Cassius Droma
Jedi Archaeologist
Looking sideways and down at the lake below, he could see the thick trail of billowing smoke from the gunship Mara had hit. Scratch another one. Head snapping forward, Cassius focused on his radar readout. Only two left, and they hadn’t even taken any hits, as far as he could tell. Despite seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, he kept his hands firm on the controls, his focus not deviating from their situation.
“Alright, one more pass, and we’re in the clear,” Cassius said over comm, pulling up ever so slightly and to the left for his banking turn. He kept track of not just the enemy signals, but of Mara as well. The ace pilot wanted to make sure that he was going to keep in sync with her and not smack head-first into her A-wing as they completed their next weave.
Just as he was keeping track of his partner’s trajectory, he felt a rumble and shake from behind him. The starfighter on his tail had managed to graze him, and seemed to be desperately firing every weapon he had on his vessel in order to take down the A-wing. Maybe he’d seen what had happened to his friends and wanted a little bit of payback. Or, this guy just really wanted the bounty.
Regardless, Cassius kept his course, dipping and weaving only slightly so as to shake the enemy’s targeting computers. He was on the last leg of his turn now, and he could see Mara’s starfighter out of his viewport. Telling his targeting computer to lock onto Mara’s trailing fighter, Cassius gunned the engines as he passed, pulling the triggers on his laser cannons. At such close range, the fighter couldn’t even dodge, and brilliantly exploded into about a million pieces. Cassius could feel the small shockwave of the reactor explosion, but it was nothing but a bump.
“Yeah!” he hollered as he leveled out with a few rolls. He checked the radar – no enemy fighters. “Mara – let’s gun it towards that mountain range. Doesn’t look like there are any more hunters after us, but I’m sure the authorities aren’t too pleased with us shooting up their airspace. Let’s find a place to set down.”
Aiming accordingly, Cassius shot off towards the cover of a nearby mountain range, hoping that his new pilot friend would follow.
[member="Kalyn Shif"]
“Alright, one more pass, and we’re in the clear,” Cassius said over comm, pulling up ever so slightly and to the left for his banking turn. He kept track of not just the enemy signals, but of Mara as well. The ace pilot wanted to make sure that he was going to keep in sync with her and not smack head-first into her A-wing as they completed their next weave.
Just as he was keeping track of his partner’s trajectory, he felt a rumble and shake from behind him. The starfighter on his tail had managed to graze him, and seemed to be desperately firing every weapon he had on his vessel in order to take down the A-wing. Maybe he’d seen what had happened to his friends and wanted a little bit of payback. Or, this guy just really wanted the bounty.
Regardless, Cassius kept his course, dipping and weaving only slightly so as to shake the enemy’s targeting computers. He was on the last leg of his turn now, and he could see Mara’s starfighter out of his viewport. Telling his targeting computer to lock onto Mara’s trailing fighter, Cassius gunned the engines as he passed, pulling the triggers on his laser cannons. At such close range, the fighter couldn’t even dodge, and brilliantly exploded into about a million pieces. Cassius could feel the small shockwave of the reactor explosion, but it was nothing but a bump.
“Yeah!” he hollered as he leveled out with a few rolls. He checked the radar – no enemy fighters. “Mara – let’s gun it towards that mountain range. Doesn’t look like there are any more hunters after us, but I’m sure the authorities aren’t too pleased with us shooting up their airspace. Let’s find a place to set down.”
Aiming accordingly, Cassius shot off towards the cover of a nearby mountain range, hoping that his new pilot friend would follow.
[member="Kalyn Shif"]