active measures
T A L K I N _ H A W K I N
THE_BOYS | Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus | Djorn Bline | Lucien Dooku | Robogeber
Jaeger was impressed then, during the talks, but it certainly hit him now. Jaeger was rarely a man to be surprised, rarely did his expectations deviate from reality so starkly. Surely, both the First Imperials and the New Imperials held the idea of imperialism at their core but there was a clear difference in how it manifested; where the New Imperials carved a robust, almost spartan visage, the First Imperials chiseled to the finest detail. The war-torn worlds, some scorched by the genocidal Sith, drowning under the sweat of the worker diligently rebuilding brick by brick; here - the gentle and refined touch of a maestro architect. Where the smoky heights of industrial concerns hyper expanded across the horizon, here the rolling green hills and perfected masonry preserved a sanctity the galaxy had seemingly lost and perhaps forgotten. A look at the stark difference between the Supreme Leader and the Sovereign Imperator told one as much.AVALONIA | DOSUUN
T A L K I N _ H A W K I N
THE_BOYS | Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus | Djorn Bline | Lucien Dooku | Robogeber
It was only natural. Where the First Imperials traced their heritage to nobility, the New Imperials traced it to militants.
And they wore the label with pride. For no price to bring the dawn of the Iron Sun was too high to pay.
Dressed in his uniform, the only actual uniform he had and one he despised due to its lack of comfort, he stepped out of the vehicle behind the Sovereign Imperator. Jaeger Harrsk adjusted his unruly hat and quickly reached for his front pocket. Snatching a cigarette from the pack inside, he lit the roll and welcomed the relief.
The shapers of the galaxy had been all gathered here. They might not know him but he certainly knew them well.