Dredge said:
You are by nature a big game of risk between angry brooding neck beards who have hated each other with an undying passion.
Way to insult a bunch of a member base. Have fun RPing with people that you feel inclined to insult.
Dredge said:
I feel that you try to come off as this omnipotent site that can cater to all forms of Roleplaying when that's not really the case at all. I feel that you cater heavily towards factions and certain people.
You can RP however you want with whoever you want if they also want to RP the same way. That is just the facts. If people do not want to RP the same stuff that you do then you probably just aren't an interesting RPer, or people just don't like you. Given your insulting nature that is not surprising. However, of course the site heavily caters to factions. Factions are large groups of RPers and the true essence of Star Wars. Watch, read, or play star wars and ultimately the no bodies get involved in the powerful factions, become their own important force, or are background characters. In a community it is even more important because those are the sub communities that make up the biggest demographics of the site. I'd like to see you run a site this successful and not focus your attention on the big collections of RPers.
Dredge said:
I don't want to believe that you cater more towards other people than the average joe.
Of course, they have established worth and value. Some don't and get a collection of idiots behind them, but the solid long term members obviously get better treatment. They've earned it.
Dredge said:
You don't care about the little guy who has to claw his way to get an idea noticed, you don't care about the average writer who has errors or can only stretch themselves too far.
The board does care. Know why? Vets leave and they need new blood. Tons of the "elite" as you call them make writing errors. They just aren't self concious enough to care. They don't live in this world of trying to be cool, hopefully at least. They just RP and in turn get others to RP with them because they are fun. So advice to the new people. Get out there, RP, and earn better treatment. Don't expect to be a king when you're a peon. That's life. Have a job yet in life? When you do you'll understand that.
Dredge said:
I hate that about you, I hate seeing good people go unnoticed or get pushed aside in a fight to stay relevant. You don't care if member Y throws out an idea for something new, but if member X throws out the same idea you throw them a god damn parade.
Member Y typically throws out a stupid idea if we're honest. Member X who is established likely knows what a good idea is. They have also earned the trust of the community when they throw out a stupid idea. New people don't have that trust yet. They also do not know member Y's commitment to that idea. Earn it. That's what this comes down to. Earn respect.
Dredge said:
I think that roleplay should be telling a story, win or lose it's about the journey, not the destination.
It is. So shut up and RP. Caring about other people's perception is clearly what is stopping you.
Best advice. Get out of skype chats. They're dumb and not what RPing is about 99% of the time. They are the real circlejerk.
Ozamu Tzang said:
My mistrust springs from an event with Tefka on my Vulcanus account that I won't retell out of decency for him.
I read this as. "I'm gonna call you out. You're bad guy because of this reason. Everyone should think you're bad for it. But I'm not going to disclose it because people might see through my cherade." Moving on.
Ozamu Tzang said:
I'll go first, obviously. I feel as if this site is ruled by fear of the almighty hand of God
Don't be an idiot. Don't do stupid things and you have nothing to fear. Done.
Ozamu Tzang said:
Why do you think most fanbased websites don't last? Like that guy's craftshop? In general its because you don't usually have true leaders running these sites and so it causes the downfall of them. So, you are probably asking, am I blaming staff for every problem on here?
That guy's craftshop lasted for well over 10 years, seeing people leave and have their sites die repeatedly. So you're using a terrible example. For all its flaws TGC was incredible at staying alive. They did that despite a leader who was out of touch with their community. Tef is not out of touch with this community. When you get over your victim mentality you'd probably see that.
Ozamu Tzang said:
A leader is someone who can inspire, mold and shape the future no matter how small the future maybe.
Seen the admins do this. But this is a hobby first and foremost. This is not a job. They do what they can when they can.
Beowoof said:
Some people on this site have specifically said that they judge whether or not they are willing to RP with a person based on their reputation number.
I have never met a person like this. And quite frankly. I would not take them seriously if I heard that. They're a tool and I would never cater to them.
Beowoof said:
My opinion is to ignore the system altogether. People don't use it responsibly. Popularity should not equate with reputation.
If you're paying attention that closely to likes you're looking at the wrong stuff. This is how the modern internet age is. I have literally never in all my time looked at someone's likes and thought it meant something. I have never cared about my own likes (I will admit getting a kick over how many notifications I got during my duel with the comics though) and you should not either. No one should. At most they should give you a small smile before you realize how insignificant and pointless they are.