Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cat's Away (Coruscant undercity raid - OPEN)

Ijaat spun, and as the thermal detonator fired at him, merely grinned. This was combat.... He was, as all his people, born and bred to war as most other babes were to suckle at their mothers. Whipping his saber out of the scabbard in a flat out bizzare move swung from the hip like a sportsman, twitching the flat aside and batting it directly back at Unit 843. Since he knew little about droids, he figured the different looking one would be the leader. The un-detonated detonator whizzed back at the unassuming droid and landed at it's feet moments from exploding.

The thing was distracted enough firing at the other conspirator that he suspected it wouldn't have the slightest chance to react.

With that, the mandalorian rolled forward under fire and came up with his saber shearing into the 'brain' of the droid in one hand, followed directly and savagely by a hook from his ionite spiked fist directly into it's droid brain, shattering it and rendering it useless. No one, especially not a mandalorian, would neglect such a powerful enemy, and he cursed himself for at first not seeing it. Maybe he was getting old?

"Speartip to all units, grenadier is down, focus on the funny looking one if it survives somehow. Suspect it's a leader."

Khione Gardner | Nagate Hei | Alec Rekali| Unit 843 | Mala | November Sinclair | Cain Laatl


Clink. Clink.

Unit 843 paused his euphoric shooting to look down as a thermal detonator rolled to a stop near his feet.

"Uh oh."

He kicked it, since violently smacking unstable explosive devices with solid metal apparently does not make them explode. The cylindrical device sailed up toward the ceiling, where it did explode, raining down chunks of duracrete and burying the B1 battle droid completely.

[member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Ijaat Akun"], [member="Alec Rekali"]
[member="Unit 843"]- Nagate deflected as many incoming bolts as he could while the rest would glance off his trench coats armor plating from his acrobatic movements while dodging.

The droid kicked a thermal into the air that had been hit back to it by [member="Ijaat Akun"] who remembered that a timed explosive was not affected by pressure under a certain weight. Otherwise, every grenade would detonate as soon as it hit an object, instead of bounce and roll like that all do.

The droid was burried in rubble and Nagate was alright with that. He looked to his allies who were moving in.

"Well, shall we continue?"

[member="Alec Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Khione Gardner"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Unit 843"] [member="Flint Michigan"]

A blaster bolt caught her in the floating ribs, a tangential shot uncomfortable close to the incendiary charge on her back. The blaster's impact spun her around, drove her to one knee; with a grunt, she pushed off the deck and shouldered her way through a side door.

And into a closet.

For a dizzying moment she was sure she'd lost track of the floor plan, an irregular product of a once-incarcerated associate. Then her eyes adjusted, and she made out the shape of the fuel pipe that ran along the ceiling. She slapped the incendiary's magnetic pad to the pipe and set the timer for thirty seconds, then activated her comm.

Turning to run, Ijaat cursed. The sudden pivot and drop revealed a droid had nailed him rather well in the back of the knee, not quite disabling and wrecking his ability to walk but definitely slowing him down. Limping, he hoofed it with a serious growl and gritting of teeth, laying his saber back on his shoulder and almost shaking with the effort, feeling a few other blaster grazes kick in. It was always that way in battle. The small injuries and nicks, sometimes even the big ones, were drowned out by adrenaline and rage. He'd need the attention of a medic, even if just minor bacta for the knee.

He followed Alec, unclipping his shotgun and carrying it on the opposite shoulder of his saber, scanning and surveying. His mind was clicked to rearguard, protecting her six as they ran to get to freedom.

Khione Gardner | Nagate Hei | Alec Rekali| Unit 843 | Mala | November Sinclair | Cain Laatl
While mandalorian bladesmiths and time travelers fought with impressively constructed battle droids and jedi-or-perhaps-former-jedi tazered them through electrical sockets a certain truck-driver sat outside with his speeder, watching to make sure nobody noticed anything. It was okay though, Flint was no stranger to keeping a boring post. A boring post in honesty was the best best one he could hope for, as it meant no trouble. Was Flint really that luckythough?

Woop Woop!!!!!!

Blue lights began flashing in the distance. It seemed not. He looked back and saw two CPD speeders hauling repulosors. Time to make a distraction.

"Two bogeys comin in. Gonna go make a mess for 'em." Flint said on the commlink, turned around, and fired a couple shots at the speeders and then put the pedal to the metal. With him only having a heavy blaster pistol he didn't really get any damage done, but he got their attention.

"Suckers" Flint said to himself as he sped away. Nothing like runnin from the popo in the middle of Coruscant traffic.

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Unit 843"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Khione Gardner"] [member="Nagate Hei"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Khione Gardner"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Ijaat Akun"] | [member="Unit 843"] | [member="Mala"] | [member="November Sinclair"] | [member="Cain Laatl"] | [member="Flint Michigan"]

She had, perhaps, set the timer a little too close for comfort. The shockwave hit her on the way out the door; some parts of the shockwave felt hotter and more pressing than others. Dully, as she skidded past her swoop, she recognized that she'd taken shrapnel to the backs of her right shoulder and left thigh. Biting back a curse, she pulled herself to her feet.

The complex was pretty straightforward -- an empty drunk tank, a cop shop, a combat air hangar. She'd placed the incendiary on a fuel main beside the hangar; when it went up, the bulk of the explosion had cavitated into the empty space and blown out enough wall panels that she could see the combat airspeeders burning. One tried to take off, ran into a Conner net, fell sparking back into the inferno.

She dragged herself onto her swoop. "Gotta bail, Ijaat."
Limping, each step worse the the last, Ijaat cursed and fumbled to sheath his saber back into it's scabbard. Promptly he threw his haymaker, disarmed, into the side car of the vehicle and hauled himself up. Armor clanked and clanged as he groaned and half fell half rolled into the seat. WIth a mighty oomph he settle in and grabbed the haymaker, nodding and waving to [member="Alec Rekali"] to punch it as he pulled the hammers back on the gun, setting it to charge with a whining purr. Never know when you'd need a little more oomph...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

The speeder shifted under Ijaat's weight. Shrapnel burned in her shoulder and leg, but sirens hammered in her head. She could bandage up when she was out of here. Absently, she wondered what it would take to make an adaptive body glove to apply pressure around wounds automatically. The swoop kicked into high gear and they slipped away into the undercity.
[member="Alec Rekali"] | [member="Ijaat Akun"]

November had been sorely neglectful in her duties and even got distracted uncharacteristically elsewhere - fortunately, she had an excuse. Somewhere down the line of traversing between point A and point B, her swoop broke down and left her stranded and in turn she had to steal one from a passerby. Well, stealing was such a strong word, borrow with the intention of never returning it - ever again. She'd manage to catch up to Alec and apologize furiously for being so neglectful in her duties.

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