Ashler wish he could take a taste of what her life essence was like. He imagined it was sweet, and spicy, like honey with booze. He licked his lips mentally, and stood up as he figured it was time to speak once more.

"Indeed, Mrs. Garter, none of us know what Manaan was like more than you, no one here probably knows the Sith first hand in a battle more than you. You are a valuable asset to the Republic, always have been. I believe Senator Blackstaff over steps his authority here. His concern for where the credits will come from is understandable, but just as unnecessary as Garter's outburst, again an understandable one. Would you rather us send your planet the funds while another planet withers away with no help what so ever? Planets within the Republic already have our protection, some more than others.

Does it matter if it comes from tax payers pockets, some form of liquidation, or Garter's personal banking account? No, what matters is that we help anyone who asks for it, whether they bring something to the table, or not."
Objective A
Post 8/20

Darions jaw dropped and closed a few times. He felt like the floor was being pulked out from underneath his feet.
Was there really no faith left in the democratic process? He questioned his prior speeches for a while, but could not really find what he had said to rouse them against him. Had he lost his touch?

"Well then," he coughed. "Since my belief that the Republic was struggling for reasources seem to be rather faulty I withdraw my protest on the matter." he spoke, albeit his head shook just a little as if he truly did not trust his own words.

"Of course we should help those in need. And while we are at it, why not exterminate poverty. Endless reasources can do that you know..." he had meant for it yo be a bombastic ironic response, but in the end it was a feint weezing breath, easily ignored.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"]
Post: 1/20
Objective: N/A
Location: Space/Orbit

Word around the galaxy was the Galactic Republic was trying to do a massive relocation of refugees from One Sith captured and dominated planets. The One Sith had so many planets already, why torture more lives? What, because it's fun to spend your people and machines to crash and die, as long as enough of them do it, you'll get to enslave others and take their resources? Heartless was barely good enough to describe them, and most, if not all, would take it as a compliment - the prideful maniacs live on insults like a disease, the only way to upset them is to show them when their ego got them bested, but that was sometimes hard to come by, admittedly. The Sith... A personal hatred Menka had for them, but honestly she doesn't see where this would go. The Empire once had complete control over the Galaxy, what was the point then? What was supposed to happen after they dominated the Galaxy? There wasn't anything left to do, and they either got lazy, prideful, or both, which lead to Guerilla Tactics making them weak. But why is the ultimate question, right? Or one of them... Menka wasn't a goody goody, but she saw no goals with the Sith, only pain and greed.

Menka had been traveling through hyperspace as soon as she heard of the event. This could be her time to shine, that sexy new car hopping out of the ship graveyards of space. But this wasn't a publicity stunt, oh no, this was her purpose, no, yet.. This is what she wanted to do in life. The old 'give forward' kind of deal, and it would cost her nothing, maybe make friends, and some bonus stuff... Maybe, can't blame a girl for trying! But yeah, she had the tools, she could help, this was her big moment, and nervous she was.

She didn't know if there would be a defending fleet or security or something, so the best thing she could think of was to play nice and be passive. "Shutdown all weapons, keep the shield raised, and exit hyperspace a good distance from the planet, I want at least a couple dozen ship spaces away from that atmosphere. When we exit, immediately engage a soft scan of the area, just to see what's in front of us."

"Yes Captain, we are about to exit now, are we ready?" Her droid chirped, plotting the final course and preparations.

"Yes, do it. Any comms that come in, accept them with no delay, we gotta play this cool, okay boys? Friendly status, be friendly... They have absolutely no idea who we are and I'm just bringing a fat ass ship to their front door full of armed droids, yeah, no biggy... Not... Scary at all!" She couldn't just leave her ship, the sooner she could help them, the better, and it wasn't like she had the credits to use some courier service, everything she owns or has gotten has been through trade and barter, the credits she has to her name are enough for Cantina's that don't take droids or metal for salvage.

She was scared, not of if they would kill her, but if they would reject her, she had a problem with not being up to expectations or satisfying people from her past, and she'll always be this way.

They exited hyperspace a good distance away, still within comms and sensor range of the planet and any ships in the area.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Darion Blackstaff"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Persephone Callas"]
Post: 9/20
Objective: B
Location: Refugee Camp

These were hardly the most organized criminals he had encountered. But they had planted a seed that could outgrow the rather weak current administration.

"These are not the crates you are looking for." he told the thug, a slught push of the force was used to convince the man who repeated Mantics words and turned to keave.

Then Mantic pressed the speeder forward into the camp. The medical supplues held in the back was not supposed to be sold by a third party. That he would ensure oersonally.

[member="Sha'Lom Kolos"] [member="Mak Manto"] [member="Menka Guga"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location:Senate Floor
Objective: A
Posts: 9/20

She looked over to [member="Darion Blackstaff"] as his voice trailed off. Kay wasn't the Minister of Finance, so she had no idea what the Republic's coffers were like. She only knew from her own. Commenor paid her, but more than likely not as high as most others. Yet Kay spent most of her credits on her slave freeing missions. She didn't have her own ship, or staff, not even a home to call her own. No, she just slept in her office or on whatever transport she bought a ticket on. Of course she didn't let everyone know that. It was her own secret as she didn't want anyone to take pity on her.

She typed on her datapad and sent the old Senator Blackstaff a message via the holonet which read:

'Senator Blackstaff, I do not believe that you are wrong. You see more of the bigger picture than some of the other Senators. That is nothing to feel dejected for. It is a good point of view to have.
-Senator Kay'

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Senate Debate
Objective: Debate
Allies: The Republic.

"Now if we're all done with making little snide comments and debating to do the right thing I have placed a very suitable plan forward for the republic." Patricia said straight forward for the senate.

Using a data pad Patricia uploaded the matrix of her plan into the share screen system to go over the steps of what was planned.

Republic Relief Effort

Phase One: Money donated from the private sector upwards to two billion credits will be funneled into republic contracted disaster relief organizations who have other sources of income and donations as to save money for the republic.

Phase Two: Republic clone troopers, politicians, and police forces are to be sent with relief organizations to introduce the local people into the republic as relief efforts provide aide to the planet. This will ensure that the planet in distress will join the Republic and provide taxes as they rebuild. Forces sent to the planet will train the local population in Republic law and customs.

Phase Three: The Republic then advertises the newly found planet as a land of opportunity by offering discounted land plots and taxes to develop the planet further building the economy by opening businesses in the private sector in order to create more revenue for sales and property taxes.

"The plan will not fix everything over night but with aid from the private sector and light funding from the republic over time we can introduce new booming planets that will be loyal, cost effective, and fruitful." Patricia was just about done talking about this subject when they had a cost effective plan in front of them.

"Are we ready to move on to the next topic?" Patricia asked the senate.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darion Blackstaff"]
Objective A
Post 10/20

Darion settled down in his rather comfortable chair in the pod. He had spoken his concerns for giving the refugees to much aid. It was expected to meet certain disdain because of it. But in the aging senators mind someone had to bear the burden of speaking uncomfortable truths.

He listened to the proposal of [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and stroked his chin. It was simple and to the point. As a hasty put together plan he found no worries with it. she was however still getting ahead of herself. The debate about if the Republic should send aid had not come to a vote as of yet.

"The details of such a plan should of course be handled by professionals. Such as yourself senator Garter." he answered with a rustly voice. "Let us however wait with the - how, - until the senate has decided on the - If - before proceeding though, shall we?" he added with a smirk escorting his ironic comment.

then a servant handed over his datapad into his lap as he returned to the shadows.

Raising an eyebrow he slowly printed down a reply.

"Most esteemed Senator, naturally I appreciate your concern for my well being. Your promise to aid my home world is reassuring enough for me that together we can endure the strain, however, caution is always a good path in my humble experience." he pressed send and looked up at the pod where [member="Lady Kay"] was seated.

The day was not going to end anytime soon it seemed.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Ashler de Dedhart

Objective A

Post 4/20

Ashler rubbed his chin as he took in a thought that may just work. "If I may, senators, what if he asked for the citizens of the Republic for voluntary help?"
The Vampire moved away from the edge, and back to his seat, sitting down to rest some, he would need to feed soon. "I do believe the people want to help just as much as the senate, and military. More than the Jedi seem to want to help at least. We should give them their chance. This could be a learning opportunity for some, and a moment to gains skills they did not possess, yes?"

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Darion Blackstaff"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location:Senate Floor
Objective: A
Posts: 10/20

Kay looked over the plan written by [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and it seemed alright for the most part. Further details would need to be worked out before it could be approved. At least in her own humble opinion.

She looked up as [member="Darion Blackstaff"] suggested that democracy needed to be used here. So Kay turned on her mic again and spoke up. "Yes, we all need to vote to see whether or not Tholatin will receive our aid. Commenor supports aiding Tholatin, so long as Republic worlds are not forgotten and also receive the aid that they require. Senator's overall plan for how aid is to be distributed will need a separate vote to pass." Surely this would get Senator Garter's impatience to grow. She turned off her mic and sat back down, wondering what about the Jedi was so important to her. No doubt she'd find out soon enough.

A look down to her datapad revealed a message from Senator Blackstaff. She read it and nodded her head to him as he caught her eye.

Then [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] spoke up. He was probably right as there would be plenty that would want to help. After he sat down, she leaned over towards his pod as it rested next to her own. "If the vote passes, I'm sure that we can put a call out. There could be many wanting to volunteer their services. Thank you for the suggestion." He looked a little paler than usual. But it could just be an influence of the Senate Hall.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Senate Debate
Objective: Debate
Allies: The Republic.

Kark this. Patricia was done, she had presented a perfectly workable, cost effective, and reasonable plan to satisfy the Senate and all of their inactive asses. Talk time was over, it was time to flex muscles and show these people just who they were fucking with. So with another little humorous scoff she smiled almost sarcastically before stepping up to her mic and speaking.

"Senators, I wasn't asking." She said with that little sarcastic smile on her face.

"I was ordering." the smile on her face vanished and she stared daggers at both Kay and Blackstaff.

"Can you do math? Silly question I know, but let's play a counting game shall we?" Patricia said with a near cheerful tone.

"After the loss of Contruum we lost sixty percent of our worlds and territory, along with a sizable portion of our military. Now after the hit we took at Balmorra after Contruum our military was devastated. In terms of troop count we are sitting in maybe five to seven million republic troops." Patricia then pulled up a video display on the senate's share screen.

It was of Spaarti a Spaarti clone trooper on Balmorra, at the bottom of the screen a logo for GNN was stationed and the feed kept going.

"I want to introduce you to my son, Commander Lusk." The woman said before letting the feed move forward.

The clone trooper was in the midst of a trench battle with men on every side of them battling and killing one another. The trooper pulled their side arm and approached a wounded Sith trooper that was crawling on their gut to try and reach safety. However the next image presented was of Lusk slowly walking towards the trooper, putting their foot down on their back, and then decorating the side of the trench with the Sith's brains via a clean shot to the head. Afterwards it was a good ten seconds of him taking a shotgun to a row of Sith that were coming towards him.

"Now that you have met Lusk, I have something you all need to know. Lusk and his brothers and sisters, they all protect you when you sleep, they all keep the bad guys away, they all are trained killers, and there's about two hundred million of them. But the most important thing I want you to take from this, is that they all call me mom." Patricia let her last words linger a bit.

"So, with that being said the only reason I'm here is a formality out of respect for this nation I've bled for. So I believe with this information brought to light, we move forward with my plan to help this planet. Or we could you know, test the waters of pissing me off." And it was time to wrap it up in a nice pretty bow.

"So, any questions or can we send aid now or put it to a vote? Because I vote yes on both issues." She asked the senate.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darion Blackstaff"]
Faith had been quietly listening. All this was giving her a fething headache. She had been part of the Senate too long. The constant mine's bigger than yours implications were enough.

And . Now once again here was a threat. "I do not take kindly to being threatened that is not the way we do business. I would suggest everyone stow their attitudes. I get you are adamant about providing help and I'm sure everyone here . Is ready to vote on it. But not under threat. This is not the empire of old where help is veiled under the guise of help I'm sure you see just how much this looks like a move from long ago."

Faiths personal guard were anxious standing stiffly watching waiting.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Ashler de Dedhart"][member="Darion Blackstaff"]
Post: 2/20
Objective: B
Location: Refugee Camp

There were several people now sitting in a small building mainly used for holding supplies but that had been recently retrofitted to help with the refugees. Here sitting at a small table was the man accused of bringing weapons on the planet, his lawyer, Mak and two Republic officials. As the man's lawyer spoke softly to him, Mak slowly smoked on his pipe, a small cloud now beginning to form in the room.

"My client wants to make a deal."

Looking at him, Mak glanced back at the officials who both gave a curt nod before he turned back.

"Two years, in a minimum security prison..."

As the man paled, he and his lawyer began talking again, a small argument happening before the man finally nodded slowly.

"Alright, I'll take the deal."

"Who's the supplier?"

"Her name's Syna Brin. She's been supplying arms to certain worlds that are more susceptible to... fighting. I knew this was a bad idea when we came on a Republic world..."

"And how do we get a hold of her?"

Looking at Mak with a surprised face, he shook his head.

"She's already here. She's preparing for the final shipment and to make her move."

As Mak looked at the man, feeling his emotions and thoughts, he turned back to the Republic officials.

"Get me [member="Mantic Dorn"] immediately."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location:Senate Floor
Objective: A
Posts: 11/20

And there it was. The reason for the bad feeling in her gut was revealed. She met the cold glare sent by [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] with her own look of shock mixed with determination. She watched the video feed and frowned at the spectacle. Kay had come across Commander Lusk before, albeit it was only brief. History was now on the cusp of repeating itself in more ways than one.

She listened to [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] as she spoke, glad that she was also aware of the threat posed on them by a fellow Senator. Once she had finished, Kay turned on her mic, looking directly at Senator Garter. "Senator Organa is right. We all want to help and we all don't take kindly to threats, especially by one of our own. Senator Garter's words, the size of her clone army as well as her video are clear forms of intimidation. And unless she is threatening a military coup, we are ALL on equal footing here. The Republic of old rebelled against such a tyrannical government. I know that most here would do the same."

Kay turned off her mic. This was a dangerous game. There were certain things that she didn't want brought to light here, dealing with both the Jedi and the Sith. And that last thing that she was sure that most people wanted was to be ruled by a military dictatorship. The military should always be an arm of the Republic, not it's head.

[member="Darion Blackstaff"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Ashler de Dedhart"]

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