Orron Thrask
More Man than Machine
While Varus wrapped himself up Orron on dealt with tightening up his robes and bracing himself fr the harsh weather and the walk back to the shuttle. However, as he did, he heard Varus tell how he lied to the Masters about where they were. And then, from there, heard him joke about the trouble he would try to draw him into in the future.
With a low sigh and smirk escaping on his lips he said "Part of me would punch you for that. The other part, however, would probably be crazy enough to say yes." He let out a laugh while giving Varus a pat on the back, not aware of how hard he'd hit given how he didn't know his own strength, before saying "C'mon, troublemaker. Let's at least make it back to the shuttle before winding up in any more trouble than we are."
[member="Varus Shatterstar"]
With a low sigh and smirk escaping on his lips he said "Part of me would punch you for that. The other part, however, would probably be crazy enough to say yes." He let out a laugh while giving Varus a pat on the back, not aware of how hard he'd hit given how he didn't know his own strength, before saying "C'mon, troublemaker. Let's at least make it back to the shuttle before winding up in any more trouble than we are."
[member="Varus Shatterstar"]