Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cat Came Back (Open)

Kiber walked into the bar and looked around from behind the visor of his helmet. He had not been on Tatooine in a long time, but he happened to have some business near by. Mos Eisly had always been a dung heap of sand in the middle of a territory no being ever wanted to visit, that is unless they were being looked for. Kiber himself was not being looked for at all, in fact he had just come back from "looking" for something. The young bounty hunter walked silently over to the bar and took his seat, not looking at any of the other patrons, only motioning for the bartender to bring him a glass of Corellian Whiskey. He did not care for the other patrons because they did not care for him, nor should they, unless of course they wanted trouble.


@Lancer Damar
@Aella Cadeyrn

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
A rather tall dark skinned dreadlocked man sat with in a booth with a few artisan looking men watching the little meeting of vagabonds and other worthless scum of this galaxy take place. "Rain cloud standby for salute report." Rexus said softly into his comm unit. " Fife victor dash tea party dash tea house 452 647 dash for larks tac won monk dash one thousand forty five dash tree long bows tac one sparker." Rexus looked at the other men and shook his head they were there for a classified reason. Their government wanted a key person at that table and he was going to be theirs no matter which way this went down. Rexus got on his comm and hailed his back up "Rain cloud rain cloud this is Echo Niner delta stay above two angels and wait on our word to bring the rain, over."

The man stood up and walked over to the table where they all sat, and smiled "Hey can I borrow the Jedi? It's nothing personal or has anything to do with you guys but I just need to have a little chat" Rexus smiled nicely and clapped his hands once he was dressed in rather casual clothing he stood at about a staggering six eleven and sighed afterwards. "I mean you all seem like such" Rex paused for a moment before he spoke once more "Charming people" a hint of disgust could be heard in his voice as he spoke to the crowd. "I'm an old friend who needs to catch up"
"Name's Aella Cadeyrn. Half Eldorai, half human. I love music, shopping, being wined and dined, kicking ass and taking in a bounty. I use my knives with deadly accuracy" she said patting the hilt of her knife that hung off her curvy hips in a belt holster. "
@Lancer Damar
“A Voman afterrr me hearrt” The corellian cathar raised his glass to the beautiful, but deadly, Aella. Though before he could follow up with more flirtatious jabs a stranger of the dark skinned variety intruded upon their merry gathering rather rude like. “Maybe pretty lady get chance to play vith her knives dis day?” He growled showing obvious sign that Rexus may have over stepped himself as his right hand slipped over the grip of his chopped special named Birtha.

“Prrivate convversation is za Trianii’s choice. If Choice not honoured I believe you are out manned and out gunned” He waved about the table of his new found friends, all of different walks of life and deadly in their own right.

It was now up to Tattersong on how he wanted to deal with such a situation. Will he go with this stranger or seek refuge amongst these outlaws?

Mesani Okarae

Masani sat idly at the bar as the male Cather conversed with others. She didn't care about any of it. She drank her cold ale and began thinking of ways to track down her latest target: a particularly useless crime lord who had messed up for a Hutt one to many times. She drummed her claws on the bar, staring at nothing. When the Cathar began talking to a trianii, she began paying a little more attention. Perhaps this Cathar and these others weren't completely useless? She looked over at the male Cathar. "Eef you arr lookink for comrades, might I be one?" She asked him. He may be able to assist her....


'Song looked around the table. It seemed to be a rough and ready group, but he'd held his own in the shock boxing ring against larger, though less heavily armed.

"I'm Tattersong, oor jest 'Song to me friends," he said to the table, but looking at the dark-skinned newcomer. "And I'm nae a Jedi. I'm a Padawan, but I'd be happy t'speak with ye anyway. As fer me travel details, I'll likely join ye, unless I find it morally reprehensible. Allow me t'speak with this one fairst, an' I'll be back with ye in shoort oorder." He rose from his seat and walked away from the table with Rexus.

@Lancer Damar
@Rexus Drath
Lancer glanced around and then stared at the man who wanted his Jedi companion. He turned to face the other people at the table."Lancer Damar...pistoleer and gunslinger." He stared at the man asking for the kid. He gave him a mean glare, and then walked straight up to him, removing a single revolver and placing it under @[member="Rexus Drath"]'s chin."I know your type. I'm one of them. Now. Let's go back to my table and have a talk." He said with a pulling back of the hammer. He motioned for a brief moment with his other hand for backup, and then placed his left hand on one of his other revolvers.

"Now I'll take my friend back or I'll take your life. And my new companions won't hesitate to do the same. So. Kark off, or die." He said, menacing as can be.



"Hold on, hold on!" called Tattersong, attempting to move Lancer's gun hand away. "I've already said I'd talk to the man, dinna I? Why are ye bringin' a gun oot so soon?" He gave Rexus an apologietic look. "You should nae mind him, stranger," he said, trying to diffuse the situation. "We've never met befoor, an' he's apparently the 'draw fairst an' be polite later' soort of man."

@Lancer Damar
@Rexus Drath
Khull liked the gunslinger’s enthusiasm and gave Lancer a sadistic toothy grin of approval. His own hand had drawn the chopped special from its right holster and had it propped on the edge of the table pointed at Rexus. Only issue was if he fired Bertha he would run risk of hitting those close to the dark skinned man for this weapon was of the scattershot variety (shotgun with blaster bolts).“Like I said, out gunned and out manned” The cathar chuckled at the intense situation in his deep toned voice “ Damarrr, let him go. Song will handle his own afairrs”

It was interesting that the Female cathar decided that was the time to throw in with the lot, with weapons at play and all. “Za morree za merrierrr” He replied to Mesani.

@[member="Tattersong"] @[member="Lancer Damar "]@[member="Mesani Okarae"] @[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"You're doing it wrong." Rexus smiled at Damar and clapped his hands "Your intimidation routine, you're doing it wrong." Rexus chuckled and looked at the gunman and examined him he looked like a serious fellow a merc and nothing more. "You wait to pull the hammer back to create extra fear. You don't do it off the bat or you lose any exclamation in your threats or actions to help build fear. Usually flashing the gun works to begin the conversation. But if you want to scare a person you wait till they try to make a move to cock it. Now will excuse me I have business to take care of instead of dealing with vagabonds like yourself" Rex stepped back and drew the hilt of his imperial knight's silver saber and looked at the others around him. "Just here for a talk, come Jedi furball let's talk." Rexus backed up some more and smiled "Now i have a few assests waiting outside if we want to see who is out manned and out gunned as well as a few hovering in the air. So I don't have time to play these games, shall we Mr.Tattersong?" Rexus wasn't about to walk into a bar without anything to cover his tail, being a former imperial knight from the age of the galactic empire has taught him better
Having watched quietly this interchange for some time Aella had subtly slipped her knife out of the hilt on her hip and made ready for easy access to the one strapped on the inside of her leg. This dark skin stranger didn't feel right, regardless of the fact that she was not a force user. Flirt, kill, or maim. Oh the choices. For being rude, at least he was cute she thought. Flirt it was. After all she did need to to practice her public relations.
"He can cook you know, and you wouldn't deprive a woman of her chef would you?" she said smiling. @[member="Rexus Drath"] "Bring him back, pretty please! I promise it'll be worth it" she gently ran her fingers across his shoulders. "Maybe you should come back for some dinner later too" she whispered into his ear.
"We'll be here when you're ready, Sweetie" she said to @[member="Tattersong"]


At the words Jedi furball Tattersong stopped. "I've been nae but polite to you so far, stranger," he said in a low voice, "an' ye've na even given me yer own name. So no moor o'this 'furball' nonsense, ye ken? Otherwise ye ken take yer talk and speak it to someone else." There was no rancor in his voice as the big Trianii calmly placed his hands behind his back and waited for the apology.

@Khull @Lancer Damar'ossk @Rexus Drath

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Don't care!" Rexus walked past the red haired woman blowing her off completely before sitting down at a booth next to him. Looking back at tattersong he nodded and smiled slightly "Just call me Mr.I, and I don't exist. I applogize for my rudeness clearly you don't lack refinement like your friends over there." his words were still filled with a slight hint of disgust as he spoke of the savages across the room. "Now please sit down and I promise we can keep this more than civil." He smiled at tattersong and chuckled softly "One second please" Rex reached out grabbing and pulling Tattersong's drink into his hand using the force and sighed afterwards. "Please Sit, we have much to discuss."


'Song nodded politely, then looked over his shoulder and nodded one more at the others he'd just met.

Seating himself, the Trianii allowed himself a small smile as his drink floated over and into his hand. Taking a sip, he set the glass on the table.

"Much t'discuss?" he asked. "Ye've got my interest, Mistair I, who nae does exist, seeing as how I doon't recall every having met ye before. How ken I help?"

@Khull @Lancer Damar'ossk @Rexus Drath

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Your new friends over there can certainly be a blast to have around." Rexus chuckled and put his light saber on to the table. "Do you know what this is?" he said to the lion alien. "Well you know what it is but not what it stands for."Rexus smiled and spun it on the table chuckling. "This stands for hundreds of years of honor and service. I'm old, very old and I don't have time for games." Rexus was a giant of a man standing at a staggering 6'11 he did not like to be played with nor have his time wasted. "I'm in charge of finding and capturing certain assets in this rotting pit of planet and you happen to be an asset. You tracking on that? Now before I decide whether I take you after blowing this filth of a bar to the ground I just have a few questions."

Sitting in his booth Rex took a drink of some water next to him and sighed "Now, Who is your master? And what Jedi group do you belong to or what rank do you hold in the organization you lay your life to. And before you flip out and try to kill me there are plenty of ordinance in the sky just ready to blow this place to a million pieces. Also feel free to ask any questions of your own let's be civil after all."
Lancer gave @[member="Rexus Drath"] a harsh look. He spread out his legs and holstered his revolver, letting his hands fall at his side. This was a good indication that you wanted to duck. Lancer inhaled sharply, then just stopped breathing. A flick of his wrist, and his six shooter was out. And with a pull of his finger a few times, the men that were with Rexus dropped dead, from unfortunate gunshot wounds to the face. Lancer holstered his first revolver, and pulled out the second.

"You're on a CIS world and you wanna do something stupid like that....Even I have my limits of bravery." He said, thrusting the revolver against his noggin."Now get your nappy headed gigantic ass out of here before I, or the other angry patrons, or the whole god damn CIS comes and blows your fracking brains out, you little uptight nerf herder." Lancer didn't joke around, as evidenced by the dead bodies around them. It was clear of why the Coruscani circus employed him, among other people and circuses and entertainment groups. He was good at what he did.

And the whole he did it, the shadow from his hat didn't move once. He was stone cold.


Togorian Barricade
The cantina quickly fell to utter silence as weapons were drawn, and tensions rose. Everyone seemed to be looking as Rexus laughed while staring death in the face, and Tattersong attempted to diffuse the situation. Then the doors to the cantina opened again flooding the foyer with light until they closed once more.

There was the sound of the clicking of claws against the stone floor as a massive Togorian slowly started to make his way through the crowd. The newcomer was clad in an old dirty and tattered brown hued cloak to blend into the sands of Tatooine, and seemed to only have a blaster rifle slung over his back.

The cantina housed a very large Cathar, Trianii, and even a massive human with Rexus. Yet the newest feline was easily ten foot tall and was able to simply look over the crowd to spot the three cats in Khull's party. This made the Togorian raise it's eyebrows, but it continued to head to the bar without a word.

The newcomer was silent and seemed to be minding his own business as he ordered a drink. Yet he couldn't help but to pivot his ears at Rexus' conversation. Something the man said seemed to make the feline frown as he took a careful sip of the Corellian whiskey that was delivered to him. Then everything seemed to get out of hand as the gunslinger, Lancer, executed Rexus' compatriots.

There were murmurs in the crowd as some ran for exits and others just inched backwards as their curiosity captivated them to stay. A deep laugh emanated from the Togorian's throat in response after Lancer gave his speech.

"Honor and service?! Is that how the Jedi talk in the holo vids you watch? That weapon is nothing more than a way to kill. Where did you buy it?"

The massive feline has an almost demonic bass filled voice that filled the cantina and silenced it once more. The creature took another careful sip from his whiskey as he turned in his bar stool to stare across the room at the human that everyone seemed to have their attention on.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Oh you're so scary aaaahhhh... You done yet buttercup?" Rexus sat there watching his companions die more than likely horrible deaths and have another pistol put against his head again honestly cowboy beebop over here couldn't take a hint. It was true he was on a CIS world with filthy unrefined CIS savages. "You assume I'm a Jedi, I'm not some tree hugging space hippy here to liberate you. You see big tall and scary over there?" Rexus stood up and looked at the gunslinger in the eyes before pointing to the dark energy that he felt from the lumbering giant. Rex had fought sith lords and Jedi masters in the years of the galactic empire before the plague festered in this galaxy. He looked down at Damar and smiled "You see hes scary, and if he asked me to go i would. You on the other hand if you keep flashing your sister's gun at me im taking your hand. Now fly away birdie." unleashing his knights silver lightsaber at his side he then flicked the gunman using the force Rex threw Damar across the room with the force he had killed his men and couldn't let that slide than especially from this clown with a bad boy complex. Hell it had been a while and he could use the sport of teaching some youngsters how it's done

"I am an imperial knight of the old order and I've been chopping down thugs like yourself before your ancestors even existed! Rain cloud this is Echo niner delta fire for effect danger close, over" Rex lifted his arm out and pushed the tables and furniture around him crashing it against the walls and out the windows until the floor was barren of all cover and tables. Holding his saber up he looked to tattersong and gestured for him to leave he wasn't worth the time now that violence had broke out. "Now if amateur hour is over I have a something I'd like to say." Rex sighed and looked down then chuckled before looking up with a grin on his face. It had been a good few hundred years since he was put in a spot such as this one and he honestly liked it. "COME AND GET SOME IF YOU THINK YOU'RE FRACKING HARD ENOUGH!!"


Tattersong rose from the table and stepped away.

"I believe we're doon here," he said politely, "Cuz honestly, I don't care fer yair attitude." Keeping an eye on the big man, he moved away to stand with Khull and the others. His lightsaber remained attached to the belt on his wrist, but his sharply-clawed hands were clenching and unclenching into fists as he watched the scene before him escalate.

@Khull @Lancer Damar'ossk @Rexus Drath

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