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Boost The Coruscant Connection (Darkwire/Family Arms Deal, Invite Only)

(Don't Get In My Way, Zack Hemsey)

Location: An abandoned warehouse
Objectives: 1. Complete the arms deal. 2. Do not attract the attention of CorpSec. 3. Remain Anonymous.
Family Writers: Yu Karloo Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree
Ally: Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah
Adversaries: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll


Somewhere on Denon…

Night had fallen; though any semblance of sunlight rarely ever reached these depths even during daylight hours. The air was warm and humid; a strange, chemical tang hung on the end of the tongue, belying that somewhere, sometime, one might expect a few drops of rain… with a chance that it might singe the air from your body, or sting the flesh, or even cause welts. Acid rain, though not common, was a very real threat against those caught unprotected.

In an abandoned, decaying warehouse somewhere far from the hustle & bustle of Denon’s never-silent night life, a crowd of beings had found themselves sanctuary from the chance of storms; but it was not out of desire to remain safe from the weather. Their secret meeting was for a much more sinister reason.

Tonight, a Syndicate was making its first real power play in Denon’s neon Underworld.

Tonight, promises made would become promises kept.

The Family - a secretive, powerful, and dangerous adversary to the Corpo Regime - was playing a most-dangerous game… and hoping to attain greater agency not only for its own interests, but the interests of the recently-declared Terrorist Group known as Darkwire. Representatives of both groups were present in murky depths of this forgotten monument, and were presently deciding the fate of not only Darkwire, but the fate of the entire Denon System and its millions of inhabitants. Tonight, the very fate of CAD & CorpSec itself hung at the very edge of the gallows.
Nearly two dozen armed Goons - The Family’s own professional Soldiers - patrolled the interior & exterior of the warehouse. Each had come from Off-World; called upon by their leader, the enigmatic “Donna” of The Family, to combine their efforts. Nar Shaddaa, Coruscant, Korbin, Eliad, & Chandrila had each sent representatives to ensure tonight’s operation went smoothly.

Jocelyn “Grandma Jo” Pavaliah, an ally of Darkwire & former Corpo, has joined The Family to assist in the transportation of not only a high quantity of Spice, but also in the sale and distribution of numerous weapons of the highest quality. Joining her, members of The Family (including The Donna, herself) are prepared to do whatever it takes to see their objectives completed…


Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family, had chosen very different attire than her typical dress & wide-brimmed black hat for the business tonight. While typically opting for high fashion, elegance, and subtlety, she stood out: a black tactical vest & tank top which showcased her numerous tattoos, black laced combat boots, black cargo pants, and holstered weapons ready accessible. She, like the rest of The Family, had foregone the clothing they often used to keep their identities secret - instead, opting for the more hard-hitting, practical equipment of professional mercenaries and hired killers.

The Donna had personally selected the depths of this forgotten warehouse as the prime location from-which to conduct their business. She felt well-protected, surrounded by her own personal soldiers and members of her Family; further joined by “Grandma Jo”, who’d traveled from Sarko IV to receive her payment of Spice & accept the shipment of weapons & equipment she’d further agreed to help smuggle into the Denon System.

The two women stood in the center of this wide open space, lit by dim lighting provided by portable generators, and surrounded by cases of varying sizes - some resting on portable folding tables, and others resting upon the dirty concrete floor. An extensive list of weapons and equipment were on display: 2 dozen M-45 Blaster Pistols, 4 cases of the cheaply-made & easily produced Spice Runner Specials, 4 cases of KN-E “Spezia” blaster rifles, a number of M.I. Model-7 Shotguns designed for close quarters combat, medical/trauma supplies, 2 cases of "Skjöldr" energy shields (the same in-use by CorpSec, itself), numerous Journeyman’s Knives, ammunition of varied types (all in original packaging), and a number of larger cases which contained as-yet undisplayed larger weapons: A selection of X-15A Dual Heavy Rifles designed to disrupt shields and spit out a withering barrage of firepower, and a small number of the expensive but immensely destructive X-12 “Sentry” Blaster Mortars - both weapons designed & produced by The Family’s own Arms Division. Also included were 3 very expensive Model-29 Missile Launchers & a small number of sidearms supplied by Maji Ironworks, components for a small number of Type-68 Personal Armors purchased off the Black Market, and a handful of very special “Sunstroke” Jet-packs.

Cases of Grenades lay open, ready to be demonstrated: The
Shocking Apple, and one of The Family’s secret projects known as Project Damocles. Beside them, a box of “Defender” trip-wire mines had yet to be opened.

Ivory reached out, picking up one of the Shocking Apples - the silvery metal sphere filling her palm - and tested its weight. Then, with a grin in Jo’s direction, she pressed the small red button on the front of the device - triggering its arming sequence - and hurled it into an open space a few yards away which had been cleared of debris.

The heavy metal sphere bounced once then rolled to a stop against a small chunk of metal which had fallen from the roof high above. A few seconds later, a clicking sound heralded the device’s activation: the grenade’s top half falling away and a handful of tiny metal spheres jumping into the air around it. There was a buzzing sound, then the area was suddenly alight as brilliant blue arcs of electricity flashed and sparked in a cloud of ionized air - shedding intense heat and power in a millisecond as the powerful payload was delivered.

With the display over, Ivory turned, grinning at the older woman who stood beside her.

“Feel free to try anything you like.” She said, indicating the collection. Everything would be packed up & transported away in short order…

The Donna had been very impressed with Captain Karloo’s involvement for her part - delivering the 2700 kilos of Spice to Sarko IV only a few days prior, as Grandma Jo had requested. As The Family’s personal smuggler, the Nautolan Pirate deserved to be commended for her dedication. Not only had The Family brought in weaponry through Grandma Jo’s connections, but they also had snuck in another 300 Kilos of Spice to be distributed across Denon through the channels they’d already established.

Ivory reached into one of the front pockets of her combat vest and extracted a worn silver case; retrieving a Fiora cigarra, placing it between her lips, and lighting it with her ever-present companion: her P-Series lighter purchased years ago. Sweet-smelling smoke rose serpentine into the air from the hand-wrapped cigarra, and The Donna exhaled twin streams from her nostrils like an ancient dragon rising from a long slumber. Surrounded by a horde of weapons worth a small fortune, she even felt like one.
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Cardio-Muscular Package, Response iMprOVEMENT Package, Implanted Cyberjack, Digital Lockpick, Hifold Sensory Package paired with Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes, Duraskin Implant, Shock baton, Spacers Leather Jacket, Business Casual beneath that.

Delivery had been little to no issue for the gathered supplies before them. A number of PGEM/C-SOC Gozantis, PGEM/S-O1 Puddlejumpers, PGEM/S-02 Starpeddlers had been acquired and dispatched throughout the time leading up to this inevitable meeting between Jo and the benefactor of Darkwire in its fight against CAD. Ivory plucked a device from its cradle and tossed it forward, and even Jo couldn't help her curiosity as she watched the device deliver the charge to its surroundings.

Something she was sure to keep an eye on as her hand roamed over the crates and processed everything inside them. She'd done her part, and been happily paid for her services. While she could have opted to depart with satisfactory results, the option to observe was a welcome one.

Ignorance had been the bigger part of a successful delivery on her end. Carriers unsuspecting that their "support" crates for a down and out group being loaded with weapons atop clothes and other vitals.

It also hadn't hurt that those customs officers under Manfloon had been working when Jo had sent her shipments through.

Most under his employ were as corrupt as the one that kept and paid them. Credits, favors, other means of persuasion had allowed her vessels through with little interest by those that might otherwise hold up the transaction to follow. An early drop found some of Jo's underlings staying on Denon while they operated the cargo haulers planet side. Delivering the goods to different locations well away from the typical routes one might take to this warehouse.

Only to move the crates through the night after the other half of the pair had slept through the daylight hours. Those exhausted enough to keep an eye on the smaller vehicles bringing in single crates or smaller would have had difficulty with the eyes in the sky given the convoluted routes Skinner and the former miners had devised to allude anyone following.

Granted, even the best of plans fell into some measure of repetition eventually.

"The kids ought to be able to put up a decent enough tussle with all this gear." She mused, turning and looking to Ivory with a nod to the armor crate. She leaned back against the thing,

"Might have to size them out though for these. Blanket orders aren't typically very giving in the well fitting area." She laughed, pulling out the repurposed inhaler and snagging a draw of her favored spice from it.

Time was already a funny thing for the woman with cognitive implants. Seconds stretching on for eternity as though watching a movie in half speed. Nothing truly stopped for her, but when information was being processed, a few seconds almost seemed an eternity.

With the small slip of spice added, those brief moments were vibrant and every sound amplified. A sensation bordering on making most catatonic.

Yu Karloo


Tag: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll


The Nautolan lingered at the shadowy edge of the pool of light cast on the collection of crates. Yu leaned against a steel girder, idly fingering an unlit cigarra. large, black glistening eyes studied the two women standing amid the cargo of weapons and armor. The Nautolan smuggler was clad in her black Arx bodysuit, her own M-45 blaster holstered on her hip, a short electrostaff strapped to her back.

Yu had recently returned from the Sarko IV spice run, her first operation involving Grandma Jo. The woman was deep underworld, but had a notorious reputation among criminal elements that knew of her existence. It was no secret that the infamous smuggler had augmentations, but tales of the extent and nature of her cybernetic enhancements varied widely, only adding to Grandma Jo's enigma.

The Nautolan pushed off of the durasteel pillar when Ivory pulled out the apple, giving it a toss. The stark white-blue flash of its detonation reflected off both women, causing lids to squint over large primal aquatic eyes as Yu watched. The Nautolan strode silently closer, resting an elbow on a crate of the 'Specials'. The cache of arms was impressive, quality weapons and armor. But even with the shipment of arms, those who would be using them would be up against a formidable force. It would take a strong wedge to begin prying loose the grip of the Corpo hegemony on Denon, and then beyond.


Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

The Family - Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud || Yu Karloo || Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora || Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos
Darkwire - Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah || Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze || Corin Trenor Corin Trenor || Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll


The Vehicle elevator dropped down slowly from the underbelly of the Shadow broker, a remodelled and redesigned version of the classic Gozanti-class espionage ship, also known by IGV-55 surveillance vessel. Loaded on the platform where four repulsor crates mag locked to the back of the Dullahan where Dedata sat ready to tow. Though she was not alone, Besides her on speeder of her own was the woman's protection. Most called the Chiss Reaper, though that was the shortened version given her full name was a mouthful. Personally Dedata did not mind the woman, she was quiet remained to herself and made zero effort to try start conversation.

Looking around to see the emptiness of the area Dedata took a deep breath, even with the filters it was hard not to notice that foul stench of pollution mixed with humidity. "Dee, need you to keep an eye out. Track movements with visual feeds and com traffic. Anything heading in the general direction of the drop point you tell me and ping Ivory with the data to her head piece. Ohh and keep the ship cloaked." She said speaking to the VI as the woman sat back on the speeder.

Pushing her arms out in front stretching she fell forward slowly till her hands finally rested upon the bars. One press of the ignition and the Vehicle came to life. Slowly she drove off the elevator with her bodyguard for this trip. Looking back the elevator would rise back up to hold the illusion nothing was there. Her belly up to the lower part of her chest leant against the body of the Dullahan. The vibrations ran through her body like she was one with the speeder.

Giving the speeder a little throttle the two began to cruise through the decapitated streets. Every place she looked was grimy, damp and dismal. Perfect example of why she liked the ethos of Darkwire. They fought against the tyranny of corporate control that turned their capitalistic nature into venom. Dedata never hid from the family her distaste for cooperate regime. Perhaps that was why she wore her tanktop over her usual get up and the new Leather Jacket on top of that with the zip down. Red neon lights in the collar with simple sleek lines and the family crest illuminated her neck and the lower part of her helmet. The hue was matched by the glow of the unique shaped T visor.

She kept a steady speed both Dedata and reaper keeping aware of their surrounding. She could see the warehouse down the street. If not for the weight of the containers in tow, she would have floored it down. It was almost unfair to keep a beast tamed to a slow speed. A moment more passed by and the pair arrived as they moved inside the warehouse where the rest where. The speeder would idle for a moment before being turned off for the most part only leaving the repulsors going. Before throwing her leg over the seat she flicked the switch to uncouple the crates.

Both Dedata and Reaper moved them closer to the other crates. Popping the top of one as neatly placed blaster gas cartridges with the Blethern Gas Industries logo on. They where a "liberated" supply and only a portion from the huge cargo container that she acquired. Casual theft was so much easier these days with the Hijinks Hacking/Comms System. Very few ever realise that they had dropped their loads while in sub light speeds. Moving over to Ivory and the others of the family she took out her modified datapad ready to type if needed. Though she looked at the Donna. "Bought along some extra munitions, as a gift. Thought it would be a nice gesture." She said, though the others would not hear a word through the soundproofed helmet.


Business, Espionage & Faith

'The Prowl'
Family: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree , Yu Karloo, Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos
Ally: Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah
Opposition: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll , Hacks Hacks

Spice, guns & grenades, the essentials for kickstarting a revolution~ and there was plenty of it. Marcy's newly fabricated Audacia-Class Corvette was parked nearby with goods still ready to offload, particularly a few cases of KN-X light repeating blasters that were meant to be on show at todays demonstration. Today, she was accompanied by her 'Chosen,' veteran goons who she had hand selected to form her retinue, its formation saved her a lot of bother; their current task was to simply move some cases to the demonstration area and to help in making sure todays gathering went smoothly.

After a few moments of organisation and idle chatter, Marcella glided through the quartet, indicating for them to follow her as she made her way through the abandoned warehouse to meet Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and their associates, leaving two 'Shipmen' to look after the ship. She had spent some time working with Moonveil's development team to develop the KN-E and KN-X blasters, each equally cheap yet still effective and perfect for such an occasion as this.

As Marcy' and her heavily-armed entourage of goons weaved through the various obstacles of the warehouse, she lit a cigarra, taking deep puffs as they approached the group, passing through a number of 'Goons' assigned to protecting the area. The large, open space and the sear of the dingy air both discomforted Marcella in their own twisted way, discretion was their best friend this evening.

There," she pointed with a cigarra between two fingers, indicating for Arsk and Trak to lay the cases down by the rest of the armaments before they joined the other two a few steps back from the group in a neatly organised fashion, sporting their Cantonica Keyboards, just in case~ tonight was not the night for half-assed jobs. Marcy eyed the group, "The KN-X's."

Issue #6 w/ Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Yu Karloo Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah

The air hung heavy tonight.

Plasma residue of the landfill nearby lifted up into the sky, beckoned by the artificial dry storm lightning up the stars in neon purple a few miles away from here. An hour from now and they'd need to be anywhere but on a rooftop.

Good thing this party was finally getting started.

They'd be laying on this warehouse's rooftop for hours, concealed by the shadows of the night and their immovable forms. Stakeouts were as good as a lesson in patience as any Jedi lessons. And Force knows, Corin was in dire need of that virtue.

The deal the two masked vigilantes observed through a dusty roof window begged a lot of questions. The scarce leads and tips they found... just didn't match with the quantity of spice in question. 300 keys shipped in from off-world. Big money like that usually's the talk of the town. Especially when they came from elsewhere; that's when it meant a new big player was making a move.

And that's the last thing Denon needed right now.

But like everything on Denon - when it rains, it pours.

"Whoa... no one said anything about guns." he remarked, silently whistling as his eyes caught the weaponry cases. They seemed unmarked, nothing that he could see indicated their manufacturer. Someone's done their homework; this was no standard GADF armory boost done on the way here to sweeten the deal.

No, this was agreed on beforehand. Had to be.

"Never say ambition withers away with old age." Nightshrike murmured regarding Grandma Jo, then his eyes widened at the sight of a recently familiar woman, "Look at that -- that's her, isn't it? That Coruscani Lady at the Corpo Ball--" he squinted, trying to dig up the name.

When it rains, it pours.​


Issue #1 w/ Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Yu Karloo Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah


"Yeah, that's the one." Rdava answered Shrike in a hushed voice. He remembered a few faces from the Ball, so too had he he refused to let them fall from his vault of memories. Some were worth no more than filth on these streets, others had more use elsewhere. If she intended to remain on Denon, the two were no doubt adamant to learn of her reasons. "Fiora. Marcella Fiora. She's in the fast lane with the locals." His brow lofted as he continued.

He continued to watch out for the arms on offer, the white orbs of his mask flickered back and forth across the arsenal of unfamiliar tools for fools. Lethal in the best of hands, the worst of them could inflict an untold amount of horrors. Such was the case for Denon, he mused with a bitter dose of humour tied to the notion, dolts out for a fast credit never have the real facts. Narcotics, sure bud, never mention the blasters.

"How about a better view?" He turned towards his fellow, "Need to see some faces if want to find some names."

Even if his preference often left for questions to come later.

Then we bust them.


Midnight Zone

The kettle on the stove began to whistle with an unbearable whine. Hacks stood in the cheap motel. Paint peeled from ancient walls, carpet stained from a thousand previous tenants. Fluorescent lights flickered dimly, needing to be replaced. Proper maintenance had been neglected for perhaps decades, but it was cheap. Hacks liked cheap.

She turned off the gas. It almost surprising that this motel still relied on such an archaic technology but then again it had been sitting at this corner of the Midnight Zone for millennia. Perhaps once upon a time, long ago, gas stoves had been common. She liked the character it brought to the room, a warm smile forming on her lips. She took the kettle and poured the boiling water into a tin mug, mixing the stimcaf powder until the water was all but dark black.

Retreating back to the home office she had established in a far corner of the motel, tiptoeing barefoot across crusted carpet. Hacks may have felt nothing in her mechanical toes, but she knew the carpet was disgusting and felt the urge to reduce contact as much as possible anyway. Yet she was not dedicated enough to walk around the room with shoes on all day either.

Bright orange screens illuminated her face, data reflected and twinkled in her eyes. She sat down, plucked her headset from the table and slipped it over her head. Suddenly she was far away from the motel. Before her was a world far more vast and complicated. Netspace. Blind from the world, she reached out with an action she had performed a thousand times and pulled her mug towards her lips and took a sip. Time to work.


Yu Karloo


Tag: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Hacks Hacks


It couldn't be said that the Family was not generous. Case in point was the arrival of Dedata with Reaper shadowing her, adding to the crates of arms. Then Marcella and her thugs brought in her offered KN-Xs. As she idly twirled the cigarra between her fingers, Yu's large black eyes peered into the dark shadows that clung to the warehouse beyond the meeting spot. Evolved to peer into the black of deep oceans, the Nautolan's gaze caught the shapes of goons patrolling the perimeter of the interior. Those eys then watched Dedata and Marcella join Ivory among the crates, Yu moved from the half-light to sidle up next to the Fiori.

As she studied Grandma Jo and the Family members, Yu felt something she had not in quite a while. Purpose. She had always had goals, ambitious ones. Dreams that had lead her from the streets to a place of wealth and some small measure of notoriety. But the Family had provided something Yu had lacked. A belonging to something bigger than herself, a family. And, as she stood among the plethora of weapons and armor meant to supply an insurrection to overthrow an oppressive regime, Yu also felt a bit of pride. She was part of something that had wider significance.


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Location: Denon
Objective: Investigate the meeting
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud / Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora / Hacks Hacks / Corin Trenor Corin Trenor / Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree / Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Disguise: Clothing

In Denon, crime never slept. It was rampant, destructive and capable in ruining lives many ways than one. The shame of it all was the fact it would never go away. They'd always be someone out there willing to do anything for a piece of power and money, and if it meant destroying a little part of that for the people of Denon Cartri was going to do just that. Petty crime was almost impossible to keep track of, but big drug deals like the one going down deep within the city was something to really make a dent with.

How did he know about this you may ask? through the word of mouth and some forced secret spilling from a few thugs who had heard about the rumours. Things like this was always known by someone. and it didn't take long until he managed to pinpoint a location as to where this was being held. The thugs seemed to be holding a meeting in an abandoned warehouse, far away from prying eyes. Guards scattered the outside and watched for any unwelcome guests, but that in turn only confirmed the information he had acquired was true. Not only that, but the gang that was doing this trade seemed to be no joke from the weapons they had alone.

Adjusting his mask, he creeped along the factory rooftop towards a pair of dusty looking windows. Hiding his identity was paramount in these kind of situations, you didn't want a bunch of criminals showing up at your door the next morning. Along with the mask, a voice changer was implemented to prevent anyone from hearing his true voice. You never knew who you could bump into down there.

Cartri brought his gloved hand up and wiped away some of the muck covering the glass, his head moving closer to peer down onto the scene below. Soon enough, it was apparent this was no drug deal. Cases of guns were on show below him, as well as a few more than familiar faces. The Family... what on Denon were they doing? his eyes jumped from each gang member, his eyes squinting in suspicion until it reached one individual. Sighing he could only whisper the name to himself in annoyance

Family: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree , @Marcella Flora, et. al.
Ally: Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah
Enemy: Anyone not invited to the party

Dark, bulbous orbs starred out into the night of Denon. To Kenth, this world reminded him much of back home on Coruscant. A planetary city, with a cacophony of noise as millions of sentients went about their nightly routines. Even from this seemingly abandoned warehouse, the Both could catch the occasional glint of neon from the distance. Yet it seemed here, it was all about which corporation had most in its tendrils.

But that was not a concern on his mind. Not was it the job that his Donna was paying him for. It had been a few weeks since he had been a mere vagabond taken in by Ivory and her gang. The Bith gave a soft nod to Dedata when she arrived. The wonderful whiz kid that gave his new arms.

While he was still among the newest blood sworn to the Family, it did not mean he was the greenest. Ex-military, and knowledgeable in all things explosive. For now, Kenth kept to the perimeter of the warehouse as the weapons deal went down. It brought him back to his years in the Alliance army. Scouting out for enemies in Force knows where.

"Kark, I hate waitin'." He muttered to himself.

Perhaps it was years of combat duty, but he felt unease. One bad move, or misjudgement of the situation was all the enemy needed to get the drop on you. He reached into the pectoral pocket of his vest, producing a cigara that he placed in his mouth. With a gesture of his hand, Kenth's left index finger shifted to a small torch glowing with plasma on the tip. He lit the cig with the torch before flicking the augmentation off for the time being.

Denon. City of neon lights. Home of millions. Yet another urban hive waiting to sting the unsuspecting and ill prepared...

Location: An abandoned warehouse somewhere on Denon
Objectives: 1. Complete the arms deal. 2. Do not attract the attention of CorpSec. 3. Remain Anonymous.
Family Writers: Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos Yu Karloo
Ally: Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah
Adversaries: Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Hacks Hacks Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

"The kids ought to be able to put up a decent enough tussle with all this gear." She mused, turning and looking to Ivory with a nod to the armor crate. She leaned back against the thing,

"Might have to size them out though for these. Blanket orders aren't typically very giving in the well fitting area."

The Donna grinned in return, nodding an affirmative. "CAD won't know what hit them. The kids may lack for experience, but they make up for it in raw fervor." Jo took a hit from her inhaler, which Ivory ignored - she harbored little concern for those who consumed such substances. Even members of her Family weren't punished for their habits.

As Ivory moved to inspect another case, movement caught her eye; drawn to the approach of a helmeted DeData & one of The Family's professional killers, a Chiss woman known as Reaper. Ivory all-but ignored the presence of the Chiss Assassin, providing the helmeted Slicer all of her attention.

The Donna nodded an affirmative, Celty's words silent to all but her. "Excellent. We'll start loading up these crates shortly." The Donna glanced toward the Chiss Assassin, issuing a series of hand-signals; passing on the message to watch the helmeted Slicer & protect her at all costs. Reaper understood, nodding coldly in confirmation of the Code-sign.

Nearby, Yu Karloo stood; a sentinel, observing the group. New arrivals drew Ivory's attention further; a throng of people whom she recognized immediately as Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora 's crew. Moonveil's Director of Acquisitions & one of The Donna's favorites led from the front, directing a number of crates to be added to the pile.
The KN-X's."
The Donna nodded, directing her attention to Ars, Trask, and the rest of Marcella's "Goons". The Donna stepped closer to inspect not just the cases of blasters Marcella delivered, but the heavily-armed escort; the men each brandished their Cantonica Keyboards, keeping them at the ready. Each of them watched The Donna respectfully as she looked them over. Seemingly satisfied, she turned back to Marcella, giving the woman a nod of approval.

Captain Karloo finally approached, and Ivory gave the Nautolan pirate a welcoming grin before turning her attention back to Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah . "Jo, this is Marcella Fiora & The Family's Slicer, Dedata. You've already met Captain Karloo." She indicated the two women, making introductions. "Ladies, this is Jocelyn Pavaliah - also known as Grandma Jo. She's our contact here on Denon."

Ivory reached out toward one of the cases delivered by Marcella's soldiers, popping the lid and hefting it upward to expose the KN-X blasters. Each one had been carefully packaged & was in pristine condition. The Donna reached out, lifting one of the sub-machine guns, unfolding the stock, and placing it against her shoulder. With a flick of a switch, a powerful torch blazed to life just beside the barrel of the weapon - bathing an empty part of the warehouse in a tight, intense beam of light which would have been blinding to anyone caught within. The way Ivory held the weapon, her elbows tucked in tightly to her ribs, gave the immediate impression she was no stranger to combat.

The light flicked off, and Ivory smiled to herself as she inspected the blaster. The metallic hook below the barrel kept her hand in-place under sustained fire & the holographic optic atop the SMG flicked to life the moment her eye lined up with it. Altogether, it was a compact, impressive piece of offensive hardware. Pleased, she handed it off to anyone willing to take it from her - Yu Karloo, Marcella, Jo, Reaper, or DeData herself.

Once someone took it, Ivory would point toward Marcella's chosen then to the cases of KNX's. With a wave, she would direct the cases be moved closer to the waiting transport vehicles which would take the hardware deeper into Denon's cityscape. Her instructions were clear: "Load them up."

Cardio-Muscular Package, Response iMprOVEMENT Package, Implanted Cyberjack, Digital Lockpick, Hifold Sensory Package paired with Hi-Sense Enhanced Eyes, Duraskin Implant, Shock baton, Spacers Leather Jacket, Business Casual beneath that.

The abandoned warehouse soon began to fill up, and the sound of the engine idling before it slipped over to the repulsor was almost too much. The spice was making things already more than what they seemed. The older woman letting her eyes go wide as in some strange stretch or attempt to wet them.

In reality it was just making herself come back to reality for a second.

Nodding to Yu, a face that had only briefly visited with her about where the drop was to be made before heading off to whatever assignment she'd been given next. The other seemed a might bit different with the helmet on. And a loud one given the bikes. Marcella seemed an all business type. Something she readily appreciated as she glanced back to all three with a small notation to her introduction.

"Nice for a proper meeting. Jo is fine. Don't get formal on me. I don't like it." She informed the duo as she watched Ivory go for a weapons crate and pull out a blaster. A brief display of her prowess with the weapon gave Jo plenty of information on what she needed. Proper seating of the weapon. A tight and clean stance suggesting close quarters knowledge. Even proper safety as she didn't flag everyone with the end of the weapon. Ivory wasn't just a leader, or hadn't started off one the way most crime bosses did.

The woman knew her way around a combat zone and more than likely a few ways of dealing with unsavory types.

The hand signals Ivory used, Jo turned a blind eye toward. While she was working with them, she wasn't technically anything more than a contact. And it wouldn't be entirely difficult for her to pick up meanings with more than a few times watching.

"Mm. Been a decent meeting so far. Nights still young though. Any hints of trouble?" She sighed. Deals never went this smooth. Someone shot someone or at the very least stabbed someone. Might have been just begging for trouble asking but Jo had yet to want for trouble to find her.

Yu Karloo


Tag: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Jocelyn Pavaliah Jocelyn Pavaliah | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Hacks Hacks

Equipment: Arx Bodysuit Armor, Electro shortstaff, M-45 blaster

Yu had sidled up to the other Family members, the unlit cigarra still shifting idly between her fingers. As her companions were being introduced to Jocelyn, the Nautolan returned the slight head nod the older woman when her name was mentioned. Yu's first introduction to Jo had been brief, all business, and it ended as quickly as it had begun. Nice and tidy.

With Ivory's easy handling of one of the weapons, what passed as niceties in the underworld had been accomplished and the work of loading the weapons began. Time was precious, and the less they used, the less their enemy had to draw a bead on the nefarious gathering. While Yu didn't feel anxious, she felt the dragging minutes demanded higher awareness. Yu took the impressive blaster from Ivory, very much liking the feel of the repeater in her hands. The Nautolan's large dark eyes peeried into the shadows around and above. Even as Yu surveyed their surroundings again, she slipped the cigarra between her lips and leaned a bit towards Marcella.

"Got a light, hon?" Yu murmured around the cigarra.



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