Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cleansing of Val'hala

A world that sought to be as a Coruscant in the Outer Rim, though there had been plenty of planets that attempted as such and failed. For there were many worlds, each of their own had sought to bring out their best and show up the Core Worlds. Though all they often achieved was nothing more than pity and an amused smile from those whom came from Kuat and worlds of the like. For this planet though, there had been something different, some collector that brought millions upon millions of individuals to settled the world.
Though many of those whom had come to call the world home had a single glaring difference that set them apart from many in the galaxy. Many of those that remain upon the world could touch the Force, and through it act. Wars had been fought, and it was clear that there had been those whom had turned their gift into a weapon. This world though was one that was so ravished by war, that to call it a utopia and proclaim that its people were equal and accepting was wrong.
Then again, their numbers that had been so great had been diminished. That which had taken Billions from across the galaxy, the Netherworld event, had left billions missing. The galaxy was hurt, and scars of that time remained upon its facade. Those whom had sought to call themselves guardians, or those that sought power over others merely were a root cause. For it was some monstrous beast that wielded the force whom harmed the countless billions in the galaxy.
The Force...
The damned thing that everyone seemed to fall upon as a crutch. The Sith held no power without it, and the Jedi sought to ensure that only those whom wielded the Force did so as they demanded. Then there were the countless schisms and break away cults and factions, all of these brought further misery and pain upon the people of the galaxy.
Unto this day, the galaxy would cry out no more. They would rally beneath a banner that sought to tear those from power that had sown nothing more than Chaos in their wake and destroyed all that had once stood. The Sith and the Jedi had waged war for far too long, and now it seemed that many others merely stepped away rather than attempting to finish what had been started. Those so called Guardians of Peace were nothing more than beings whom desired their own power, and rather than face those that wielded it for their own nefarious means, they hid to keep their own dwindling power.
A heavy boot pressed into the side of the mountain, shifting what little dirt remained to come slipping down the side. Much of what could be called the terrain was taken over long ago, and even then only the peaks of those mountains seemed to rise above, just barely. Looking over the city, a soft smirk crossed her lips as she watched what amounted to its citizens gathering and going about their day. Soon though it was to change, for Val'hala was silent for long enough.
Slipping away from her momentary stop, she stepped into the old and decrepit home, the door creaking and grinding as it barely managed to open. This would be where it began, a cleansing of the world that would be lead by a handful. Those whom used the Force were too dangerous, and none could be permitted to live. They would have to steel themselves for what was about to come, and thus the words were spoke. Uttered unto the cold air and breathed life within them.
"There are no Jedi, nor are there Sith. All Force Users are a Danger."
[member="Aria Fel"]
[member="Sai Fel"]
[member="Cyamus Romulus"]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Amelia Sorenn"]

When she stepped onto the new planet, she could already tell it was a world divided.
Aria Fel blinked as the sun reached her eyes, raising an armor clad hand to momentarily block the rays of light. Even after two years, the Zhornee exile had to get used to how bright suns could be on other worlds. After that moment of slight discomfort, she began to make her way to the outskirts of whatever city she was on.
Aria had no idea how long she would stay on this Val'hala, or what she would find here, but she knew she couldn't stay in the cities. She could discern that many here had the Gift, and she couldn't begin a campaign against them without a plan. She could see a mountain in the distance. She would make her way towards that, for now.

Aria decided that climbing a mountain in durasteel armor was not exactly a good idea halfway through her journey up the natural tower of rock. But she was too far to stop, and the Zhornee was never one to give up. Taking a rest on a ledge, Aria wiped the sweat from her brow, looking upon the city she had just left. It reminded her of her home, and a frown settled upon her face. If the Gift was so prevalent here, it was only a matter of time before Val'hala ended up like Vullain; unless she did something.
She shook such thoughts from her head as she kept climbing the mountain. She could think of a plan once she reached the summit.
[member="Amelia Sorenn"]
[member="Aria Fel"]
[member="Sai Fel"]

Shifting in his armor slightly, he keys a few mental commands, powering the various hidden hydraulics and electrical systems. Around him on the crashed freighter, several dozen pirates of various species and genders all lay dead. Some were killed with his twin-mounted modified T-21s mounted on his left gauntlet, some were thrown against walls and other objects, or violently punched or kicked. The results were rather grotesque, with bodies being bent at unnatural angles, heads turned far too much around, and bones turned to dust. But, his most widely used weapon was his T-23 Powered Glave, who's blade was painted with the blood of his foes.

Cyamus keys another command to his HUD, clenching his armored fists while he straightens himself, a soft smirk forming on his pale face as he hears the familiar hissing of the hydraulic pumps of his armor at work. With a tone of activation, the blue eyes of his helmet blink on, giving him a view of the room he was in. Reaching to his left, he yanks his glave out of the wall, which also had a Chiss female stuck halfway down the massive blade. The corpse was easily removed with an idle scrap, allowing him to get back to business.

Turning around to face the partially open door, which was currently spilling over with snow. Stomping over there as casually as an eight and a half foot tall armored giant can be, he lifts up a leg to kick the door open, flinching slightly as his helmet and eyes adjust to the bright reflections of the snow. The wound howled around him as he stepped outside, looking around to take in the sight of the mountains. Looking down from his spot on the mountain, he sees an armored woman stepping into an old home. She matched the descriptions of the one she was to meet with.

So off he marched, towards the mountain at a deactivated glave in his hands.

Terys Rocabel

The Mechanically-Inclined Medic
[member="Cyamus Romulus"] [member="Aria Fel"] [member="Amelia Sorenn"]

Terys shivered under her heavy jacket, unused to the cold mountain air. Her ears were free of any piercings, a sight which would have been unusual to those who knew her -- but a kind citizen had informed the young woman that in the frosty temperatures, the metal would freeze her ears off. Yikes! She definitely didn't want to take a chance with that. So, instead, her earrings were tucked away safely inside a velvet bag within her breast pocket.

Beside her, Shiny was complaining about something or other. "...are terrible on my joints, Sir. I suggest a good oiling after this in case damage is incurred."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Shiny. I'll make sure it's a long bath, too." She shielded her eyes against the bright sun, and caught a flash of a reflection up ahead. "Hey, Shiny! That looks like someone!"

It was then that Terys demonstrated her lack of knowledge when it came to mountains. Putting both fingers in her mouth, the blonde let out a sharp whistle, followed closely by a loud, "Hey, you up there! Wait for me!"
[member="Terys Rocabel"]

(Assuming you mean me)

Turning about in the wind, he hears someone over the wind, just barely. Female, possibly with a droid. Looking in the direction of the voice, he trudges through the snow, thankful that his armor renders him impervious to extreme temperatures. His helmet lenses, who are glowing a deep blue, focus on a fast approaching woman and her droid (Fast because he was almost jogging now). Making sure that his weapons were deactivated and that he was as nonthreatening as possible, for an armored warrior such as he, he calls back over to her.

"Are you here for the Templars, too?" His baritone voice calls over to her, amplified in loudness by his helmet. Eventually, he slows down to an idle pace as he haphazardly holds the massive glave to his side. She was a different one, a rather pretty woman. That could get her targeted by gangs. Hopefully, for her, the B1 would protect her for a time. "What is your name, girl?"

Terys Rocabel

The Mechanically-Inclined Medic
[member="Cyamus Romulus"] [member="Aria Fel"] [member="Amelia Sorenn"]

(Yes and no, I left it ambiguous for whoever replied first :p )

Terys and Shiny hurried as the figure began to move towards them. As they got closer, the woman couldn't help but let out a soft whistle. Whoever this fella was, his armour was big. Grandma would have been drooling over this man, had she been here.

"Sure, if that's who wanted me!" Terys called back. Truthfully, the young woman was not interested in fighting Force Users, since she hadn't met enough to form an opinion. But her credits were low, and she was itching to work, so when the Templars put out a call she answered. "My name's Terys Rocabel; this here's Shiny. I'm a small-time mechanic with a bit of medicine in my background. What about you?"

Another gust of wind came about and she shivered again. Hopefully wherever the meeting was being held had a heater -- and if it did, she was calling dibs.
[member="Terys Rocabel"]

"Wonderful! Unfortunately, if you are looking for any formal meeting, I have no idea where it is. But, the crashed pirate ship I arrive on Val'hala with should provide adequate warmth."

Kneeling before them, he gestures to his massive shoulder plates for her and the droid to sit on. He looks over his shoulder to the crashed freighter, idly wondering if she'll mind the massive amount of dead pirates strewn about the wreckage. Truth be told, he hopes there is a way to make her as comfortable as possible in the ship. Turning his blue 'eyes' back to Terys, he gives her a nod as he introduces himself.

"I am Cyamus Romulus. I hope you do not mind the sight of... extreme amounts of mutilated pirates. I should be able to have any surviving droids clean up the mess, though."

If he remembers right, there should also be a clear area where there is relatively little gore. Of course, he had slaughtered the pirates throughout the ship with contemptuous ease, but he wished to make what may very well be his first friend comfortable in his presence. The droid, he doesn't care about too much.

Terys Rocabel

The Mechanically-Inclined Medic
[member="Amelia Sorenn"] [member="Aria Fel"] [member="Cyamus Romulus"]

"It's nice to meet you, Cyamus! Anyway, I can pull up the map and show you where we thought it might be, if you want. Thanks, by the way." Terys scrambled onto the giant's shoulder, then twisted around to heft Shiny up. "Come on, dumb droid!"

"Sir, I can't help it if my body was not programmed to ride on the shoulders of sentients -- or to climb." The young woman could detect the sarcasm in Shiny's voice, and failed to suppress a grin. That was the reason why she'd programmed as many personality facets into her friend's processor; simple droids bored the heck out of her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! Wait, mutilated pirates?" The medic frowned, stretching her neck to catch a glimpse of the ship -- though with Shiny in her arms, it was difficult. "What happened to them?" She knew he mentioned the ship was crashed, but surely there were survivors?
[member="Terys Rocabel"]

As he begins to march forward, his voice retains his relaxed tone, as if he was completely indifferent about his answer. And to be honest, he wasn't: They were scum, and they attacked him. If they had not attacked him, he would not have had to slaughter them. But, what's done is done, and he shrugs to her before he responds to her, the massive metal plates clanking together as they move, possibly causing her to lightly shake.

"They attacked me first, so I slaughtered every last one of them. Gods know what they've done in their days while they were alive and active."
That house, whom ever had once called it home had seemed to leave so much behind. The woman's eyes slowly moved from small image to image, her foot steps moving slowly as she seemed to be slowly tracing something. Then there it was, an old stain almost forgotten by time and by herself as well. The first of many stains that had left the home ruined and untouched for countless years. Standing silently, she slowly knelled down upon her knee, her hand reaching out and running along the ancient stain that had shown a puddle of blood.
Her lips curled for a moment as she remembered, thoughts flooding back into her mind of a night that was best left forgotten, and yet it was slowly creeping back into her mind. It was one that needed to be remembered, to ensure that what she was about to unleash upon the galaxy remained pure. For too long there had been those that held some 'gift' as her sister had. Too many of those either used it for their own selfish means and demanded obedience, whilst others demanded obedience and blindness with the guise of training others.
She nearly spat out the word as it touched her tongue, her hand pressing more firmly against the blood stain upon the wooden floor. The image of a girl laying before her flashed into her mind. At least from how she remembered it, her sister finally looked to be at peace for the first time in many years. Then again she could just be remembering it that way as a means to cope with what she had done. By her own hand she felled her sister whom had lain waste to their family as she slept.
Had she had any connection to the force, one might have been able to feel it; or those whom were capable of sensing and attempting to link with others might feel the hatred and anger that welled within her. Those would be her tools, and the Galaxy was to be her patient as it were. For too long the Jedi and the Sith had run about the galaxy, destroying that which had been built. They along with countless others whom wielded the force destroyed more often than they built.
"How many more families?"
She asked to herself as she slowly stood up, her hands grasping the helm that graced her head. Pulling the piece free, her hair fell down in dark tresses along her shoulders, cascading down her back. The helm pressing into the wood of the table as it was set down and free from her grasp. Though she did no disarm herself as she still remained ready. There were too many unknowns, and perhaps it came most from those whom had heeded her strange call.
What could see come to find from those whom were sure to arrive? She could not just as easily trust them off the bat, nor could she do this alone. There was to be a cleansing of this world, and that caste system which had governed it for so long was to be dismantled piece by piece, even if it meant destroying millions in the process. It had to be done, and it would be done, for even among them were those whom demanded more merely because of that which they wielded in a bid to enslave and keep others beneath their thumb.
[member="Aria Fel"]​
[member="Cyamus Romulus"]​
[member="Terys Rocabel"]​

Terys Rocabel

The Mechanically-Inclined Medic
[member="Amelia Sorenn"] [member="Cyamus Romulus"]

As Terys tightened her grip onto Shiny and Cyamus's armour, the corners of her mouth twisted downward. Call it the medic in her, but she found the act of killing to be, well, rather distasteful. "I see."

Nonetheless, she didn't resent her new friend for the act -- especially if it was provoked. Lord knew she wasn't anything like a hippy; she'd been in her fair share of fights. She just didn't like the thought of bloodshed.

Drumming the heels of her boots against the giant's armour, Terys decided to change the topic. "So! Why'd you decide to come all the way out here for this Templar Order, hmm?"

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