"The color suits you, Senator - and if nothing else, you blend in nicely. Almost like a local."
"cora was is everyone with those red ribbons and hankerchiefs staring at me and trying to buy me and pip things."
"Oh?" Cora regarded
Ryana mina with a curious stare before realization struck her.
"Oh. Oh."
She cleared her throat once more, preparing an explanation through flushed cheeks.
"People wear red during the courtship festival to signal that they're, ah, open to being approached. Typically one wears a red ribbon but…"
A young woman wearing a scarlet dress proudly glided past, her looks and attire drawing quite a few glances.
"You're…well, all of you is red, Ryana. Though I suppose that's not something you can help." She chuckled quietly before her voice firmed a tad.
"If anyone gives you trouble, do tell me and I'll see to them."
The festival was to be enjoyed by all - that Ryana was pretty and exotic did not mean that harassment towards her, or
anyone, would be tolerated.
Cora's gentle expression sobered as the conversation turned to more pragmatic matters.
How does Ukatis plan to contribute?
Cora chewed thoughtfully as
Monaray Dod
posed a question she hadn't expected. She was surprised to find that it was not entirely unwelcome, but perhaps the sweet taste of cinnamon and the tang of apple had elevated her mood.
"What Ukatis provides to the Alliance - against the coming storm - will not be up to me. We do not take partnerships lightly, so I can imagine… "
So often her home had been viewed as a place in need of protection, too poor and unfortunate to contribute to the galaxy in any meaningful way. There
was some truth to that, but the Senator from Bilbringi offered Ukatis the respect of expecting it to contribute, the same as every other planet flying Alliance colors would be.
"Our greatest resource is our people. Our builders, our soldiers. We may not have the most modern facilities on Ukatis, but we work with what we have, and I believe it's made us all the more resilient and resourceful. After all, we are still here. "
That's right. She had to remind herself.
After it all, we are still here.
Her gaze absently passed over the crowds again, drinking in the sight of merriment. The skies of Ukatis had been overcast over the past months, and it looked as if the clouds were beginning to break.
"Before the Enclave attack, I worked with the crown and the Alliance to establish medical clinics in some of our rural regions that lacked healthcare. Young women in particular found this appealing, and quite a few chose to travel further into Alliance space to train in nursing. Their schooling was covered by the Alliance in exchange for their continued service over a set number of years."
Her attention wandered briefly over
Dash Farstar - an obvious foreigner - mingling with a group of young men over a game of cards. Though she cared little for gambling and thought it an unsavory vice, it could be found in any pub on Ukatis. Witnessing an off-world guest bond with her people was heartening.
"Our people seem to be warming to the Alliance as an opportunity to embrace the greater galaxy at a measured pace. I can imagine - thought I am not certain - that the crown will commit what manpower it can after we've picked up the last remaining pieces."
There would always be naysayers, and perhaps Cora was more hopeful that she should have been. But, very few planets could withstand an invasion of Enclave or Dark Empire proportions alone.
The Princess' gaze lingered for a few moments on the figure of
Kilij Qel-Nosh
as he drifted through the courtyard. His bearing and dress spoke of nobility, and it took her longer than she'd imagined to discern that he was not a Ukatian aristocrat. A blueblood from another world, perhaps? Interesting.
A not-too-distant shout heralded the arrival of a second racyon, with an out-of-breath
Jonyna Si
following soon after. Cora's even expression broke into a smile at the sight.
"Jonyna, it's good to see you. And you as well, Guffy." She knelt down to offer to little creature a scritch behind his ears, as she had with Pip.
"Are you enjoying the festival?"
A sweet scent drew Cora's gaze along the side of the courtyard, over to the stall manned by
Syoh Pa
Is that honey? Her nose almost twitched like a racyon's.
A few off-worlders had received space permits for the festival, and she was delighted to see that his venue was being patronized. Many Ukatians did not leave their home planet, so it was good that they'd now have a little more exposure to what the galaxy could offer.
Turning to Albrecht and Jonyna, she gestured towards the Ryn's food cart.
"Oh, something smells divine. Shall we?"