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Faction The Convocation of Sojourn [Order of the Sith Lords]

Day two marks the beginning of Chapter 3 of the Convocation of Sojourn. You can read Chapter Two here.


Tags: Commodore Helix Commodore Helix ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Day two of the Convocation of Sojourn was set to begin in earnest. But the events of the previous day and night could not be forgotten. Commodore Helix Commodore Helix of Helix Solutions had procured the Holocron of Heresies for fifty-million dataries. Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had traded an Eligor Cloaking Device for Darth Revan's Sith Holocron. Meanwhile, Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar - eager to learn more about his mysterious hostess, Alicia Drey Alicia Drey - had procured the body of the late Muun banker Serj Sularis for an extraordinary fee while, in an unusual show of charity for someone aligned to the Tsis'Kaar, saved several native Humans that Alicia had captured and volunteered for sacrifice to her guests: a test to see what type of people they were.

Before the day had ended Alicia had explained the ulterior motives of the auction and why her five guests had been picked deliberately out of the half-dozen applicants who had tried to obtain an invitation to her auction. Alicia wanted to form a conglomerate with the five of them that would rival the likes of the Trade Federation of Planets. With the security forces of Helix Solutions; the ship manufacturing industry of Mecetti Nationalized Industries; the Scientific research and weapon manufacturing capabilities of Aurora Industries; the trade and marketing expertise of Arceneau Trade Company; and the intelligence apparatus of the Tsis'Kaar this proposed conglomerate would be powerful indeed.

If Alicia could persuade all five of them to join.

As night turned back into day the five invitees found themselves invited back into the main room where the collection of the late Darth Ayra was on sale. Alicia stood near the Creatura Reactor while she waited for her guests to arrive while nonchalantly smoking a cigarette. It was another day of bidding, and now that the beginning stages of the Convocation had been passed, Alicia could jump straight into business. There was no more need to test the five of them. They were the people she wanted to work with, and with some persuasion, Alicia was confident she could secure their allegiance as she pursued the work.

"Welcome back," Alicia greeted each guest as they turned to the hallway to begin the bidding. "Today we will expedite the auction. Each of you have free reign to select an item for purchase and make your bid. In the meantime, as we start this new day here on Sojourn, I hope that all of you have given extra thought into my parting words from yesterday. It is my intention that, by the end of the Convocation, we will have formed a conglomerate that I will call the InterGalactic Spacing Guild. I have a vision- one that I will share with the five of you today- and I will explain why you should join me."

I T E M S // F O R // S A L E
  • The Pendant of Aay'han, made of the rare material Beskar.
  • Cortosis Transport Crates, resistant to damage from Lightsabers, blaster fire and explosions. In the case of Lightsabers the material of these crates has the potential to cause such a weapon to malfunction.
  • Jal-shey teachings, a manuscript containing detailed instructions on who the Jal-shey were and their methods on how to imbue items with the Force.
  • The Creature Reactor, an extremely rare piece of technology that explores the unknown field of Sith Alchemy (Science) of Crystalogy: a term coined for the study and subsequent experiment into fusing Lightsaber crystals together.
  • The Book of Rhand, a grimoire of knowledge said to grant the user the rare ability of Darksight and a detailed, accurate history of the Sorcerers of Rhand as well as their cultural, societal and ideological heritage.
  • Fredonn Nadd's Short Lightsaber, a replica of the legendary Sith Lord's weapon.
  • Darth Revan's Sith Holocron, a replica of the legendary Sith Lord's Holocron that possesses instructions on how to create the legendary Thoughtbomb. Sold to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf for x1 Eligor Cloaking Device.
  • Ella Nova's Armour, a relic of the One Sith Purge of the 840s and early 850s which saw the collapse of the Galactic Republic and their Knights of the Republic.
  • The Sochi Ru, another relic of the wars waged in the 840s and early 850s that left behind a ship constructed using archaic, traditional designs which predates the Clone Wars.
  • Ella Nova's Lightsaber, a weapon which once belonged to a Knight of the Republic who was rumoured to have been captured by Darth Carnifex by the end of the war.
  • Schematics for the Acavus-class Bulk Cruiser, for the interest of any aspiring entrepreneur who deals in markets that require large cargo to be safely transported.
  • Jaron Lesan's Lightsaber, the weapon of a deceased, unknown Sith Apprentice.
  • The Holocron of Heresies, a replica of Darth Andeddu's Holocron which possesses the detailed lessons of Sith Sorcerery and healing studies. Sold to Commodore Helix Commodore Helix for 50 million credits.

Maldor Mecetti joined the group after a private breakfast in his room. Maldavian Treefruit, Toast, and Honey with a side of Blue Leaf Tea.

It had been a simple repast for the young exiled nobleman. A light meal that would leave him hungry again by noon, but which would keep him fueled through the morning's events... and light on his feet.

As he came among them, he nodded in friendly but wary greeting of each in turn. Each, except for Alicia, whose eyes he did not meet. His heart was a cauldron of emotions, and he did not want her to see the storm.

Now that he had a fuller understanding of why they were all here and what his purpose was, he could at once relax about some things and become more tense about others. The churn had changed, but the tumult remained.

His new Master would desire that he bring her plans to fruition.

It wasn't the Creatura Reactor she wanted, now. This was no longer an auction of mere artifacts.

The true auction items were the people in this room. Drey would be the bidder. And Maldor had to ensure all her bids were accepted.


To his mind, the hardest to convince would be Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar . The man had shown him no warmth in conversation yesterday, but he had proven to be the most kind-hearted of the people in the room. Some personal history of which Maldor was unaware must have granted Trayze a deeper compassion than many would display. And he was unashamed to show that compassion openly, in front of potential monsters. That was compassion combined with strength.

Some had refused murder for other reasons. Such as a desire not to be manipulated into doing someone else's killing. But for Trayze, it had seemed a much deeper thing than that.

Understanding that man, and working into his hidden heart, would be key to getting him on board.

"You seem a rare man to me," Maldor hazarded as he came up alongside Trayze after setting a paper with his bid upon the Creatura Reactor. A silent opening of one-million credits. The number would go higher if it needed to. Hopefully not too much higher, but now there was no upper limit. Only a question of how much pain the acquisition would cause.

"At least at a convention like this one. I can see no personal benefit to you in the purchase you made. It seemed you did it purely on principle

But I think a principled soul might be worth more to the galaxy than all of the treasures assembled in this room. If events were to coalesce, you are someone I could work with."

Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Commodore Helix ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
Immediate Goals -
1: PRIORITY ONE - Investigate Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's network of intel... how much does she know?
2: Attain the artifacts of import!
2.1: The Book of Rhand
2.2: Pendant of Aay'han (It might be a nice gift for a certain Mandalorian...)
2.3: The Jal-Shay Teachings
2.4: Ella Nova's Lightsaber
3: Make friends rather than enemies...

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

OPFOR - Enemies All Around

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Sleeping under someone else's roof had always caused Trayze to feel self-conscious. Years of internalizing his Force sensitivity until late in his life, combined by his training as a detective, ensured that he wouldn't sleep much during his temporary residency - so he kept his communications with the only ally he could consider at this time, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . He had his orders, and he needed to attain the Book of Rhand and the Jal-Shay Teachings - both pose items of great import and interest for the Tsis'kaar and himself.

Unfortunately for most present, the seemingly mercurial swing from lackadaisical jester to the quiet and brooding visage that loomed in his chair had occurred once more. Though despite the animosity during their first meeting, Maldor Mecetti had approached Trayze for a conversation, apparently impressed by his compassion. Taking a moment to quite literally chew on the last parts of his breakfast to connect the small animosity that their hostess and Lord Mecetti had, Trayze knew he had to be careful - but this hadn't been an unwelcome appelation.

Being considered a "bleeding heart" would mean that those who are far more cunning and cold would underestimate him, and think him easy pickings. Best to make friends rather than enemies.

"You mark me well, Lord Mecetti." Trayze answered carefully. "Though it appears that we've gotten off on the wrong foot." But before introductions could be held, their hostess made plain - or seemingly plain - her intent for why she had selected the three out of the numerous applicants here today. Whether Alicia Drey was the mysterious Darth Arya as he suspected, or a patsy of her, or if he was overthinking things, he would not easily entangle himself with the Empire of the Lost and the unknown Ms. Arceneu.

"...Seems Miz Drey's makin' her move." Trayze stated, allowing his genuine disdain for what he had seen to simmer to the surface. In the delicate play of intrigue, honesty can work as well as any mask, and if Maldor was to perpetuate the Kiffar's principles, all the better for him. He already knew what to bid for next, but he would keep a close ear to his hostess' words.

Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.
Objective: Acquire the plans, discover more about the proposal
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey / Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti / Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

Helix had spent the night active, and pondering. He didn't trust their host enough to power down under her roof, but that was just the nature of his business. He trusted her desire for influence, and will to power. That was a fact of life when doing business with those claimed by the dark side, and one thing he admired about their creed. For all their failings, most other beings hadn't a flicker of the willpower and drive that they possessed.

He was most intrigued by the promise of rivaling the Trade Federation. That organization was likely not his greatest admirer these days, and having similar power to pull on was somewhat enticing. Recent events had shown him the value of allies, if they could be kept at a reasonable distance.

He was still not convinced, however, that all was as it seemed. He rarely found himself internally conflicted. The vast machine intelligence that had spent the centuries growing and improving, who wore the skin of the droid it had once been, was normally a thing that ticked along with total inner harmony. Of late, however, he had revised many of his former calculations as more data became available. Many of his prior goals now seemed unfeasible.

Influence was key to survival, and if he could become a part, if only in name, of this burgeoning power, he could influence it. He'd need it, for what was to come. The trick was going to be drawing upon its resources without getting in too deep for his own good.

He made his way into the hallway from the prior night, noting that Mecetti and Tesar were already there, locked in conversation. He elected not to interrupt them. Being thought of as rude wouldn't help his station here.

His red-eyed stare turned to the items on offer, looking each of them over again. The bulk cruiser schematics might be useful, and save him the trouble of designing his own. As his organization grew, the burden of its logistical upkeep was exploding. Cargo movement was becoming a problem, one he could neatly solve here.

The Book of Rhand and the other curiousities still tempted him somewhat, but he now gave a thought to the others in the room. Tesar was clearly here for the Sith artifacts, and it would perhaps be unwise to alienate him by attempting to snap up more than he already had.

"The bulk cruiser plans interest me. I'll bid two hundred thousand credits." Paltry for a ship, but he'd not yet seen anyone eyeball the plans too aggressively. With luck, he could snap them up for a pittance.

| Dress x & x | x | x | x | x | x |
Danger had spent the previous evening catching up with Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf as much as they could while understanding that they may be watched. They agreed to meet after this event later to discuss business and matters more freely. Come morning, the Queen of Trade dressed herself in a comfortable black wrap dress with the same jewelry as before.

With a lit cigarillo in her hand, her feline emerald-fire gaze would sweep the room. Taeli had yet to appear, so Danger let her eyes trace over @Maldor Mecitti, who was conversing with Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar . Mecitti. The name rang familiar. Danger hadn't socialized in the Core Worlds for the better part of the past decade, having chosen to focus on the Tingel Arm and the Corporate Sector; however, for some reason, that name struck a bell.

Bids were being offered for purchase, and the most recent was Commodore Helix Commodore Helix 's bid for the bulk cruiser. Danger had been watching that with interest, but if Helix desired it, she had no desire to go into a bidding war for it.

Instead, she focused on the other items. The Crystal Reactor was intriguing, to say the least. Ambling with her full-hipped gait, Danger made her way over toward Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . With a cordial smile and her tell-tale drawl, Danger greeted the woman, "Miz. Drey, I hope your day is startin' out well." She offered in greeting, taking in the cigarillo the woman was casually smoking.

With a curious sweep over the reactor, Danger followed up with, "So, how does this crystal contraption work? What are the benefits of such a reactor?"


It had been an enjoyable evening catching up with Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau even though much of what she wanted to discuss, the plans and business, needed to be done elsewhere and another time. She knew Alicia Drey Alicia Drey would have the fortress they were in monitored, she was Sith after all and if she had developed a new way to be unheard it was beyond plausible, she would have equal eavesdropping capability. Unlike others, though, she had been content to sleep within her provided chambers although she had set a guardian or two... just in case.

Arriving in the central courtyard last, fashionably, she looked over the items on offer today with one eye while observing the others. Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti and Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar were talking with each other as they looked over the reactor while Danger was greeting their host for this convocation. Commodore Helix Commodore Helix was looking over the plans for the bulk cruiser.

No, those schematics had little pull upon her interest. Aurora Industries was already producing something small than that and with more carrying capacity as a bulk freighter. Others could place bids and interest on those, and it seemed the crystal reactor had garnered much interest from parties gathered.

She would place opening bids of 100,000 credits on both the Jal Shey and Rhand books before walking over to join Danger and Alicia.

"Good day to you both," she would say in greeting.
B I D S // & // A Q U I S I T I O N S
I T E M // L I S T
  • The Pendant of Aay'han, made of the rare material Beskar.
  • Cortosis Transport Crates, resistant to damage from Lightsabers, blaster fire and explosions. In the case of Lightsabers the material of these crates has the potential to cause such a weapon to malfunction.
  • Jal-shey teachings, a manuscript containing detailed instructions on who the Jal-shey were and their methods on how to imbue items with the Force.
  • The Creature Reactor, an extremely rare piece of technology that explores the unknown field of Sith Alchemy (Science) of Crystalogy: a term coined for the study and subsequent experiment into fusing Lightsaber crystals together.
  • The Book of Rhand, a grimoire of knowledge said to grant the user the rare ability of Darksight and a detailed, accurate history of the Sorcerers of Rhand as well as their cultural, societal and ideological heritage.
  • Fredonn Nadd's Short Lightsaber, a replica of the legendary Sith Lord's weapon.
  • Darth Revan's Sith Holocron, a replica of the legendary Sith Lord's Holocron that possesses instructions on how to create the legendary Thoughtbomb. Sold to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf for x1 Eligor Cloaking Device.
  • Ella Nova's Armour, a relic of the One Sith Purge of the 840s and early 850s which saw the collapse of the Galactic Republic and their Knights of the Republic.
  • The Sochi Ru, another relic of the wars waged in the 840s and early 850s that left behind a ship constructed using archaic, traditional designs which predates the Clone Wars.
  • Ella Nova's Lightsaber, a weapon which once belonged to a Knight of the Republic who was rumoured to have been captured by Darth Carnifex by the end of the war.
  • Schematics for the Acavus-class Bulk Cruiser, for the interest of any aspiring entrepreneur who deals in markets that require large cargo to be safely transported.
  • Jaron Lesan's Lightsaber, the weapon of a deceased, unknown Sith Apprentice.
  • The Holocron of Heresies, a replica of Darth Andeddu's Holocron which possesses the detailed lessons of Sith Sorcerery and healing studies. Sold to Commodore Helix Commodore Helix for 50 million credits.

Tags: Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Commodore Helix Commodore Helix ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

As Alicia smoked her cigarette Danger made her way over to inquire about the Creatura Reactor.

"This rare piece of technology was an invention of Darth Ayra," Alicia explained as she exhumed smoke through her nostrils. As she exhaled the remote (which monitors the incoming bids, and acquisitions of the auction) indicated that Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti had placed the first bid of the evening for the Creatura Reactor itself. Let's see if you can secure this victory, my Apprentice, Alicia quietly thought to herself as she accepted the bid, and opened the next round of bidding for the device set at a cool 2,000,000 Imperial dataries.

"The device was used in the study of an esoteric Science into the compounds, and abilities of crystals used in the construction of Lightsabers," Alicia continued her explanation. "According to the Jedi it is believed that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different crystals located across the Galaxy that have different abilities and attributes that a Force-sensitive can use. For example, the Katak crystal is said to amplify the abilities of the Sith who are rumoured to be able to conjure lightning from their very finger tips."

"Although I do not know much about the Creatura Reactor,"
Alicia lied, "From what I found out from our late host it is believed that this technology can fuse two or more of these types of crystals together while they would retain their rare abilities. It can also modify them so they can be used in the creation of other forms of technology outside of a Lightsaber. Fascinating stuff."

As Alicia lowered the cigarette from her lips and exhaled another plume of smoke, Alicia said: "Lord Mecetti has just placed a bid of a million Imperial dataries for the device. The next bid is set at two million, Ms. Arceneau."

After finishing her explanation of the Creatura Reactor to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Alicia approached Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Commodore Helix Commodore Helix . "Good evening, Lady Arcanix, and Commodore Helix. I have received your bids but at this moment in time I am forced to decline all three unless you can come up to me in price."

"The Jal Shey Teachings and Book of Rhand are extremely rare, exquisite pieces of history of two cultures and their subsequent ideologies that no longer exist. It is believed that both the Jal Shey, and Sorcerers of Rhand, went extinct during the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. I am afraid a hundred thousand dataries each for both of these pieces is too low for such pieces. I am sure you understand."

Alicia then averted her gaze from Taeli to Helix. "As for the Acavus-bulk cruiser... A bid of two hundred thousand credits for these schematics is not in my price range neither. We could negotiate for the construction of one of these such cruisers with this bid if you would like too, Commodore. I have contacts in Lianna City who would arrange the construction of the Acavus within the next month but I have a feeling that you do not want to buy merely one of these vessels. Rather, you would like to possess the schematics and design of this cruiser so you may construct them yourself for sale, or service for Helix Solutions."

"Let us come to reasonable and sensible numbers both for the Acavus, Commodore, and the your other bids, my lady."

Maldor listened to Alicia as she spouted half-truths and enticements. His gaze went sideling to Danger, who seemed to be a potential contender for the Creatura Reactor.

He hoped she wouldn't place an additional bid.

It was a principle of good business that you never paid more for an acquisition than you had to, and he was already taking a bath on this. It felt ludicrous to be bidding on something to acquire it on behalf of someone who already owned it.

Why didn't she just ask him for the money?

But of course, he knew why, and the reasons were twofold.

First, she wanted him to feel the weight of her thumb.

And second, she wanted him to be forced to mingle with these guests. To bring them into her web of conspiracy and control.

"I sense there is about to be a power shift in the galaxy," he told Trayze quietly. "People who can keep control of territory without giving in to wild psychotic impulses are about to become scarcer than I'd like. A triad of maniacs currently contend for the throne of galactic politics and power. The time will come when we need better choices."

When Alicia spoke about the cruiser, Maldor lifted his voice up to be heard more easily by the general assembly, "House Mecetti has a mobile shipyard that can be positioned anywhere, and set to build virtually any ship. If construction of vessels is ever a concern, you need not be seen to do it yourself. No one would ever need to know you were building a fleet of those things. They can be assembled in wild space, parked in the void between places, and delivered on short enough notice to surprise any rival.

Better than locatable yards which are easily surveilled."

Other than that, he held his tongue, and watched to see what Danger might do in regards to the bidding.

Commodore Helix Commodore Helix ~ Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Danger gave a grateful nod at the explanation provided by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . Perhaps that would be useful? Who knows, with the way things were going perhaps her researches could expand on it to produce a new option of sales for those who were touched by the Force and would like to buy such things.

“Thank you for the details,” the redhead would reply, giving an incline of her head.

As such, the Queen of Trade placed her first bids.

1) Crystal Reactor - 2,000,000
2) Cortosis crates - 200,000

She was curious on the Jal Shey teachings but would let Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf place a higher bid should she desire.

It was then that Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti comnented on his mobile shipyards. If she recalled correctly, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell had set a contract with that House. Hmm. Perhaps it would be good to talk to him more, she mused, unknowing that her bid for the reactor would impact the man so.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
Immediate Goals -
1: PRIORITY ONE - Investigate Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's network of intel... how much does she know?
2: Attain the artifacts of import!
2.1: The Book of Rhand
2.2: Pendant of Aay'han (It might be a nice gift for a certain Mandalorian...)
2.3: The Jal-Shay Teachings
2.4: Ella Nova's Lightsaber
3: Make friends rather than enemies...

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

OPFOR - Enemies All Around

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Trayze nodded in agreement to the Mecetti scion. Carnifex, definitely, Empyrean, possibly, Solipsis, well it was in his name. The "Emperor" on Lianna was far too distant for Trayze to care, and lacked the raw power to earn the Kiffar's respect - or fear.
He remained quiet, Mecetti made his claim of a mobile shipyard - but even the young lordling made his play, and it stank of desperation. Despite Mecetti's words, and the veracity thereof, the Imperial seemed to play right into the hands of one of such psychotic individuals.

Honestly, had Darth Arya-excuse me "Alicia Drey" checked who sat on the throne on Jutrand?! Trayze allowed a brief exhale through his nostrils. She made a bold play, indeed - of the four bidders, half were non-Force users and unconcerned with the politics that flowed from disagreements on the use of the Force. The third, Maldor Mecetti, who spoke worked with their hostess - either in his capacity as a "Moff" of the "Empire" and she as the Directoress of Intelligence, or as Master and Apprentice. He wasn't sure which partnership was more dangerous for him.

But this lead to him, the odd one out, unless this was a holopulp novel. There was no reason for him to be here, other than his connections with the Tsis'kaar, and the various low-level connections with the Xyrah aligned Sith-Imperial Banking Clan, the Inspectorates of the Sith Public Peacekeeping Corps, and he's a mere acolyte.

It was clear to him, as a Detective at least, that the Hostess was weighing and finding potential in each of them - Commodore of a mercenary fleet, Mistress of a Trade Company... and him. What if it wasn't just his connections to various factions that caught this woman's eye, and the subsequent coffers of the King of Alvaria?

What if this alleged Sith was seeking an apprentice? Or testing her apprentice against a Sith in earnest? Either way, the jaws tightened around the Kiffar's neck, and he tensed visibly as his eyes laid on each of the bidders.
Last edited:

Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.
Objective: Figure out what the others are playing at
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey / Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti / Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

"As for the Acavus-bulk cruiser... A bid of two hundred thousand credits for these schematics is not in my price range neither. We could negotiate for the construction of one of these such cruisers with this bid if you would like too, Commodore. I have contacts in Lianna City who would arrange the construction of the Acavus within the next month but I have a feeling that you do not want to buy merely one of these vessels. Rather, you would like to possess the schematics and design of this cruiser so you may construct them yourself for sale, or service for Helix Solutions."

Helix took a moment to process this statement. He had perhaps been optimistic to assume he could snatch the plans up for so little, but he wasn't willing to go any higher for it. His forces might be modest, as the big fish reckoned such things, but they had one very important advantage: everything was designed and built in-house. The only thing that had tempted him to change that was the chance at a bargain.

"A shame. I can make do with my own assets, in that case. I've certainly spent enough credits for one week." He had the money to spend, and would rather spend it in this instance on designing his own bulk hauler. As for the other items, he wasn't interested in getting into a bidding war with Raaf or Arceneau. Both were too big to antagonize openly (at least for free), though he was loathe to let any of the artifacts go. He had to remind himself that securing the one he had was a win already, and frankly better than he'd calculated.

He had little use for lightsabers, save as curiosities, and with the abundance of their wielders around, he'd already amassed a sizeable store of the weapons. They hung at the hips of his officer droids, or decorated the personal offices of some of his few organic crewmen. Baubles, and little more. Nor did he need a starfighter, something else he possessed in great supply.

He looked to see what the others were doing. Mecetti and Tesar's little chat had been going on for some time. He couldn't hear any specifics, but the former seemed extremely unhappy to be here, if his somewhat-imperfect judge of organic body language was anything to go by. If possible, Tesar looked even more so, but they were continuing to talk. That suggested some form of burgeoning agreement, unless he was reading into it too much. Raaf and Arceneau had been talking too. That left him to fend for himself.

Unsurprising, but unfortunately all too familiar. Mercenaries were inherently untrustworthy, especially ones with so vile a reputation. This reinforced his belief that attempting not to antagonize the rest overmuch had been a wise call. He could play the underdog, fly under the radar for the duration of the event, and come out richer. If he walked away intact with the holocron he'd purchased, this trip was technically a success. Unlike his frequent collaborator Strosius, Helix knew when to display a degree of caution. One shiny new toy for his benefactors, his head still attached to his metal shoulders, and no new enemies was as good as a result as he supposed he could hope for.

One thing he did share with most present was that he technically needed nothing here. He was still waiting to hear why he should sink any more of his not-inconsiderable assets on what amounted to office decor, or into the ambitions of a would-be trade magnate.

Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar ~ Commodore Helix Commodore Helix ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

B I D S // & // A Q U I S I T I O N S
I T E M // L I S T
  • The Pendant of Aay'han, made of the rare material Beskar.
  • Cortosis Transport Crates, resistant to damage from Lightsabers, blaster fire and explosions. In the case of Lightsabers the material of these crates has the potential to cause such a weapon to malfunction.
  • Jal-shey teachings, a manuscript containing detailed instructions on who the Jal-shey were and their methods on how to imbue items with the Force.
  • The Creature Reactor, an extremely rare piece of technology that explores the unknown field of Sith Alchemy (Science) of Crystalogy: a term coined for the study and subsequent experiment into fusing Lightsaber crystals together.
  • The Book of Rhand, a grimoire of knowledge said to grant the user the rare ability of Darksight and a detailed, accurate history of the Sorcerers of Rhand as well as their cultural, societal and ideological heritage.
  • Fredonn Nadd's Short Lightsaber, a replica of the legendary Sith Lord's weapon.
  • Darth Revan's Sith Holocron, a replica of the legendary Sith Lord's Holocron that possesses instructions on how to create the legendary Thoughtbomb. Sold to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf for x1 Eligor Cloaking Device.
  • Ella Nova's Armour, a relic of the One Sith Purge of the 840s and early 850s which saw the collapse of the Galactic Republic and their Knights of the Republic.
  • The Sochi Ru, another relic of the wars waged in the 840s and early 850s that left behind a ship constructed using archaic, traditional designs which predates the Clone Wars.
  • Ella Nova's Lightsaber, a weapon which once belonged to a Knight of the Republic who was rumoured to have been captured by Darth Carnifex by the end of the war.
  • Schematics for the Acavus-class Bulk Cruiser, for the interest of any aspiring entrepreneur who deals in markets that require large cargo to be safely transported.
  • Jaron Lesan's Lightsaber, the weapon of a deceased, unknown Sith Apprentice.
  • The Holocron of Heresies, a replica of Darth Andeddu's Holocron which possesses the detailed lessons of Sith Sorcerery and healing studies. Sold to Commodore Helix Commodore Helix for 50 million credits.

Alicia lowered her gaze to the remote once more to keep a log of the transactions and subsequent bids placed at the auction. As Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf debated increasing her offer for the Jal-Shey teachings and The Book of Rhand Alicia gave Helix a friendly smile. "Of course, Commodore. I understand. But I can personally vouch for Lord Mecetti's ship manufacturing capabilities. I am sure the two of you would be interested in conducting your own business together... for the right price."

Averting her gaze away from the Commodore Alicia said to Danger: "When today's auction closes, after dinner, I would like to meet with you to discuss the idea that I proposed yesterday to my guests. We also are yet to discuss the arrangement that we spoke about on Canto Blight. I can reveal that last night I spoke to Lord Mecetti about my idea to form this conglomerate and House Mecetti is on board. With the ship manufacturing capabilities of Mecetti Nationalized Industries on board, combined with the Arceneau Trade Company and your other subsidiaries, we would become a major powerhouse in business."

Leaving Danger to think about the possibilities of forming a conglomerate with the likes of Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti (and the other guests) Alicia approached Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar and begun to speak: "Your act of generosity yesterday were surprising to say the least. The other members of the Tsis'Kaar that I have met have proven to be less than generous to slaves."

Gesturing for Trayze to follow Alicia led him to the Sochi Ru: a Jedi starfighter of an archaic design stretching back to the Clone Wars. Nearby was a Lightsaber: the former weapon of a Knight of the Old Republic who disappeared at the end of the One Sith-Purge after the Galactic Republic was destroyed. Hanging near the plinth which held Nova's hilt was her armour.

"When I read the statement that you submitted in order to gain invitation to Sojourn I was going to pass you up for a delegate from the Trade Federation of Planets," Alicia explained as they gazed upon the relics of a Jedi Knight. "Do you know what changed my mind? It was what you wrote about Darth Carnifex. You hate him, don't you?"

Alicia gestured to the Sochi Ru and other former belongings of Ella Nova. "These pieces are the only things that are left which tells us that Ella Nova once lived. She was a hero in the Galactic Republic albeit a lesser known one. Still an ever stalwart in the defence of the Republic she fought right up to the bitter end. All for nought as the One Sith won their war, and Carnifex accomplished his revenge against the Jedi Order after what they had done to him on Dac. That victory had broken the chains of failure, and the Force set him free."

"But Nova survived the war, or so they say. It is said that after the Republic surrendered and it's systems were annexed by the One Sith that she left the Jedi Order on board the very ship that is on display in front of us now. She took the Sochi Ru back to Coruscant- navigating occupied space to reach her destination- to find Carnifex and bring him in for justice. It is believed that the two of them had a Lightsaber duel, and naturally, Carnifex won. What I know for sure is that Nova was captured by the One Sith and imprisoned inside the Black Pyramid: a prison that Carnifex had constructed on Coruscant, and there, Nova was kept until... well... nobody knows what happens next."

As Alicia smoked her cigarette she averted her gaze from the Sochi Ru to look upon Trayze. "One has to wonder what would have happened if Ella Nova had support? What would have happened if she had won?"

Maldor sighed softly to see another bid on the accursed Creatura Reactor.

He quietly increased his bid to 4 million, feeling a pang in his chest as he did so.

Four-million credits, to buy an item for his Master that she already owned.

And in a room full of interesting knowledge that he might actually desire.

Millions of credits could buy squadrons of fighters. Or a corvette. Or a significant percentage of a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Just because he had money didn't mean he could squander it casually in a time of war. Every million he spent on an object here was a percentage of power stolen from his next fleet engagement.

"Some Sith groups," Maldor opined aloud, "and those with Imperial ambitions, are more interested in shows of power than the reality of power. They create impractically huge war machines. Deploy superweapons intended to frighten an enemy... and only succeed in galvanizing them.

They call out duels on a battlefield, and enter monologues explaining their potency and highlighting their wickedness. It's all a shadow-play. No matter how much territory is gained by way of shock and awe, it's always lost again in the smokescreen of internal squabbles and an alliance of those who were meant to be terrorized into submission.

Any joy at conquest, or even personal revenge, is fleeting.

Meanwhile, organizations like the Trade Federation persist from regime to regime. Those wheedling traders have a hand in true power. Power that does not rely on battles, or the Force, or a crowned king. They insinuate their invisible hands into all affairs, all nations, all eons.

True power will mean doing the same, and creating a parallel web of influence and finance that does not rely on the Trade Federation's long-established mechanisms. The first step to power is not in the flash of Force lightning, the glow of a crimson blade, or the wails of defeated populations.

It is in the quiet, unseen accumulation of contacts and arrangements that funnel power from the many to the few."

He looked around him, "Our combined talents have the potential to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle, creating a superior web of influence and arrangements of which the Trade Federation has no part. They will gradually be drained of that which sustains them. By the time their egos allow them to truly process the nature of the threat, they will already be asphyxiating."

His gaze brought him to look towards Danger.

"Violence is always needed at some point. But it should be a scalpel, and never the primary tool of those who would command their destinies. There is a reason that every violent and terrible Empire has fallen to a coalition of underestimated underdogs.

We have, before us, a better way."

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar ~ Commodore Helix Commodore Helix ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
Immediate Goals -
1: PRIORITY ONE - Investigate Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's network of intel... how much does she know?
2: Attain the artifacts of import!
2.1: The Book of Rhand
2.2: Pendant of Aay'han (It might be a nice gift for a certain Mandalorian...)
2.3: The Jal-Shay Teachings
2.4: Ella Nova's Lightsaber
3: Make friends rather than enemies...

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

OPFOR - Enemies All Around

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Before Trayze and Maldor continued their conversation - a pattern of events that the Kiffar had begun to grow annoyed of, he smiled at his hostess before following her.
"Your act of generosity yesterday were surprising to say the least. The other members of the Tsis'Kaar that I have met have proven to be less than generous to slaves."
"A habit from my prior career." Trayze answered. "Never burn a bridge, ya never know when you need ta' cross it." So it would seem that Ms. Drey would approach Trayze openly, but would she condemn him he permitted the sidebar with a caution born of practice. Cigarette in hand, foxy sway in her step, Ms. Drey was every bit the femme fatale - and Trayze knew better than to follow one suit, they tended to lead to things that grab the Detective by the heart and never let go.

The trope was proven true as he once again saw the lightsaber that he had seen on the first day - the Adegan crystal borne lightsaber, flanked by memorabilia belonging to the selfsame Jedi. His eyes focused on the lightsaber, and Trayze's mind embraced the sensations only those whose Psychometry was sharpened to its furthest point - the hum of a lightsaber crystal. He could sense them, the crystals, who they were bled by, their relation to their wielder, and the vibrations that they sung out into the Force with, as if they were alive. It would take something utterly astonishing, to snap him out of the mesmerising stupor-
"When I read the statement that you submitted in order to gain invitation to Sojourn I was going to pass you up for a delegate from the Trade Federation of Planets," Alicia explained as they gazed upon the relics of a Jedi Knight. "Do you know what changed my mind? It was what you wrote about Darth Carnifex. You hate him, don't you?"

Trayze did an honest-to-Bogan double take. If he was drinking, he would have done a spit take, if he hadn't used his discipline to wrangle his disbelief into a smothered croak, he would have burst out laughing. Hated him? Half the bloody Galaxy hated the Butcher King! Trayze despised him on a philosophical level, even while he worked and reaped the rewards of his husband's patronage! If mere detestment was enough to warrant this Directoress' attention, then she had shockingly low standards.

But she continued, elucidating on Ella Nova, and Trayze refocused back on the items present. Anchoring himself on the tragedy, the injustices done, he pondered - why was he selected? Every answer that seemed to be given was a jigsaw piece, and none clearly being brought together. Perhaps, as Darth Arya, she sought to goad him with his hatred for Carnifex to some unseen end - a viable strategy to lean on one's emotional impetuses. Drey spoke of the One Sith, before their exile and before Trayze's time and the destruction of the Republic at the hands of Carnifex and the One Sith Purge. She spoke of Ella Nova, who fought defiantly to the end, and Drey could see him soften in sympathy where others would have scoffed - assured in the determinism of the Dark Side. Ella was sealed to the Black Pyramid, and never seen since - most likely dead, turned to the dark side, or rendered horrendously broken... and then sympathy came.

It would have to be forced back down his throat.

"One has to wonder what would have happened if Ella Nova had support? What would have happened if she had won?"
Trayze did not meet his hostess' gaze. Not for some time. Silence would hang between them as even the allure of the artifacts of those who contested Carnifex single-handedly could not expel the somberness of what he would say.
"The Sith would endure. The Jedi would endure." He answered bitterly, the cynicism of his late night conversations with his cousin a roiling rash upon his understanding of the Force. "So long as there are Jedi, there will be Sith who question them. So long as there are Sith, there will be Jedi who question them."

The cyclical nature of the Force... to pass into it, to oblivion, that one's soul doesn't matter aside from the parasitic ravaging of the material world for some chance of immortality... was that all there was?


No. I will do better; I will do more; for the sake of us all!
"But... even if it didn't matter." he would turn to face Alicia, his eyes no longer hiding emotion, a surefire blaze of defiance that goes beyond even the pretender-Sith before him. "I would have fought beside her. To death or to the changing of the galaxy."

Another pregnant pause, half severed when now Trayze pushed to inquire. "Is that why you have brought me here, Ms. Drey? To see if the Tsis'Kaar - if my Lord Cousin cared for the Jedi Ella Nova... Or Darth Arya?" what once was defiance turned to cold condemnation, an icy fury only one who sighted his potential opponent could conjure. "If I cared?"

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