Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Case for Minor Factions and Their Ability to Rebel

Honestly, the only way to protect your little hex as a minor, active faction is to do the naturally occurring evolution of major faction.

Only then can you honestly keep the hill one stands on.

If it is currently occupied by another major faction? Make a major faction next to it and invade the hex. Turn it neutral. Win. Dominion and then profit.

If a minor faction is as active and can gain as many allies as it likes with key mandates, it’s possible to do.

It really doesn’t end up being any different as a rebellion save you mod get more resources and clout when you go major.


News They Don't Want Heard
Fatty's suggestion seemed legit to me.

There were/are plenty of minor governments out there who are content to stay minor but would put up a fight if someone came knocking. They should have the chance to do so.
Ya know, the fact that a topic keeps being brought up (i.e. The influence of a minor faction) should be enough to sort of hint at the need for continued conversation. The age old 'this has been discussed, not gonna change' sentiment is tiresome and feels...unnecessary.

I like Fatty's suggestion.

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
As a faction owner of a minor faction? I personally do not panic when I hear a major faction wishes the do a Dom of the Hapes Consortium hex. Not every Dominion is the same. Often it is political and some major factions wish a way around or through the hex. Often they wish to discuss trade.

Sometimes they might wish to take it by force. In most cases those major factions do welcome opposition. Yes without the title of it being a rebellion it would be called a Dominion. In a Dominion a major will always win.

Win or loss, it really does not matter. What matter are the story opportunities going forward? Just because a person losses their home does not mean their life is over. There would be nothing to stop them from developing future story line of them fighting to take back their home.

Some of the options do look nice though I’ve seen mentioned. Fatty’s idea does open it for the board to monitor and helps to create more opportunities. I can see why Staff would be a little bit worry about getting overwhelmed by a surge of Rebellions. I personally would only like to see Rebellion every once as a while. It should not be a main course served daily for dinner. To me it would be better served as icing on a cake served for a rare desert.


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[member="Allana Badeaux"]
They are pretty rare when it comes to the dominion response. The recent ones have largely resulted from major faction recalls.

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