Hacks watched the brief encounter with the crim, puzzled why Cato did nothing when he was spat on. Just as the man walked past Hacks, she reached out for his face and pinched his nose between her cybernetic fingers, "
Oh hey, got your nose!" she chirped and squeezed tight with mechanical strength. A loud pop then blood shot out from his nostrils. The thug shrieked in horror as she had shattered his bone with the ease of snapping a twig. He heaved in long whimpering breaths, reaching up to gently cup his crushed nose as Hacks let go.
Cato was in the carriage and Hacks retreated from the site and slipped through the train doors just as they closed. She looked to the Jedi, "
Hey, down here, don't let folks disrespect you and get away with it. They'll think you're weak and an easy target." She looked back to the thug as the train departed, blood dripping from his chin as he stood hunched over on the platform. "
I know the types. I was that type. You don't say or do anything, I know I'll get away with worse next time I see your face."
As Hacks eyes turned back to Cato, the man now too far out of sight, she noticed his staring. "
So… Just how much of you is cybernetic, anyway?" he asked, studying her cybernetic physique, brow raised. She rolled her shoulders in a shrug, "
Enough that there's not much of me left." In her shorts most of her legs were on display, powerful mechanics and smooth plates. Her heavy leather jacket and top hid the rest, she opened her jacket and pulled her top up enough to show Cato. "
I'm mostly chrome these days," she said.
The flesh of her stomach met durasteel plates around her waist and hips, extending back to her spine. The cybernetics were extensive. Few parts of her were left untouched. "
The only things of me that are still human are my organs, stomach, chest and skull, but they'll be gone soon too, at least that is the plan," Hacks commented, lowering her shirt and pulled her jacket taut. If Cato looked close enough he would notice her jaw was synthskin with lines above her cheeks where the real and fake flesh met. Her eyes rarely blinked, exhibiting an unnatural sheen. "
My arms were the first implants I got," she remarked, holding up her two lower arms, "
It is incredibly handy having four arms, can't even remember how I lived just having two."
Hacks wasn't just a slicer, she was an addict. An addiction that was consuming her soul and life, one implant at a time. A mod-junkie who pushed cybernetic enhancement to the extreme. With each new surgery she found her recovery took longer, the list of medications that kept her organs going was dizzyingly long, and her touch with reality slipping. She had lost most of what it meant to be alive. She could no longer feel the touch of someone, the warmth of holding a friends hand, or the kiss from a love. It was all cold, emotionless metal. These days all she lived for was spice highs and writing code.