Within moments the barkeep set a steaming mug down in front Ordo and moved away. The odor of the drink was repulsive and Ordo was certain he could clean carbon from a firing pin with the stuff, but with little hesitation he took a deep drink. The burning sensation that followed was not unlike what was expected and felt similar to gargling starship fuel, but it carried with it a good kick and the old familiar feeling crept into his cheeks.
He took the time while raising his glass to survey the other patrons using his peripheral vision and quick darting glances. The assembled group was trouble if he ever saw it and he'd seen enough to know. The deep and numerous scars on his face contorted oddly as the bent around his wry grin.
"You sure can pick a Cantina, boy'o." he said to himself before finishing his mug and motioning for another. With luck no one would get liquid courage and start looking for fights.
He took the time while raising his glass to survey the other patrons using his peripheral vision and quick darting glances. The assembled group was trouble if he ever saw it and he'd seen enough to know. The deep and numerous scars on his face contorted oddly as the bent around his wry grin.
"You sure can pick a Cantina, boy'o." he said to himself before finishing his mug and motioning for another. With luck no one would get liquid courage and start looking for fights.