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Unreviewed The Crucible of Order | Diarchy Sith Academy on the Planet Bastion


  • Structure Name: [ The Crucible of Order ]
  • Classification: [ Sith Academy/Temple ]
  • Location: [ Location Planet: Bastion City: Ravelin ]
  • Affiliation: [ The Diarchy, Grandmaster of the Academy (Darth Nocturne) ]
  • Accessibility: [ The Location is built into the mountain range overlooking the city of Ravelin, it is guarded by automated defenses as well as filled with Sith Lords and Acolytes, it is near impossible to gain access without an invitation ]
  • Description: [ an impressive blend of natural and constructed architecture, with its dark, jagged forms seamlessly emerging from the mountainside. The black stone of the mountain is chiseled to create the Academy's walls, towers, and spires, while veins of glowing red energy course through the rock, representing the power of the Dark Side that fuels the Academy. The entire structure exudes an aura of power, control, and intimidation.. ]

The Central Spire

  • The Spire: The most striking feature of the Academy is its central spire, a massive tower that rises from the mountain's peak and stretches high above the clouds. The spire symbolizes the Diarchy's philosophy of ascension—the constant struggle to rise through power and mastery of the Dark Side. The spire is visible from every corner of Ravelin, a constant reminder of the Sith's dominion and the harsh path each acolyte must walk.
  • The High Council Chamber: At the top of the spire is the High Council Chamber, where the most powerful Sith Lords of the Academy, including Darth Nocturne and other High Council members, gather to oversee the Academy and the future of the Sith Order. The chamber is an immense circular room with towering pillars of obsidian, surrounded by high-backed, black thrones. Above, a glass dome provides a view of Bastion's stormy skies, often illuminated by flashes of lightning that seem to energize the chamber. It is here that the Academy's most important decisions are made, and only the strongest Sith are permitted to stand before the Council.

The Caverns of the Mountain

  • Training Grounds/Dueling Arena: Carved deep into the mountain are the training arenas where Sith acolytes hone their lightsaber skills, combat techniques, and mastery of the Force. These underground arenas are harsh, dimly lit spaces where students face a series of brutal trials, including duels against fellow acolytes, deadly combat simulations, and exercises that test their mental fortitude. The rock walls echo with the clash of lightsabers, and the ground often rumbles with the intensity of the Force. Every arena is designed to challenge acolytes not only physically but emotionally, forcing them to confront their darkest impulses while maintaining control.

  • Meditation Caverns: Further inside the mountain are the Meditation Caverns, natural caves that have been enhanced with Sith alchemy to resonate with the Dark Side. These caverns are used for deep, solitary meditation, where acolytes are left to confront their inner darkness. The air is thick with ancient energy, and the caverns amplify the power of the Dark Side, forcing acolytes to master their emotions and channel their rage into control. The Grand Meditation Chamber, in the deepest part of the mountain, is reserved for the most powerful Sith and is said to be a focal point of Dark Side energy on Bastion.
  • The Library of Forbidden Knowledge: Hidden within the mountain is the Library of Forbidden Knowledge, a vast repository of ancient Sith texts, the knowledge of Darth Kakus, holocrons, and secrets gathered by the Diarchy. This library is heavily guarded, and only the most trusted and advanced Sith are granted access to its forbidden knowledge. The library is managed by Darth Rellik, the Master of Lore, who ensures that the knowledge within is used to advance the Diarchy's goals and not for personal ambition.

The Hanger

  • Built High into the mountain, the Hanger is a well protected fortified location used for the arrival of Diarchy high command, and important guests

Student Dorms

The dormitories for acolytes and lower-ranked students in the are a stark reflection of the Academy's unforgiving philosophy. Designed to be minimalist and spartan, these quarters offer only the bare essentials, forcing students to endure the same harsh environment that defines the academy's training.


  • Small, Shared Quarters: Acolytes live in shared dormitories, typically housing four to six students in each room. The rooms are compact and confined, with little privacy, designed to test students' ability to focus on their training despite discomfort and distractions. The shared quarters also encourage competition, as students must constantly gauge the strengths and weaknesses of their peers.
  • Bunk Beds and Bare Furnishings: Each room contains simple metal bunk beds with thin mattresses, barely providing comfort. There is a small, hard desk for each acolyte, often covered in datapads containing Sith lore or strategic battle simulations. Other than these essentials, there are no decorations or personal touches allowed—everything is designed to foster austerity and discipline
  • Dim Lighting and Cold Atmosphere: The dormitories are dimly lit, with flickering red lights that reflect the dark energy of the Academy. The temperature is deliberately kept cold, adding to the feeling of discomfort and forcing students to focus their mental strength on controlling their environment rather than seeking physical comfort.
  • Communal Bathrooms: The lower-ranked students share communal bathrooms at the end of the dormitory halls. The facilities are equally spartan, with cold, recycled water and no luxuries, reinforcing the idea that weakness or softness has no place in the Academy

Master's Quarters

In stark contrast to the acolyte dormitories, the private quarters of the masters at the Shadowed Crucible reflect the privilege and power they have earned through years of training, discipline, and victory. Located in a separate, more secure wing of the Academy, the masters' quarters offer a sanctuary where the Sith Lords can focus on their own studies, meditate, or strategize in private.


  • Spacious, Private Rooms: Each master of the academy is provided with a large, private suite, located in the upper levels of the Academy, closer to the spire. These quarters are spacious, with high, vaulted ceilings and large windows that offer a view of the stormy skies and the rugged landscape of Bastion. The masters' rooms are adorned with Sith symbols and personal relics, representing their victories and achievements.
  • Luxurious Furnishings: The rooms feature luxurious furnishings that include dark leather chairs, ornate desks carved from black stone, and beds draped in fine red and black silks. The quarters are equipped with advanced technology for both comfort and study, including holoprojectors for strategic planning and access to restricted Sith archives for further study.
  • Private Meditation Chambers: Each master's quarters also contains a small, private meditation chamber where they can focus their connection to the Dark Side. These rooms are designed with reflective surfaces and intricate Sith carvings to amplify the power of the Dark Side, providing a space for the masters to deepen their control over the Force and reflect on their path.
  • Personal Bathing Areas: Unlike the communal facilities used by the acolytes, the Sith Lords are provided with private bathing areas in their quarters. These rooms are lavishly designed, with hot pools, intricately carved stone walls, and ambient lighting, allowing the masters to enjoy a rare moment of physical luxury while remaining immersed in the dark atmosphere of the Academy.
  • Seclusion and Security: The masters' quarters are located in a more secluded part of the Academy, with access restricted only to those permitted by the High Council. These rooms are heavily secured, both by physical guards and by Sith sorcery, preventing any intrusion by lower-ranked students or unauthorized individuals. This layer of security ensures that the Sith Lords can focus on their studies and schemes without interference.

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[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: [High],Alarms and a defensive shield, and turbolasers, as well as autoturrets inside, however, the mountain and the Sith within the temple provide the most security the temple also utilizes the defensive fortifications of the city of Ravelin]

[ Created by Darth Reign, Darth Rellik, and Darth Nocturne as both formative academy for the training of the future Sith of the Diarchy. Coming off the agreement made for the planet of Bastion to house the capital of the burgeoning realm of the Diarchy, and for the Diarchy to provide protection for the realm. Created to house the Sith acolytes and masters of the Diarchy, providing them the space and freedom needed to focus on their master of themselves and the Dark Side of the force. ]
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