Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Check Up




There was one downside to technological prosthetics, their mechanic and medical requirements were very different that flesh and bone. Trying to adapt wiring and metal to the central nervous system was its own unique science and medicine, and it was well beyond Justice to administer to himself. Often times he would simply see a medical droid for his weekly check up, but those had come and gone. Life has finally moved to the point of getting things looked at on an infrequent basis. Unfortunately that sometimes meant when something did not work correctly.

Today, Just was going in because he'd been called in. Something about some new procedure being a possible solution to some of the issues he'd been experiencing with the rest of his healing process was what he had been told. All Just knew was that an expert in the field of scientific and technological medicine was visiting the Enclave to see how Force healing paired with science worked.

It was as intriguing to Just as his archeology was. The sciences always had an appeal, and Just had found his in historical archeology. As a Jedi he specifically focused on locating ancient force artifacts and Jedi sites which had been long lost. He dreamed of discovering something so lost to time that no one knew about it. Just knew he would some day. It was what drove him to be better.

He sat in the waiting room, a sleeveless tank top the only thing covering his torso. The cybernetic went went into his shoulder and part of his chest, a necessary overage due to the amount of his arm that had been lost. He had hoped it would not take long. The young Lesan had grown weary of being poked and prodded like he was some science experiment. Even though the study was fascinating, Just was tired of feeling like the guinea pig.

A nurse called hun back, a droid anyhow, and led Just down a corridor he helped memorized. He waited on the exam table in the cold and sterile environment. Just simply wanted to get it over with so he could go back to his studies.​

Tag: Gwynn Andel

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