Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Corporatocracy of the Recopia System

The Fifth Moon
"Three Great Governments converge, and between them must lay a pillar of strength that shall guide them, aid them, nourish them and ultimately rise them up so that stability or some semblance of that may return to the Galaxy. For many though there are still others that rise in the place of those governments once lost, and in time they too shall stand as a beacon or a light against those that would snuff it from the galaxy."
Golden hues fell upon the system as the vessel fell from hyperspace, the brilliant flash dropping them outside of the system which was their target. A small smirk upon her lips as she stood there, arms behind her back with her hands clasped. As she stood there two others came to her sides, both identical in appearance, the newest innovation at Sorenn-Syrush Industries. She was in some way glad that the new DX-HRDs would be capable of operating in this grand plan.
Keeping her attention forward, she smirked once more, her hands coming up as she crossed them over her chest. The system had been relatively left untouched during the reign of the One Sith, the atrocities beholden only upon the planet Recopia itself, the name sake of the system. However its other worlds and moons had been left untouched.
"This is a great undertaking. If Sorenn-Syrush Industries thrives here, it shall pull up those that surround it to greater heights. Our name will be known across the galaxy, and our kind will at last have a home that is no longer in the shadows. All that though will not come until we take our fist step, and it is here that it shall happen."
Her hand came up as she spun around upon her hind foot, the flickering holographic image before her as she pointed out the fifth moon of a gas giant known locally as Lacia. The image itself pulled in, revealing the moon before beginning to rotate slowly. Her golden hues fell upon it, watching as the endeavor was already underway.
Turning back towards the large viewing screen before her, she watched, seeing the brilliant far off sparks that marked vessels falling from hyperspace. Her smirk growing large enough to reveal the fangs hidden beneath, her focus and goal clear. This was an endeavor that would be the largest undertaking of Sorenn-Syrush Industries.
"Alderaan was our home, now we shall claim the Recopia System as such. Sorenn-Syrush Industries shall claim this system and from here we shall aid those that would see us succeed. Our growth shall ensure that our reach will span the stars."
Stepping forward, her arms slipped back behind her, clasping her hands together. Her attention focused as she no longer looked pass the viewing screen. Rather the images shifted to reveal those familiar faces as she smiled softly, her attention upon her daughters and adviser, their images clear as day.
"Shall we begin?"
[member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Orloch Moretti"]
[member="Vokun"] | [member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Krayzen Dratos"] | [member="KeCholo"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Darren Torran"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Virak Ip"] | [member="Lord Mettallum"] | [member="Synthia Fellstarr"]
in all honesty Kami hated the grandiose pomposity of all the show. but she understood the need for it. it was a face, an act to show off.
" lets." was all she said.
she had a face too he T visor hid her unease and the almost shear panic she felt on company.
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Vokun stood with his arms folded against his person, blue orbs penetrating the deepest marks of night in the distant areas of Dantooine. This was a home, his heritage, the legacy that built to the misguided Fallen God. He currently was in front of the Greyson Manor there, preparing for his journey to come. As acting shareholder for a company, he was expected to show support when called, so he would.

At his hip sat a golden hilt for a lightsaber, inside of which rested the dragite crystal he had inherited so long. Adorning his body was a simple garb of Folhet fabrics, made to appear a light blazer covering his shirt, as well as matching pants. It seemed expensive - and was, though not for the fabrics themselves. Rather the processes. Should he take a blow, it could easily break bone or bruise. It would never slice through however.

A twitch emanated from the peripheral of his senses, his third eye if you would. It was to begin soon. With the knowledge gained by defeating, and binding Damien, as well as the power that came with that, it was a simple thing to concentrate and simply dissapear from his current location. The air was forced to suction into the empty space with a vacuum caused pop. Next he appeared on the moon with another resounding pop, this time the air forced to separate and expel.

Checking the cufflinks of his blazer, he buttoned the jacket so it sat elegantly on the man's body. He was a GodKing, as well as a Count of Coruscant, and a Baron of Dantooine. His would always be a regal stance.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
The Gungan realized that IGR had several areas where he could set up shop on Recopia: construction needs, banking, insurance, realty on the parent corporation, and food/groceries under Pizza Hutt. While [member="Kami Meran"] was familiar with IGR and Pizza Hutt, [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] may not have been: it had next to no presence. As for @Vokun: while he might have used those services at some point, he did not know the man personally. Perhaps a few clients on Alderaan with dealings in GA-space might have dealt with IGR but otherwise it's not the best-known bank in that corner of space; even the largest banks in the galaxy or the most common food joints weren't going to be everywhere. After a trip to Elysian, he began to get the hang of large-scale construction projects. So he just stayed back and remained quiet until spoken to, after which point it would be fair game for him to talk. Then again, that moment might come earlier than sooner for what he knew.

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