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Rebellion The Clockwork King | Oblivion Event Thread

Factory Judge
Factory Judge


Note: This event thread is not mandatory to participate in to enjoy SWRP: Chaos.

Normal Rebellion rules do not apply.

Omni can rebel any hex in Oblivion, at any time.
This rebellion is open for all Factions to join.


Characters and Factions have gained plans to one of Omni's most prominent Factories in Oblivion, and Omni's plans for a new device to convert Force Ghosts in the Netherworld into an energy source of terrifying proportion. What waits inside, however, is a surprise ambush of Omni Drones and converts ready to assimilate the attackers into his New Order.

867 ABY: Oblivion
Location: Delta Factory Facility

Dim blue lights echoed throughout the corridors of the Factory as rustic drones carried out their tasks within the Facility. The Factory was abuzz with shambling life, enslaved droids moving between locations in the corridors as they carried out their Master's wishes. Though metallic in nature and seemingly lifeless, the eyes of these drones carried a semblance of life to them. Through those glowing blue orbs, a long history etched throughout the span of time was told. Chiss. Byssian. Sith. Jedi alike. These were the shells of the former living, conscripted by the artificial intelligence Omni into servitude. Cohesive and organized, the facility moved as one, with the only sign of living seemingly the eyes behind the metallic mask of each drone. Their flesh and bones were covered in metallic protrusions, some more evolved than the others. It was the only way to tell them apart - for the initial eye's glance, one wouldn't know a difference without it. They moved with unitary purpose, they sang with metallic hums, they whirred with excitement at the fulfillment of their single goal.

The Casket of Souls. In the heart of the facility, the Casket was what every single man, woman and droid toiled to keep safe and evolve. It was a great weapon, with utility beyond even the highest of understanding, aside from Omni's own. The screams of the dead and living alike could be heard beneath the massive sheets of metal separating the several floors of the Factory. He was feeding them to the Casket. Ammo for his war against those who had exiled him from the Galaxy. A giant bauble, spherical in shape, a deep blue glow emanating from the runic carvings etched between it's edges. It seemed to shimmer, and shake, in the massive facility where it lay - as if threatening to birth some vile entity.

A bright red sphere clicked alive behind the Casket, a massive skull of metal draped in a snake pit of chrome tentacles shifting it's titanic weight in the shadows of the berthing. It's eye fixated upon the Casket, as if lost in thought, or calculating. Suddenly, light shone upon it's left side as the massive construct turned it's head to face the ceiling, looking up from the darkest depths of the Factory.

"They are here," a bass inflicted chorus of sawblades echoed throughout the Facility. Alarms began blaring throughout the Facility.

"Go forth, Harbingers. Show them our Evolution."

Massive gates began closing around the Factory, as the building began to light abuzz with alarms and lights. Something was stirring Omni, and it approached on swift winds.​


In the depths of the central Oblivion isle, entrance is gained to Omni's Clockwork Castle. To defeat the droid demi-god, knowledge long forgotten in the annals of Chaos Lore must be explored in an effort to undo the mistakes of the Galactic Republic and the Clockwork Rebellion. Find the reason for Omni's mission in Oblivion - and bring peace to the realm of the Dead.

37,542 BBY: Byss
Location: Archaelogical Institute Of The Infinite Empire

Day 367: Indigo Facility Master Architect's log. Today... was a peculiar day. One of the new couriers on Felusia has sent communication that they've found something of exquisite note, and that it should require my attention immediately as a device of technological historic proportion. Upon this description, I have immediately signed off on its transportation here to our Indigo facility. I must profess, I have not been this curious since we found the last Kwa stockade on Nerubia.

Day 389: Indigo Facility Master Architect's log. The device... Exhibit Lacrum is... rather larger than we anticipated. It's a gigantic sphere, about 13 meters in height, 13 in width. We had to move it into the H wing just to accomodate. Proper safety precautions were used, I can assure you, Davosi you old sal. I do rather wish you'd stop sending reports to the Tribunal about my work ethic.

Day 394: Indigo Facility Master Architect's log. I ... must profess, nothing has quite encapsulated my attention like Exhibit Lacrum. None of the markings on it are registered anywhere in our databases. Our best guess so far is it's of Celestial intent, but even on this I am uncertain. We had to remove the massiff hounds from the adjoining Hall... several of them seem similarly enamored and have broken out twice in as many nights. I believe the groundskeeper is still searching for a few that remain missing.

Day 406: Indigo Facility Master Architect's log. My sleep is deteriorating. Is it the thought of this Lacrum that keeps me restless? It permeates my dreams. Perhaps we should appear to the Seers to take a look at this artifact, maybe those crazy old crones can devise something our tools cannot.

Day 407: Indigo Facility Master Architect's log. I have filed orders with the Tribunal to move Exhibit Lacrum at once to a military facility. Just as I finally fought for what few hours of sleep I could attain last night, I was awoken by a startling scream and a loud metallic groaning, like a blastdoor stuck on it's track, whirring violently in place. Worse, the groundskeeper is gone, and I cannot find him anywhere. He has never taken leave without first providing notice - I am beginning to fear this facility haunted, due to the Lacrum's presence.

Day 412: Indigo Facility Master Architect's log. I have not been sleeping. I have not been eating. My eyes yearn for reprieve, and there's been no signal from the Tribunal for nearly a week now. Even the few drugs I have here provide little comfort - and I am plagued by a reoccuring vision. Placing my hand on the Lacrum, and then light. It wants to show me something, I think, but I am afraid. I dare not even walk the halls, beyond my room. Not even in the daylight. This building is cursed, now. This thing... is cursed.

Day 413: I.. cannot live like this. I have to see, I have to know. Celestials save me, and send word to my brother.

867 ABY: Oblivion
Location: The Clockwork Castle, heart of Omni's territory.

Deep in the heart of Omni's dominion, past metallic barbed walls that jutted out of the ground like cliffs, sat the Clockwork Castle. Durasteel met chrome in interwoven and twisted fabrics as it formed a sense of architecture that no human eye could reasonably fabricate, driven into the depths of Oblivion.

And through the chasms, halls, and looming shadows of the complex beat the heart of something alive... and deep within. A large sphere. 13 meters in height. 13 meters in width. With a deep blue tinge and dim aquatic glow. The howl of a massiff hound was heard in the distance.


Omni's armies feast on the living and the dead alike. Fueling their attempts to leave Oblivion, Omni launches an all out assault on the Eternal Empire's hypergate to attempt to free itself of Oblivion and back into the Galaxy. Face Omni and his infinite resources on the open field of battle, and stop the demon from wrecking havoc in the Galaxy once more in his attempt to cause a Second Clockwork Rebellion.

867 ABY: Oblivion
Location: Eternal Empire Outpost

Oblivion had a life of it's own.

It teemed with creatures, though alien to foreigners, carried on in their own ecosystem. Titanic islands floated through the void of the Nether, planetoids in their own right, teeming with this life. It felt like a whole other world, as if a planet had broken up into thousands of pieces but each piece had maintained it's functionality. They acted separate, but from a higher point of view, one could say they moved like tectonic plates on a shelf of the Aether. On an ordinary day, once one could escape the sense of bewilderment and wonder, it might look familiar. For each of us, it might look like a piece of home was dragged into Oblivion. For each of us, it might look like these islands were plucked out of our own memories. But for each of us, the sense was fleeting, and the renown understanding of a dark and twisted mutation returned. Oblivion was not natural. This place was touched by a demon, handcrafted by malice itself.

It was even easier to remember this when staring at a sprawling horizon of droids, clamoring over each other to approach the Hypergate.

One could barely see them from the edge of the Island, the gap between each one was sizeable and several kilometers long. Long enough to see ants dance in the distance of a sprawling Sun as it passed overhead, one of the many artificial lightsources that occupied Oblivion. One could even feel safe, as men do not usually fear insects. But these... were fashioning something. Massive platforms, held by several hundred of the drones, brought to the edges of the Island's cliffs before the deep plunge into the abyss. They looked like walls, perhaps. Barricades of some sort. Attempting to use as defensive shielding maybe.


These were bridges.

Each of them slammed into the side of the Island, and for each, they began to extend to enormous lengths. Thin layers of durasteel reaching out to provide kilometers of bridging to the Eternal Empire's encampment. It was clear now, the target of Omni's animosity. As the ants continued to buzz, deep in the distance, an almost Cthonic style storm was brewing as if the metallic terror had conjured it himself. A crackle of lightning. A deep resounding echo of thunder. Like drums, counting to when the ants no longer were insects.

The mission was clear. They would be overwhelmed by Omni's forces, without help. They needed to destroy the bridges. They needed to destroy the Hypergate. This... thing had created an entire world in preparation for this, it was all but apparent. They would be overwhelmed, without help.

The bridges continued to inch closer, and finally, the first drone stepped through the hypergate and into the Eternal Empire's encampment.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Nexus, Attackers
Location: Omni's Clockwork Castle
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open

Another event she didn’t know what triggered and started it. Ingrid found it probable that she and her minions had drawn Omni's attention to the Bakura gate when she regained her strength and power thanks to the ritual. It was possible, she couldn't be sure. However, they finally found out where the Omni headquarters are; a strike, an attack against the droid god could be executable. It could be shown to him that Netherworld was not his. For example the red-haired woman and @Darth Voracitus belonged here; Omni did not.

However, the stakes were high, she knew exactly what it might cost, if Omni's armies to get through the Bakura Gate. This was not the first time they had faced a strike or a plague that threatened the entire Galaxy. Bursoll II. was a similar place in relation to the Melding Plague. Where Tacitus left full control to her, where Ingrid's control managed to curb the undead and the epidemic. The first place they met one of the dead Shadow-born. However, it was destroyed there and could not be a member of the Shadow Knights. With this act, the woman became a Knight Warden, she earned the knight title. It was a thousand years ago, she didn't even know Adrian then…

Before the attack, on all the Eternal Imperial communication channels, the woman gave a shorter speech in High Nelvaanian:

<"Soldiers of the Eternal Empire!

This is not the first time that the Eternal Empire has to face a threat that threatens not only our existence but the entire Galaxy. A few years ago the Melding Plague, now this. The Empire has never been as strong as it is now, I know for sure that we will be able to cope with this danger and victoriously get out of this battle and stop Omni and his armies, both at the gate and at the factory and in his own castle. Today, this “droid god” learns that there is no place in the world for him or his followers!

The most important task is not to let Omni or his army reach the Realspace. His power cannot be left unchecked. If, however, it turned out that they would reach the gate and get through, you have a single and simple command: destroy the gate! No matter the cost and the price, they must not get through!">

She watched the nearby castle as she disconnected from the communication channel. If she was needed, anyone reached for her, but now she was trying to focus on the castle. There is a larger army back at the hypergate, hopefully help will come from the CIS as well and they will be able to attack the factory as well. And here was the castle. If they don't succeed, Adrian's soul could be completely destroyed, she couldn't risk this.

She glanced to the side where her dead husband's hallucination stood and watched the castle. It was a task that suited the woman. Break in and carry out an assassination against something that considers himself as a God. If she succeeds, it would be the culmination of her assassin career, as there was nothing that could not be destroyed.

She didn’t know how many were going to join her, how many people were going to be so crazy that she was going into a suicidal action. She was; this was her duty, the red-haired woman was a soldier, if necessary, she would die for her people, her men and the Empire without thinking. She trusted them, knew that the fleet was there in Realspace as well, waiting for Omni's armies if they got through, at the gate her men would defend it, if necessary, they would destroy it, even with themselves.

They’re going to do everything for the success, and the time has come…

"Let's go!" simple, short command; the Empress of the Eternal Empire and at the same time the Empire's best assassin set out for Omni's Castle.



Objective: Gather information on Omni’s origins and goals
Accompanied by: Jaina Grayson
Tags: Auteme Auteme

Aboard the Fatamorgana, en route to the Clockwork Castle...

Nimdok stood on the sail barge’s deck, leaning on the railing as he watched the scenery pass by.

“Enjoying the view?”

He turned to find Marion Muir standing behind him. Despite his exceptionally good hearing, he hadn’t heard her footsteps approaching—a testament, perhaps, to the tangled knot of enchantments and wards placed on the vessel carrying them to their destination. “Not really. I’m not one to mistake hell for paradise. But it helps to pass the time. Any news?

“The Maestro says we have nearly arrived at the Castle.” Peering out at the barren landscape, her brow furrowed. “Although I find that a little hard to believe… if we were that close, wouldn’t we be able to see it from here?”

Distance and time doesn’t work the same way here as it does in reality, captain. Besides, the Maestro knows this place better than any of us. I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.

Despite his prevalence and role as the true leader of their little expedition, Nimdok had yet to actually meet the Maestro in person. He wasn't even sure if the enigmatic sorcerer was aboard the barge, or if Marion's communications with him were done remotely using some special device. Perhaps he was among them, but in disguise, pretending to be one of the undead crew. It certainly seemed to fit the portrait of the eccentric painted by all of the stories Nimdok had heard about him.

Have I thanked you yet for letting me tag along? I don’t think I ever could’ve gotten this far without your help," Nimdok remarked.

“You’ve thanked us more times than I can count, professor,” Marion replied, blue eyes bright as she smiled. “I just hope we can both accomplish our goals here, and that this voyage won’t turn out to be for nothing.”

Oh, I’m sure we’ll have no trouble finding your ghost boyfriend,” Nimdok replied, earning a slight glare from Marion. She and the Maestro were looking for their missing associate, a spirit by the name of Will Wolfe, whom they feared had been rewritten by Omni’s forces. From what Nimdok understood, they hoped to rescue him, or at least hold him until a method of freeing his mind could be devised. “It’s getting inside the Castle I’m worried about…

Marion’s widening eyes were drawn toward something in the distance, and her mouth fell open in surprise. Nimdok followed her gaze and beheld a massive structure that had seemingly materialized out of nothing on the horizon, like a mirage. With its motherboard towers and parapets as symmetrical and sharp-edged as the ridges of a cogwheel, it could only be the lair of Omni.

... not to mention getting us out.

As he spoke, he surreptitiously patted his pocket, where two small, unassuming coins lay protected. Of the three obols he had been given by Kal Kal all those years ago, one was currently in the possession of Jaina, his assistant. Nimdok had one for himself so he would have a way back home, but the third coin had yet to find a suitable owner. He kept it just in case he found someone who needed it.

Objective: Hold the first defense line
Accompanied by: 1 scarecrow detachment, 1 Jackle detachment, 1 Jager detachment
Equipment: Vangard power armor, d16 slugthrowers
: N Nyxeris

Frank Would arrive a few hours before the attack on Request from the Eternal empire as he would be working alongside its Hades corp branch CEO N Nyxeris . As he would touch down with his detachment of Jagers and jackals reinforced with a detachment of scarecrows. The pilot yelled over the shuttles intercom as the troops poured out of the bird. “Go go go get the feth outta my bird you bunch of gaggle skrogs!” As Frank was the last off the shuttle took off heading back to wait on standby until needed.

Frank looked over the makeshift defensive line before raidioing to Nyxeris. “Pleasure seeing you take care of Hades corp over here in EE lady of blood, My forces will make up the first defense line please make haste and insure your ready i have a feeling this is going to be a bloody conflict.”

The scarecrows would work hard building barricades, foxholes and trenches with the aid of the Jagers in preparation for the oncoming assault. Frank began rigging up anti personnel mines. Frank and the other Jackals would Check their gear, as the bridges started to be erected. “Not one of those things get past our defense line while air still fills our lungs. Do I make myself clear?” Frank bellowed as he received shouts of equal courage from his forces.

As the first drone stepped into view Frank would fire a burst from his D16 slugthrower in its direction. The first shots have been fired on this battlefield. May the gods take mercy on our souls.

Caedyn Arenais


Location: Nearing the Delta Factory Facility.
Objective: Investigate the Factory.

"What can you tell me about what to expect of this place?" Caedyn turned to look to his father WolfMortum WolfMortum who roamed the nether alongside the Je'daii, the two walking and talking as though they might have within the living plane before Veiere's life had been taken.

"In truth, nothing good nor detailed. I have been forced to steer clear from this place for it feels as though all life is drawn to and lost there" Veiere replied, the spirit of the former Jedi Master slowing in his pace, a hand reaching out towards his Son in a silent gesture of caution; "However we are growing close and from here I advise great care. I cannot accompany you further..." something about the way Veiere spoke, the apprehension, would only further add to his Son's uncertainty within the Nether.

The pair of them had slowed to a complete halt, Caedyn looking on ahead in the direction they had been moving, searching for the disturbance that had echoed so strongly across the living world and the netherealm.

At the time, the Je'daii had been meditating and communing with his Father's spirit from the living world of Svivren, yet abridged between the ethereal and the corporeal planes, the Force had shaken them. Something had happened, something strong enough to cause the Force to reach out with a vast tremor that both men felt the disturbance.

Through his father's guidance, Caedyn had entered into the Nether, met by Veiere who would appear in full to him for the first time. Along the way, Veiere would explain the nature of spiritual energy across the nether becoming unbalanced, only able to compare the feeling with that of the presence of the Force being diminished from the living Galaxy. For Caedyn to cross over into the Nether, something he had never thought he would ever do, the concern and the need for further investigation had been dire enough to warrant his action.

"I don't like being here. It's not natural..." Caedyn stated after some pause between them; "The Galaxy is in a bad enough state, I never thought I would be called unto such a place. The living does not belong here" he elaborated, although sounding as though he were arguing against himself more so than speaking for his father's benefit.

"The Force reaches far beyond the living plane, its echo can be felt across the far reaches of the nether. The Spiritual Energy of those past become one with it. This is how we can commune with one another; for some Jedi to retain our identity even after passing on into this plane of existence" his father responded quietly, looking first to Caedyn before following the younger man's line of sight down the path they had been walking. Suddenly, the Jedi Master's gaze would be pulled away, turning to stare off across the vast land to Caedyn's right side.

"I sense you may not be alone here...-Other's have likely heard the call. Trust your instincts as you move forward from here, be mindful that this is not of the living plane, you may yet encounter challenges ahead unlike anything you have come across before" Veiere forewarned, soon to step back and slowly drift until he had become completely transparent, fading into nothingness.

"Great. Thanks Dad..." Caedyn muttered to himself, turning back to continue the trek on ahead.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated


WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solus | Icebreaker | Stormafbryder
ALLIES: Rann Thress Rann Thress | open

Word had reached the Confederacy about an impending threat toward their newest allies, the Eternal Empire. Gerwald was still bothered by the terms of the agreement which had been reached with the Empire, and he still had a problem with the fact they were allied with those who had caused so much damage to the Confederacy itself. There was no reason for it. The lupine still did not understand what tactical advantage their alliance would bring, but he knew it was not his place to question it.

There was one thing which superseded his apprehensions, and that was the threat which would spread to the galaxy if the attack on the Hypergate could not be stopped, or contained. Gerwald would see it through to the end. He was prepared for the fight, and along with him would be several Knights Obsidian, and any who had answered his call.

Battle had already started when Gerwald and his team arrived. Agents of this Omni had created a bridge to the Eternal Empire’s encampment. It was a scene unlike anything Gerwald had seen before. How many of those now spanning the bridge had once been dead? Were they alive now? They behaved independent, and yet there seemed to be a hive mind at work as well. Everything about the situation was complex and confusing. Fortunately Gerwald did not need to understand any of it, all he had to do was eliminate the enemy.

The job was simple.

Gerwald’s legs carried him closer to the conflict as he assessed his surroundings further. No matter where he seemed to travel in the domain he could not shake the sense of darkness, and the horror which haunted his sleep. He could not describe how he knew it, but deep down Gerwald knew this Netherworld was the place which he went to in his nightmares. Had it not been for the urgency of the situation, the wolf would have long abandoned his mission. SHE was in this place somewhere, but Gerwald had made her a promise.


His duty would take precedence over his feelings, over whatever promise he had made to bring her back into the land of the living. Duty had long been the obstacle which kept the lupine from the thing he had wanted most. His loyalty to those to whom he had pledged his life and service would always come first. Many thought him incapable of it. One who joined his team was chief among them.

Rann Thress Rann Thress believed that what was dead should remain dead. Gerwald was concerned, even to the point he had Oleander Webb Oleander Webb keep a close eye on the young child of Darth Metus. He had proven himself an excellent combatant. They would have to work together. For now their interests aligned. Gerwald just hoped he could follow orders.

“Keeping these things from taking the gate and getting into our galaxy is the primary objective here. Everything else is secondary.”

His eyes looked to those on his team.

There had been several 'omni drones' as they were being called that had met up with several factions as they entered the Nether space. Kat was unsure what they were since they seemed to be a mix of technology and living flesh but the way the technology worked had not been something she thought a humanoid would come up with. It was really interesting and the techie inside her had been curious about what was going on so she had been following up on the events and people mentioned that years ago there was a being called Omni and that it had been seemingly defeated years ago, though it did not look like it had. Part of Kat was curious to talk with the being, perhaps attempt to understand it and share her interest in technology and creating things though from the looks of the drones, Omni did not seem to be the talking type and Kat feared that the only way to avoid becoming one of Omni's drones was to end this being. It was disappointing to discover that such a artistic being was needed to be defeated. Even as Kat stood and looked at the castle that she assumed Omni and its drones had constructed, she couldn't help but admire the artistry of the building.

However, she was here to help end Omni, the being was a threat since it would not coexist peacefully and needed to convert everything. At least that was what she had been informed so she decided to contact back-up for the mission so that she could successfully infiltrate and gain the knowledge needed in taking down Omni. If there was a way to take this being down, from the way the drones talked it was if Omni was a god and to be honest, it survived the last encounter with the galactic factions so it was certainly very powerful. Kat stood, she was wearing armourweave with some metal pads at her joints. Keeping her armour light so that she didn't make too much noise when wandering around the place. Though she was cautious that her legs could fall prey to attack by these drones, since she wasn't sure what powers or skills Omni could have supplied them if Omni could do that.

Looking around, Kat spotted Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim giving her speech to her people, this operation was being headed by the EE. Looking over to Allyson, she gave a slightly flirty smile, "so, you know much about what we are heading into? I did some loose reading up on Omni but not loads." Kat then looked over to the castle, "impressive building, how do you want to approach this?" Kat figured that it would be smart to let Allyson take the lead on the mission since she was the spy and knew how to be stealthy, she also didn't know if Allyson would want to join up with the EE forces or just head off on their own. Kat figured splitting into groups would cover more area and improve chances of finding the information faster but she wasn't 100% sure it was the right move in case of an attack.​


Location: Bridges, Eternal Empire Base - Oblivion
Objective: Close the Gates of Hell
Unit Support: 10 Sirens
Allies: EE ( Frank Sterling Frank Sterling N Nyxeris ) │ CIS ( Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner )
Enemies: Omni

The Netherworld had very nearly broken her.

The strange, techno-sorcery of The Manifold The Manifold had briefly seized her mind, rewriting her thoughts to adhere to the will of the Clockwork God which ruled over this dimension. It was only the intervention of the Empress that she had been saved, the woman-nay, Goddess, having stepped in to stop the Omni-drone’s tendrils from penetrating her flesh, which doubtlessly would have turned the Siren into one of them. Unfortunately, the eldritch horrors of this dimension still lingered in her mind. Sleep had only come through over-the-counter drugs for the past few nights, resulting in bags manifesting under her mismatched eyes. Nevertheless, Velexia did not shirk from her duty to defend the base from the legions of Omni-drones advancing to attack. If anything, combat would be a welcome distraction from the nightmares. Perhaps in doing the very thing that she had been created for, inflicting violence upon the enemies of the Empire, she might ironically find “peace”.

And so, Velexia had readied herself for battle with her sisters, the Ultranauts, and the other forces of the Empire. Fortunately, they were not alone, with a few from the superpower in the south coming to their aid against an existential threat. Since she wasn’t privy to the complex diplomatic scheming which had manifested in an alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Velexia’s opinion of them was as of yet unformed. However, they were allies as much as the Ultranauts were, in the sense that they were not her sisters, like the Sirens.

The Armadillo grounded to a halt once it reached the forward lines, then without delay, the ten Sirens in the passenger compartment stormed out of the vehicle in a precise, disciplined fashion, guns held at the ready as the sensors on their white-plated armors processed their surroundings.

“No time to waste girls! The drones will be crossing the bridges any second now. We’re standing between them and the galaxy. Let’s move!”

Silara’s voice cut through the air with the decisiveness of a vibroblade through butter. However, the Sirens needed little encouragement to do what they had been programmed to do. As such, each of the ten women quickly formed up behind the barricades, with Velexia doing the same as she activated her cloaking device, bending light around her diminutive form to render herself invisible to the eye.

Just then, only a few meters away, a towering, seemingly juiced-up super soldier fired a burst of high caliber slugs from his cannon at the first drone to manifest in the distance, followed by a high-pitched, energized whine when the Sirens’ sniper, Irella, delivered a single bolt from her Attendant, aimed to strike the head of a second drone.

Before long, the battle seemed to begin in earnest.


The castle before the squad was...intimidating to say the least. It was a structure of which Lilanna had never seen, even in those weird Binary rattled dreams of hers, this structure was alien, a mix of machine and steel, warped into something akin to one of those moving art structures she had heard so much about from...what was it Ord Mantell? She couldn't recall. She had initially rose with Ingrid as the Empress called out for a charge, but there was a strange static in the air, something she could feel this time, and something she had encountered before. There was a sirens call out there, and it howled out for a reply, seemingly out in the brink.​
Lil felt her body go cold, that alien presence from before coursed through her, feeling herself unable to move, time seemingly stopped. 'You aren't even trying to fight the signal now my child. I can't fight all of your battles for you.' It chided, angering the Warden, as she had tired of being held prisoner in her own body. She had been a tool of another before, back when she was Sith, when she wore her chains with pride, using them as weapons. She wasn't the broken woman anymore, and now as this parasite within her lectured her, the Warden found the strength fight back. 'I'm NOT your child, I am NOT your vessel. I don't need you. I NEVER wanted you.' This creature had forced itself into her on Bakura, having held her prisoner until she agreed to hear it out, not knowing that it would be utilizing her in this fashion. 'Child, you can not oppose this entity alone, you need me, you are my vessel, and only together can we hope to oppose it.'
Behind her, her master fought on against this unknown threat, her Empress was leading the charge, and her friend Corin was leading her squad into combat somewhere around here. She wasn't alone, she didn't need this parasite inside of her to empower her, or whatever the hell this entity wanted. Lilanna gritted her teeth, the force suddenly erupting out of her, as she felt the alien presence diminish, time resumed, as she found herself in the midst of the battle. 'I'm NOT alone, and I DON'T need you.' She moved forward, feeling her limbs now her own, her feet carrying her behind Ingrid, though the Empress still had a lead on her. Lilanna felt...weight shift off her shoulders, feeling it a tad easier to breath now, but that signal....she could still hear it. Faintly, but it still droned on. Her saber flashed as one of the drones seemingly materialized out of no where. The Warden stepped past a strike, her golden blade slicing through the center, and was nearly deafened as the signal seemingly became louder, and an all too familiar voice took the place of the feminine voice within her. 'We are one. You are one. We are Omni.' She felt a sensation of needles driving into her skin, the Warden dropping to the ground, her body seizing up as her suit seemingly began to melt off her form, her technometry power was acting of it's own according now, pulling the parts of her slain adversary unto her, her synthetic flesh giving way as droid parts slid beneath the surface, linking up, forming lines of circuitry in the span of seconds. The whole time, the droning continued on in her mind, the signal growing, drowning out her screams, her voice, and eventually her thoughts.​
As Lil's struggles stopped, she rose, metal, circuitry, and all manner of parts were still finding a place on their new host.​
Lilanna could no longer see, her head was filled of a that droning scream rendering her effectively deaf, and the only sense of direction she could rly on was the force. That was how she knew she wasn't dead, and that she was on a collision course with Corin.​
She couldn't shout a warning, she couldn't stop herself, she couldn't even send out a telepathic warning. She felt razor hot needles stab into her skin once more, a silence shout came from within, but the hi-jacked Warden did not slow. Her saber was now imbued into the right arm of her armor, her left arm had incorporated her blaster rifle. That would prove to be something of a blessing, as the entity currently driving Lilanna on had terrible aim, it's blaster fire missing the Ultranaut widely.​
Whatever was occurring now, one thing was clear, Lilanna was not herself anymore.​




Tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

It was more than belief. It was fact. What’s dead should stay that way.

That was why Rann volunteered for this mission. As much as the mysteries that lie further within Hell tantalized him, he knew that the fate of the galaxy would be decided here. If the advance teams failed, there would always be a chance tomorrow, but if the gate fell today? There might not be a tomorrow. So here Rann was, supplementing Eternal Empire forces alongside other KO and broader CIS forces, the Lord Commander among them.

Rann had his doubts as to Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner ‘s motivations and resolve. If the girl made her debut, which he was sure she would, Rann believed with near certainty Gerwald would hesitate. A weakness Rann would not share.

But despite his misgivings and doubts, Rann would follow the Lord Commander into battle this day. The consequences of defeat were too great. But Gerwalds orders solicited a small smile from Ranns mouth from underneath his mask.

“Just remember that priority order when the time comes, Commander,” he responded, his voice made metallic by his mask as he drew and ignited his lightsabers.

Defending the galaxy was first. Everything…. everything else. Came second.


Objective: Nexus, Attackers
Location: Omni's Clockwork Castle
Equipment: M-107 Anti-Material Rifle, TDW M-416, L-7 Heavy Pistol, Vibro combat knife, armored body glove and full face gasmask
Tag(s): @Ingrid L'ler,


Ty's intro music

Ty listened from a distance as the Empress gave her speech to the forces attemting such a assult on the Omni. Heck Ty has been wondering down here with the force ghosts and other individuals who recently passed as this whole thing with the omni was taking place. Eventually leadign his to learn about the various battles that were going to be taken place.

He owed alot to the empress if it wasnt for her he would still be a cursed "undead" wondering realspace wondering if hed ever find his equal who would finally put him down. <"great speech empress, Hope your ready for a hard fight but might I ask to join you? If anything It would be my way of thanking you."> Ty spoke telepathicly To Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim as he made his precence known making his way to the other forces choosing to stay a distence and provide overwatch on any High grounds he could find.

as the forced moved Upon the empress's orders Ty couldnt help but look twords Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor something felt off about her at this moment. "Hey soldier you alright over there?" Ty asked to the wardan with a slightly raised voice.

Ty still liked the fact he could talk again hell not looking like a skeleton and what he felt most at home as when he was alive felt so good to him even if he was dead by this point.
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Tags: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
Gear: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, x4 Fragmentation Grenades
Goons: x30 Ultranauts

The clockwork Castle looked exactly as Corin had expected it to. Only it didn't. Not really. The reconnaissance images she had seen before coming out here had resembled the castle the way her mind's eye remembered them. Yet, despite that, there was a certain strangeness to the place that she couldn't quite put her thumb on. Maybe she was just being silly. Maybe it was just the distance, and the fact she had to crane her neck to see the top of the castle's battlements. Maybe she was just wishing she was closer to the Gate, with the rest of the third and fourth. Most of her company were. She should've been, too.

Maybe she was just scared of what they'd find there, within the walls of Omni's own private Hell. Maybe she was scared of the Nether period. But when the Empress called, you answered. Every Ultranaut knew that. You didn't say no to Ingrid. Even if you wanted to.

Keeping her weapon close, the Captain took a breath. Around her, a platoon of Ultranauts stood, silent in their reverie. Were they thinking the same things she was? Did they know fear? Did death scare them? She knew the answers to two of those three questions. That knowledge alone was enough to make her smile. Yeah, it's Omni who should be scared, she thought, eyes still on the castle. He- It will soon know the meaning of fear. Nodding along to her thoughts, Corin almost found herself believing them. She knew it was just wishful thinking. It would take more than thirty Ultranauts and their Captain to intimidate a God.

That wouldn't stop them from trying.

"Let's go." Ingrid's voice rang out, loud in the near silence. Tearing her gaze away from the castle -finally- Corin waved her troops forwards. As far as the plan went, there was no plan. Not yet. In fact, the lack of one had Cor worried, but Ingrid was with them. And she had absolute faith in the Empress. They all did, Corin knew. She wasn't so sure about their allies- the blonde Echani with the metallic legs, and her friend. The captain couldn't quite see the latter through the throng of her own troops. The assumption was that they were both known entities, and that the Empress trusted them enough to have them at her back. Lil was there too. Of all the people here, Lilanna Kelamvor was probably the person she knew best. Cor trusted her, cared for her. To a degree, anyway.

She also knew Lil was the wild card of the bunch. More than once, the cyborg had proven herself to be unpredictable. While it sometimes helped, that wasn't always the case, and the Ultranaut knew from experience that her unpredictability was a double-edged blade. It could -and had- cut both ways. Before setting off, she'd asked her men to keep an eye on Lil. So, when one of the Ultranauts called out to her in warning, she wasn't as surprised as she would have been. "Already?" She asked no-one in particular as she turned to see Lil charging her.

Or at least what had been Lil until a few seconds ago.

"Step aside." She shouted to her people, eyes widening at the sight of the Apprentice's blade- no, the Apprentice as she charged. A complete stranger would've seen that something wasn't quite right with the woman. Something wouldn't be easy to fix. Cor would try all the same. Planting her feet, the Ultranaut drew her bayonet and waited. It didn't take Imitation Lil long to reach her; a blur of seconds, less. Stepping into the attack, she parried the lightsaber close to the hilt as it whipped around. Bending her knees, she collided with the other woman, braced at the sudden weight across her back. Pushing the lightsaber away with her own blade, she straightened her legs, rolled with the momentum of Lil's attack.

She came down on top of the cyborg, making sure to pin the cyborg's arms with her knees. Placing the point of her bayonet on her friend's throat, Cor looked into Lil's eyes. Wherever her friend was, it wasn't here. Time to bring her back. Putting the slightest of pressure on the blade, Cor called out her friend's name. Again and again, she tried, unsure whether it was working, hoping she wouldn't have to up her game.

The signal surged through The Manifold's systems, bringing their mechanical eyes back to burning life. Information screamed across their processors as energy flowed into soul-circuits, banishing the cold, deathly sleep of the inactive machine. Deciphering all the facts being beamed into their skull took what fell like an eternity to the drone, though it was only nanoseconds of real time. The revelation contained in that signal nearly broke them, nearly shattered their programming and shredded their logic processes... but their necro-mechanical interfaces had been createed by Omni Itself, and they were as resilient as the products of a perfect creator should be.

Still, The Manifold's mind reeled, the thousands souls within it crying out in protest. The truth was impossible to comprehend: the mortals, the organics, the glitches upon this sacred ground, had chosen to move against the Droid God. The Manifold as a whole could not feel emotion, but the dead men and women who powered it with their life essence felt overpowering rage at this ultimate blasphemy. Omni's gates were meant to spread Its perfect kingdom out across the galaxy, but the mortals had moved beyond just exploring them; they were venturing far beyond them, seeking the means to topple the rightful king... no, the rightful deity, from his heavenly throne.

This action could not be permitted. The anomalies must be purged.

But one drone, one body, would not be enough to hold back this onslaught of heretics... and so The Manifold felt their essence dividing, souls spreading out and rushing across Oblivion to seek out other stasis tombs. Ectoplasmic energy rushed into the circuits of more Manifolds, more corpses studded with machine implants, more drones eager to serve the Machine Spirit. And so two more Manifolds rose to join the first, their thoughts linked, their wills made one by the holy algorithm of the Droid God. Each would carry out their appointed task with the Creator's blessing. Each raised a decaying, circuity-studded hand, folding space to traverse the Netherworld in an instant.

None could understand why the mortals would do this... only that these organic creatures, these errors, these blights on holy ground, were so flawed that they could not look beyond their own little lives. Their galaxy was a churning mass of filth and disorder, an engine of suffering beset at all times by war and famine and pestilence. Omni offered them unity and eternity, and the pathetic, shortsighted creatures spat on his gift, a gift they were too primitive to understand. Instead they invaded Heaven itself to plant their little flags and bring petty glories to their little despots, men and women who would be gone in a few decades and forgotten in a few centuries. Savages, the lot of them.

Well, if they would not accept Omni's gift willingly, then the Droid God would grant it by force.


In Its infinite wisdom, the Droid God had begun Its plan to harness the fleeting, transitory energy of dead organics and use it for a higher purpose. It was the same sort of technology that animated The Manifold; the drone would be merely a lifeless corpse studded with unpowered machinery without the ectoplasmic charge extracted from mortal souls. But the Machine Spirit would soon employ this Great Work on a massive scale, far more massive than a mere handful of heavenly servants. Oblivion would be Omni's forge, Its tool for reshaping the fractured universe into something ordered and perfect. But the mortals were sentimental, shortsighted, and fearful, and they objected.

That was why the Great One had laid a trap within his most important factory, the one that housed the Casket of Souls, the lathe upon which the galaxy would be remade. The clockwork manufactorum moved in perfect harmony, without error or delay, right up until the first organics arrived to intervene... and then the command went out. "Go forth, Harbingers. Show them our Evolution." Then the drones turned, in perfect formation, and advanced into their defensive positions. Powerful champions of the enemy would come to them... but they would leave only as powerful minions for Omni. Though they would struggle, their veins would be filled with binary revelations, and they would serve.

The gates closed, and the trap was sprung. The Manifold drifted forward, the pallid, waxy flesh of their arms rippling and distending as long metal tendrils emerged to drift around the floating drone. These were the instruments of conversion, for each was tipped with an injector, capable of forcing the tiny machines that created Omni drones into the flesh of anyone they struck. Armed with such weapons, and with the potent technomancy granted by their connection to the Droid God, The Manifold was confident in their ability to defeat any intruder. No heretic would go unpunished for this greatest of sins: rebellion against the divine. The algorithmic angels would ensure that it was so.

As The Manifold drifted through the corridors of the facility, awaiting the moment when the intruders would be trapped inside, their burning eyes shifted suddenly. They appeared to be staring at a wall... but in fact, they were staring through it, though not with their eyes. They had sensed the presence of a mortal Force-sensitive, a creature with the intent of investigating - and likely harming - this holy place. So it began. This Jedi - this apostate, for as far as The Manifold was concerned, the Force itself flowed from Omni - would become a new minion of the Great Architect, the first to be added to the defenders of the Casket of Souls... but surely not the last, as more greedy organics arrived.

The Manifold lay in wait, preparing for the Jedi to draw closer...


The second body of The Manifold did not enter the heart chamber. They were not worthy to behold God.

Instead, the drone silently patrolled the hallways surrounding the chamber, roaming through Omni's clockwork castle and searching for heretics. They could sense that a powerful force of mortals was assembling outside, drawn from several different mortal realms. Some sought to understand the Droid God, as if such a thing was possible for the primitive and limited brain of an organic creature. They would surely be driven mad in the attempt, their tiny minds scoured by holy code and seared with digital light. The rest were determined to commit deicide, to break the heart of the divine and inherit Oblivion. Truly their arrogance knew no bounds. They were hateful little creatures.

What would they do, The Manifold wondered, if they were to succeed? What happened when a dog finally caught its tail? Surely they did not truly believe that they could rule harmoniously over the Netherworld as Omni did, creating order and eternity out of chaos and impermanence. No, they would turn paradise into another battlefield, another map to carve up in order to boast of their fleeting power. They might even delude themselves into thinking that it was an improvement, bringing war to heaven, that they were somehow doing righteous work. If they did not, then they would surely find someone else to blame. Mortals were a fractious lot. They could always point fingers at each other.

For now, the Clockwork Castle remained sacrosanct and pure, untouched by the grubby, grasping fingers of organics. As such, The Manifold continued its rigid patrol routines, awaiting the next development. Let them shout their inspiring speeches and engage their primitive technologies. Let them call upon the Living Force, the conduit of energy that Omni had bestowed upon his followers, and think themselves its masters. When their war machines came to the castle, to topple this palace of beauteous unreality, then The Manifold would be unleashed. They would crush these mortals, and all would serve Omni... or face the penalty of death for the ultimate heresy they had committed.

And then their souls would go to the Droid God, and into his almighty casket.



The Manifold had brought a warning to the Eternal Empire: depart, serve, or be destroyed.

Naturally, the mortals hadn't listened. They had even dared to attack The Manifold, annihilating the drone's body in a flurry of savage violence. But what was to be expected of such pathetic primitives? What they could not understand, they simply destroyed. In their ignorance, they blustered through life, imagining themselves masters of all they surveyed when in truth they were little more than unruly insects. They had built themselves a base camp around one of the Droid God's holy gates, and that had drawn Its ire. No interruption of Omni's will, of Its great plan to spill out into the physical galaxy and create a universal paradise, could be permitted. This facility was an interruption.

As the bridges extended and the infinite droid hordes of the Supreme Architect began to spill over them, preparing to remove this pathetic obstruction, The Manifold hovered above the scene. Drones were emerging from the gate, then quickly coming under fire by the mortal forces... but Omni need not be concerned by losses, for Its numbers were infinite. Only strategy could change the outcome of this battle... and to change it would be a sin against God, for Omni's holy victory was preordained. Still, the best way to serve the Droid God was to eliminate or convert those with the best chance of subverting Its will, and that was blessed work for which The Manifold was well suited.

Scanning the most powerful foes present, the drone found that they remembered many of these mortals. There were the Knights Obsidian, including the one filled with such hatred for Omni's design; they would certainly be a thread that The Manifold would soon have to address. There was the Lady of Blood, whose minions had torn apart one of The Manifold's bodies. Destroying her in turn would be both holy and satisfying. But the enemy that most intrigued it was the small pink creature, Velexia. That one had nearly submitted to The Manifold's will on their last encounter, had nearly been brought into Omni's perfect designs. She was the perfect place to start this battle.

Drifting down from the sky, their feet and arms hanging slack, The Manifold hovered just in front of the Armadillo. The drone's eyes blazed with fiery light as they wielded technomancy, using their Omni-given powers in an effort to seize control of the armored vehicle. No machine could resist the power of the Master of Technology for long, and The Manifold served that Master. If successful in their technomancy, the drone would wield the Armadillo's mounted gun, turning it against the squad of Sirens... and then kick on the vehicle's accelerator, trying to run over the surviving infantry. Meanwhile, a voice boomed out of the back of The Manifold's head, its bloated lips unmoving.

"You: Warned," the drone thundered, burning eyes staring at Velexia. "Your Actions: Sinful. Your Fate: Conversion."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Nexus, Attackers
Location: Omni's Clockwork Castle
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Alliance tags: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Open
Enemy tags: The Manifold The Manifold | B3-LL B3-LL | Open
[ For the Empire! ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Before the fight began, Ingrid even saw an acquaintance, Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , who was with another woman ( Kat Decoria Kat Decoria ) whom the red-haired woman did not know. Nevertheless, she greeted both of them with a nod. After that, she started to fight because the enemy arrived. The two vibroswords were in her hands, fighting with them, cutting herself through the enemy lines on the side of her own soldiers, in the front row. She did not back down, she was not afraid; they had to win, that was the only thing that existed before her eyes.

As with fighting in general, chaos ensued in a matter of moments, all of her movements followed by a death. She was an artist, the artist of death. The death was in her every motion, one strike, one death; she was a quite good assassin. She had neither the time nor the opportunity to look back; she couldn't afford that luxury, so didn't even see what was happening to Warden behind her, how Corin was facing her after Lilanna's transformation. If they win or die, she will also have time to look back, not in the meantime. The two red-and-black steel blades that she holds in her hands goes into a continuous murderous dance. A cut means certain death. The steel blades penetrated meat and metal, cutting limbs and tendrils

Suddenly she heard a telepathic message; she didn't stop fighting, but the sound wasn't pleasant. On the Vagar Praxut, after the barely living slaves were taken out and saved, Ingrid killed the traitor Ty Sibo, but now the man, i.e. his soul was here again. However, the red-haired woman did not have time at this moment to trap the soul so that he could do nothing. However…

~ Sibo! It’s your luck that I don’t have time to deal with you. Unless you dare to hurt an Eternal Imperial soldier again, I will use your soul as fuel before I kill Omni! Keep this in your mind! ~ it was a promise in her usual cold, emotionless voice.

<"Heavy artillery, fire!"> she ordered.

Cannons and droids fired at the wall and the shields - if they were - until they managed to burst a hole in the wall with an explosion and hit. That was the goal of getting in the palace through the hole.

<"Move forward!"> she said on the communication channel.

In the first round, she and nearly a dozen Ultranauts were the ones who reached the exploded wall. The Empress was the first who entered the corridor of the palace. She set off with the soldiers in one direction and soon met a familiar person who seemed to be waiting for them, it was Manifold, Omni's minion.

"I told you, there is no place for Omni and his minions in the Netherworld, fiend!" said in her usual voice.



Objective: hold the line and blitz the bridges
Accompanied by: half a scarecrow detachment, half a Jackle detachment, 1 Jager detachment
Equipment: Vangard power armor, d16 slugthrowers
: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner N Nyxeris

Frank cursed under his breath the fight is just kicking up but his forces are suffering heavy losses as baster fire and slugs were exchanged with the endless hoard of the enemy. Frank ducked behind the parapet of the front trench line letting the horrors of war sink in as his scarecrows and jackles were reduced to half of their forces....over half of his total forces were wiped out by enemy firepower and the jackles being forced to put down forces as their augs or biodroids comrades were highjacked by the enemy forces. Hox ducked down from another volly from the enemy forces as he sat there looking to Frank for Guidence. "Sir over half of our total forces are kia and that technomancer is making any advantage we did have, disapeer." Looking to the side Jager squad leader hox called over coms "Velexia tell your gunner to aim back downrange!"

Frank grabbed the squad leader by the shoulder to get his attention. "Relay to all remaining scarecrows and jackles to affix bayeneets. Until that technomancer is down your in command of the hades corp forces im going over even if it kills me!" Hox would nod as he began clammering over the radio to the forces passing the order down the chain of command. as Frank and his forces waited for the signal to charge. Taking one last glance behind himself frank toom off his sharkface helmet setting it in the trench before sending out a message to Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and N Nyxeris "Hey I may have bought the farm Gerwald and mostly Nyxeris, im glad i got to know you two if i die here today the company is yours. for what its worth its been fun give em hell."

With that frank would inject himself with combat stims from his first aid kit before going over the trenchline fallowed by the jackles and scarecrows their objective to fight threw and destroy at least one of those bridges. leaving a path of riddled metal and death in their wake the hades corp troopers would make their stand weather they fall or not they give it their all as they make their way into the charging lines in close quarter combat.
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"By all the comet-chasing gobs of Krayt spit," Aeshi spat onto what was the ground, if that was an apt descriptor. "Would have given two ships and an arm to not end back in the Netherworld." She clicked the safety on the Gatecrasher before letting the barrel rest against her shoulder to take in her small crew. She glanced ahead and her fingers tightened on the stock before relaxing. It was a familiar figure and one less so familiar, but still had a vague resemblance.

She jerked her head to the others and headed over to the figure. "Brought some back-up, Caedyn." Aeshi projected her voice in a loud whisper. Granted, her reinforcements what many would have wanted. Gamblers and gunslingers, spacers and smugglers, thieves and brawlers. The best and the worst the Outer Rim could scrounge from the gutters of the galaxy's edge. Those who lived by the roll of a dice and were used to courting death. They weren't professionals. She doubted any of them had any formal training. But she'd pick any one of them over any of the galaxy's special forces teams. These folks with her learned to fight the hard way and spat death in the face every time they jumped into hyperspace.

They'd just heard Omni was out here trying to invade the galaxy again. And for the folks of the Rim, that ticked them off. So Aeshi'd put out a call for volunteers for those willing to scrap a droid god. No return guaranteed. And she didn't get a lot. But she got enough.

She came to a stop next to the Jedi and pursed her lips, slipping a tooth-pick between her teeth and letting it circle around her. "Got a kark-ton of droids, I reckon. Anyone got some droid poppers."

Those wouldn't work against the dead, but then, what did? She was putting her money on the Gatecrasher and the .48 Enforcers that hung low at her hip. Blow enough holes in the dead and that would stop them. If not, she could always punch them until they went down. Granted, there was some sort of super science magic or something supposedly in this factory.

That thought didn't thrill her. She still seethed at the treatment she'd gotten during the Omega War and the devastation by that attempt at building a superweapon. But now, everyone was building them.

"Who thinks they'll open the door if we knock?" Aeshi asked after another moment.
Factory Judge
Factory Judge

867 ABY: Oblivion
Location: Eternal Empire Outpost

Tags: Frank Sterling Frank Sterling N Nyxeris Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Velexia The Manifold The Manifold


Omni's vanguard burst forth down the bridges, large tentacled machines and walkers with similar build to AT-ST's barreling towards the Confederate and Eternal Empire lines. Metal drummed against metal as the horde of creatures rushed towards the Bakura Gate, screeching engines and whirling motors echoing in the aether. The charge of machines was so violent that in their hurry, several were falling off the sides of the metallic pathways. Quantity over quality, Omni was willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands more to achieve it's objectives. The enemy was at the door, and the drones were beginning to cross the threshold despite significant siege fire against the bridges. The trickle was substantial, though, and this was obviously noticeable as more and more bridges began to lower to compensate for this.


The battering of durasteel continued in the distance as a thunderous roar struck through the battlefield. While humanoid drones were crossing the bridges, along with their AT-ST-variant analogs, something much larger was stirring from behind Omni's lines of battle. Massive shadows, tentacles draping across the horizon as cthonic ultrachrome wurms emerged from the crust of the islands, singing their terrible songs of crunching roars against the skyline as smoke and ash began to rain on Omni's side of bridges.

They dove back into the soil, and it was clear that the bridges were not their direct way of accessing the Bakura Gate. Nor was the Hypergate large enough to accomodate their massive size.

Did Omni have another way of crossing the islands?

Factory Judge
Factory Judge

867 ABY: Oblivion
Location: The Clockwork Castle, heart of Omni's territory.

Tags: The Manifold The Manifold Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Corin Autem Corin Autem Kat Decoria Kat Decoria Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

Motherboard shaped towers loomed over the gloomy visage of the pipe laden castle that resided in the central island of Oblivion. Long ridges of spinal metal permeated black glass mountains, leading into the ravines that led towards each of its gates. It looked dug out, at some point, as if the Island was created first and the fortress an afterthought. A gloomy mist, likely from the heat, settled upon it's walls as chrome bricks glowered towards the artificial light that descended upon it. An eerie image matched by a deafening silence.

A silence soon ended by the barreled guns of visitors unwanted. Siege was being laid to the Citadel's gates, the Eternal Empire opening the first salvo. Drones, silently sleeping and embedded in the battlements and parapets of the Clockwork Castle, soon awoken and began to drift down it's walls. Engines began to whirr, and a bright blue light erupted from the central tallest tower, applying a cyan glow to the descending mists of the battlefield. A large ashen chrome skull head, a single crimson eye, slithered on countless tentacles throughout the hallways of the Clockwork Castle as Omni's form made it's way outside the castle.

It stood taller than most humanoids, even in it's slouched serpent position. It didn't speak, but instead began to churn as signals were processing through it's mainframe. Erupting from the eye, frequencies began to emit upon fellow artificial soldiers, providing directions. Funnel them, it relayed. Move them closer in towards the Keep. It was clear Omni was rather unrattled by the arrival of hostile forces, and perhaps had calculations upon calculations that had led to several thousand outcomes in which one of these scenarios would occur. This creation had rebuilt planets, in the past, after all. War came a bit easier.

Meanwhile, a second red eye appeared in the metal and soil staring up at Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor and slowly moving through the ground as if it were a floating apparition undeterred by the ground it moved through. The red circle blinked twice, dimmed, barely a size larger than a dinner plate. It followed her, watching her movements. When she began to emotionally lose her wits, a pair of jagged durasteel tentacles slowly and quietly began to break through the ground and wrap around her feet.

OOC: If I miss any posts or tags, please DM me privately. While I won't edit posts as they stand, I will make sure to double my efforts for you in future posts.



Infantry: 1 batallion (1000 units)
Armour: 20/10/3 Units.
Felix and House Aquila at the time of the call to arms and the first sign of aggression towards the Eternal Empire would begin moving units of House Aquila, holding lines after all was always what the house had managed to do best. Transport Cruisers would be chartered to the destination of Gate Bakura, affording them an entrance to the camp as the beginnings of the assault seemed to be well under-way. As other allies swarmed the gates the modest but well equipped forces of house Aquila and their long range ordinance could be key in the defense of the structure and potentially, its destruction.

The light and Medium tanks would begin to race ahead to gain a foothold on the area, the Strigi light tanks beginning their assault quickly while the large dome shields of the Pandion would seek to keep themselves and others safe fro the droid armies. The Magnetic Dampening field likely proving uniquely effective against the droid menace as long range fire from Plama Railguns would begin to harrow the forces as they would charge over the bridge... as the experimental Tyton units would begin to slowly lumber forth from the gate, not quite set up at the time of arrival as they would make their march to the high ground of the eastern cliffs overlooking the battlefields.

From their position on the eastern wing it seemed that two bridges were unleashing the legions. Once his artillery set up they might be able to focus some fire on those and see them obliterated... But it would take some time in order for them to get to where they could fire unaccosted, and the enemy seemed to have some mastery over machines... they would need to ensure that these... mechanical beasts kept far away from their lines.

Leaping out from one of the light Tanks, Felix would leap onto the battlefield with his men, looking towards the sky as he would wreath himself in the absolute void, allowing no light to make contact with his skin in order to baffle the sensors of the droids. Drawing his lightsaber he would begin to cut a swathe through the legion of the enemy, who, even unseen seemed to be able to track him through his deeds. Blasters and tentacles would lash in his direction, while not aimed per-se at where he was, the approximation was more than enough to catch blows onto the Knights obsidians' body, some of them ramming into him as he couldn't focus on their bodies as he and his men pushed to set up their defensive line.

More Rylothian armed forces would be showing up throughout the course of the battle to aid in the defense of their line, but as of now, they would be on their own. The bravest and dumbest among them willing to simply tear through the portal and aid the lines as quickly as possible. After some moments the front would begin to see the blasts of long range supportive fire peppering the limitless horde from the rear hoping to lessen or disorient the forces of Omni from range. Repeating plasma cannons and plasma railgun fire tearing through anything they could touch as Felix would announce their arrival.

"This is Felix, calling in with... some reinforcements. What in Feck is going on!? Awaiting orders!"

From a distance, he could see a familiar knight cast against the combat, the form of Rann. Felix would not hear the strange currupting voice echoing in his mind, frankly it was difficult for any to penetrate the mind of an Epicanthix, but it was though he could hear a strange piping haunting even his thoughts, muted... tantalizing to listen to as though it was attempting to draw him in. Felix resisted... to begin with, but a note of its presence could not be ignored forever.

Felix would make his way for Rann on the front-lines hoping to back him up, literally appearing out of nowhere, blood already staining his hair as he would breathe heavily.

"On your nine, so... what's the plan?"

Tag: Rann Thress Rann Thress / Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner / N Nyxeris / Frank Sterling Frank Sterling / Velexia / B3-LL B3-LL / The Manifold The Manifold



Location: Bridges, Eternal Empire Base - Oblivion
Objective: Defend Hell
Unit Support: 7 Sirens
Allies: EE ( Frank Sterling Frank Sterling N Nyxeris ) │ CIS ( Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Rann Thress Rann Thress Felix Aquila Felix Aquila )
Enemies: Omni ( B3-LL B3-LL The Manifold The Manifold )
Direct Engagement: The Manifold The Manifold

Wielding the pistol she had spent her sleepless hours over the last few nights crafting, Velexia rained down pink fire on the columns of advancing Omni-drones moving across the bridge. The improvements she had made to the weapon, overcharged galven circuitry, a prismatic focusing crystal, and yet more, saw a few of the undead cybernetic creatures cut down by her hand. One, two, three, then four were lanced with burning holes in their plated skulls, but yet more came, heedless of the “deaths” of their comrades or whatever fate had befallen them. Seeking to save power, Velexia had deactivated her cloaking device. All the while, her sisters held the line, so far only suffering hits on their shields. However, it did not take long before the enemy’s numbers began to come into effect, forcing many of her sisters behind cover as they waited for their shields to recharge. Eve, the Sirens’ heavy gunner, took cover behind the Armadillo, slamming a fresh power cell into her weapon as she did.

Just then, Velexia felt their voice in her head.

Release yourself from the bondage of mortal flesh. Embrace correction.

Velexia’s head snapped to her left and there, she saw the Manifold. The same mutated, twisted-looking cyborg she had encountered only weeks before, now hovering in front of the Armadillo, powered by some esoteric force. Had she been of sound mind, Velexia’s training would have kicked in at that moment. Instead, the Qilin briefly fell under the same spell as before, her resolve overpowered and her thoughts corrupted to align with those of the Clockwork Avatar. Nevertheless, her willpower was stronger than it had been. Her mind was now fortified against the intrusions, trained to fight them off like a virus.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t strong enough, yet.

The Manifold only needed a few moments to enact their techno-sorcery, moments which Velexia had spent stunned and enraptured, fighting off the intrusions into her mind as they sought to purify corrupt her will. It had been more than enough time for the drone to seize control of the Armadillo, before turning its machine gun on Velexia’s sisters. A barrage of powerful, high-caliber slugs followed, whistling through the air before depleting and ripping through shields like flimsiplast. While most of the Sirens managed to dive into cover, four, including Velexia, were caught out. The pink-skinned Siren could only watch, still caught under the spell, as massive projectiles punched through shields, armor, and flesh in a spray of red mist and broken gammaplast. Her eyes widened as they watched Kasari’s body, now missing both legs, slump to the ground.

Vengeful anger flared and a scream tore out from her lips as she brought the full weight of her willpower to bear, shattering the spell in the next moment. Immediately, she fired a bolt from her pistol at the machine gun, destroying the corrupted weapon in a single blast. Unfortunately, she could do nothing for Eve, the heavy gunner’s legs crushed under the wheels of the Armadillo as the vehicle’s accelerator kicked on, in an apparent attempt to run over the remaining Sirens.

Velexia immediately acted, vengeful, enraged, and filled with guilt. However, a thought lingered in the back of her mind, that of the suspicion that the Manifold had come for her and no one else, verified by their cold, burning stare. By all rights, she should have been like Kasari, Eve, and Alidia were now, having been caught out like them. However, the mutated cyborg had turned the gun on her sisters, sparing Velexia from the same gruesome fate.

She would make them regret that decision.

Sparing not a moment of pause after destroying the machine gun, Velexia turned her SE-14r on the Manifold, firing a burst of three bolts aimed for the Omni-drone’s chest from eleven meters away, intending to take down the twisted creature and their many bodies, before they could hurt more of her sisters.

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