Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cyborg

Sad to hear a fellow immortal wishes to side with the mortals. The Clockwork Collective could have welcomed you, brother, without worry of "controlling" you. That is, you are still welcome to join us.

We just hope to entech the galaxy. To give immortality, as it were. Like we are. The two of us. Brains within dura steel....


The Cyborg

Inactive Character
[member="Darth Realmstream"] - Best joining speech i've heard in ages.... and then a gnome vomiting rainbows.

Best post ever.

We shall see, though. :D And he dosen't really side with 'mortals', he just sides with... the guys he isin't killing atm. :)

[member="Maelion Liates"] - Reference does not compute. :p

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