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Approved Starship The Crimson Path-Sith Praxeum Ship

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Darth Megarea



  • Intent: To create the mobile Academy and Temple for the High Sith
  • Image Source: Image Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Primary Bridge
    • Secondary and Tertiary Support Bridges
  • Life Support Systems
  • Communications Systems
    • Long Range Transmitters
    • Short Range Transmitters
  • Radar Systems
    • Long Range Radar
    • Short Range Radar
  • Escape Pods
  • Crew Functions
    • Living Quarters
    • Recreational Quarters
    • Gymnasium
    • Barracks
    • Armory
  • Medical Wing
    • Emergency Surgery Center
    • Radiation Ward
    • Minor Injury Ward
  • Prisoner Functions
    • Holding Cells
    • Torture Chambers
    • Execution Chambers
  • Sith Functions
    • Sith Temples
    • Sith Living Quarters
    • Sith Training Center
    • Sith Dueling Arena
    • Sith Library
  • Executioner: The Crimson Path is equipped with numerous offensive weapon systems. Nuclear weapons, extensive turbolasers and missiles dot the superstructure of the Crimson Path, allowing it to deliver an overwhelming barrage of firepower in a short period of time. The layout and specific placement of the emplacements ensures maximum forward firepower, in an attempt to eliminate threats in a single strike.
  • Hooked In: The Crimson Path serves as the mobile base, training temple, and home for the High Sith. Within its corridors are scores of Sith apprentices, knights and lords. When designing the Crimson Path, this lethal crew compliment was taken into consideration. The vessel is equipped with numerous boarding pods, capable of being fired at long or short range to deploy their compliment of Sith into the heart of enemy starships.
  • First Strike: While heavily armed and capable of eliminating many enemy vessels, the Crimson Path is not a dedicated warship. The vast majority of its armaments are placed along the sides and front of the vessel, to ensure it can eliminate threats in quick and lethal volleys. Its defenses are not nearly as well advanced, and should it be engaged in a protracted, drawn out battle, it faces risk of being surrounded, and overwhelmed.
  • Cargo Shipments: While the Crimson Path is capable of travelling in the dark void of space for short periods of time, it is not well equipped for extended trips away from supply stations. This limits the vessels travel distance, and it must anchor for roughly one week each month above a planet, or near a space station, to take on new supply shipments. This forces the vessel to remain stationary for extended periods of time, posing a risk due to its lower than average defense capabilities.
The Crimson Path began as an idea by Darth Megarea. During her time with the Knights of Blood, a now dead gathering of Sith hiding deep within the Core Worlds, she came to question the notion of self isolation. Trapped within the walls of their hidden compound, fearing the galaxy after the fall of the Sith Empire, the Knights of Blood did nothing to further themselves, either through education, training, or exploration. In them, and in her master, Megarea saw stagnation, decadences, and weakness.

She killed them all, their bodies still littering the castle they had built for themselves. Setting out for herself for the first time in over a decade, Megarea set about expanding her horizons with every piece of knowledge she could find. For months, she travelled to the holy worlds of the Sith, immersing herself in what records she could get her hands on. She learned, developed her abilities, and became a stronger Sith during her travels of self isolation. Her journey unearthed texts and relics long thought lost to the wider galaxy, and with each passing day, she realized this journey of knowledge and education should not be kept to herself.

Using the funds she had secured from the Knights of Blood following their destruction, and further sources of credit and loans she had lobbied for under false names, she had secured to support of several small shipyards to construct the Crimson Path. In the vessel, she saw the potential future for the Sith as a organization. On the Praxeum ship, the Sith she gathered would travel the galaxy, learning and training during their time on board the vessel, and visiting new worlds during its week long resupply runs. The Crimson Path would allow Sith to train on multiple worlds, under multiple instructors, and learning far more than they ever could in a singular, terrestrial Academy.

Her course set, work began on the Crimson Path.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Megarea

Simple and solid submission, and I dig the art! Amazing! however I found some problems:
  • The Jaeger Solutions' link is not good, this leads to the Marketplace, not to the Company List.
  • You cannot use the Jaeger Solutions, because it is Earl's company. If you want to use it, please ask his permission. If not, please modify it.
  • The Ion-shielding's link is not good, we only accept Wookieepedia or links, please replace it with a proper link.
  • The Molecular shielding, these are top tier shields and the most powerful ones in the galax,y, alongside with the Xythan shields. We are not accept these with Average defences rating, just with Very High or Extreme. Maybe with High too, if these shields do not operate at full efficiency. So please delete this from your list, or modify the rating.
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