Smiling, Circe pulled back. "Ice? Hmm..." She thought back to her brief training session with Yandi Vex sometime back. "I think we can do ice. Or fire. It doesn't really matter which one." She paused, looking Sanna over. Her point had been made, and she returned to piloting the speeder. "Alright... Now, pyrokinesis or cryokinesis. The two are very similar, and yet very different. Pyrokinesis is a wonder for hot-tempered, warm-blooded individuals who enjoy lashing out upon their enemies in swathes of flames. Cryokinesis, however, is much more controlled, for tactical individuals who wish to send shards of ice or blasts of cold air at their opponents. I suppose it all depends on the sort of person you are."
Pausing, she looked over at the catgirl again. "So which is it? Do bear in mind that when you choose one, it'll be nigh impossible to adequately learn the other one."
@[member="Sanna Legra"]