Oh, he felt it.
The sudden cold to her demeanor. The lack of response, verbal or not. Behind the dry wit Sult grinned. It might turn into a brawl yet. It better... he had been promised a wild night out and right now it was turning into a whimper. This wasn't what he bargained for. So, Locke dragged from his cigarette and settled down on the stool, just to be hit by Sam's tone.
Bitter. An accusation. J'accuse!
It didn't immediately get a response. Instead Elly flagged down the waiter, ordered his noodles, while those bottomless dark eyes watched her. Bottomless because they were hollow. Deep crevices. That face had seen chit and didn't come out lightly.
"Mm, might be a man is swallowed by 'is job. Could be the job catches him." Needles, serrated edges, acid in the veins. Endless screams. "-an' mebbe it adds some sharp knives, deeper needles and twenty-four seven sensory deprivation. They break 'is mind. Force him to their side. Make him beat his kid's face in with armored fists."
Yula Perl 's face.
"Could just be he eventually snaps outta it. Tries to make amends, but at some point years of absence followed by aggravated domestic abuse makes him realize chit ain't easy to fix an' shouldn't be." A stretch, a shrug, as he accepts the noodles. Takes out the flask of bourbon. Pours it in the noodle bowl. Still locking his eyes to hers.
Daring her to react as he told his tale absently. Like it had happened to someone else ... and in a way it had.
"Atta boy figures drinks ain't half too bad, 'cus really does he deserve more than destroying his body, when his mind is already going?" A mmm there as he takes a bite. The whalm of bourbon there. "Or maybe it ain't your damn business and even drunk as a skunk, I can still snap you over my knee. So maybe don't judge the guy you been asking for help just ten minutes ago."
Locke spits.
Almost hits her shoes, but instead landing just in between her feet. A grin... and then refocuses on his bowl of noodle an' bourbon.
Sam Rodarch
The sudden cold to her demeanor. The lack of response, verbal or not. Behind the dry wit Sult grinned. It might turn into a brawl yet. It better... he had been promised a wild night out and right now it was turning into a whimper. This wasn't what he bargained for. So, Locke dragged from his cigarette and settled down on the stool, just to be hit by Sam's tone.
Bitter. An accusation. J'accuse!
It didn't immediately get a response. Instead Elly flagged down the waiter, ordered his noodles, while those bottomless dark eyes watched her. Bottomless because they were hollow. Deep crevices. That face had seen chit and didn't come out lightly.
"Mm, might be a man is swallowed by 'is job. Could be the job catches him." Needles, serrated edges, acid in the veins. Endless screams. "-an' mebbe it adds some sharp knives, deeper needles and twenty-four seven sensory deprivation. They break 'is mind. Force him to their side. Make him beat his kid's face in with armored fists."
Yula Perl 's face.
"Could just be he eventually snaps outta it. Tries to make amends, but at some point years of absence followed by aggravated domestic abuse makes him realize chit ain't easy to fix an' shouldn't be." A stretch, a shrug, as he accepts the noodles. Takes out the flask of bourbon. Pours it in the noodle bowl. Still locking his eyes to hers.
Daring her to react as he told his tale absently. Like it had happened to someone else ... and in a way it had.
"Atta boy figures drinks ain't half too bad, 'cus really does he deserve more than destroying his body, when his mind is already going?" A mmm there as he takes a bite. The whalm of bourbon there. "Or maybe it ain't your damn business and even drunk as a skunk, I can still snap you over my knee. So maybe don't judge the guy you been asking for help just ten minutes ago."
Locke spits.
Almost hits her shoes, but instead landing just in between her feet. A grin... and then refocuses on his bowl of noodle an' bourbon.
Sam Rodarch