Lord Commander

"Because Exposing Yourself To Enemy Fire Is For Idiots"
- Intent: To provide a basic system for Shrouded Republic and Ancient Eye Infantry that is linked to their HUD system and weapons.
- Image Source: X
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: The Ancient Eye
- Model: C.A.R.G.S. A1
- Affiliation: The Ancient Eye
- Modularity: No
- Production: Mass Produced
- Material: Electronics, transparisteel and Synthmesh
Battlefield display
Information load
Pre battle loatouts
High Definition Holoprojector
I can shoot you, you can't shoot me: Almost like having a camera the CARGS shows a display on the weapon of what's it's aiming at and it's surroundings using a holoprojection in real time. This means that a soldier can be able to pop out his weapon from cover and shoot the enemy without exposing himself to enemy fire.
I can see what my brothers see: It's a hive mind system to put it simply. All systems work on the same main computer which is broken into many lines each having hierarchy but all sharing the same information. While the soldier will be able to see live battlefield information of his immediate unit he can also if necessary tap into the feeds of other units and the battlefield as a whole.
Energy dependent and hard to reload: This will drain your power like a sponge, just like reloading a rifle you will need to reload it the problem is you need to take out the CARGS display and replace it, that being really hard because it's time consuming and it's not something you want to do in battle. Once you replace the battery you also need to put the system back on the rifle. All in all, it's a bad time to be reloading.
Well...There goes my cover: It's shiny, meaning using it at night will let everyone and their grandma know where you are. Even during the day in urban environments or in broad daylight you can see that shiny blue hue of the holoprojector.
Here I am! Shoot me!: You are in a firefight, you got the enemy pinned down, the dude pops his weapon up and it's glowing. Common sense dictates what you should do next right? Just try to shoot first like Greedo.
Specialized: Can only be used on Rifles and Carbines.
The CARGS Electronic display stands for Combat Awareness Rifle Guiding System, it is a device hooked up to an individuals rifle that allows them to have a heightened sense of situational awareness. It works from holoprojector hooked up to your HUD and to the weapon itself that tells the users several different battle field details. It can tell the distance of firing weapons properly marking out those that are friendly and those that are not marked down as hostile or unknown combatants. It can tell windage, elevation and even account for the various different types of gravitational pulls on the galaxy.
Particles like sand, dust and fog can also be cleared slightly due to it's advanced depth perception system that it sports. It has helpful advice like balancing the weapon, trigger aid and the favorite sight alignment and shot prediction. The electronic system is simple and robust, cheap and easy to manufacture but the interface and the programming and training to use it is not so it balances itself out.
The CARGS is a standard of any infantry fighting soldiers in The Ancient Eye across the board.