The Arch Wilder
Vulepesen cast a glance at the girls then returned his attention to the gamorreans who had begun to charge him. "Wait! Before you kill me, you should know something!" The gamorreans stopped at his boldness and stood there wondering what could possibly be so important that he was willing to die just to say it. Vulpesen smiled. Perfect. He pointed to the middle one then to the right one. "He said he was stronger than you." He pointed to the one on the right then to the one on the left. "I saw him take a leak in your ale." Once again Vulpesen pointed to the center one then at the right one again. "And he said you had the hips of a female devaronian."
After he finished his little speech, Vulpesen continued past the three thugs who were now fighting it out over the large misunderstandings. Gamorreans were idiots. It was a well known fact, and Vulpesen being from a merchant family, knew exactly how to manipulate a dull mind into giving him a better deal. "Just let it out boys, It's good for your soul!" He called back before stopping by @[member="Tahl"] and @[member="Nala Tu"]. "So, shall we continue?"
After he finished his little speech, Vulpesen continued past the three thugs who were now fighting it out over the large misunderstandings. Gamorreans were idiots. It was a well known fact, and Vulpesen being from a merchant family, knew exactly how to manipulate a dull mind into giving him a better deal. "Just let it out boys, It's good for your soul!" He called back before stopping by @[member="Tahl"] and @[member="Nala Tu"]. "So, shall we continue?"