Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission The Dark Purge | SIA


The knit of Cordé’s brows was tight, and she made a face at Tiric’s explanation of distraction. That just sounded like a lot of bacta to have ready for if, or when, things went south.

She really hoped it was an if and not a when.

“Careful,” The girl spoke up and adjusted the strap across her chest to resettle the pack on her back. “You all keep talking about not thinking too much, and it might become a habit.”

She flashed an uneasy grin at the brawn-heavy team that was picked up by the droids that encircled them and continued to broadcast the mission. The margin for mistakes was low, and as each of them filed out of the home they’d rendezvoused at for the drop and debrief.

“I’ll cover the rear, and..” She put a hand on Vyn’s arm. Having someone volunteer to leave on a stretcher wasn’t what a medic wanted to hear. “You let me know when it gets too much if it comes to it.”

Her sombre expression faded in time to press open the door and let them all file out, turning into an optimistic grin. Even if it was feigned. "But it won't. Right cap?"

TASK FORCE Y: Tiric Sar'andor | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Driver Driver | Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure
SPECTATORS: IVI IVI | Auteme Auteme | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau | Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama
if they're watching anyways

IVI IVI Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau

At the very least, Auteme was flattered by the way the other Senators seemed to tread around her. Though their focus was forward, there seemed a lingering expectation on her to speak. Even from the Director.

Athacorr gave her a subtle in to the conversation. She let the silence after the Senator was finished speaking linger, then finally breathed in, and spoke.

"There is indeed, Senator," she said. "But, Jedi wisdom can sometimes be questioned when it comes to matters of the Sith, and how best to destroy them."

Her eyes went to M, unwavering even against the Director's focused eyes. "I will not oppose the proper formation of this unit. The Sith must be rooted out, and too vast an oversight apparatus leaves the Alliance's intelligence security far too vulnerable."

She stopped there, sensing that the Director was close to reaching the conclusion of her proposal.
Driver Driver Tiric Sar'andor Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo

"Now that we're all here, let's begin. This target is confirmed to have worked alongside a number of prominent users of the dark-side of the Force. These include the infamous Darth Miasma. And he must be eliminated."

Darth Miasma. They always chose the very worst names.

Xandyr was late to the meeting point for phase two. He had been scouting burned out buildings west of their location. Patience hadn't paid off. If a cult had been operating from their then they had long gone.

He left the others to root through the supplies. Xandyr hadn't used a single power pack so far and was quite comfortable with what he carried. Even with his artificial arm, he found any weighty equipment around the wrist to be more of a hindrance than a benefit.

The code word for my order will be rustbucket

"Bold move to draw them out," Xandyr said. There was a modicum of respect in his tone, rather than a question of the tactic.

"I'll only use disruptor pulse rounds from a distance," Xandyr said as he headed out of the door. "Rather than provide the sith with ammunition."

If others in the squad were up close, the last thing he wanted to do was give them a supply of blaster bolts to turn on his colleagues.

Xandyr turned out of the room and headed for the stairs up. Two blocks away his modified drone stepped out of an alleyway. The dog sized droid was carrying a compact mortar with HE shells instead of its usual long ranged blaster.

When kark hit the fan, Xandyr didn't tend to mess about.

His Artifical Right arm with phrik blade
Cortosis weave cloak
Nullification resin coated helmet with sensors: thermal, life signs, Force Scanner, optical enhancement and a complete encrypted comms package.
smart grenade launcher
ammunition types ( x x x x x
Sniper Drone





Gratefully, the conversations were less disappointing than she'd anticipated. And the allies in the room were starting to evidence themselves. Like lotuses rising from the dirt.

And others were the dirt.

“Senator Norsama, of course, this is a democracy after all.”

The strength of The Alliance certainly was in the balanced view of democracy. How beneficial it was that they could all gather in the room and exhibit their freedom of speech, discussing and deliberating the nuances of decisions M had already made out of sight. And how refreshing it was to watch the Chancellor-Elect give early support.

“I appreciate the candour of this room.” The Director acknowledged and nodded in the general direction of both sides of the table. “The benefit of a nascent Task Force is the ability to be flexible.

I am as eager as the rest of you to see how future missions go. There are more trials ahead, and of course, reports will be created and consolidated. Now, shall we watch Phase II?

Any further concerns can be directed to me at any time. I welcome the feedback.”

TASK FORCE YSALAMARI: Tiric Sar'andor | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh | Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure | Driver Driver | Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick |
SENATORS | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau | Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi | Auteme Auteme | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama


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