Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Cycle Renews - Post Coruscant

Location: Dawnbreaker Medical Wing, Private Suite
Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

She couldn't help but smile at the different colors the girl shone with. An array of bright hues at being asked to help, a taste of emotion dancing across the final connection of their hands before Lossa sighed. Suddenly feeling a bit older as she looked at Zeriana. Discomfort forming across her chest as her daughter began to stir.

Catching the voices down the hall as she shifted herself once again to try and fix the slowly forming ache in her lower back. She'd never enjoyed hospital beds to begin with, and being unsure of when she would be allowed up at her own discretion wasn't helping the budding agitation. Letting her eyes shift to the door and away from Zeriana as Zaiya returned with the nurse she'd seen before.

"Thank you." Smiling to Zaiya as her attention shifted to Nurse Bak. "Doing fine. Just. Uh. A few questions uh-"

Unsure at first how to avoid mentioning the topic with Zaiya still present until the girl had asked if she should stay or go. Relieved a little that the topic had arrived without having to make a whole deal of it.

"Thank you for coming to see me, but I've got some questions for the nurse that I'd rather have a little privacy for." An awkward smile sent to the Mon Calamari nurse that was going over her chart before a thought struck. Something that she would have had to work on herself, but seemed a better idea to set Zaiya on to help her.

"If you're reaching out to people, let your master know I want to meet with him. And let me know how everyone you speak with are doing later, okay?"

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Zaiya understood the need for privacy, so she wasn't insulted. Instead, she gave a broad smile and nodded.

"Okay. I'll let Master Pavond know!" Excitement beamed over her face in a ripple of delighted blue and golden tones. Did this mean she would see and learn more from Lossa and Zerianna earlier?

That would be great!

"I'll go check on everyone and see how they are doing. If Master picks me up before then, I'll stop by and give you an update." Otherwise, she would wait and see what they wanted to do next.

"Take care, Lossa. By Zerianna!" The Lovalla teen waved, gave another bright grin, and then, with a flounce of multicolored hair, left.

It was so nice to meet a new friend. Someone that Shan trusted as well. Zaiya wanted to learn as much from Lossa as she could. With a rush of excitement, Zaiya brought out her comm and went to work. First she had to call Shan, then Aris, Braze, Loomi and everyone else.

She hoped they were alright.


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