Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Coronation

"I have, but I'm not entirely certain that you'll like it. And I think you'll have to wait to hear it."

She'd caught sight of someone aiming right for them. Not exactly the most wonderful situation in the galaxy, considering the type of people she was supposedly mingling with. Inwardly she didn't feel at all interested in the conversation that was about to happen, and her right lekku twitched in minor annoyance, but most people didn't know how to read lekku, and she made a point of keeping her face impartial.

At the offered hand she didn't move. Nierce did not like to be touched in any way, shape, or form, most of the time. Touching her was a good way to make her hate you. She said nothing, allowing Alicia to make the introductions, especially considering she was supposed to be acting the part of the woman's employee and she didn't want to be perceived as overstepping her bounds.

[member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Alicia Drey"]


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Passing over his weapons, which took awhile given how many were on him, he began ripping his armor off to give his opponent something clear to aim at, a big target all things considered. He was wearing simple black cloth leggings on underneath, the rest of his body covered in thick scaly and sandy brown hide. Piece by piece his gear was shoved into the arms of the nearest trandoshan who nearly fell backward, betraying an overabundance of power, but not necessarily strength or skill. One thing was noticeable for all his posturing, there were not a lot of cuts or scars on the big fighter, a lack of experience? Even so he had a thick skin and something of a light natural armor on him, the way he stood showed he had been trained, maybe killed a few people here and there on orders from the cartel or syndicate, and had no hold ups about inflicting violence.

Sadly there was a world of difference between training and fighting hand to hand, especially one on one up close.

First blood, less fun but still fun. Bsssk took the spear to give his already long arms even further reach, then he took another in his other hand. It was all about winning, all about scoring. A showing of teeth and a gnashing followed to his woodby victim, the grip on spears became hammerfisted, with little flexibility but a lot of power, betraying just how he’d fight. “Looking forward to this'sss,” his wild eyes showed the hyperaggressive tendencies of his race were no different in the hulking mercenary Kaster was staring down, tendencies Kaster might use to his advantage if he was clever.

Trudging heavily to the edge of the circle, leaving maximum room between them, clawed grips dug into one of the spears, while the other in his left hand remained less attached, but still firm.

[member="Vinskk Revamp"] | [member="Kaster Sane"]​
as Lady blue

An important underworld occassion, it used to be rare to not see one figure at these gatherings. Bsssk wasn’t the only FFE representative at the ceremony, far from it, mingling within the crowds was lady blue, veiled as usual in her flowing blue gown, her noghri commando guard with some sort of prototype rifle soon to unveiled for the hutts, for a not inexpensive price of course. Yes very soon now some in design technologies would be coming to light that would prove… interesting for anyone here, and anyone with enough credits the galaxy over. She never moved light of a bodyguard, and today was no exception, the sheer amount of potential uncertainty in her rearrival meant she'd brought triple her usual muscle.

Her employer had insisted she make interested parties aware of his reopening, competitors which had interrupted his business practices now dealt with, and some of the biggest arms dealers no longer supplying the market, things would be changing again soon. Flowing inward, with ever so slight movement of her hands, folding to her chest in an unspoken order, it was so strange to see larger noghri heeding what she said whispered carefully into their ear, followed by her smallest of smiles as her quiet voice issued life and death orders for later.

Another had ascended to head of the slave trade, and her business was still threatened on Nar Shadda, the TU would be feeling the hurt because she was one of the ones doing the hurting, with a careful word here and a death sentence there, it was interesting just how many people could be made to disappear when she or her employer wanted it done. Folding her dress back and curling against a pillar, she sipped a luxurious drink, no part of her body revealed save her lips and smile which was glittering like small paper wrapped lies on every word, beautiful to unwrap but utterly without feeling of their own.
Sane chose the sword, Almost instinctively wondering what it was made of as he pulled it into his right had, Giving the blade a twirl with a flick of his wrist. It was much lighter than his normal beskad, but he would just compensate as he needed. His mind strangely clearing as he closed his eyes for a moment, waiting for his Trandoshan opponent to choose his weapon.

In the short minute Kas closed his eyes only one thought filled his mind......Thoughts of battle, Violence, and brutality that was nearly unheard of. When his eyes opened once more they were glazed over, as if the Zabrak was in a trance, Though all hidden under the helmet of his Beskar'gam. Those cold souless eyes now locking onto the massive Trandoshan..... His voice nearly a growl as he spoke one word.....

" Bloooood "
The Ringmaster of the circle smiled in anticipation, wanting blood.

"First blood. Stop at my command. Begin."

The fight commenced with the circle closing completely. Each of the Trandoshan warriors held a spear at the ready, promising to gut anyone who deserted the fight.

First blood.

[member="Kaster Sane"] [member="Bsssk"]


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Howls of the assembled crowd, and the spear tips of the onlookers framing the circle above clattered together in cheer, bloodsport was as welcomed here as any other.

The reason Bsssk had two spears was soon obvious, as the looser left hand one was pulled back then thrown at Kaster’s stomach, the right hand one was brought up ahead of the Trando. His right claws dug further into its central staff, while the left hand was now used to jab and rotate. With a roar, teeth gnashing then a howl, some of his professionalism had gone out the window here, he was getting swept up in the moment, but what better place for it than this occasion?

He began an aggressive move forward, clawed stomping crunching over the makeshift arenas floor, he had the spear angled down and outward, ready to rotate up to jab forward off a blade. Training but not a lot of experience, the move might be telegraphed, but first off his opponent somehow needed to close the distance past the 6ft 10 hulking trando’s substantial spear reach, or find another tactic.

[member="Vinskk Revamp"] | [member="Kaster Sane"]​
| [member="Nierce"] | [member="Vinskk Revamp"] |

"I'm open to suggestions." Alicia knew that Senator Kay would be quite the gift for [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. Although from a diplomatic point of view, the capture of Kay and subsequent pass along to the Hutt Cartel's leader- as penance for her crimes against the Hutts- would be a strain on relations with the Galactic Republic, Alicia knew that Sempra desperately wanted to put an end to Kay's activities. She then thought that gifting one of the Hutt's most wanted to Sempra would put her in better stead with the galaxies most powerful crime lord.

On the other hand, the Republic wasn't her target. At least not yet. She believed that the attacks she had sustained at the hands of Rave Merrill held ties to the Techno Union. She had met Gerion Ardik, Danger Arceneau and others from the conglomerate turned galactic power. There was something off about them; and the level of control they had established over a number of business markets was suspicious. She would need the Cartel to protect her when the time came for retribution.

But she was not quite sure how to go about it yet. Whatever the decision, Nierce had made contact with Senator Kay and regardless of whether or not she was gifted to Sempra, there was the option of gaining the Republic's support- albeit clandestinely- against the Union as well.

Turning her gaze to Darkgear almost at the same time as Nierce, Alicia extended her hand reluctantly. Smiling, she said to him: "I hope you enjoy the party." She then turned and linked arms with the Twi'lek, guiding her away from the scoundrel along the rows of Trandoshans that feasted, laughed and competed with one another in their games. She could feel Nierce wanted to be let go as they walked. Slipping her way away from the Twi'lek, Alicia dropped both arms to her sides as they spoke.

"What did you have in mind?"
Alicia was right. Nierce didn't at all like it. As soon as she was touched her lekku became quite fidgety, and she had to fight every will in her body that wanted to scream and lash out at the woman, taking her hand off, quite literally, for touching her. Not because she was high and mighty or anything of that nature, she just didn't like to be touched at all. It was somewhat of a phobia, really.

But the woman led her away from Darkgear after wishing that he enjoy the party. Clearly Alicia also didn't want to be bothered by the thing, whatever it was. She'd have Boss do some digging on the creature when she got back to the ship. For now, though, she was relieved when Alicia let go of her. Her lekku immediately ceased their twitching and she looked visibly more relaxed than she had even just moments ago. Such was the nature of her being.

"A double play."

That was, indeed, what she had in mind. She figured they could both benefit.

"We play both sides. I want to help her, and I think you want to help these people. Each for different reasons. But we don't have to always help them. We pick and choose certain information and situations as they benefit us and our needs, and we act accordingly. Information is the key. Good or bad determines the outcome we want."

[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Vinskk Revamp"]
| [member="Nierce"] |

"How cunning of you."

Alicia turned away from the Twi'lek, to observe the party. Trandoshans. They disgusted her. As did most alien species. Still, they had their uses. Like the woman behind her. They say great minds think alike, but there was something extra special with Nierce Subban. She thought of the readings she had taken on board the Acavus, as she had left Commenor.

A smile played on Alicia's lips for a moment. In a flash, the moment passed.

"Are you in regular contact with the Senator? It would be useful to know everything you discuss. Even the things you think are minor. Nothing can be overlooked in this business, Nierce. Even the most minor of details could be our undoing. The people we plot against are merciless."

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