Na'Varro nodded in agreement with [member="Jared Starchaser"], before catching sight of [member="Spencer Jacobs"] entering the room. The blonde girl was so dazzling, one could almost forget that she was probably the strongest being in the known universe. Some would, most likely ... Na'Varro was counting on it. Perfect choice, he noted her dress. Apart from the Empress herself, Spencer was probably the most important person in this new Empire of the Hand. It was probably best if people overlooked her and focused on him. Of the two of them, she was probably the most dangerous.
"Best take a seat, we'll be beginning shortly," he said to Starchaser, and looked up to see [member="Ahani Najwa"] re-enter the room with [member="Torill Holgor"]. [member="Jared Ovmar"] wasn't here yet, but he was sure the man would be showing up fashionably late at some point. Najwa was here, [member="Inkara Liet"] was here, all the heavy hitters he could muster, due of course to varying schedules, were here. He had all the people he needed to set his plan into action. Giddy-up.
With a flick of his wrist, Na'Varro brought up the massive holoprojector into the middle of the conference table and indicated that all should be seated. He nodded deferentially to [member="Ashin Varanin"], as was his role, and took up a place at her left hand. All sat, Na'Varro remained standing.
"Ladies, Gentlemen, Empress ..." he started, his voice crisp with military precision. Gone was the smuggler's drawl he favoured around those in his inner circle. This was strictly business. "I welcome you to the Gorgon, former flagship of the Sith Warlord Circe Savan. Have no fear, every inch of this place has been doused with Vinithi-Be-Gone."
Some chuckled at that. Some of the delegates, especially from the current Hand government down on Haladen, had no idea what he was talking about.
"To some of you, the Empress offers an opportunity. To others, she offers salvation. This will be by no means easy ... in fact, we will require nothing short of a miracle to achieve total victory. But we have the people. I believe it, the Empress believes it, now all we have to do is to make it so. But we have an uphill battle to face."
Na'Varro pressed a button on his remote, and a holographic representation of the Unknown Regions sprang to life. The majority of systems in the representation were coloured yellow, Fringe worlds all, with a smaller area coloured in red and another area, smaller still, coloured in blue. The smallest area was coloured in white ... the Empire of the Hand.
"This is the Empire of the Hand in its current condition. Weak, dying, and its very existence threatened by the horde of mutated Vong at its doorstep." White systems began winking out, one by one. "These are the current systems under threat. This includes the capital, Haladen itself."
Na'Varro clicked again, and the representation zoomed in on the Haladen system. A Vong blockade surrounded the capital world, and explosions, signifying major conflicts, dotted the planet.
"As we speak, Haladen is close to falling. The Imperial troops that remain on the capital are the strongest, the best, and the most disciplined ... they have held out far longer than is reasonable, but they are close to breaking. They are running out of hope, and when all hope is lost, even the strongest can crumble. We do not have much time. We don't have the ships to break the siege. Not right now, at least. We don't have the troops either. But we have a strong leader, and a group here who can do what needs to be done."
Nodding deferentially once again to Varanin, Na'Varro continued. The Vong blockade began to fade, some ships ravaged by explosions.
"The Empress had devised a plan that should theoretically deny the enemy the ability to resupply their troops, while simultaneously using covert operations to destroy enemy vehicles and equipment in massive numbers. Once that is complete, the road to saving Haladen should be established. It won't be easy, but neither is taking down a L'lotek'k." The representation zoomed out to the Unknown Regions once again. The white area started slowly expanding eventually encompassing the free area of the Unknown Regions. "And then with new ships, new vehicles and more troops, the Empire of the Hand will expand. Strong leadership will return it to its former glory."
The representation zoomed out to take in the whole galaxy, with all galactic governments represented. Slowly, most began receding in area, representing their projected decline. Some, however, remained strong and started expanding again. Na'Varro watched briefly as the white area expanded further, towards the Core, retaking its old capital world, the Chiss worlds, and then entering conflict with other galactic powers. Slowly, but surely, the white began to swallow the other areas, until it was the only one that remained.
"First through negotiation and diplomacy, and then through our unyielding strength, we will re-establish honour, order and discipline to the galaxy, while maintaining high standards of life for its people."
The Sith Lord folded his arms, eyeing all seated individually.
"I have seen many governments up close. Some were good concepts, some succeeded for a while, but all failed inevitably. The Empire of the Hand has what it takes to be a different story. We will not relent, not compromise, until we have achieved what we need to achieve. This galaxy has seen too much struggle and shed too much blood. It's going to have to shed a little more before we're finished, but when we are ... I don't think it will have to do so ever again."
[member="AnaSera Beliq"]