Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Call(Pirates Only)

Asari Morin

Asari sat upon his throne within the bridge of the Queens Malcontent, he had been silent for quite some time, unmoving and watching everything that was going on. Some might have been creeped out by this, others might have been terrified of retribution from their Captain. The men and women of Asari's ship however were neither. They were used to the Pirate King's silent stares, they knew that the look was not out of anger, hatred, or any other emotion, it was simply due to fatigue.

Even though the Pirate King looked to be quite youthful, with most people guessing he was in his late thirties Asari was actually quite old. He was nearly seventy six years old, not to mention that he had been frozen in carbonite for eight hundred years on top of that. Still, for all his moments filled with listlessness and fatigue the Pirate King was still a force to be reckoned with. He was unmatched in intelligence, and at times the disease that wracked his body afforded him great strength. It was sick twist brought to him by the old Empire, a curse and a gift.

Alec.” Asari's voice rang out over the bridge, it was not the tone of a meager old man, but the thunderous roar of a commander. A young man stepped up to Asari, a smile on his face.

“What do you need pops?”

It's time. The Hutt's have agreed to our bargain, call our brothers, our sisters. Every Pirate within the galaxy.” The man before Asari gave him a nod and immediately walked over to the communications booth. The Pirate King stirred, raising himself up against the back of his throne and sitting up straight for the first time in what felt like ages.

He knew his fellow pirates well. Most of them cared nothing for family, for crew, or anything of the like. All they wanted was money, and power. In his youth Asari had been much the same way, raiding Imperial worlds, killing innocents and slaughtering his way across the galaxy. In his old age however he had come to be far more sensible. He knew that if Pirates and their way of life was to survive in this day and age they would need to come together.

To fight the likes of the Sith Empire and The Republic, and hell even the Omega Protectorate the Pirates of the Galaxy would need to least to a point. They had to have the ability to fight together, to coordinate, and most importantly to find safe harbor. That was why Asari had struck his bargain with the Hutts. They would offer their controlled space as a place of safe passage for the Pirates, and in return the Pirates would aid in the Hutts more...expansive endeavors.

It was a simple bargain, but it was one that suited both factions. The Pirate King grumbled slightly as he looked beneath the veil of his hood. The other Pirates would come, if not out of sheer curiosity it would be for the potential gain of wealth. Asari had no doubts in his mind.

They would be meeting on neutral territory, a nearly abandoned space station that would serve as the perfect place for their little gathering. Each Pirate faction was allowed one ship within the sector, Asari would be bringing his flagship. “Alec, once you've sent the message make your way to the Dark Heart. Take command of the Fleet until my return.”

The Man nodded again, and within the hour he had left the Ship. Asari would be the first to arrive at the station, and then it would be a long wait for the others.

Kelsey Shadow

Although Kelsey had worked for a pirate named Roberts for years and learned almost everything she knew from him, she wasn't enlisted anymore. She'd formed her own jewelry company from the gemstones and other treasures she found during her digs and made her fortune selling those stolen artifacts on the black market. Still... once you had piracy in your blood it was difficult to ever be completely free. When she heard the call she knew she'd go. It would be interesting just to hear what they had to say. She had a small fortune thanks to her company and was willing to invest in ways.
So she started her journey to the meeting they were all called to attend.

Kaveh Garshasp

~Two weeks ago.
Gobar Nass was a reasonable man. He was an aging man. And he had been in this game for a long time to still be alive, the drunken fool he was. Many of the younger generation of pirates often wondered how he had ammased so much and have so little as his "fleet" consisted of only three ships, the Grizbain, an extensively modified Orion-Class heavy cruiser being his flagship. He agreed that he didn't have much in terms of ship strength, but he had amassed some pretty good fighter pilots and a loyal crew which was good enough for him. In all honesty, most of the credits went to the families of his crew, if they had one. If they didn't it went directly to them and the remainder went to himself and into his fleet for repairs or modifications. Some of his crew thought he was going soft and the few ones that challenged him were swiftly put down. Gobar Nass was not to be triffled with despite his happy-go-lucky disposition.

All of these things ran through his head as he lounged in his captain's chair. They were docked somewhere in Hutt Space for repairs and the sound of his baby being fixed up soothing him, lulling him to sleep. Beep! Beep! The sound of an incoming message woke him from his half-slumber. "Whatsa dis?" his deep voice filling the air. The most of his crew had gone out to the cantinas or in one of the Hutt's motels resting, the few that were here were running systems checks and personally taking care of the Astromechs. "Hmmm..." whomever it was was not giving any sort of indication of where it was being sent from. Usually if it was for work he would be looking at the Republic Navy seal, and the the Hutts he would be looking at his slimy friend Darrunga. So who was it? The com tech who happened to be on the bridge looked from the screen to her captain and back again. "Uhhhmm...Do you want me to bring it up sir?" He nodded, and the screen came to life. A hooded figure appeared on the screen and began to speak. Honestly he thought the whole message was ridiculous 'A Pirate King?' he thought to himself. He knew of stories of the being but he never believed the tales. With a heavy, troubled sigh he waved his hand to cut the feed. This meeting of Pirate Captains could wait another day or night. His crew needed the rest.

The journey from Nar Shaddaa had taken longer than expected, however he was still on time, according to his chrono. From this point, the message said only one ship per captain would be able to enter. Honestly he wanted to take the freighter and a small team with him, however...It was highly advised against. And so he would take his baby, the Grizbain into what very well could be a trap set up by the republic in order to strip his ship away and jail him for his most recent activities. "Yous ready?" he asked his crew. "Itsa time wesa meet dis so called Pirate King." he said as the ship began into jump into hyperspace.


Et in Arcadia Ego
The Arcadia emerged from within the nebulous cloud, a promise of doom and death with it's skull face. The weathered ship eased into a steady orbit around the station. A retrofitted Lambda class shuttle sailed towards the Space Station's hangar bay, the Wolfhead against the crossbones clear on its wings. Sigil of the Iron Wolf.
He emerged from the shuttle flanked by two of his best bruisers. Tig and Scrape were his best melee guys. Stand up guys, guys you wanted guarding your back when you were about to go into a room filled with Pirates.

The thought still filled him with revulsion. The very concept was an anathema to what Pirates stood for.

Most business between crews ought to be conducted with safe view of each other's guns. Over shortwave comm. The traditional way. However, one look at Ironwolf and you would not think he would need any backup. No matter how unnatural the situation.The Pirate was huge, and mean. His cybernetic eye glowed cold blue, and flared from time to time. He didnt quite head up to the meeting room yet, instead he lit a cigar and made his way to the Bar area of the Station. Hoping it was still operational.
The Grizbain: @[member="Gobar Nass"]

The very mention of the Pirate King made the large reptilian hiss in anger as he stood on the bridge of the Grizbain not to far from Captain Nass's position. It has been a mystery to most why the large beast of a barabel would be taking orders from a gungan but he does with the loyalty of a wookie paying a life debt and with that Loyalty Xar had gained the rank of First Mate aboard the Grizbain. Sure his ruthlessness and fearsome tactical mind made the choice easy but there was more to the story.

"Yesss Captain! This one will make sure we are ready to meet thissss sssself proclaimed king of ourssss" The murder in his voice vibrated in the barabel's growled tone and hisses. He looked from the captain, grabbing the railing before him as he looked upon the bridge crew "SSSOUND TO QUARTERSssss YOu BASTARDSSSS!"

With that the Grizbain crew with out hesitation sounded the battle alarms that would shake the crew into combat positions. Could be a over reaction but Xar Barka did not like being summoned to place of not his choosing as it tasted and smelt like a trap. He turned his head back to the Captain, his yellow eyes glaring deep into the gungan's "Thissss one doessss not like thisss plan, Captain! Thissss one thinksss there will be an offer and if one refussesss and not fall in like good obedient soldiers......." He let Gobar's imagination take it from there where the barabel was getting at.

Xar looked back towards the Crew " Be nothing but dusssst in the sssstarsss"

Kaveh Garshasp

What Xar had said had in fact crossed his mind and though his call to battle stations felt a little pre-mature, he understood why he did it. With a nod he agreed. "Thatsa why yousa gonna come wit mesa dalee dis meeting. Geofry, yousa has da deck! Keep them-sa safe." he said as he stepped out of his command chair and grabbed his bottle of lum. His vibrosword dangled loosely on his hip as he waved at Xar to follow him. By now docking procedures had been complete and it was safe to exit the ship and enter the space station where the meeting was being held. It was slightly less exciting than boarding a ship. He hoped that it stayed this way as the meeting progressed. Just before he disembarked Geofry, the man he had left in charge, opened a ship wide message in the hopes that his Captain would hear him. "Uh..sir We've got a nebulous cloud emerging." Everyone on the ship knew what that meant. Ironwolf, probably the most vicous pirate in the galaxy right now. "Oyl, moole, moole. Dis jus got intrestin." he mumbled as he stepped off and into the space station. Oyl, moole indeed.

Asari Morin

Asari now sat within the meeting hall. There was a long table with chairs on either side and one chair at the head of the table. The self proclaimed Pirate King sat in this chair with his face resting lightly within his hand. He was waiting for the Pirates to actually show up. He expected most of them to be “fashionably” late and or not show until about an hour after the meeting started. Most Pirates became as such because they disliked authority and garnered some sort of freedom. They weren't ones to follow rules or anything of the sort.

So he simply waited, he had no issue with this and he did not grow any angrier the longer he waited. He had all the time in the world...figuratively, he was dying after all. Still he was willing to wait several hours for people to actually show up, he was well aware that several of them had already arrived on the station.

“Wayward little ducklings.” Asari commented to himself as he waited for the other pirates. He was a patient old man, and waiting had never been a problem. He would wonder the reactions he would get from some of the younger more...rebellious pirates. This age had been full of surprises, perhaps there would be more.
@[member="Gobar Nass"]

Xar Barka stepped into the station alongside his Captain, his blaster rifle slung to his back and a bandolier of assorted grenades strapped across his torso with a verpine pistol holstered to his right hip. He also had a vast array of blades for he had always believed that one could never have enough daggers and knives for any situation. He wore a simple battle armour that covered his chest arms and legs with plating, he wasn't want for extravagant or flashy.

"Ironwolf!" The barabel hissed knowing the man's reputation and sensing the uneasiness with in his captain. "Issss nothing above mortal that this one could make a meal out of" Xar jested to encourage his captain in his own twisted sense of humour.
RCs crew had relayed his message to him while he was on planet. With a swiftness RC had the crew of his Venator the Dreadstar make preperations to depart. After flying through hyperspace for a very long time they were coming closer ot where the meeting was to take place. RC was not a very well know pirate and neither was his crew. They called themselves RC's Raiders.
He had been handed down the ship and the crew by a former captain who had died on his last raid in the outer riim territories. Having been found and iniated only a few years ago by the man RC was just as surprised as the crew, but managed to step up to the plate. Mutineers had been quickly executed and hung in the hangars for all to see.
RC was no average pirate however. He was a Mandalorian, as were most of his crew. RC's raiders were the more bloodthirsty Mando'ad that had choosen the path of more bloodshed than not. Consequently most were not recieved with a warm welcome in Mandalorian space, but RC still maintained good terms with the Mandalore easing the hosilities.
"Sir we are approaching the Station."
RC simply scowled from beneath his helmet.
"Prepare the crew to refit our ship. As for for me I'll go alone."
The crew was used to his absemnce, being that he owrked three roles as a Mercenary, Mandalorian soldier and a pirate.
"Good luck, try not an let the boys kill each other while I'm gone eh?" He murmred to Silas, his first mate.


Et in Arcadia Ego
@[member="Xar Barka"]@[member="Gobar Nass"]

The bar luckily was open, though on its last legs. The liquor quite foul. Potent, but foul. He was walking with a bottle of something that was purple, a snake like shadow moved inside from time to time. He was headed to the meeting room when he made a dead stop. Something irked his nose, deliberately the dread pirate sniffed the air.

"Ahhhhh....Id recognize that stench anywhere."

He made a turn down a corridor and his bruisers followed. The three of them soon came upon the party of Gobar Naas.


His good eye narrowed.

"I thought I smelt stale lizardflesh around here. So Captain Gobar Naas has been invited to this little conclave too eh?"

Something horrible happened to his face then, it twitched at the sides while his eyes (yes even the cybernetic one) somehow became even more threatening and his lips rose up to his sides. However a neutral observer would realize it as Ironwolf's attempt at a smile.

"What's your take on this eh? You trust this lot enough to go into a room with them?"

He took a step closer.

"You trust me enough?"
RC bumped into Ironwolf as he walked towards the meeting room. He stepped back for a second and immediately reached his hand to clasp the grip of his Verpine Shattergun. Then he realized who he was looking at and untensed only a bit. He had been lost in his own thought s and calculations as he moved down the hall towards the meeting room.

"Well hello." He stated dryly. RC was not a fan of any other pirates besides himself. It showed in his demeanor towards the man.


Et in Arcadia Ego
"I think the word you were looking for..."

Ironwolf suddenly turned back to glare at the Mandalorian.

"Was sorry buckethead. Spent too long wearing that armor and helmet, must be addling your brains."

What do you expect? When you bait a Pirate, the Pirate always bites. With many teeth, many many teeth. The two Bruisers stepped up and started advancing but Ironwolf stopped them with a slight nod.

"Another unknown nobody with a ship. Would just be a waste of my time."

With that he turned back to face the Gungan Pirate.
The barabel could hardly restrain himself from lunging towards Ironwolf and feeding upon his flesh. It would be a meal that Xar would remember for the rest of his life. The taste of his blood, the texture of his entrails but what would be the most remember would the blank stare of death and horror he would have on his face as the feasting began. The large reptilian licked the air with pleasure as he day dreamed of such fantasies though his combat reflexes were on par, his hands inching towards chosen weapons.

"Ssseeeemssss you are here to bow to a king, Iron-whelp!" Snarled Xar Barka as he stepped forward to place himself between his captain and the Ironwolf. "Thissss one thinkssss there are many sssself proclaimed Pirate kingssssss" he slighted at the reputation of Ironwolf who also called himself a pirate king, lord or some other form of royalty.

"Maybe thissss one will make it one lesssss?" That was a direct challenge, a threat to kill the ironwolf as the barabel stood there staring coldly into his eyes, both were almost the same height so there wasn't much adjustment to meet the glare. There was no denying such, the Grizbain and the Arcadia have had crossings and there was obviously no love loss between the crews.

Kaveh Garshasp

The aging Gungan's eyes narrowed as the sultry sight of Captain Ironwolf came into view. He was with two guards, neither looked very friendly. Crossing his arms his ear flaps twitched as the captain drew out his name. The two crews didn't have the best history what with Gobar running privateer gigs for the Republic and the two pirates having like-mind targets their paths have crossed on more than one occasion, often ending in hostility. Because of this he could understand his bloodthirsty friend's reaction to the man. Regardless, he was here not to fight. There was no loot, nor a a job that Ironwolf was getting in the way of.

Outstretching a hand before his first-mate he shook his head, his eyes still glaring at the Captain. "Dis not be da time nor da place." he reassured his comrade. The captain's words, though genuinely a question and one that should be answered, was filled with spite and almost a direct challenge. But he knew first hand the power of his flagship and he was not about to risk his ship and crew over a stupid chance meeting. "Mesa tink dat wesa might as well listen an see what hesa 'as to say." he answered, his gruff voice thick with the smell of alcohol. "Weada or not mesa trust you isa up to yu." he added, lowering his arm and nodding to the other Mandalorian pirate, or at least a pirate in Mandalorian armor. Weather or not he lived up to that armor was yet to be seen. Taking a swig of his lum he walked forward and passed Ironwhelp as his XO had so eloquently put it. "Now, wesa 'ave a meeting besa at, ne Ironwhelp?." he called back, bringing back his first mate's earlier insult, his ear flaps bouncing up and down with his walk. This meeting was going to be interesting...
RC laughed manically at the huge mans threatening demeanor. He was no coward and maybe the bucket did adle his brains. It stopped RC from getting the familiar taste of blood in his mouth as he decapitated his foes. It was very distressing.
RC drew his Twin Verpine Shatter guns and uleashed a volley of rounds into the ceiling, cuasing small amounts of dust and metal to shower the area. This would no doubt infuriate the crews.
After the burst he reholstered the weapons and stepped in between the lizard and the man. almost touching chests with Ironwolf.
"Your petty threats dont impress me Di'kut. If we werent here on official business I wouldnt think twice about spearing you and your goons on the end of my bayonett. Dont forget that."
RC moved on following the Gungan pirates suit. He hadnt the time nor the patince to deal with the man. He had a meeting to go to and many missions after that for his Raiders to complete.
The captain insisted on no bloodshed and Xar was one to always follow the captains orders. He quickly deescalated his aggression, even before the cowboy of a mando fired a few rounds in the roof. The barabel only snarled towards RC in reaction to his gun play as he followed the gungan pirate giving the ironwolf's crewmen a slight brush of his massive shoulder that was executed with a Toothy smile while walking passed.

Asari Morin

Asari was still patiently waiting for the others to come, he was well aware of the commotion they had caused down below. This station although not owned by him was well enough connected to him that most of the people who dwelled here permanently reported to him when something happened. He'd rather not have two dozen pirates fighting and killing each other before they even had a chance to talk, this would be difficult enough as it was.

Most of the people who he had invited here held some Fame and note, some were cut throats, others were raiders, and the rest were just best described as plain old Pirates and Privateers. All of them however had Ego's, including Asari himself.

As the assorted pirates stepped through the door(I'm moving us forward here if anyone has complaints ill edit) Asari stood from his seat. The veil across his face somewhat hid his identity, though likely most of the people coming here today would still recognize him. The Self Proclaimed Pirate King wasn't exactly famous, but his fleet had gained some notoriety for being rather...precise.

“Gentlemen, Ladies, so glad you could join me.” Again his voice did not fit his stature of demeanor. While he looked somewhat old and crippled his voice was that of a Commander, a man in charge. With a wave of his hand he offered each of the Pirates a seat, welcoming them to the table. As they stepped into the room he eyed all of them, taking note of their behaviors.

Kaveh Garshasp

@[member="Asari Morin"] @[member="Xar Barka"] @Ironwolf @RC 212 @[member="Kelsey Shadow"]
With a nod, Gobar shuffled into the room along with his fellow pirates. All around him he saw big names, a few of them he knew personally. There were however, a few no name pirates whom he assumed came based on some rumor. He clicked his tongue that was one thing he came to find out about pirates. When they wanted to they could keep their mouths shut, but any other time they were the biggest gossipers in the whole damn galaxy. For the big name pirates there were seats at a large table where the mysterious man whom called himself 'The Pirate King' was, of course, at the head. Taking his own seat he waited for someone to speak. When no one did he heaved a heavy sigh and sat up in his chair. "So." he said. "What did yousa call us here for, Pirate King?" he said the last part with slight distaste.

His eyes narrowed as we watched and waited for the so called "King" to answer. No doubt Ironwolf had questions of his own as did the other pirates. The biggest one that was probably on everyone's mind was 'How closely would they have to work together?' and 'What this "alliance of pirates" entailed'. He wouldn't like. He wanted to know just as much as the other guy. But he would allow the man to speak before accusing him of wild things.
RC took his own seat and glared from inside his helmet at Ironwolf. He too was curious to know why they had been called. RC's Raiders were mostly Mandalorian pirates, and they were not fond of outsiders. If they had to help each other out from time to time that was one thing, but RC swore to himself no one would step foot on his vesssel.
"I too am interested in what you have say."
RC did not use the mans title purposely. Though he may be a great pirate warlord or captain or whatever the man was RC and his Raiders answered to one man alone in the galaxy. And that was the Mandalore. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, hands on the table as a sign of goodwill.
@[member="Asari Morin"] @RC 212 @[member="Gobar Nass"]

The muffled thuds of the large 8 foot Tof's steps echoed through the hallways. Fayde ducked slightly as he passed under the height of the main entrance. His green skin shimmered from a thin sheen of oils and sweats. He wore his classic battle armor, pieces of Turan-Iron alloy with brown leather straps. A modern day giant among his fellow creatures, Fayde drew attention whenever he entered a room. Some saw him as a lumbering oaf, others as a formidle enemy. He stopped and scanned the room looking at all the other beings, pirates, assorted creatures, and general scum of the galaxy. Fayde held his head high as he sniffed the air, taking in the various scents of the other pirates. He always learned to smell the air when entering a new room, smells he would never forget...

Most of the seats were already occupied, even though the seats wouldn't support his size or weight anyhow. Fayde slowly strided to the far corner of the room, within view of the other pirates, but hidden enough not to distract from the meeting that had already started. A pirate was already speaking to the self proclaimed "king" of pirates.

Fayde smiled a toothy grin as he thought to himself... "They shall eat this "kings" liver if he isn't careful."

His interest was perked, being new to the Cartel, and to the Galaxy itself....

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