Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Butterfly Escapes The Killing Jar

Closing her own eyes to the fact that didn't know herself. In a way it wasn't just when she was with him what felt between the two of them. No it was something different more alive like this place. In this place there was solitude more then that something else. Going where was he going no more then anything right now she need him.

Shifting herself in his own arms as if it would bring her closer. In her voice there was be a plead from it. This was a different kind of need it wasn't made of lust for him. It was deeper then that coming from deeper with in. Seeing her for who she was deep down not just skimming the top.

Stay right here.

Now came the real question was it fear that had twisted inside of her or was it something more that fight or flee instinct. Knowing in a way that she need to be by his side through this all.

You can't hurt me, I already been deeply much from my own foolishness to loose my son to that sith.

To cause her to just go into the first one that would ..what had it been about him. In wasn't like she had wanted anything to happen. Just what was she fleeing from was it the fact that . No it couldn't be that she first time was scared to have commitment. There had to be something more. How could she bring herself to truly look at someone when knowing that one of those sweet innocents that she brought into the world didn't belong in this world. It was form in the deepest of darkness. Could feel it from from her very own daughter.

Even those her path had yet to be written. As the stillness around went on there was something of a rain starting to fall. Being clear sky before was Maya really that deeply rooted into the very heart of Voss eco system that this is what happens when she starts to pour out whats bottle up inside of her. Letting the droplets hit them.

Feeling his arms tighten around her. Connor please I can help you as the nature of Voss help me to come to a deeper understand. Even when I was healing the tree of light I found deep in the healers temple a way from this place. Let me help you the same way. I want to sure with you like I haven't shared with anyone every before


It wasn't the physical that meaning behind but it was thing that all craved in their search of meaning of their path and force itself. It was on that level that she was wanting. Reaching up stroking his cheek softly over and over.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

There was so much he didn’t know about Maya. A Master and mother, she had grown up and been through so much, it surprised him to see her so full of hope and energy here in the gardens.

”Your son? I’m sorry…is there anything I can do to help?”

The rain droplets started to fall and his question was almost a quiet mumble, for Connor was in no position to help anyone until he could help himself and erect that solid core of faith and strength in his own body.

”If you know of a place, then show me. However, I do enjoy the rain. I find it cleansing, refreshing and pure. Like the heavens are helping was away the worries and sins.”

He looked up and closed his eyes, the overhanging trees helping shelter them a little. Water droplets ran down his arms and his back, over his vest and down his hair. Maya moved underneath him, almost pushing into him for cover as her pink fingers stroked his skin.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Finding it hard to want to move from the spot but knowing a place at less to proved them some cover. It came to her help get herself to a position that would make them move. Only wanting to keep her arm around him felt his own resting on her. It all felt so right so natural. It was a different feeling.

Feeling something coming swirling from inside to the outside. "Connor please know that I didn't want ..." stopping to the fact she would be hidding herself if didn't feel this way before now. Had all those months ago coming to his bedroom like she had would want to show her own skills to him. To make him look at her more then for her pink skin beauty that most saw.

I don't know Connor I know that I can go about it the same way I did way back when he was first taken. To be so full of darkness using those own emotions to fuel the inside of me to keep going. No I'm at peace even those sometimes we don't understand why the wind blows the way it does then changes direction like blink of an eye. Its the same with this I have taught him, know the force has his own path he must walk. Its a path that any mother wouldn't do to trade places.

Looking a head it wasn't far that they was gong just a bit of under growth that need to be cleared out of the way. With the way of her own hand, as if she herself had put up this barrier. It came to part for them only to close up behind them. There as they step out of the last of the trees stood a stone shelter nothing really much but could tell it was very well weathered.

Beautiful isn't it, I found this a while ago when I was first able to leave the temple on my own again. Getting out of the rain now only to find herself press closer to him more then ever.

Yes isn't it strange how many can makes things and nature has a way of taking it back to make it hers again. Its here I come to think, away from all, and worries and fears. I know I being the Master I am and the leader of the healers I should have fears and worries but I do from the others under my care now, but also for my babies.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Blinking against the droplets of rain trailing over his face from his sodden hair, Connor held Maya’s hand as she led him away from the Isolated Garden, past the ruins and following the stream through more overhanging trees and bushes that could be parted easily enough with the hand.

Nothing magnificent or awesome in scale, but a stone piece of architecture that was a place to sit, reflect and be protected from both geographical elements and also the outside world.

Following the Master under cover and sitting down on the iron bench, Connor sat beside Maya and watched the rain fall as he felt the Zeltron press up against him.

”I’ve never come across this place before, it’s perfect.”

He took his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder, brushing his thumb up and down gently as she spoke.

”What do you want, Maya? You have so much ahead of you now I feel, but you still seem troubled or longing. You’re not at peace, and I don’t know what is stopping you from finding it.”

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Not helping herself but to let how she felt for what he just heard about her medication place she had found. It wasn't a place one could find, also with the way the tree branches was set up one had to know how to use the force to move them ever so the right way.

Taking Maya deeper in thought, knowing now more then anything that there was more to nature just like it sometimes hide little treasures way. In a way Connor and Maya was like little pieces of something big. In what way even Maya herself didn't know only the force would relieve this but only in time.

Oh my sweet, I sat in this very place asking these some question, what is stopping me, that I truly wished I knew, for it isn't easy for me to speak this. In some ways I haven't full atone for all I have done wrong, or want to a might to. Oh connor please don't judge me for my weakness.

Picking her head up again looking him in his eyes, only to feel what she felt before. That first step she took to plant that kiss upon them. Ever so softly, but it was there to be return. Reaching up with both of her hands this time on either side of his face. Letting out more of what she keep buried deep down.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor didn’t react as she spoke, but sat and thought about the swirling thoughts in his own head and how much his path had faltered from starting as a Padawan, to becoming a Knight and then back to where he started; a horrid, unwanted circle.

She reached up and moved before him, tracing his lips with hers and offering a kiss. Connor didn’t close his eyes as he teased her with a small breath; they were that close.

However, he turned his head slightly, denying her what she wanted.

”Maya, please. I can’t.”

He stood up, letting her hand gently fall from his. He was careful not to stand in the rain, but on the lip of the small stone enclave where they sat.

”I will never judge you, for any weakness you think you have shown because I have shown it too in recent days. If I seek retribution and forgiveness, which you offer me, then I offer you the same, as will the Order.”

He looked sideways, hands on his arms. The cold was starting to seep into his skin, with only the wet vest clinging to him.

”I can’t be what you want me to be, not yet. I can’t give you that until I have faced my demons and returned a stronger man than I was. I’m sorry Maya…please, trust me. For your own sake.”

Dismissing himself, trying not to look at her, Connor wiped his mouth and stepped back into the rain, walking away back the way they came and started to go into the Isolated Gardens.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Finding herself stun for a moment. Finding her footing again as she went chancing after him. Calm as she always but something was in her eyes. That seem to be that of something more. Using the speed behind each splash she to in the puddles that forming around the garden.

Catching up to him using some force but not to much just to get his attention.

Hold on Connor, you think me a weak can't help you, your wrong I been through things that you have yet to face. Let me help you, Let me let you in ..I let you in with me have no idea what I"m facing right now with the babies...

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Hearing Maya brush the trees away behind him and her feet treading in the puddles as the rain fell over Voss, Connor stumbled at the application of a sly Force push from her. He smirked quickly to himself at her tactic and stopped, half-way through the foliage between the Isolated Garden and her Garden of Peace.


Her voice was one that had traces of anger in, but also despair. Connor shook his head gently to try and calm her, taking her hand in his again and holding it up.

”Maya – stop.”

Connor looked at her, waiting for her to calm down a little.

”I do not think you are weak, or not able to help me. You have helped me, just by being here. You’ve given me a sense of calm and an audience to show my ability before – a Master is always a good person to try and impress.”

With a smile, he placed his hand on her shoulder, stroking back her dark hair.

”This is not about your strength, because I know you are stronger than many may think, regardless of your journey and the trouble you have faced. But this is a journey I must now take alone, with no danger to anyone.”

Connor stepped closer and embraced her in a hug, placing his hand on the side of her head and trying his best to comfort her.

”I will not risk you, or your children, with my path forward. Only if - ” he kicked himself, ” – no, when, I return will I allow myself to help others. Right now I need to help myself, as it’s the last chance I have.”

[member="Maya Whitelight"]

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