Asari looked at all of the pirates with a seemingly listless glance. To most of them he must have seemed weak, dejected, and utterly ill-at place here with some famous names. He smiled, a knowing and ridiculing smile at some of them. Slowly the old Pirate stood up from his seat, placing both hands on the table before him. As he did so something seemed to slither beneath his robes upon his arm, the soft cloth flicking as a creature moved itself around his body.
Before it could be questioned however Asari began to speak, his voice taking absolute control of the room. “My name is Asari Morin.”
He stopped for a few seconds, glancing again at several faces around the room.
“And I am here to tell you one simple truth. Our way of life is dying.” The Pirate King stopped after that. To many of them this would not at all be a surprise, in fact most of them would scoff at his words and call him an idiot, but Asari had been here before, on the eve of the rise of an Empire. “Yes, some of us go on, others even flourish, but we won't for long. The Republic, The Empire, and even the Omega Protectorate all grow. Not two years ago the galaxy had been ours for the taking. We plundered, we raided, we killed with no true government standing in our ways. Now, not one but three have risen and each one grows in size every day. Their fleets are vast, their armies massive, and their territories well protected.”
“We can go on for a time perhaps. Raiding their worlds, taking their wealth and plundering their ships. But for how long can we last without a home base? A place to stop, rest, and repair?” Asari stopped again, this time he let the veil that shrouded his face move to the side a bit, showing the scarring upon the face. “The answer should be self evident to all of you. Not very long. You can all deny it, say you're invincible, that your crew is the best and the brightest. Though you all know its a lie. Even the best ship needs repairs, and even the best crew needs to rest at some point.”
Asari spoke simple truths, that had always been his way and it always would be. “So I have called you here to give you a solution, a place to rest, to repair, and unwind.”
The Pirate King lifted a hand off the table and pulled something from his robes, a small disc like object. He pressed a key upon the disc and then threw it onto the table. It slid into the middle and then activated, projecting the image of a space station.
“A home for all of us. In a territory where we will be more than welcome. I have made a Deal with the Hutts, and the station is already being built.” Asari looked at them all, a smile upon his face. He wondered how many would actually go for it. He knew some would, others might be more...hesitant however. Either way, Asari would have his home.