Mandalorian Legend
When we first arrived on this forsaken planet, we were not prepared. We did not know the challenge that we faced, nor the mission that we must accomplish.
But now that has been revealed.
When Enclave scouts first descended into the depths of a frozen temple, they found a foe that had lay for more than a millennia in its depths. Changing. Evolving. The brave warriors that fought were nearly defeated, but before their end, they were able to rally and defeat the beast that threatened them all, sealing off the catacombs of the temple to prevent the monstrosities that had bred there from ever seeing the light of day. Meanwhile, a pair of Mandalorians had used their ingenuity to work their way into the innermost sanctum of the temple, where the secrets of the world had been revealed to them.
The world they had stumbled on was called Kestri, and it had been the home of a unique and ancient Clan of Mandalorians: Clan Kyron, a clan whose line had been believed to have been extinguished when their stronghold on Rhen Var had been destroyed. However that had not been the case, and the remnants of the Clan had removed themselves to Kestri and founded a new civilization; lead by five Forgemasters, they began to turn the world into a metropolis befitting their talent and craftsmanship. Each Forgemaster had crated their own Forge from which they had made many beautiful and terrible creations, but their most powerful one of all was the effort of all of Clan Kyron: the Mind Forge, a Forge capable of sentience and endless potential.
However, that time of glory was ended by the descent of a remnant faction of the Praetorite Vong, who themselves were a mere prelude to the extragalactic invasion that the galaxy would face many millennia later. Seeking to use the technology of Clan Kyron to bolster their own efforts, the Praetorite Vong attacked Clan Kyron with their worldships and mighty armies. A fierce war ensued, engulfing the planet. The warriors of Clan Kyron fought valiantly but by being outnumbered they were outmatched, and slowly they lost their vital Forges one-by-one. They staged a final stand at the entrance to the facility of the Mind Forge, fighting to the last warrior, but ultimately failed to stop the stem of Yuuzhan Vong.
But when all seemed lost and that the Praetorite Vong's victory at hand, the Mind Forge took action on its own. Reaching out and taking control of all the technology at disposal, it plunged Kestri into an ice age, freezing most of the Yuuzhan Vong to death through the pure and unadulterated might of an artificial storm. Those who did survive buried underground, recouping from their losses, becoming the Praetorite Remnant. In that darkness, on various pockets of Kestri, they became abominations, evolutions, amalgamations.
The Enclave seeks to rid Kestri of this infestation and reclaim the lost treasures of Clan Kyron, including the Mind Forge -- especially the Mind Forge -- back for the Mandalorian people. But to unlock the secrets of the Mind Forge, they need to unlock the Mind Forge itself with the five keys of the Forgemasters, located each in the Forgemaster's respective vault. The first had been recovered from the frozen temple -- the Temple of Javarr -- and clues from the temple discerned that the next key was located at the Starshipyards of Nol'mani, a Forgemaster famed er her talent with starships. The only thing is, several millennia of neglect lead to the lake around it partially reclaiming the cliffside shipworks, leaving it in a semi-sunk state. Not only that, but the same monsters that inhabited the catacombs of Javarr's Temple are inside the sinking docks as well.
But that was not the only danger that lurked in the depths. For the more advanced scanners of Enclave, scouts revealed large masses moving through the ice-cold waters that surround the sinking docks. Their scanners were unable to identify what they were; but on Kestri, a world plagued by the abominations of Yuuzhan Vong biotech gone wrong, it's safe to assume that they aren't friendly. Will, you rid the sinking docks of the Yuuzhan Vong? Or will you plunge into the icy depths of the surrounding lake and fight against the dark that lies below?
- The frozen lake might have partially reclaimed Nol'mani's Starshipyards, but we will not let the Praetorite Remnant have access to the schematics of what remains. Descend and fight through the Praetorite horde and recover the second key to the Mind Forge.
- Scanner reads are. . . disturbing, to say the least. Unknown masses. Large masses, swimming below the surface of the frozen lake. Plunge into its icy depths and figure out what these beasts are, and more importantly, how to kill them. Temporary rebreather, enviro-seals, and temperature control modifications are available for Mandalorians with armor not suited for the water.
Akshae Dragr
Aloy Vizsla
Aria Nox
Aro Vizsla
Aselia Verd
Caeos Prahl
Corvus Dravere
Darsch Vizsla
Emberlyn Rekali
Forjund Australis
Gaia Sunaris Cadera
Hinah Dragr
Jan Kryze
Jebaaj Skleros
Jerrick Shado
Jett Vox
Kale Onara
Reynon Gallant
Kandosii Ka'rta
Kar Bakar
Karsan Munin
Kaz Vizsla
Kelisea Dragr
Kes Stag
Kragr Krayt
Kytana Horizonis
Lana Cuyan
Leenic Ellsil
Merrax Quez
Mig Gred
Miria Tanau
Oya Skirata
Radon Krayt
Rav Bralor
Rito Hust
Rixa Numeck
Saram Kote
Sera Sen
Seris Vant
Sinya Ani
Siv Dragr
Stardust Solus Skirae
Talon Aegis
Tan'yill Vizsla
Maleiah Kozan
Tarre Priest
Thom Betna
Torrack Torrackstur
Tristan Ortega
Tyran Numeck
Uriel Kahn
Ursula Vizla
Vaux Gred
Vren Rook
Xero Lang
Zephyr Krayt
Aloy Vizsla
Aria Nox
Aro Vizsla
Aselia Verd
Caeos Prahl
Corvus Dravere
Darsch Vizsla
Emberlyn Rekali
Forjund Australis
Gaia Sunaris Cadera
Hinah Dragr
Jan Kryze
Jebaaj Skleros
Jerrick Shado
Jett Vox
Kale Onara
Reynon Gallant
Kandosii Ka'rta
Kar Bakar
Karsan Munin
Kaz Vizsla
Kelisea Dragr
Kes Stag
Kragr Krayt
Kytana Horizonis
Lana Cuyan
Leenic Ellsil
Merrax Quez
Mig Gred
Miria Tanau
Oya Skirata
Radon Krayt
Rav Bralor
Rito Hust
Rixa Numeck
Saram Kote
Sera Sen
Seris Vant
Sinya Ani
Siv Dragr
Stardust Solus Skirae
Talon Aegis
Tan'yill Vizsla
Maleiah Kozan
Tarre Priest
Thom Betna
Torrack Torrackstur
Tristan Ortega
Tyran Numeck
Uriel Kahn
Ursula Vizla
Vaux Gred
Vren Rook
Xero Lang
Zephyr Krayt