Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt
The Empress had been looking around herself as [member="Darth Arcanix"] explained what would be done. She'd only been scraping her finger against the wall to see how much deust had been collected when she heard that one of the Sith's apprentices had managed to create five-hundread raven familiars. That suprised her enough to turn and give an almost flabberghasted look.
"That many? Is that even possible?" she asked. Once it had been confirmed she looked astounded and said "Incredible." However she shrugged it off and said "I don't think that'll be as useful for me. Besides, what;s the fun in only having birds anyway? I'd prefer to make mine a little more exotic." After that she walked over and Arcanix was working on the spells, puring potions while saying that blood would be needed for this. Giving a little squemish look Nimue commented "Of course there does. And I'm assuming since I want them to obey me, it'll need to be my blood, right?" After this was confirmed she sighed and said "Very well. What about these peices and all?" she pointed at the jars on the table with the animal parts.