Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cat Came Back (Open)

“Nothing perrrsonal” The cathar growled to himself as he pawed the left side of his temple then slightly rubbing his artificial left eye. It had been some time now since he had been duped by two marks and almost paying the ultimate price for underestimating them. Nothing like a laser bolt through the head to make one’s perspective on life change.

A second chance at life, a chance not many get and here Khull was sitting in Mos Eisly cantina with his feet up on the table and his chair slightly tipped back. Nothing more then a big lounge cat relaxing and enjoying his surroundings and his drink…..always with the drink. His old nerf leather duster was open exposing his chest armour along with the DL 44 that was holstered under his left armpit. Bertha rested nicely in her holster upon the cathar’s right thigh and a large bowie style vibro knife sheathed to his left hip. By all means the cat was armed to the teeth as it seemed old habits die just as hard as he did. It would also seemed that his fresh perspective on life hasn’t changed his career choice by much or his attraction to danger.

Thing was, he had a new lease on life and wanted to make the most of it. Got himself a nicish ship and now just needed to find work and possibly a crew….. And what better place to find what you want then in Mos Eisley where you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy…..his kind of people.


לוֹחֶם מְפַקֵד
Vendir walked into a mos Isely cantina. He scanned around spotting no one other than the lowlifes and a cathar. He looked at his weapons then went to the bar. The bartender turned to him "what do ya want" he asked. Vendir turned to him "nothing. I don't drink"
The bartender just shrugged and walked off.

Khull skulled the remnants of his drink and rose from his chair. It seemed that if he was to look for interaction that sitting all lonesome at the back of the bar was not going to get what he wanted. The human that had just walked in would be his first target and the large Cathar made his way up to the bar.

“Anotherrr drriink!” The outlawish cat purred in his deep toned accented voice as he reached the bar stool beside Vendir. The bartender did not even need to ask what kind of drink for Khull was a regular and all the bartenders and waitress knew what he liked, the Correllian spiced Ale.

Khull looked over to the human stranger to his left, curiosity written all over the cathar’s face. “Vhelcome to Mos Eisely! I am Khull, Captain of the Banshee” The Large human like cat introduced in hopes that this man may either be in need of transport or in need of a job. Like the old proverb, A captain’s goal is simple: Find a Crew, Find a Job and Keep flying.
Lancer looked up from the corner, the darkness of the corner making sure that he wasn't disturbed by people looking for an autograph. There was a loud cathar, and a burly Sith-type. He set his hand down, grasping his beer slowly. He wanted to see how this all played out. A drunk Cathar ranting about being the captain of some ship, and now, a Sith. He knew Sith when he saw them. Or at least, what he thought as Sith. The air changed around them, he could feel the uneasiness in the air. Though not that it deterred his shots much, it just encouraged him to be better with them.

He undid the clip guarding his thigh holster, making sure that he could pull out his revolver and pop the kid if he needed to. Or maybe he just needed to cry a tear.

Mesani Okarae

Mesani strode into the cantina. It was a hot day on one of her least favorite planets. If it wasn't for the target she was hunting, she'd be on Nar Shaadda right now. The only thing she could do to keep from going savage was to get a nice cold drink. She walked right up to the bar, slapping a few credit chips down on top of it. "Somethink cold, I don't care vut." The bar tender just stared at her for a moment. The Cathar lashed her arm across the bar, grasping the tender's shirt collar and pulling him within inches of her face. "Deed I studder? Get me a drink! NOW!" She growled, and shoved him back to where he was before. The bartender quickly obeyed and sat a cold ale in front of her. "Thank you," Mesani purred, and took a nice long gulp.
Walking into the cantina, Andreas, dressed in his brown, voluminous armorweave robes and blue bodyglove sat down at the counter and rested his masked head on his combat gloved hand. That past few weeks had been nothing but work with all these outlaws running about -which was great, but tiring- and he just wanted to find a place to rest for a bit. Even this dirty cantina will do. He waved the bartender off soon as he came by without giving him a chance to speak and continued to survey the area. Not much to look at.


לוֹחֶם מְפַקֵד
Vendir sat at the bar for a few moments before the cathar he had seen before walked up and sat next to him. He said he was the captain of a ship called 'the banshee' Vendir looked at the cathar for a moment. He had never heard of the ship. Not that it surprised him to hear of it though "and what do you do on you're ship?" Vendir asked the cathar.

“Get jobs herrre zand therrree, keep herrr flying” Khull answered Vandir

Khull twisted about as a vicious female cathar manhandled the bartender over a drink. Khull’s hand instinctively reached for his bertha’s handgrip just out of reflex to violence. A quickly glance of the situation helped him refrain from drawing upon the female feline, even though she did assault his favourite bartender.

“Unvise to piss off those that serrrve voo” The larger cathar growled at the female “One neverrrr knooos vhat may end up in cup”

Khull took a long swig of his corelllian spiced ale and then tossed enough credits to buy the female cathar’s drink and then pulled more credits out and slid it to the bartender “Coverrr my friend’s rrrudenesss”

Well this is what he wanted….Interaction and here he was in the middle of two interesting folks.

“Business orrrr pleasurrre?” The cathar captain inquired of the other cathar and the human.

@[member="Vendir"] @[member="Andreas Wintergreen"] @[member="Mesani Okarae"] @Lancer Damar
Lancer stared down at the larger Cathar, opting for silence for a few moments, before tipping his glass, indicating that he was here solely on pleasure related matters. He wasn't a talkative type, and he didn't even react when the female Cathar assaulted the bartender, nor did he care. He wasn't here long, he Wait. He didn't. He'd been on a dry spell for a long time. He pushed his glass to the edge of the table, tapping his left hand on the bar, his other hand situated in a quickdraw position on his revolver. Force help anyone who ended up on the nether end of the draw.

He just hoped nobody recognized him from his galactic circus days, and especially from the Corusca circus acts, some of his most popular acts.
It had been a while since her last bounty, not that she was complaining since the last one paid rather well. Aella was beginning to thirst for more adventure again and what better place to find it than in a seedy looking cantina. She stood up straight, shoulders back, unbuttoned one of the top buttons on her blouse, showing a little skin and walked into the cantina confidently. Time to scan the scenery for some work.
Glancing around the bar she noticed the large cat like figure as he was telling another patron about getting jobs.
"Here or there, eh?" she said sliding onto the seat beside him. @[member="Khull"]


Mos Eisley. Not where 'Song thought he'd wind up, but better than the pits of Vycinth. It was as far as the smuggler had been willing to take him. 'Song had kept his mouth shut and his eyes open, and was glad the smuggler in question hadn't run afoul of any law on his way. A handful of credits later the two parted company and 'Song set out to find his next ride.

Head scarf pulled low on his forehead, he pulled the lower half of the wrap clear of his nose and mouth as he entered the cantina. At the bar, two Cathar stood, getting their drinks. He moved alongside the male and, when the bartender finally regarded him, ordered himself an Arkanian sweet milk, which wasn't milk at all, but a strong and creamy mead.

"With thanks," said the Trianii.
The big cat was getting interest and now it was time to get to the point of his agenda. He looked about him, there was no harm in mentioning his intensions in such a place, especially since most about this cantina were all folk of same minded……unless the credits were good.

“Vhell, Cut to point. I’ve in need of Crrrew and Vhork” The Cathar relayed to those around him that were directly in conversation with him and loud enough to those that were not. “So either of zose interrrest ya, follo me to bigger table so that veee talk morrree on details”

Khull looked at the bartender “ Those at my table arrre on my tab” He ordered with the bartender nodding in understanding. The big cat then moved from his perch and placed himself at a large table with individual chairs and placing his mug of corellian spiced ale down upon it as he waited for the interested parties to follow.
"I'll have a winter ale" she said the the bar tender as she walked over to the larger table.
"What kind of pay are we talking? You look like you could use a lady to help with the public relations..." she said with a coy smile on her face.


This might be my chance, thought 'Song. Taking his drink with him, he took a seat and chimed in.

"I'm looking to go as fair as Tython," said the big Tiranii. "I ken pay should we nay find work, an' ken work fer me own passage should ye need a cook."

'Song thought the Cathar had an odd accent (as he thought of all Cathars), but his own Tiranii tongue, melodious as it was, was likely odd to many of the other Humans present.


לוֹחֶם מְפַקֵד
Vendir listened to the cathar's answer. As ore people entered the cantina Vendir became increasingly weary. He got up o leave.
(OOC: I had to get Vendir out of the cantina if I would get Karn'ossk in)


Karn'ossk walked into the mos Isely cantina. Past an hulking man in armor. He approached the bar and sat down. He didn't order anything though. He was not in the mood to drink. He looked around he saw a cathar talking to two other people 'jobs' Karn thought. He approached them and said "I am in need of work. Do you have any jobsss that need completing?"

@Tattersong@Khull@Aella Cadeyrn
"I've always wanted a cat" she said with a wink. When do we start? @[member="Khull"]
"Can we please take this one? He'll cook!" she gestured to @[member="Tattersong"] as her stomach growled. "Bar tender! A burger please!" she called out waving the bar tender over.
"Hello," she said to @[member="karn'ossk"] as he approached. "Nice to see a fellow bounty hunter wanting to join in on the fun."
Lancer slowly arose, his dark figure slowly lumbering over to the group at the table. The Cathar, the (Human?) girl, the Trandoshan, and the...other thing. He was talking of a ride to Tython. Lancer didn't say anything, he just sat down on the table, glancing around at the table before leaning forward and speaking. He had the voice of a true man's man, low, gravelly, and to the point. He didn't say much, and when he did, it mattered. A lot.

"I'm in."Was all he said to the larger Cathar, the gunslinger's brown eyes flickering beneath the shadow of his hat. There was a small glint from the bullet in the brim of his hat, but he slowly looked up, the shadow covering the glint of his 'tear'. Lancer glanced at all of them, his eyes never lingering on any person for anymore than a few moments. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant.
@[member="Aella Cadeyrn"]
Khull’s data pad beeped from inside his coat forcing the cat the reach for it. He plucked the pad out examining the context that had been relayed to him. The cathar looked up with a greedy toothy grin and eyed his current company.

“I am Khull, Captain of za Banshee” The Cathar introduced himself and his ship, a proper introduction and all before he got to business. He looked at Tattersong giving the feline a nod of acceptance to his offer “Vee take yooh on as passengerr azz long azz yooh don’t mind detourr? Seems vee have vorrk to do on Nar Sho Bolla forrr za Black Suns. “ He pointed to his data pad indicating where he got his update. He looked about the rest that sat at his table “Za lot of ya are hired vith one condition of underrrstanding. I za captain, zis not democracy. Do az I say and vhen I say it veee vill all be fine. If zat vill be problem, best leave table now”

Those that wished to leave had their chance to do so but Khull was not waiting in silence to see who did. It was straight to business for the large cat. “Vee all get equal sharre in profits after ship gets her 20% cut. Job on Nar Sho Bolla is vorth 25k. Za Triaii haz chance to aid us vith zis mission and get za same cut as crew. His transport fee vhill start once veee arree done with za black sun. Be six day ride from zherre to Tython if all goes vhell. Price zuss farr vill be 250 credits for him”

Khull grabbed his mug of Corellian spiced ale and raised it in salute to his new crew and business opportunity “Lets sharre drrinks and names” With that he took a long gulp of his precious ale as he waited to hear all about his new found mates.

@Lancer Damar
@Aella Cadeyrn

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