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Populate The Courtship of Ukatis [GA Populate of Ukatis Hex]

Maker of Stuff and Things.

Rara watched from a distance, trusting the jedi master. She had never really had any force sensitivity, at least, to her knowledge, and yet the Force always fascinated her. This ethereal energy that flowed through everything, that she couldn't interact with in any technological sense.

After a few minutes of watching, curiosity got the better of her. Crawling through the rubble of what was once a large house, she made it up to Efret Farr Efret Farr 's location. " it good?" She asked, looking over the shell. Mandalorians had always been one of those people that scared her more than others. Her own heritage aside, they never seemed to have any sense of limits, often overstuffing their tech with a billion ways to kill you, just to get that unlikely one up that might one day save their life, and end yours. Rara had always been a practical mind, designing things with single purposes.

She was sure, had this shell gone off, it wouldn't probably made the entire area uninhabitable, or something like that. Radiation, Nerve Gas, Nuclear Meltdowns. Her mind raced on what it could've been.


Zefgahld Qojex

Zefgahld huffed as she made her way along the line, composed of a huge and eclectic variety of organics, and various outlines of more then a few protocol droids, of all things. That bit, Zef didn't quite understand - were some organics literally as lazy as a Hutt - really?

The Amaran gave the teen Near-Human - or was he a human? - a brief, shy looking-over from a few feet away, towards the end of the line, even as he continued trying to impress that girl he was with Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell , whatever her name was. Silly children, of perhaps a few years apart from one another. She hoped their first forays into the bizarre and otherworldly realm of romance wasn't too terribly cruel to them...

Assuming they even cared. Some teens just don't, after all.

However, being as the seemingly nervous Dork Iko Vel Iko Vel with the strange, otherworldly hair seemed to be the sort she might try to embarrass, merely for fun, his engagement with the females around here, more for the sake of the Amaran's personal amusement then any vague, vainglorious abstraction like "Sisterhood" or anything like that (seriously, Zef didn't even know or care about the inclinations of a good majority of other females in the Galaxy - sociality was boring and limiting, when all was said and done).

Taking a moment to gleefully run her gray-furred hands together, the Amaran chuckled from behind the two teens - either this would be fun, or she might get the opportunity to give that boy some wisdom of her own to apply to his own Force training, or... Who knows?

Though they often hated it, even teens needed worldly wisdom. Had they any concern for the morals offered timelessly by the Light Side, Zef sure as hell hoped that they wouldn’t be too harsh on one another, emotionally-speaking…

For teens, as with all elements of their lives, time would tell…
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"I believe it's Cora. She's the Princess of this world, so we'll need to find her." Jonyna nodded, looking idly at the different stalls.

Suddenly, Guffy ran between Jonyna's legs, nearly causing her to fall, only for her tail to catch her.

"Come on boy, don't do that." She frowned, looking down at the Racyon. The little creature skittered about, sniffing for something. He ran off into the crowd, looking for something. "Guffy!" Jonyna yelled, rushing after him. The little creature had found Cora, rushing past Monaray Dod Monaray Dod towards Cora, only pausing to look at Ryana mina and Pip, who seemed to draw the Racyon's eye.

Jonyna rushed after him, her eyes spotting familiar faces. The Nobles were there, Jonyna giving a very quick wave to Valery Noble Valery Noble as she did, and a "HIVALBYEVAL!", and past Ailmar Dawnstone Ailmar Dawnstone , bumping into him as she rushed through the crowd to catch up with him.

"...sorry." Jonyna said, huffing air as she finally caught up with them. "Guffy got away from me again. Little scamp, come to momma..." She scooped up the kit, before letting out another breath, "...hi Cora."

Objective 1: Festival (Finally arriving after getting lost)

Korr felt a wave of relief wash over him as he finally arrived at the festival grounds. He couldn't shake the nagging thought that he should have taken a left instead of two consecutive rights earlier, but such trivial matters faded into insignificance amidst the wonder of the event. The festival promised a tapestry of experiences—engaging conversations, tantalizing food, and the allure of adventure beckoned from every corner.

The young knight's spirit warmed at the prospect of being out in the bustling galaxy once more, liberated from the confines of sterile rooms and the lingering effects of his encounter with a lightning-wielding Sith on Typhon. That chapter was firmly in the past; now, his sole focus was to immerse himself in the festivities and savor every moment.

Opting for a more refined appearance, Korr had traded his usual Jedi attire for the finest ensemble he could cobble together—a simple yet elegant suit, minus the jacket, to suit the occasion.

Taking a moment to absorb the vibrant atmosphere, Korr soaked in the sights and sounds before setting off to explore the festival grounds, eager to discover the treasures it held in store.

Tags | Open


"The color suits you, Senator - and if nothing else, you blend in nicely. Almost like a local."

"cora was is everyone with those red ribbons and hankerchiefs staring at me and trying to buy me and pip things."

"Oh?" Cora regarded Ryana mina with a curious stare before realization struck her. "Oh. Oh."

She cleared her throat once more, preparing an explanation through flushed cheeks.

"People wear red during the courtship festival to signal that they're, ah, open to being approached. Typically one wears a red ribbon but…"

A young woman wearing a scarlet dress proudly glided past, her looks and attire drawing quite a few glances.

"You're…well, all of you is red, Ryana. Though I suppose that's not something you can help." She chuckled quietly before her voice firmed a tad. "If anyone gives you trouble, do tell me and I'll see to them."

The festival was to be enjoyed by all - that Ryana was pretty and exotic did not mean that harassment towards her, or anyone, would be tolerated.

Cora's gentle expression sobered as the conversation turned to more pragmatic matters.

How does Ukatis plan to contribute?

Cora chewed thoughtfully as Monaray Dod Monaray Dod posed a question she hadn't expected. She was surprised to find that it was not entirely unwelcome, but perhaps the sweet taste of cinnamon and the tang of apple had elevated her mood.

"What Ukatis provides to the Alliance - against the coming storm - will not be up to me. We do not take partnerships lightly, so I can imagine… "

So often her home had been viewed as a place in need of protection, too poor and unfortunate to contribute to the galaxy in any meaningful way. There was some truth to that, but the Senator from Bilbringi offered Ukatis the respect of expecting it to contribute, the same as every other planet flying Alliance colors would be.

"Our greatest resource is our people. Our builders, our soldiers. We may not have the most modern facilities on Ukatis, but we work with what we have, and I believe it's made us all the more resilient and resourceful. After all, we are still here. "

That's right. She had to remind herself. After it all, we are still here.

Her gaze absently passed over the crowds again, drinking in the sight of merriment. The skies of Ukatis had been overcast over the past months, and it looked as if the clouds were beginning to break.

"Before the Enclave attack, I worked with the crown and the Alliance to establish medical clinics in some of our rural regions that lacked healthcare. Young women in particular found this appealing, and quite a few chose to travel further into Alliance space to train in nursing. Their schooling was covered by the Alliance in exchange for their continued service over a set number of years."

Her attention wandered briefly over Dash Farstar - an obvious foreigner - mingling with a group of young men over a game of cards. Though she cared little for gambling and thought it an unsavory vice, it could be found in any pub on Ukatis. Witnessing an off-world guest bond with her people was heartening.

"Our people seem to be warming to the Alliance as an opportunity to embrace the greater galaxy at a measured pace. I can imagine - thought I am not certain - that the crown will commit what manpower it can after we've picked up the last remaining pieces."

There would always be naysayers, and perhaps Cora was more hopeful that she should have been. But, very few planets could withstand an invasion of Enclave or Dark Empire proportions alone.

The Princess' gaze lingered for a few moments on the figure of Kilij Qel-Nosh Kilij Qel-Nosh as he drifted through the courtyard. His bearing and dress spoke of nobility, and it took her longer than she'd imagined to discern that he was not a Ukatian aristocrat. A blueblood from another world, perhaps? Interesting.

A not-too-distant shout heralded the arrival of a second racyon, with an out-of-breath Jonyna Si Jonyna Si following soon after. Cora's even expression broke into a smile at the sight.

"Jonyna, it's good to see you. And you as well, Guffy." She knelt down to offer to little creature a scritch behind his ears, as she had with Pip. "Are you enjoying the festival?"

A sweet scent drew Cora's gaze along the side of the courtyard, over to the stall manned by Syoh Pa Syoh Pa .

Is that honey? Her nose almost twitched like a racyon's.

A few off-worlders had received space permits for the festival, and she was delighted to see that his venue was being patronized. Many Ukatians did not leave their home planet, so it was good that they'd now have a little more exposure to what the galaxy could offer.

Turning to Albrecht and Jonyna, she gestured towards the Ryn's food cart.

"Oh, something smells divine. Shall we?"



Tags: Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el , Jin'lian Jin'lian


"I am looking forwards to training alongside you by the way Loomi. I've not properly introduced myself yet. I'm Jin'lian, lots call me Jin though."

"Thank you!" Loomi chirped. "It's very nice to meet you!"

Strange. They seemed... nervous. Loomi could feel their emotions swirling around the force around them, projecting some subtle anxieties. Perhaps they were just bad with meeting new people. Loomi knew that she very much struggled with the same. Meeting people could be hard sometimes, so she decided to leave the anxiety unadressed. Jin just needed some time to figure things out, and she probably shouldn't pry.

"This place is very energized," the Godoan noted, her antennae twitching. "Give me a moment..."

The padawan crouched down, placing a hand on the floor. She let her mind feel the terrain around them, naturally adept at tracking through the force. The ground could carry all kinds of information. Vibrations from movement was one, but more important here was energy frequencies. Ripples in the force that resonated from those atuned to it, people and gemstones alike.

Her antennae drifted slightly towards the left-most path, where the signatures she was feeling were the strongest. A wide smile spread across her face.

"That way!" she declared.

if they're watching anyways

Auteme gave a winning smile, mostly to the padawans; she gave a nod to the Jedi Master, and a little wave to the Godoan walking past.

"Good afternoon. And- something like that," she said to the Gutretee. "Leader of the free galaxy sounds very grand -- but the galaxy's a big place. No one's the leader of all of it." Leader of the free galaxy -- she thought of her own actions, and wondered if that was an oxymoron.

"Just call me Auteme. No titles, we're among friends." It felt easier here. She did not feel so tired.

"It's been quite a while since I've been looking for a kyber crystal. I know you're all here doing the same, so I won't keep you long, but- any pointers? I haven't had much luck so far."

Auteme Auteme

First name basis, eh? That seemed...well, it seemed the kind of thing you'd expect from a politician. Nevertheless, it seemed a reasonable enough request. Fellow Jedi and all that. Besides, whatever else Jaidan may have been, he was a citizen of Eshan and therefore the Alliance. They all technically had the right to speak to their elected leader without the formality of protocol, and when better to enjoy the perks of democracy than when it seemed most imperiled?

"As you wish," he obliged, returning the courtesy of the nod. "I'm Jaidan, then. As for my own presence here, I actually have a crystal already, and it has served me just fine. So, for me, I suppose you could call this curiosity meets nostalgia. And the request from the planetary government, of course. Regarding mindful you're not looking too hard, perhaps. It's not entirely about you, after all."

Pausing for a moment, he leaned against his carved walking stick, and gave a bit of silent consideration before casually pointing to a bit of deep royal blue still half hidden in the surrounding rock.

"That one might suit me best, were I looking. As it stands, I have already formed a bond in the Force, and am not currently seeking another. Every crystal here will react to my presence accordingly, but that doesn't mean we can't mingle for a time. Its energy is constant, untroubled. A stable, reliable blade if ever I saw the makings, but a poor match for the uncertainty of youth and the eagerness to prove oneself...or perhaps a necessary counterpoint. Who can say? But the perceived 'need' to find anything is a distraction. Just calm down, listen, and enjoy the light show."

A moment's further consideration yielded one further admission.

"In my case, starting with my favorite color was also helpful."


TAGS: Auteme Auteme Loomi Loomi Jin'lian Jin'lian


Braze flashed a devious little smirk at Jin'lian Jin'lian . "They're just caves. Quit being such a scaredy-cat!" he chirped, following Loomi. He reached out and took Jin'lian Jin'lian by the wrist. "Come on, we don't want to fall behind." As he passed by Auteme Auteme , he subtly used the force to pin a little red silk ribbon to her top, already beginning his devious antics for the day. "Pardon us!"

Dash Farstar


Tags: Open​

Dash had already lit a cigarette, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he feigned a bad hand with brows furrowed in mock frustration. He had let the Ukatians win a few games, a strategic investment for a longer business cycle, or what he liked to call "sustainable scamming."

A soft, enchanting scent of lilac and gooseberries wafted through the air, cutting through the dim haze of tobacco like a beacon of purity.

"Hey, look, it's the princess!" one of the Ukatians whispered, possibly loud enough to be overheard by the passing noble procession.

"The? " the other raised an eyebrow

"Well, Princess Corazona is the eldest, right? Makes her the heiress," the first replied, his voice tinged with admiration.

"Shouldn't it go to the eldest male in the extended family? A nephew of the King, maybe?" the second countered skeptically.

"I am not sure," a thoughtful scratch at his head, "I just know I'd prefer her over some guy I have never seen down from his ivory tower."

"Easy there, Darick,"

Dash reluctantly turned around his seat, eyes rolling over the commotion about some princess. A Corellian's heart pumped freedom, soul screamed sic semper tyrannis; die-hard republicanism, independence and liberty coursed through their veins. But as he laid eyes upon her, he might as well have been Alderaanian.

His jaw dropped.

Her presence was like a vision from a dream, ethereal and otherworldly. Golden locks cascading down her back like the rays of a summer sun, framing a visage of unparalleled beauty. Her skin was as smooth as the finest shimmersilk, its porcelain perfection illuminated by the soft glow of Axilla's street lights. But it was her eyes that truly captivated him, pools of azure depths that mirrored the vast, cloudless skies of Naboo.

The cigarette slipped from his lips, forgotten, as he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her. This was it -- the scoundrel and the princess, a tale as old as time!

His senses utterly ensnared by the Princess and the fairy tales running through the smuggler's mind were shattered to pieces when the large shapeless, dull, ancient frame of Monaray Dod Monaray Dod got in his way.

"Move it, ya kriffin' corpse!" alas, to no avail. Princess Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania disappeared into the lively crowd of the festival and Dash slumped into his miserable existence of scamming backwater natives in Sabacc.
Saahar was content to just disappear into the shadows and bury her head in the sand like some ostrich. Unfortunately for her, the universe had other plans.

Saahar started as someone approached from her left. Staring dumbly for a moment, she regarded Makko while some exclamation of surprise died on her lips.

The force was just fething with her at this point.

"I-" The girl blinked, eyes shifting to either side of Makko as if to determined whether this was some type of ambush. It wasn't of course, but she had to rationalize the situation somehow.

A heavy sense of guilt wormed its way into her throat, stopping any words from forming. Any coherent ones that is.

"You're walking." She blurted out, all other nuanced approaches failing her in the moment. "That's uh- that's good."

Clearing her throat the girl forced herself to make eye contact, "Makko was it?"

She knew it was. His name practically haunted her at this point.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Objective 1 - The Courtswhip Festival
Location: Ukatis, Axilla
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
It hadn’t taken long for Katherine to get sidetracked and halted her aimless wandering. She had caught sight of a couple, at least that was the Padawan’s assumption. The pair were presently adoring their newly acquired racyon pet. Part of her wondered how the native Ukatians felt about seeing the creatures around again.

After all, it wasn’t that long ago that a dark-sided Nexus had infected a number of the native fauna, racyons among their number.

But then again, she supposed more recent events with the Mandalorians were fresh on their minds.

Lost in her thoughts, Katherine didn’t sense Silas’ presence as he approached. Upon feeling the tap on her shoulder, the winged Padawan turned rather sharply in his direction. A frown on her face, only to shift into a sheepish smile.

Master always said I wear my emotions on my sleeve.

I’m alright, I guess I’m just a mixed bag of emotions right now.” Katherine’s focus turned back to the couple she had previously been observing. “With everything going on right now, this feels like a calm before a massive storm.

She returned her attention to Silas, a focused look in her eyes. His face was a recognizable one, and not just as someone she had seen in passing at the Jedi Temple. No, even a name was at the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t quite place-

Katherine’s eyes lit up with recognition.

You’re Silas, right? One of Master Valery’s previous Padawans.


"Good afternoon. And- something like that," she said to the Gutretee. "Leader of the free galaxy sounds very grand -- but the galaxy's a big place. No one's the leader of all of it." Leader of the free galaxy -- she thought of her own actions, and wondered if that was an oxymoron.

"Just call me Auteme. No titles, we're among friends." It felt easier here. She did not feel so tired.

Typhos paused and considered what she said. "Aut-eme. Auteme." The Gutretee said her name as if trying it out on his crystalline tongue for the first time. It was foreign to him, that was for sure, but he welcomed it. " I guess the galaxy is a pretty big place!" His eyes shifted to the corner of the cavern pondering the immense potential of such a statement. The galaxy and all its expansion still eluded him though. Catching himself in a reflective pause, one he hoped was not too awkward, he shook his head and continued. " Apolo-gies. I am still try-ing to ori-ent myself to different, uhh, Cult-ures! Cultures. Yes!" Typhos said in a partial accented speech that reflected how most of his own species spoke Galactic Basic. The Padawan seemed very excited to be here and meet everyone. Even going as far as correcting his speech and practice the common tongue.

What followed next was a story, no, explanation or lecture from Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani , a Jedi Master! While able to understand the Master Jedi, Typhos found little comfort in most of what the man said, except for the end, of course.

Who can say? But the perceived 'need' to find anything is a distraction. Just calm down, listen, and enjoy the light show."

A moment's further consideration yielded one further admission.

"In my case, starting with my favorite color was also helpful."
" How can you calm do-wn in place like this!? The spect-rum of colors and light is beautiful!" The Gutretee beamed at the environment around him and threw his hands into the air as if to instruct everyone adjacent to him to behold the splendor. Even so the statement, after the fact, felt more for himself than anyone else in his mind. " My name is Typhos. Its a plea-sure to meet you Aut-eme. Auteme. Oh oh and Mas-ter Jai-dan, you too." The Gutretee extended both his green crystalline hands to the two for handshake. One hand for Auteme Auteme and the other for Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani . Knowing that if they did greet him, that they would be sharing their "Lives" with him. All of their memories up to this very moment would be copied and stored inside Typhos own crystalline body for him to learn from and ponder about. On his homeworld of Isis, the use of such a innate ability would of only occurred after a traditional combat ritual, but the old ways Typhos found respectfully, archaic and less evolved. The galaxy was ever expanding.

Why shouldn't he follow suit?



Loomi Loomi seemed quite the energetic, quirky almost. Most of all, she came off as kind on first impression. He could only pick up on the notes of the force as it subtly shifted naturally. Like a breath only heard briefly. It reminded them of the feeling from the caves on Ilum, except it was its own. Jin was slightly perplexed by what the gondian girl was doing by touching the ground. It was cool watching her antenna move and work. Somehow the girl seemed to know where to go by how she excitedly said.

Then suddenly there it was the start of the name calling. "I am not scared of the c—" Seeing the hand come for his wrist, Jin instinctively flinched. All of a sudden they was finding themself being dragged along. He let out a loud "Whaaa!" at the sudden movement and after the second his legs found their pace. In that moment, for once Jin did not want to take it.

Going from the light jog to a little faster. Jin swung their wrist out to the side as he ducked low and pushed into Braze's side lifting the Echani up over the Cattari's shoulder. His, tail moved up flicking and twitching. "I am not scared of the caves Braze," he said with a tone that sounded. "And don't think I will let you start being mean to me again."

The realisation that this was a semi-public environment and not the temple anymore hit. Jin'lian's sudden embarrassment made them to forget in the moment to put Braze down as they continued to follow Loomi.

Jaidan allowed himself a low chuckle at the question which Typhos had posed, for he supposed it was entirely fair. This endlessly varied assortment of colors, every hue and intensity one could wish for, stretching off in every direction for well beyond the eye could see...really, it was something akin to a fireworks display. It lacked the cacophonous booming, admittedly, but to a Force Sensitive, it may as well have been just as loud, if not to the ear. And fireworks were not calculated to induce a sense of calm. But Jaidan had grown well used to the Force engaging all his senses, had practiced it in places where the Force flowed free and savage. So, familiar as this sensation was, beholding the majesty of the universe around him was simply...relaxing. But he could easily see how it might feel different to another.

At any rate, he was just a bit distracted from the newcomer's question by the newcomer himself. Typhos was hardly a common sight, seeming almost as if one of these crystals had grown monstrous, sprouted legs, and was suddenly talking to him. But he did know this species, though he was having some difficulty placing exactly how. Personal experience was possible, though he'd have remembered someone like this among the expeditions he'd taken into his care over the years...some long ago lesson, perhaps? Say what you will about the Jedi, but if they sometimes stood too far aloof from the galaxy at large, they still did a good job of making sure their initiates knew it well.

It didn't quite click until the hands came up in the direction of both himself and Auteme Auteme , and even then it wasn't immediate. But the reaction to that seemingly innocent and friendly gesture was immediate and intense. Tython, this place was not, and yet the Force flowed freely here, and Jaidan had been paying rapt attention for some time.

It hissed a warning now. Not a warning of imminent danger; he'd not forget that feeling, not after how often he'd felt it in the battle for Eshan all those years ago. But all the same, a warning. Something was wrong, and quite possibly about to get a great deal more so. And there could be no mistake: though he felt neither menace, nor malice from his fellow Jedi, the sense of dread was centered on those expectantly outstretched hands. It wasn't until after he'd not merely refrained from offering his hand in turn, but instinctively bringing up his stick to move the other hand gently but insistently away from the Chancellor that his memory finally came rushing back to make sense of what had just happened.

Oh. A Gutretee. An ally in the ancient fight against the first Empire.

Oh. Karabast.

Wouldn't that just be perfect? Every single classified state secret known to the head of state, in the possession of a neophyte who apparently lacked even the tools to understand why that might be a problem. He'd better have lacked the tools, anyway. Granted, he didn't know Auteme beyond reputation, and she seemed pleasant enough in person. Maybe she'd take it all in stride, brush it off as an indiscretion born of ignorance. But he somehow doubted SIA would be so good-humored about it. Clearing his throat, his kept his reaction as outwardly subdued as he could manage as he began to plot out damage control.

"Forgive me., Auteme, it seems to me that this fine young Cathar ( Nir Si Nir Si ) has excellent instincts in the area of your curiosity. And if you're having a hard time of it, perhaps he can better manage a 'back to basics' approach than I. If you'll excuse me a moment, I was hoping for a brief word with our Gutretee friend."

Jaidan's eyes, the grey of unyielding mountain crags, were not especially well suited for conveying warmth under any circumstances. But right now, "unyielding" was exactly what he meant to convey. Boring into the Jedi Librarian as a blaster bolt never could with something that wasn't quite a glare and wasn't quite anything else, he emphatically gestured with his chin off to the right to indicate this should be taken out of earshot of the others.



Ecstatic as ever, Typhos waited with a patience of stone and smiled. It was to his disappointment though that his gesture was interrupted and smoothly guided away and attention was given to another. One that Typhos had not even known was that close by. Lowing both his hands to his side and blinking to himself the Gutretee took a mental note of what the Cathar said earlier about finding a crystal.

"I uh...usually just kinda close my eyes and listen. The crystals that call to me, it has this weird...ring to it. Like an echo in the force. Ya know?"

Maybe that is how it will be like for me too. When I finally find my crystal.
It was right after that Typhos's had a feeling. A strange feeling and one he ignored for now. A feeling that would soon pop back up in his head.

You messed up...

"Forgive me., Auteme, it seems to me that this fine young Cathar (Nir Si) has excellent instincts in the area of your curiosity. And if you're having a hard time of it, perhaps he can better manage a 'back to basics' approach than I. If you'll excuse me a moment, I was hoping for a brief word with our Gutretee friend."
" Between Master Jai-dan's advice and uh-" Typhos paused and considered the Cathars name, when it did not come to memory he shook his head with a smile. " I am blessed by both of the wise ad-vice you shared. Thank you and If you would ex-cuse me one min-ute. Minute. " He gave a nod and a slight bow to everyone and took one step back as something caught his eye. It was Master Jaidan and how he was staring at the Gutretee.

Oh no. Do I have a crack on my face again? Typhos nodded at Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani and tilted his head some in question. Looking the master up and down he finally asked lowly. " Yes, Master Jaidan?" A crystalline brow raised high.



Persephone watched the credits move with a skeptical eye. Born and raised on Nar Shadda, she had seen a great deal of parlor tricks in her day, all designed to trick off worlders or drunks out of their hard earned credits. Eyebrow perked, as if to say, I've seen something like this before. Not that she really had, but no way was she going to get swindled!

"So's thats the it."

She was still waiting for her order, milling about the festival as she spoke to Iko Vel Iko Vel and Zefgahld Qojex . An odd thing in her experience. Persie would typically be on the move trying to hustle someone out of their credits to buy dessert. Now she had her own credits to simply jut pay. An unusual concept but at least she didn't have to worry about being chased off.

"Apples? I don't like 'em that much, 'sides it ain't that big of a deal. Honeywrap is just as good. 'Sides, I wanna keep the bed bigs. Ain't got too many friends."

A lame joke her brother would have told, he must be rubbing off on her a little but. As for the dessert, Persephone wasn't too picky. It was just a dessert after all. Not like there wasn't more to see and do throughout the evening. There was so much she hadn't tried that anything new presented to her she would at lease give some consideration.

"When we're done we...uh...we could walk around."



Tags: Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el , Jin'lian Jin'lian


"And don't think I will let you start being mean to me again."

Loomi paused, turning back with a pout. Mean? She took a moment to examine the two of them, her brow furrowing. It only took one glance over the situation to decide what it was that was going on.

"Braze," she frowned, perhaps coming of as rather stern and motherly for the first time he would have ever heard. "They clearly don't like being pulled around. Let Jin walk for themselves, please."

Braze's emotions didn't have any malicious intent, at least in this instance. She had come to understand that he was, if anything else, brash, impulsive, and overly forward. Jin didn't seem like a very confrontational person at all, so she could pretty quickly decern that they probably hadn't told Braze that they didn't like how he behaved towards them at all. At least that was how she interpereted things from the way she saw it.

The Godoan crossed her arms and turned her head. There went her good mood. Now she had to deal with whatever this was? So much for having fun.

"The two of you had better start communicating like regular people and work this out," Loomi pouted. "We have a mission, and I'm not your master."


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