Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cleansing of Ruusan

Location: Ruusan Temple entrance
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Joza Perl"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Dagorn"]
Gear: See Sig

Unknown: [member="Kael Rose"]

How Akhilleus had known this was the person he hunted? He didn’t truly he had felt it. As though the force whispered to him or had it been the dragon simply egging him on to fulfill its lust for battle. Either way it was getting its fill, however Akhilleus felt as though the force was steering him right on this one. From everything he had heard about the individual known as Haytham he had to believe this was the person he was fighting. The cocky attitude of standing upon the vessel like he was a god when he was nothing more than the average sith lord that had gotten drunk off power and the ignorant maneuver he made in the opening of their battle sealed the deal. Either it was Haytham or some sith that would be cut down in Akhilleus’ wake.

The cloaked being raised his saber a green blade emitting from the hilt. The thought that a Sith used anything besides a red saber made Akhilleus scoff inwardly. The Sith wanted to feel special, to be set apart from the rest of his kin. Well he could certainly tote that individuality through chaos after the dark jedi slaughtered him. Seeing the blaster being drawn out from within the armor Akhilleus kept on with his strike not deviating from it. The downwards cleave was the furthest thing from a feint. The blasterbolts released from the wrist mounted blaster pinged harmlessly off the beskar armor. It had been pointless to even use it now he had revealed a portion of his arsenal. Foolish, couldn’t expect all to perform to the same standards however.

With the Doombringer armor the downwards cleave would have the same output of strength that a wookie could put out and the Sith had been dumb enough to hold up his saber with one hand. There was a reason many didn’t do that against foes who were physically stronger, the wrist would be in danger and also they risked being overpowered. Akhilleus wouldn’t even have to use the force to simulate this strength leaving his mind free to utilize the force. The armor had been crafted specifically for Nikias to compensate for his lack of control abilities in the force and the investment paid off in spades.

On his left hand the sith talisman of Exar Kun shined brighter than ever pumping darkside energy into its owner. While within the dragon coiled waiting patiently within the cage knowing it would soon be released.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Location: Citadel Entrance.
Engaging: [member="Akhilleus"]

Why rage?

That was the question the Dark Lord of the Sith had going through his mind.

The blaster bolts from his wrist blaster struck their target. They did nothing. Hardly anything to worry about that.

As contact was made the green lightsabre was slammed down, forcing it down to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

A lunge backwards was all he needed to do to avoid being crushed in one fell swoop. The lightsabre hilt he dropped on the hull of the ship. It didn't roll away on the relatively flat surface of the vessel, but he doubted he'd use it again. During his lunge however as he deactivated the lightsabre, a line was cut across his chest as he tilted his head back so he wasn't cut in two.

It almost penetrated the phrik plates, but he was safe.

He raised a single dark eyebrow underneath the helmet.

That lightsabre had been the second lightsabre he constructed while he had been apart of the Jedi Order as a Padawan. He wasn't overtly yearning to hold it again. All he had was the silver and black hilt that was his first lightsabre. Fortunately, the Dark Lord of the Sith always came prepared. Plenty of lightsabres, several weapons. All of them concealed by the black cloak he bore.

"Faster." He said aloud, but he wasn't speaking to the Nobody before him. No, he berated himself. He was unworried about his opponent, focused, yet distracted was his presence within the Force. Broken between combat, the destruction being wrought around him, and his own mistakes in combat.

LOCATION: Ruusan - Sith Temple
ENGAGING: [member="Aria Vale"]

Jedi were different than the things he’d fought out on the planets he’d been dumped on without defenses. Those things - animals, people native to the planet, elements, monsters - they lacked the preternatural sense he’d been gifted with, that the woman he clashed with had been gifted with. And though he found their instrumentation inferior he couldn’t help but feel a flicker of surprise at her speed. It would have worked anywhere else and he was prompted to reconsider her. She required strategy and thought - and that was exciting. And then she attacked back with no hesitation and that was even better.

He’d at least expected some form of resistance and therefore was not thrown entirely to the side by her catch, but his blade still slid down along hers with the tearing shriek of two sabers meeting, clipping off the end and forcing him to compensate in the breath between them.

Sparks flew from wiring splitting under the pressure of a temple crumbling, dust and smoke steadily filling the air. His eyes glowed red, the dark pulsing through him as he moved to catch her swinging her saber towards his exposed side. At such close range there was little he could do to block her entirely so he took a risk, freeing one hand from his saber to unleash a push with the Force that admittedly would do little to budge her when he had no time to form it. But he hoped it was at least enough to distract her from following through as he brought his blade around to stop her - but not before he felt the burn of a saber on his flesh, the end of her blade slicing through his hip just enough for him to smell the cauterization. Hissing, he pushed back against her, his blade pushing hers from his flesh before he kicked up and out towards her stomach. Hopefully the force of it would wind her if he hit, but if his aim went astray and he broke her hip or a rib she would hear no complaints from him.
Location: Ruusan Temple Halls
Allies: Connor Harrison Solan Charr Zephyr Carrick Aria Vale Joza Perl [member="Akhilleus"]
Enemies: Matsu Xiangu Jorryn Fordyce Haytham Kaze Dagorn
Gear: Beskar'gam, dual sabers, blasters, various other party favors

While I'd been decapitating Sith zombles it seemed everyone else had broken off to fight old enemies. Suddenly the zombles didn't seem as important and the orders before we'd crashed had been to basically wreck everything. Vehicles, ships, libraries. labs the whole nine. While I was good with blowing everything else to hell knowledge and books even if it was Sith stuff I just couldn't bring myself to destroy. So with my Aqua saber ignited I channeled The Force through my left hand and crushing some rubble I flicked it into a heard of zombles and brought a pillar down behind me.

I began walking through the halls of the temple and as I made my way through them I found what appeared to be a lab. Pulling several incendiary grenades from my belt I clicked them on and set them for a ten second timer and bowled them through the door. The blast would incinerate whatever the Sith had been working on. Walking away briskly I was attacked by more of these Sith zombles, saber still ignited I ducked a swipe and bisected the first zombie before inverting my saber back through its head. Flicking my saber to the left and then back to the right I decapitated then bisected the second before rolling forward and taking out the third zombies' legs coming up into a crouch I turned and delivered a vicious backslash taking its head off as it fell. Moving from my crouch into a stand I continued briskly walking away and channeling The Force through my left hand I reached behind myself and pushed the zombies directly into the path of the door as the blast incinerated the contents of the lab and the zombies I'd felled.

Now then, maybe I could find Master Solan even though I had the potential for inflicting considerable damage here it was unwise to wander Sith temples alone. Perhaps he was in the library where I was headed...
Location: Ruusan Citadel
Homies: [member="Akhilleus"], [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Celiana"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Connor Harrison"]
Haters: [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], Queen [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Dagorn"], [member="Onley Xiangu"]
Objective: Offer support, cut down zombies.
Gear: In bio

Connor’s words reminded her of why she was here. She didn’t come here to try and reconcile with her lost love, but to deal a blow to the Sith Triumvirate. She knew that Akhilleus was here specifically for revenge on the man who felled his brother—and she couldn’t blame him, in that regard—but they had to beat back the Sith cell as much as they could, hopefully to the point of non-existence.

Her chest tightened at the thought, but she let it go. Now wasn’t the time to be having sentimental notions, so she edged them out of her mind. Head over heart. Repeating the words mentally helped.

Instead, she focused on keeping track of her allies—Zephyr was dealing with a foe of his own, Aria was locked in combat nearby with what she presumed to be a Sith Acolyte or Knight, and Connor seemed to be dealing with an engagement of his own. Somewhere beyond the smoke, atop the burning ship, Akhellius and the “mystery” Sith Lord went at eachother. Despite the twisted presence, cloaked person and emerald saber, there was a twinge of familiarity about them.

Why is he hiding?

The puzzle wasn’t difficult to put together, but it wasn’t clear either. Each edge was blurred and distorted, much like their bond—warped to the point where it was nearly unrecognizable. Akhilleus had gone after him like a bloodhound, revenge seeping from his presence. Joza wondered, for a brief moment, if it should have been her standing in the Hellyni’s place, if she even had the right to.

The Zeltron couldn’t afford to dwell on those thought, and so put her energy into cutting through the zombies with a dancer’s trained grace. She opted for sweeping movements of her saber, each arc and release flowing into eachother as if this all had been choreographed. Her goal was to cut down on zombie fodder, and therefore allow the others to fight their opponents with less hindrance. But she still kept track of her allies—mostly the young Aria Vale—willing to jump in and assist at a moment’s notice.
Location: Citadel
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Onley Xiangu"], [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Enemies: [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Kael Rose"], [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Celiana"], [member="Solan Charr"]
Directly engaging: [member="Joza Perl"]
Objective: Get those Points
Gear: Sig

Dagorn took his merry time on just collecting his priceless Jagganath Points as every slug he shot out impacted on the heads of hostile soldiers. He could keep on continuing this as no one paid any concern or attention to him, but his killing spree would come to an end as his attention was diverted to something else. A single Jedi, slicing and cutting through the horde of Matsu's undead children caught his attention. It wasn't her beauty or charms that made him focus on her, but it was her bright aura that was strong and attractive that caught his eye. His tongue came out of his mouth and smelled the air, trying to know what her odor was. But alas, with the rotting of the dead and other unique smells of the living, it was quite impossible for Dagorn to separate the scents his tongue picked up.

"Jedi," the Sith Trandoshan said with a low growl, knowing that, without being able to smell her odor, this was a hostile figure and had a wealthy amount of Points in her by just witnessing how she dealt with zombie horde and her Force signature.

Did he care whether or not this Jedi outranked him in terms of the Force? No, he didn't. And that being said, he didn't care how dangerous she was or the fact that it would cost him a limb or two, knowing that they would regenerated back. His rifle aimed at her, most specifically at her chest since she was dancing and moving quite a lot with the infestation of zombies. He said nothing, but breathed calmly and arms all steady. A claw pulled the trigger of his rifle and shot out a slug coming right towards the Pink Jedi. A smile was on his reptilian face and just watched to see if his kill was confirmed or not.
LOCATION: Sith Citadel - Site of SSC Crash
OBJECTIVE: Slaughter.
ALLIES: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | [member="Dagorn"]
ENEMIES: [member="Akhilleus"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
DIRECTLY ENGAGING: [member="Connor Harrison"]

Oh, he was funny.

She continued forward, two predators - though one distinctly more selective than the other - sizing the other up to see what had changed in the months between. Tilting her head at his advice to remove the collar, she pushed out the feeling of warmth one would associate with a smile. Without the features to perform it she could only approximate her amusement. “Jedi with humor are rare - how refreshing,” she said, knowing full well he could hear her in his head just fine.

“And you owe me a new Abomination,” she retorted. “Those aren’t easy to come by you know.” In fact she hadn’t found another quite like the one she’d unleashed on Dromund Kaas, though she had no shortage of other monsters to set free on innocent worlds.

It was then that she let go of the illusion of warmth and friendship, the wool she’d learned to perfect, in favor of unleashing a spell coiled in her fist. The power of the dark side nexus flowing through Ruusan made it easier to conjure than it would usually be, a noise like a cannon erupting from her as the dark exploded in a spear towards the center of his chest.

For Miss [member="Joza Perl"] -

Though most seemed to fall in with enemies new and old, there was one Jedi yet unmatched.

Thus, the Lich sought her.

It drifted from the shadows, legless and floating among the rubble. Its tattered robes tangled in the air beneath its hovering body, bony fingers flaking rot holding on to a saber it was merely rudimentary with - but it had the advantage of flight. It sped towards her, a hideous shriek heralding its attack as it hurled a torrent of acid from above in the hopes of melting the Jedi’s beautiful face off her skull. It followed almost immediately by dropping down, hoping to catch her off-guard by forcing her to protect her precious flesh before it cleaved her in two halves from above.

That it held more intelligence than its brethren was obvious. Matsu had spent time on this one.

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: Sith Triumvirate Temple; Ruusan
ALLIES: [member=Akhilleus] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member=Celiana] | [member="Solan Charr"]
ENEMIES: [member=Dagorn] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
ENGAGING: [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Had it not been the fascination with Matsu's strange attire and the fact she was being her usual deceptive self, Connor would have been ready. He wasn't. The two were quite close, and as a crack of blaster shot echoed around them, she unleashed her spell; the Sutta Chwituskak. He'd seen this before and avoided it; now, not so lucky.

Connor's eyes went wide as she seemed to regress into a far deadlier state and the spear hurled at him, to which it struck dead centre of the torso and launched him back; struck by a battering ram of pure Dark Side hate. He crashed down and spit up loose chunks of rock as he slid to a stop, a steaming, gaping crack in the armour where, had he not been wearing it, he would have either been dead or seriously crippled.

He groaned and wasted no time pushing himself up on his elbows, and then onto his side and stumbled up, as if one had had a few two many drinks but was damned sure to stand straight. He exhaled and glared up at her; still standing there, small and every so deadly.

"That wasn't very nice," he wheezed, "and there I am thinking...we were getting on like a house on fire."

And with his right hand he span it in a fast 360 motion and lifted it up; he called upon a smoldering chunk of the downed ship away from them and accelerated the embers and burning elements into a stream of fire. Lifting his hand he pulled them up from the wreck and threw it out over to Matsu in a scorching stream of fire. It could do a number of things; envelop her in fire and cover her in 3rd degree burns, scald her flesh, panic her, annoy her...or be absorbed by her. But Connor didn't think about the consequence - he just set out to attack the woman who had always brought him pain.

LOCATION: Ruusan Temple
ALLIES: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Akhilleus"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Celiana"]
ENEMIES: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
ENGAGING: [member="Onley Xiangu"]

Doing her best to tap into the calm warrior mentality she usually adopted during fights, Aria sighed internally as she noted the emotion behind the red flash of the Acolyte's eyes - he was enjoying this. He wasn't going to be in a hurry to finish the fight, and as long as she was crossing blades with him she could do little to support the team.

Still, he was one less Sith for the rest to deal with, and Aria wouldn't pretend she wasn't having just as much fun as he was. Letting a small smirk show the Sith how little he was doing to intimidate her, she let the push of Force power wobble her a little bit rather than waste energy blocking it. Her heel dug into the ground as she swayed backwards slightly - her smirk widened as she saw her lightsaber hit home - and then a powerful kick came her way.
Why hadn't she seen that one coming? Now she had a fraction of a second to decide how to block it.The kick came too low down to duck under it and there was no space to step around it, so instead she went for one of her reverse tactics and took a step forward. It winded her quite a bit to take the kick, but now she had him unbalanced and backing up. For a moment she waved her saber around to keep his attention span short as she took a few deep breaths to get in control of the pain. With a predatory sway forwards, she angled up her lightsaber and went for the side of the hilt that he had taken his hand away from. If she landed the hit, either his hand or his saber would be destroyed - although she was hoping for the hand.
Location: Ruusan, In the Halls of the Citadel and heading for their main database room.
Objective: Destroy the Sith Triumvirate
Allies: Some People
Enemies: Some other People... who are Sith.
Gear: Two Lightsabers, three seed pouches (Containing Baffor plants, Vines, and trees), Enigma Mask, twelve Daggers, Gardener's Heart, and four Napalm Grenades,

Solan pushed through the halls until finally finding the room he was looking for. The main database room, the library of what they had on hand and with the focus on the enemy force attacking their main hall he would only have to deal with the two guards standing there, something he would not have much trouble doing.

Slowly he drew the force, drew from the meditation rooms and drew from the dark nexus as a small dark needle started to form in his hand. It was an ability that he had to be extremely careful with considering how dangerous it was and it was something he had very little practice with. His hand forming that needle into a larger and larger weapon until it reached the size of his forearm, careful to raise it up and his hand closed on it before pulling back and launching it forward.

A spear of midnight black, Darkshear. It was a invisible spear that could effect someone as well as any physical weapon, piercing through armor and into one's heart. It was also highly corruptive if he was not careful which is why the spear was so small compared to what most would expect of the power, purposefully lessening the power put into it before throwing it at one of the guard's chest who would find himself knocked off his feet and against the door without any hint that he had been struck minus the now created hole through his armor.

The second was quick to react, but not quick enough as Solan was on him with one of his sabers in his right hand, the blue blade erupting and spitting plasma and crackling as it cut through the floor and then up and through the arms of the man before his left hand shot forward to push the man back and crack his head on the door. Both would be disposed of without any real commotion, hoping to have avoided a fight and drawing attention, such was his reason for doing as he did. It was quiet enough that he was able to open up the door and pull in the two men, not a single other soul knowing of the attack on those guards.

Of course though, the spike in force energy was not a small one. Anyone who had been looking for that beacon of force energy he wore on him would notice the even more concentrated energy that had been needed for the Darkshear, knowing that someone might show up soon enough so he would have to work fast. Withdrawling a drive with his VI Insurrection on it, he plugged it into the nearest console he could, waiting for the download to start before he would turn around and set up for any unwanted interruptions.

(PS. Most of your guys tags aren't working, please check or PM me if im directly mentioned in a post and i missed it.
Location: Ruusan Temple Halls moving into the archives
Objective: Ruin Sith Peoples Day
Allies: SSC peeps
Enemies: Sith peeps and various zomble surprises
Gear: Beskar'gam, Dual sabers, Blasters, various other party surprises

There was a pull to a room at the end of this hall through The Force and against my better judgement I followed it. My Aqua saber in my right hand I angled it blade out and proceeded through the doors walking into the Sith archives I made my way past the first row of shelves and was ambushed my two more zombies. Dashing forward quickly I ducked under the first zombies wild swing bisecting it as I did then darting forward again I shoved the blade of my saber through the second zombies head before pulling my saber clear and flicking my saber to the left decapitating it.

I was really getting quite sick of these foul Sithspawn....The eerie red glow of the lighting in here put me on edge and I quickly found a data terminal to mine for data. The air was thick here and the Dark Side nexus wan't helpful either, pulling a cord from my left forearm datapad I plugged into the data terminal and started a download and data mining process. I'd have to stay here to make sure it was complete and I while I was glad there hadn't been any guards here and only the two zombies I wasn't keen on waiting around either. This was an easily defensible location but I didn't want to have to hold it... The download of data files was going smoothly and wouldn't take much longer even though the files were enormous in size. I was betting that the files were digital copies of all of the physical knowledge here and after this was done I'd have essentially downloaded an entire Sith archive of knowledge. I'd have to rig up some incineration charges to destroy the physical copies of the books which I wasn't keen on doing either but with a digital copy of all the information that was here physically I'd be able to reprint copies of whatever I was interested in.

60% Complete only a little more to go...
Location: Ruusan Temple entrance
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Joza Perl"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Dagorn"]
Gear: See Sig

Unknown: [member="Kael Rose"]

Oh that felt good. Akhilleus thought as the maneuver finished with the Sith’s lightsaber falling to the ground an obvious mark on the armor showing where the Hellyni had gotten in the first attack of what would be many. The material was obviously incredibly resistant to lightsabers that meant there was no point to continue slicing at the man besides for Akhilleus’ own enjoyment. “I’m amazed you Sith were able to fend off the Silver Sanctum, you’re so weak that I couldn’t imagine you even facing one of the padawans at the temple. Doubt, a weapon that was great in the hands of a manipulator. Especially against the sith if they were a hothead. “Is that all the challenge you can offer?”

His own lightsaber deactivating Akhilleus raised his arms away from his core as though inviting the Sith in for a hug. But no this was him taunting the one before him. “Come show me what you got or are those tricks like that blaster it?” Even if the Sith chose to strike when his arms were open and core open Akhilleus had a backup plan to defend himself. “If you’re saying faster to me you may not be able to keep up… As a matter of fact, I don’t even think I have to fight you directly."

Head looking down to the lightsaber the dark jedi looked back at the Sith his shoulders moving signaling laughter. The hilt of Haytham’s weapon would lift from the ground as though wielded by a spirit and floated to him. “I’d rather not kill an unarmed Sith. But that was a lie. The green blade extended from the hilt with a snap-hiss diving for the area between the neck and shoulder. A weak spot in many armors and an area where the phrik would be thinner or not there at all.
Location: Ruusan Citadel
Homies: [member="Akhilleus"], [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Celiana"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Connor Harrison"]
Haters: [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Onley Xiangu"]
Engaging: [member="Dagorn"] and [member="Matsu Xiangu"]’s weird floating murder child
Gear: In bio

The Trandoshan’s shot would strike Joza’s left shoulder as she swept low to slice at a pair of undead legs, grimacing as pain quickly seared into her upper chest and arm. The armor and protected her from any devastating effects, but it could not absorb the full power of the slug which dented the plating at her shoulder. Grunting in irritation, she quickly switched her saber to her right hand. Typically the prosthetic limb was used more in defense, but it could handle a saber just as well as its left counterpart. Probably.

Growling, she stumbled back and nearly directly above the Lich as it screeched from overhead. Her head immediately jerked back, face curdling in disgust as she held her saber in front of her, swatting away zombies and projectiles as they came. Oh Force, it wasn’t about to—wait—ew, no! The shrieking creature proceeded to vomit a hefty dose of acid from above, and it brought to mind her time on Dromund Kaas with the exploding acid bunnies. At least now, Joza was more apt to handle the situation, though experience and time had done nothing to lessen her disgust for these beasts.

Though it would probably eradicate some of her unsightly large pores along with the rest of her flesh, this was not the kind of facial she needed.

Extending her aching arm upwards, she created a Force Bubble around her person, rapidly expanding outwards to strike at the Lich as it dove towards her. It would also forcibly push away any zombies in the immediate vicinity, and perhaps slam into Dagorn should he be close enough. The sniper was not forgotten, but right now she had to deal with this floating monstrosity. Her blade would position itself overhead to parry the Lich’s strike should the Force Bubble break. A lightsaber wielding zombie? Who knew!

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner

It was curious.

Oh so curious.

Was he being taughted, an attempt at pushing him over the edge to give in to the rage?

It was a poor attempt.

A constant rage tired one out. Come recently, he realized it'd be best to be... Calmer, to utilize the rage in smaller bursts. Merely a constant stream of anger that fed into his being to fuel him. In a way, it made him feel much stronger than before.

Mere words couldn't affect a God.

"Yes. Many Sith are weak. Poor examples of the true Power of the Dark Side." He was talking, but it didn't even appear as if the Dark Lord of the Sith was talking, or even looking at the one before him.

"Hardly better than Dark Jedi, weak, short lives I've learned, pitiful ambitions." Darth Orcus had taught him much. About plenty of Dark Jedi that referred to themselves as kings and people of import.

How could he blame them?

He'd name himself King, even if it was of ashes alone.

But he had higher aspirations than that.

"Insults will get you nowhere. Prove yourself capable of facing me, Worm." At that, it was clear his head actually turned away as he looked at the ensuing battle around them.

Curious, he thought.

"Then you're a coward," he said drily in response to not wanting to kill him.

It was clear the Dark Jedi was simple now.


Whilst in his thoughts, he could feel every use of the Force within the Citadel. None were safe from the Dark Lord's vision.

Not even his own lightsabre that was intent on cutting its creator down.

The lightsabre that was tied to him. An extension of himself.

A crystal he had heard call out to him.

A... tool of peace.

A tool of peace that he had created via the Force, thus creating a bond with it. He could feel the crystal within it, calling to him, yearning for him to wrench it from his opponent's guiding force ability.

Darth Athyssius' senses were amplified. Thousands of folds over.

He answered the call of his crystal.

The Force Crush came suddenly, and without hesitation. The crystal chamber was targeted. With that gone, the dangerous plasma beam if death disappeared from existence.


Another part of his ties to the Jedi, lost.

It meant nothing to the Dark Lord.

The lightsabre hilt crashed against his shoulder as he turned to present his side to Akhilleus.


Before I kill you.

Why do you hate me so?"
Location: The Citadel
Allies: [member="Dagorn"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Enemies: [member="Akhilleus"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Joza Perl"]
Objective: Catch the Silver Sanctum on tax evasion charges
Engaging: [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

A sense of surprise crawled up Jorryn's spine as the Dark Jedi she sent flying managed to turn the attack around on her, throwing the creature she tried to ensnare him with towards her using the force. Instead of continuing to focus on the man, she attacked the creature with the move meant for him. A quick curve of her blade and a small push sent the undead creature flying in two parts around her, a guttural noise coming from the creature as it flew past her.

It's limp body slammed against the floor, one arm and the leg slamming lifelessly against the stairs while the head and right arm attempted to crawl towards the enemy again. The creatures were desperate, doing whatever their master bid them to do in order to return to the peaceful embrace of death. They were pitiful creatures, incapable of even doing that job properly.

Jorryn landed on one of her knees and slowly raised herself, her crimson lightsaber still glowing in her right hand. She quickly scanned him for any other gear he might have, overlooking that had cost her the advantage she had hoped to gain.

"Of course not, the fun is in a drawn out death. I would much rather you be torn apart by these spawn than to have to dispatch you myself, but they aren't very capable apparently."

A loud sound of bone breaking and the soft crush of flesh emphasized her point as she dug her heel into what remained of the creature that she had bisected, finishing off the pathetic thing.

"What sounds more fun to you, feeling another's life vanish rapidly only to be drawn out near the end or a quick feeling of surprise and then nothing?"

Jorryn attempted to distract him, better to have his mind wander off trying to answer meaningless questions than to be planning his next move. She flipped her lightsaber in her hand to face backwards and then charged the figure before her, doing a small pirouette in an attempt to slash the man in the abdomen as she also brought her right leg around using the momentum to strike him in the face.

The force augmented her grace and speed, the uneven terrain having little effect on impacting the efficiency of her move as she pulled more energy from the nexus to fuel her dark side powers.
LOCATION: Sith Citadel - Site of SSC Crash
OBJECTIVE: Slaughter.
ALLIES: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | [member="Dagorn"]
ENEMIES: [member="Akhilleus"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
DIRECTLY ENGAGING: [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Joza Perl"] <3

She felt a rush of energy, the Force thanking her for energy well spent. The battle raged on around them. Her Children overwhelmed a Sanctum soldier, close enough that his screams echoed off the ceiling as they pulled him apart by the limbs. And yet she only had eyes for Connor's undoing. Oceans between them and she would feel his agony, fuel, suffering push PUSH push push push PUSH PUSH jittering driving her, shaking in her bones marrow crack it crack him open implode shatter little pieces little pieces little pieces. She barely heard him when he spoke again.

When the fire started she ripped in to the control she had over the zombies. Mostly she left them to their own devices, a thin, tenuous streak of control left dormant once they were set free on prey that stimulated their primitive instincts. But she called them, each of them sprinting forward and towards her to throw themselves in the way of the fire. They couldn't stop all of the wall, flames licking over their disintegrating bodies to reach her. She turned unleashed a telekinetic slam that pummeled the decaying creatures forward, the flames rolling overs its invisible wall as body parts scattered.

She was past banter, red eyes shot through with gold as she stalked forward towards him. Lightsaber she rarely used ignited in one hand to bar against his physical prowess, she brought the full force of her mentalism to bear against his mind. For a moment all was quiet - the ocean pulling back from the shore - before the wave of her rush slammed against him. Whispers at first, dozens of whispers of any memory she could scrounge out of him, every horrid self-doubt and terrible thing spoken to himself in the dark. Jedi had a lot of those didn't they? Quiet pep talks in the dark to justify the lives they took in the name of the Light. Monsters. You are Just. Like. Me.

She attempted to crush him, her mental might wrapping around his brain like a fist, hopefully popping grey matter to ooze from his ears. He would make an excellent Undead.

For Miss Joza Perl -

Admittedly, the Lich couldn't wield the saber with any true skill. Despite Matsu's work there was no substitution for possession of the Force, especially when trying to teach martial combat to something without a brain.

The Lich flew upwards as the Force Bubble materialized, watching as the field pushed away the other zombies in the area. The red glow of its eyes narrowed, primitive thought causing it to fly along the edges of the bubble, testing it. It tried another torrent of acid, the liquid dripping down the outside of the forcefield like molten metal. Rage at denial of a meal tore at it and it slammed its fists against the barrier, rotten throat bellowing some unholy sound as it stared at Joza.

It had little idea of the sniper waiting to count Joza among his points, but flew around the outside of the barrier and waited for the prey to come out of its trap.

Waiting a turn since I missed Dagorn going for Joza - MY BAD! Dagorn, do you want a floating zombie friend? :p

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: Sith Triumvirate Temple; Ruusan
ALLIES: [member="Akhilleus"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
ENEMIES: [member="Dagorn"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
ENGAGING: [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

With a slight frown of disapproval to the host of zombies taking the brunt of the attack meant for Matsu, Connor remained light on his feet and took into account of their surroundings. From testing each other over the years in craters, to space stations and thick woodland, nothing felt more confined than the burning temple they were both in now.

He mirrored her violent lightsaber that spewed to life in a second, his hilt pointed down and snapping into life – the best course was to mirror the predator and keep as much….

….Connor slowly drew deep breathes in as flames beside him coated him in a warm, hellish glow.

She was back where he struggled to get her out of; his head.

Voices. Thoughts. Broken promises. Lovers. Allies. Traitors.

He brought up the saber, the blue blade pointing out to the Sorceress to give him time desperately needed.

Give in to it. Make them suffer. Lies. Deception. Deceit.

Time to build the wall he had tried so hard to do over the years since.

Connor looked straight at her, and the pummelling sensation in the forefront of his head was seen as nothing but the woman before him now. Submit and she advances and takes your soul; stand and repel and you push her back

Looking through her mental attack, Connor pushed all he could back into her vipers nest of a mind, eager to fight fire with fire. Around them, the temple seemed to slow down. The flames danced around them. Blaster bolts lit up the walls. Shouts from others blended into nothingness. His heartbeat was slow and steady. Colours faded into grey. Her sharp features were heightened more than ever, and her sickly eyes were his only fixation.

He pushed as hard as he could, to keep her and the voices out; the empty voices of people who meant nothing to him. The ones he had no time for. The ones who didn’t matter.

The pressure in his head was steady, but it felt like one wrong move and his brain would explode. Connor didn’t give her anything; he just looked right at her and fought to get into her heart. And at that moment, he wondered what he would be without Matsu Xiangu coming back into his life now and then to keep him grounded and give him a purpose; did she complete him as a sword of the Light?

That thought broke him; he wasn’t going to rely on a Sith to remind him of who he was. With a cry of strength, he pushed as hard as he could and allowed the Force energy radiating from him to kick up anything and everything he could from around him towards her. Debris and flaming metal, and a wave of his Force aura to smother her in what the Light was all about.

Hope and defiance in the face of adversity.
Location: Ruusan Temple entrance
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Joza Perl"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Dagorn"]
Gear: See Sig

Unknown: [member="Kael Rose"]

With the lightsaber attack failing it was of no consequence to Akhilleus. It hadn’t been his own sabers crystal that had been destroyed. There were numerous other ways to deal with the weapon besides crushing the crystal. It was such a waste and as it clanked to the ground Akhilleus watched it roll back and forth at its owners’ feet. Forgotten, useless. Well at least to the common person who didn’t see the possibility of it. Akhilleus let the Sith keep talking, he let the sith keep toting himself as such a great Sith when all his accomplishments had come to nothing but the dissolution of his own order. It was pitiful that this Sith thought himself so powerful but had nothing to show for it. Of course the sith wouldn’t accept it. From what Akhilleus had read they rarely did. They didn’t want to believe that they had lost it all and that all their work had amounted to nothing. It was true of many but it spoke magnitudes for the one before him and it cemented in Akhilleus’ mind that he would not be losing this battle. The Sith would be like any other enemy and thought too highly of himself. Double the pride, twice the fall.

You speak as though you’re powerful, you call me a worm. Speak lowly of others when guess what, you’re the one with the mark on your armor.” Akhilleus said nodding to it. You were the one who opened battle with a foolish mistake. I think it is the other way around, I have proven myself the superior combatant in a matter of two moves. You the inferior. Your power means nothing and you are the lowest Sith. How my brother lost to you when he was half dead I’ll never know. Were you truly even able to kill him on your own? Or did you have to run away again… Little boy.” The insult spoke magnitudes for why Akhilleus hated the sith standing before him. If the dots weren’t connected than the truth of who the dark jedi was would always remain a mystery. He knew that the Sith was try

Yet another oversight of the sith was that he had let the hilt hit him and stay at his feet. Of course many thought a lightsaber useless without a crystal, not Akhilleus. There was still a limitless amount of possible uses for the hilt as while the blade was weightless the hilt wasn’t. It was made out of a solid metal and easily weighed more than any bullet. In the hands of a telekinetic it was nothing less than lethal. The moment Akhilleus thought the hilt flew up from where it lay at its owner’s feet easily matching the speed of a slugthrower round and surpassing it. The hilt would be aimed directly for the ribs of Haytham. Shame he hadn’t gotten further away or kicked it away.
LOCATION: Sith Temple - Ruusan
ALLIES: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Dagorn"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
ENEMIES: [member="Akhilleus"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Celiana"]
DIRECTLY ENGAGING: [member="Connor Harrison"]

She felt him push back.

There was no fear in her. There wasn’t a single person in the galaxy that could see inside her mind, not after what Krius Syonis had done to her. All Connor would find pushing back through her mental intrusion was the black void of space - a soundless, soulless nothingness infinite its hunger, crushing in its enormity. It would beg to devour him, snuff out his life so loud in disturbing its silence. There she would gladly let him disintegrate, soften for the maggots, dry skin draped over bone until he was a memory and then nothing. No, she did not fear he might see something she did not will.

But no one ever pushed back.

The surprise was such that she caught his intentions later than she usually might have while implanted in someone else’s head, dropping her battering only moments before everything he picked up came flying for her. A quick push was enough to save her from the worst of it, but not from an enormous piece of the crashed ship that caught her broadside, throwing her off her feet. She clutched for purchase on something, anything to break the nasty fall that came anyway, rolling side over side until she skid to a stop under debris and fire. Reminded of her duels with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], she stayed there for a moment, isolated in the quiet of the strangest peace within chaos.

Once she’d thought it pointless to give in to rage. She’d worked beside Sith that had destroyed planets for no other reason than an inability to control their own emotions. But the hardline of the Jedi was pointless too. So she’d found a middle road: feel the rage, feel the anger, feed on pain and suffering - but she never let it consume her. She focused it, white-hot and mad, until its release was a supernova. And with the nexus on her side, she was monstrous. Closing her eyes she focused on the nexus, pulling from its well to throw her mind in to another spell.

Tendrils - dark, inky, and reeking of something heady and metallic like blood - curled up from the firmament behind Connor. Slamming the ground hard enough to shake it beneath the feet of anyone standing close, the tendrils of dark-side energy lashed out, the air around them burning with ozone at the heat and electricity boiling within them. They kept cropping out behind Connor, attempting to drive him towards where Matsu had disappeared beneath rubble. Either they would touch him and burn his flesh from bone or latch on and yank his limbs from his body, like a doll ripped apart at the joints. One found a Silver soldier, wrapping itself around her torso and slicing her in half, throwing her remains at the Master Jedi threatening their creator.

Stay close to them and die. Or come closer to me, and I will at least end you faster than they will.
LOCATION: Sith Temple - Ruusan
ALLIES: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Dagorn"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
ENEMIES: [member="Akhilleus"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]
DIRECTLY ENGAGING: [member="Aria Vale"]

He liked to think that he wasn’t a stereotype. While he hadn’t exactly been exposed to a lot of people as a kid, he hadn’t spent too much time with Sith - surprisingly - which he thought gave him an advantage when it came to avoiding the whole gargoyles-on-the-castle-parapets, doom-and-gloom aesthetic of the group he identified with through virtue of proclivity. Of course he had a propensity for senseless violence that sort of pushed him in that direction, but the smirk he caught the Jedi flashing at him didn’t foster resentment or some deadly boring rush of righteous anger. It made him smile back.

The flash of her lightsaber twirling alerted him that she was up to something, though its light also effectively blinded him to whatever the move was long enough for her to begin executing it. By the time she swung for his saber he was able to start pulling back, twisting his body to avoid being maimed or losing his blade, but a white-hot agony cut straight across his chest as her reach connected with flesh. He could smell the cauterization, feel the very edges that hadn’t burned bleeding down in to his armorweave, but he took no time to look down at the damage. He refused to take his eyes off her.

And he didn’t, not even when he took a wild swing to try and throw her balance before he bent at the knees and threw both fists down in to the crumbling floor to unleash a telekinetic wave he imagined throwing her in to a crumpled heap. Of course he was still learning to apply his strength in the Force and he did not have the sort of incredible control he’d heard described of others - but he remembered when he and Silas had almost died one day in what felt like a distant past, when the predators had been closing in around them in a circle that neither boy thought they’d ever see the outside of, and the only way to live was to kill them all. It would be exceedingly easy to put his saber through her chest if she was broken on the temple floor.

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