Governor of Dantooine
Ova Ziss's rental ship speeds back towards Dantooine using the hyperdrive route. He crunched his teeth. He felt freshly angry from his confrontation with Admiral Marlen Sularen at the political function on Bastion. Marlen Sularen, a person whom Ova perceived to be a terrible character, a genocider, had shown up uninvited - merely to throw shade at the entire affair. Ova scoffed into the air, thinking about what Marlen's alternative might be, if he opened his yap to explain it. Ova doubted that Marlen even had the concepts of an idea of a possible thought of a plan, for Myto's Arrow and the Tingel Arm.
Ova was carrying some of that prior anger from confronting Sularen as he headed towards his meeting with

It wasn't that Ova was "better" - far from it. Ova had squeaked through most of his life through trial and error, and he had made plenty of terrible mistakes. But Ova knew, at the very least, that he had enough belief in the so-called light side of the force to not blow up planets. Now that he thought of it, That should've been how they introduced him at the party, Ova scoffed. "Marlen Sularen: this guy blows up planets". Ova chuckled as he imagined the HoloNews prefixing every single story about Sularen with, "Admiral Sularen, the guy who blows up planets, said today that---".
Ova smirked. Maybe he'd pay a few HoloNews outlets to write some slander about Sularen, the same way that the Galatic Alliance libeled Darth Sirius.
Now, Ova was delivering two million dollars of crystals to...? Someone? Ova didn't know the name or identity of the mad warlord who was purchasing these kyber and dantari crystals, but he was coming here in-person.
Ova's bodyguard, [

All that Ova knew about the customer was that he/ she / it, was a droid. A droid from Jaemus.
Ova had never been to Jaemus: he had never had a particularly good reason to come to Jaemus. It had a reputation as...well, as something of an un-democratic planet. Every time the mineral baron looked at the productivity numbers from Jaemus's factories, versus his own, he was floored. Looking at pictures of Jaemus's large city over HoloNet, all of those statistics made sense. The planet appeared cleaner and more sterile than a surgeon's blade. Ova couldn't imagine living under that kind of oppression. As awful as piracy was on Dantooine, thank the Force that piracy was the least of the planet's problems.
Ova flipped on the transmitter as he began to near the atmosphere of Dantooine.
This is Ova Ziss, callsign Kathhound, to UMB25. We are bearing East to Dantooine from Entralla. Report callsign and bearings. You have the K.C and D.C on board, correct?
The response came quickly.
Callsign UMB 25, this is Grenz, we are bearing North and East towards the Dantooine Enclave Docking Hangar. K.C. and D.C. inbound.
Excellent. UMB25, meet me at the Docking Hangar. Kathhound out.

Image Credits: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Dantooine was once a beautiful planet full of forests, prairies, rolling hills, and gentle coasts. Nowadays, much of that beauty had faded due to multiple Sith, Mandalorian, and Jedi campaigns. The Jedi Enclave, recently reclaimed from pirates in a magnificent battle, remained in a state of reconstruction. Funny enough, the Sith hadn't utterly obliterated Dantooine's hangar bays, because they knew they would need to refuel and re-arm themselves. Therefore, the docking bay was intact, and Ova landed his rented ship into it quickly. He resolved that he wouldn't be leaving Dantooine for some time after this little excursion.
Ova's hired muscle

"You've made it! - Governor Ova Ziss." Ziss shook hands with the female bodyguard, whose name was Ma'lu...Ma...uhhhhh....well, it was too much of a mouthful for him to pronounce, so he eventually just settled on the first part, Ma'lur. "Ma'lur. Very good - I trust that you received the details of the job? Two million credits, potentially deadly, all of that fun?" He smiled at her, speaking in jest. It wasn't his first time hiring a bodyguard. Bodyguards like his son-in-law were composed of at least 15% stale comedy, just like Ova.
"The pay will be forty thousand credits: two percent of the deal. I trust that will be enough danger pay?"
"Look alive", Ova tells his bodyguard

Another ship, which could only be that of

Ova gestures Ma'lur closer, and he mutters to her in a low voice as the ship finalizes its landing. A few soldiers stream out of the craft, but Ova is nonplussed. It was common for dignitaries to bring their guards with them and it didn't necessarily mean a fight was brewing. "I don't know much about this droid, but we did a credit check, and he's involved with Sith war-making. He knows people who've made war on our planet - but I'm not ready to do guilt by association. Jaemus is on the political maps as an independent system.
Antipater would be the last one to arrive off of the ship. When the ship landed and docked, Ova Ziss would be there at the landing to greet Antipater.
Ova felt surreal as he walked up to greet Antipater, as if it weren't really happening. He was accompanied by both

"We meet at last", Ova said to Antipater. He offers the droid a handshake, which felt kind of weird, as typically droids would be the ones shaking his hand. "And my son, Grenz." Grenz, dressed in his Mandalorian armor, would offer a handshake, and Ova hoped that Ma'Lur offered a handshake too. Ova stares at Antipater for a moment, and you detect a fraction of a glimmer in his eye. Ova gestures towards the large rental freighter behind him, where all of the kyber crystals were located. "And this, is your shipment."
Ova's employee Grenz, and a few UTA employees, stood ready to load the kybers into Antipater's ship - but they hadn't done it just yet.
It was time to get all of his questions answered.
"As you can imagine, I have more than a few questions about your purchase. The foremost being - and I pray that this is a fair question - why?" Ova looks the droid up and down: Ova was definitely expecting a sentient being, and it showed. "What use would you have for -my- kyber crystals, in particular?" He spoke dismissively, but also with genuine curiosity. "I have a million reasons not to give you any kyber crystals. Most people would never have gone through the trouble to have this meeting at all. But I came out. I came out, because I was curious about your answer to that question. 'Why'."
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