Keepin Corellia Weird
Ijaat spun, and as the thermal detonator fired at him, merely grinned. This was combat.... He was, as all his people, born and bred to war as most other babes were to suckle at their mothers. Whipping his saber out of the scabbard in a flat out bizzare move swung from the hip like a sportsman, twitching the flat aside and batting it directly back at Unit 843. Since he knew little about droids, he figured the different looking one would be the leader. The un-detonated detonator whizzed back at the unassuming droid and landed at it's feet moments from exploding.
The thing was distracted enough firing at the other conspirator that he suspected it wouldn't have the slightest chance to react.
With that, the mandalorian rolled forward under fire and came up with his saber shearing into the 'brain' of the droid in one hand, followed directly and savagely by a hook from his ionite spiked fist directly into it's droid brain, shattering it and rendering it useless. No one, especially not a mandalorian, would neglect such a powerful enemy, and he cursed himself for at first not seeing it. Maybe he was getting old?
"Speartip to all units, grenadier is down, focus on the funny looking one if it survives somehow. Suspect it's a leader."
Khione Gardner | Nagate Hei | Alec Rekali| Unit 843 | Mala | November Sinclair | Cain Laatl
The thing was distracted enough firing at the other conspirator that he suspected it wouldn't have the slightest chance to react.
With that, the mandalorian rolled forward under fire and came up with his saber shearing into the 'brain' of the droid in one hand, followed directly and savagely by a hook from his ionite spiked fist directly into it's droid brain, shattering it and rendering it useless. No one, especially not a mandalorian, would neglect such a powerful enemy, and he cursed himself for at first not seeing it. Maybe he was getting old?
"Speartip to all units, grenadier is down, focus on the funny looking one if it survives somehow. Suspect it's a leader."
Khione Gardner | Nagate Hei | Alec Rekali| Unit 843 | Mala | November Sinclair | Cain Laatl