Surrounded by the upper scions of society, with lilting orchestic music drifting through the theater, Eliphas Dune could almost make himself believe that he was back home on Empress Teta, among his noble family once more. In the fantasy it bubbled up around him, as he watched the dancers gracefully move about the stage, he'd never met
and he'd never discovered his Sensitivity. He'd continued on with his frankly unfulfilling existence, surrounded by trappings and hedonism.
Even as it wormed its way through his mind though, he couldn't really connect with the idea. Simply put, it really just wasn't who he was. It had been nice to never have to want for anything, sure, and he did love his family dearly, but knowing the state of the Galaxy beyond the safety of their home had put it all into perspective for him. He couldn't live in ignorance.
What he could do was enjoy the performance. He may have come here, chasing the tour, in search of Val Drutin for more than just a view of his act, but that didn't mean he couldn't support him in the process. Besides, he'd always rather enjoyed such fine things...