Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Captured Snake

Pain. What he first felt was a distant, throbbing pain. The kind of pain you feel when the pain killers first start wearing off and it all comes back to you. A throbbing pain from his legs and left arm.

Belgerath awoke in a medical bay, his head starting to slowly turn around as his force 'sight' kicked in. He was weak, even his vision was dark at the edges. Why was he here? How did he get here? Or rather, where was here in the first place? These thoughts started to quickly scream through his mind in all directions, and for a few moments they overwhelmed him. But he forced himself to clam down. He wrangled in his emotions, thinking back. The skirmish against the Silver Sanctum. He had been a scout, and he had gotten engaged by an enemy. A Jedi Knight, he believed. And then he had lost. It was a painful defeat, first the lightning, then the drain and the building... And pain had followed that. Right about then it dawned on him, his left arm. The Sith Assassin shifted his body tiny amounts, to feel and move his terribly aching body, but his left arm... Didn't move.

To be exact, he had no left arm to move. It was a simple stub now. When he had been found and tended to by any form of doctor or healer, they would have been able to tell that the limb was crushed beyond any repair and that leaving it there would cause more harm then good. So it had been removed. His left shoulder had also been rather badly damaged, enough to make doing a proper prosthetic for it rather difficult and costly.

All that Belgerath could tell however was that he was missing his left arm, but why? When he thought about it, he rememberd it clearly.. The building fell in ontop of him, and it had... Crushed his arm. The memory of the pain caused him to quietly groan, his body shivering and trying to move. If he was on any medical sensors, he would naturally have started to show life and vital signs of a person who was awake. Though perhaps a bit earlier then expected, his body appeared quite tenatious.

[member="Junko Ike"]

The medical teams that were working within the sanctum were some of the more skilled. Sakura was trained for trauma and damage like he had sustained while the jedi knight herself was moving and that had him in one of the stasis fields for healing and providing him with what they could as she looked him over sitting there in one of the chairs before the hushed casket was set up for her to look at with the medical droids. "Are you awake?" She asked it while watching and looking at him more because asking if he was alright seemed a little silly given how she had found him. The atrisian prepared herself for some of the things while she was sitting there prepared to listen to him.
He looked around the room at the droids and the other person there. His dimmed vision made it a bit difficult to tell, but he thought it was a woman, and when he heard her voice he was rather certain of it. She seemed familiar, with that blue aura. It was one of the last things he had seen as his mind slowly faded to black, a small, blue glow through the encasing blackness. So that had been her then, and he had been saved by the enemy. Or was it captured, such was yet to be seen. "..I am awake, yes." He responded with a lack of breath behind his words, suddenly finding that he needed much more air before he could speak. After a minor coughing fit from his lungs kicking back into gear, he managed to speak a bit more properly. "I am indeed among the living, and awake.. Where is this?" Belgerath asked, his head tilting a bit and looking around the room in a lazy manner, before returning to look at her for her awnser. He was fairly certain of who she was, that being a Silver Sanctum Jedi, which made where he was his primary concern, with why he was here being a very close second. Why was easier to guess, so he stuck with where for now.

[member="Junko Ike"]

She was looking at him and sitting there while she looked over many of the things. "This is the hospital." She said it sitting there with a small nod of her head before she was waiting to see what might be happening. They were set up to take care of him and medical droids as well as the different people. "You were brought here because more then likely your own people would have left you to bleed out. Those hushed caskets are designed for healing and preserving you." She remained looking at him tapping her fingers on one of the tables with a small look of amusement and raised her eyebrows in excitement almost of what was at least goingt o be talked about. Getting some information was good and it would help in the long run given how no one else from the raid seemed to be around."
So he was at a hospital then, rather then the infirmary of a military base. It was actually a bit of a suprise to Belgerath, though with how badly he had been damaged it wasn't like he could just to leap out of the bed and run for it, meaning tight security was not exactly needed. That or the security that was there was just around the corner, either or were both quite possible. "Aah, i see.. So i have pity to thank then? Or was it grace, mercy?" He asked with a careful, slightly guarded tone. It was quite possibly of course for none of those reasons, what she said might have been a simple emotional ploy to try and get information a bit easier in the near future. So he chose his words and did his best to guard them carefully, though with the foggy, drained state his mind was in that guard was prone to being careless.

"Though, i suppose that doesn't matter much either." He said with a very small shrug of his shoulders. "I can only assume you are here for questions then, about the skirmish?" That was the only real assumption he could make in the moment, wouldn't be any other real reason to be here, talking too him. Well, no other real reason he himself could think of at any rate.

[member="Junko Ike"]

"Not quite." She remained there looking at him. "See leaving you to do is very unjedi like, all life is worth saving at least at first and a dying being is not as much of a threat. Besides with the way it went where the grand plan of saving a jedi who only wanted to run off with the sith anyways is concerned it was easier to rescue you." And it showed she had more compassion and stuff to the others as she had managed to stop a sith Ax'no without fighting her and made her retreat, then rescued an injured sith. Her vanity and ego in the situation was far more important as this situation only served to prove why the lightside was in many ways better compared to others. Leaving him to die would have been something that didn't show how impressive or better then the lowly drek she was. "Saving you and bringing you here looks good on me."
"Uh-huh." The Sith managed to say a bit weakely after those words. It took a minute for his slow mind to properly process her words in his only just awake state, after six days or so of being under. But when it did, he couldn't help but laugh. Belgerath was amused by how blatant and straight forward she was about exactly why she did what she did. It was ironically honest and unexpected from a Jedi, at least from what he knew of them. His mirth was cut short by a small coughing fit, his lungs after having been shut down for so long were still on the weakside and couldn't handle the heavy breathing, managing to catch his breathing back up after a few moments. "..That was a suprisingly straight forward and honest awnser." Belgerath said with a wry look across his face. He didn't think she was lying. Stretching the truth a bit maybe, but not lying. So he assumed she was being honest and awnserd with that assumption in mind. "So i assume you would want to continue that trend, and try and convert me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. This conversation was not going how he expected it too, at all. What he had prepared for was detainment and interrogation, rather then a bedside discussion. Though then again, it was always possible this was an elaborate ploy, so he kept up his guard to keep from letting anything important slip.

[member="Junko Ike"]

"Lying belittles us both, I am not one to sully my reputation or my position by lying to someone that is not worth it." She said it and well she was self aware which is what made it bad for some people, she knew she was a spoiled brat of a jedi princess who was not the most nice but she was more then willing to well work on some fo the things. She thought about converting or talking about him and trying to get him to join the light but... "No jedi are required to take regular baths and maintain some hygiene you still smell even after they have cleaned you up." She held her hand up to her face and waved it to indicate that he might still smell to her while she was sitting there. "Besides, the jedi do not kill prisoners. That dos not mean we can't put you away somewhere quiet."
Not going to sully her reputation by lying to someone who isn't worth it? He wanted to get angry at that one, he really did. But he knew she wasn't wrong, even if it pissed him off. That and he was not exactly in a postion to react, at all. 'Yes, let the man who couldn't lift himself up out of bed fruitlessly shout profanities. The world shall surely tremble in terror.' He thought as she went on her remarks about his state of cleanliness, or lack there of. "I have been out for... Days, i can only assume, with legs that look like a charred gizak, and missing arm. Yet you are going to make remarks about me smelling. Well excuse me, princess. Turns out that burnt, decayed flesh smells." He was going to say more but started to run out of breath, though that was probably for the best. Right now he wasn't able to keep his head level and needed to learn to shut his trap. "I know about your custom of not killing prisoners, Jedi. Not that i get much say in what happens now regardless, unless you have something else in mind and arn't sharing." Belgerath didn't expect them to do anything like negotiating. Put simply, there was no need, or at least no need she had let on about so far. Though Belgerath was not going to simply give information he had, he was no man who betrayed at the drop of a hat. Which made him wonder how he was going to get out of this situation. Right now, he did not like how it was looking.

[member="Junko Ike"]

[bahahahahaha best reaction ever]

Junko didn't let anything slip from her face but she was surprised by his outburst before he got tired and motioned for the medical droid. "Well see what happens when you have an outburst. All that anger is like a poison and it will kill you far faster then the injuries which we have stopped and have been grafting skin from sources for you. As well as some limbs, all and all you should be at least decent about it. I am certain if your sith masters had found you they would have left you after some grandstanding about weakness and whatever. Where as the jedi are the ones who would actually try and make sure you survive. So a little gratitude." She said it while remaining there prepared for any of the things that could happen and more talking but was wondering what he was thinking.
(Glad ye liked it ;), sorry about the slow reply had to deal with a lot of stuff over the past few days that kept me from being able to sit down and write)

He was basically fine, the fit of breathlessness only lasting a moment and not having any paticular affect. Though she had slightly misjudged his emotions on the matter. "Less anger, more being a smart aleck." The Assassin remarked idly, and he was not lying. Though he couldn't say she was completely wrong about the part on what the Sith would do, she was not quite right either. "First of all, you arn't wrong about the Sith, though not fully right either. They are more willing to take care of their own then you.... Jedi, like to admit. They would have probably just pulled me out, healed me up and left me without a left arm.. Then givem me some crazy mission to make sure i was still... Useful." Belgerath paused here, making sure he had his breath in him fine before continuing. "As for gratitude, well, you are not wrong. So yeah thanks for making sure i did in fact not die." He said, with suprising earnesty before continuing.

"But i am already in more debt to you then i would like. If you are preparing a limb, no thanks." He said bluntly, maybe even with a bit of pride. Even if many sith would be okay with taking a favor and not repaying it, he did not. Even for a Sith, and an Assassin of all people, honor was something to be kept in mind. In his mind in a perhaps ironic manner, honor and trust were two of the mose valueable things an assassin could have.

[member="Junko Ike"]

Hmm she heard him and made no real indication that she had actually heard it but it made sense though proving you were useful to the people who you were willing to lose a limb for and they aren't even willing to spring for a new one seemed cheap on their end.... Hmm maybe the One Siths economy was just as bad as many groups in the galaxy as well. Something to think about while she was going and. "Either way, you are injured and taking the limb or not taking the limb are going to be in that stasis field for several days while they continue to attend to you. That it is an entrophy field means you won't know how long it takes just that you go to sleep and then wake up better."
He didn't like the sound of that. He could deal with the being out for several days while being healed, that would be normal considering how damaged he was. But Belgerath had no idea what they might, or might not, do to him in that time. Though he didn't expect the Jedi to do anything drastic, he made a mental note to give himself a checkdown after he woke up when he was physically able. "Suppose i don't get much say in ih huh. Just do me a favor and leave prosthetics out of it." He added with a wry tone, with a tint of weariness too it. In truth, he had been suppressing just how taxed his mind and body was and had been hiding it rather well, but it was starting to creep over him. He wanted to think on how to get out of this... Mess he found himself in. But there was certainly nothing he could do now. 'Might as well fall asleep.' He thought wrly, and assuming she had nothing more to discuss at this moment in time, he would do that. Sleep and rest to prepare his mind and body to try and get out of wherever he was. Atleast, that is what he hoped to do.

[member="Junko Ike"]

Junko waved him off while she was leaving and he could go to sleep as they started back up the field to well put him in stasis. It was easier to work on things when they weren't at a risk of waking up and as the hours and days passed to repair him without the prosthetic she looked at him get set in the one chamber for recovering patients. Feeding tube so he could get air and food as needed but he was healed for the most part and there wasn't any more bleeding so that helped. Junko herself was standig there while she focused the white current on him to focus and enclose him and the tank. Making the illusion around them of a field that she could see through but it looked like Tython while she stood there waiting for him to wake up.
He was mildly amused by the wave off, before memory went black and he went under for the days. Around four days was a complete and full recovery with a lot of through attention and care. If it had only been the obvious injuries that had been inflicted, it would have not taken so much time. But after having his life force drained to embers by his opponent at the skirmish, it lengthend the process considerably. The fact that he was still alive was a testamate to his will, or perhaps his luck. His sleeping mind was easily put into the illusion and after seven minutes he awoke, 'opening' his eyes as his mind started back up again full and proper. He had no eyes being a pure Mirilukan, but he looked around regardless at the very odd local. "..Not what i expected to see when i woke up.."

[member="Junko Ike"]

"It is supposed to be more helpful for the recovery process to be in a place you can find comfortable." She said it with a nod of her head while walking a little and letting the look on her face show. "Your injuries should be healed properly now and well the real question is what wil happen to you." There was a couple of things and really none involved a punishment befitting a sith but that was because jedi didn't kill people, nor did that seek vengeance in dangerous problems. She was working on many of the things until her attention went to a datapad that was produced in her hand. "Imprisonment is a big thing that can happen but that can drain resources."
"To help speed up the process huh?" It wasn't any place he had seen with his own eyes before, that was for sure. Though he was used too jungles and heavily forested areas, even swamps. "Well that is more or less what i expected. Imrpisonment and having people throw away the keys. But that begs the question of if keeping me is worth the costs as you said. And i would imagine not. There isn't much to gain from keeping me locked up somewhere. Im not some great, well known sith, nor some secret one with great hidden knowledge. At best, keeping me is a net neutral, or a net negative at worst." He stopped there for the moment, waiting for her response to his words, to see if they were thinking down the same thought process, or not.

[member="Junko Ike"]

"Why do you have to be well know or have great knowledge? Why can't we just treat this as we got a sith, a servant of the darkside out of the galaxy before he could really do harm to the galaxy and endanger millions of people. We can't help the ones you have hurt but we can save potential victims of you and what you might have done. As to cost, well that is why we have people like [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] who can decide your fate now that you are fit to stand trial if he deems it." She shrugged standing there and tapping a finger to her chin cause it did matter what the grandmaster wanted to do as well as what the ones like [member="Coci Heavenshield"] wanted to do with him. Leaving him in a cell with food, clothing and after care for his wounds was humane.
"Because for keeping me, you get no reknown for having captured a strong warrior. You also do not get possible information you could get from a person with vast knowledge. With me all you have is a man with lots of time. As for potential victims, if you think all sith make a habit of killing every sentient being they see for pleasure then you are sorely mistaken. In the same way that not all you Jedi are out an about doing everything in your power to heal and save all you can. You have your Guardians, your Sentinels, your Consulars, Keepers of Knowledge, seekers of truth and scholars. Yet you would seen to take the brush of the 'darkside' and paint all Sith as evil and dispicable in their nature. Most curious." The Sith was clearly much more mentally active now and capable compared too before, when he was just barely awake and still intensly drained. There was a suprising degree of self control she might note, depending on if she was paying attention.

[member="Junko Ike"]

Junko looked at him and oh this was going to be fun as she shifted the neutral look on her face going from expressionless to something she preferred debates at times. "I do not consider all sith to be killers but the base foundation is conflict, to show your strength. Those weaker then you have not proven their value or earned a reason to survive. More kill the weak then find purpose beyond fodder I have seen and even less seem to show strength beyond brute force. I have heard the arguments some have made where they whine like children claiming they follow the darkside for the good of the people, how their view makes them better able to decide what is right. Delusions of children who become over sensitive if you imply or point out the atrocities that sith can commit and have done many times." She had met some sith like that, even saying sith and evil made them throw a tantrum.

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